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交易、交易费用与银企关系的合约选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段葵 《武汉金融》2001,22(4):25-28
从现代制度经济学的理论出发 ,银企关系的实质应是交易关系 ,银企交易关系的形成可从货币金融领域的社会分工和产权界定中得到说明。银企交易关系之间 ,存在交易费用 ,而为了减少交易费用 ,银企交易也会选择不同的合约安排。从制度经济学的理论来看 ,市场治理型的合约关系应是使银企交易费用最小的合约安排。  相似文献   

企业远远没有最大限度地通过内部控制监督过程来整合内部控制和公司治理目标,企业的内部控制过程将伴随银行商业化进程体现出不同的含义。我国商业银行由政府型到企业型转变,其商业化进程是不可逆转的,由于国家对金融业长期的过度管制以及金融市场不发达,中国银行业的商业化进程尚有很长的路要走。企业与银行之间的关系管理是银行商业化进程和企业长期发展的前提,建立长期的良性互动关系不但能保证企业融资渠道的畅通,对企业的内部控制和治理结构也将产生重要影响。  相似文献   

中小银行是一个相对的、发展的概念,不同国家或同一国家在不同时期对中小银行的界定都各有不同。本文中的中小银行是指在宏观调控能力、资产负债规模、信用担保体系、网络覆盖范围、机构整体机能以及服务手段、社会地位等方面都明显低于国有大银行和全国性股份制商业银行的区域性股份制商业银行、城市商业银行、城乡信用合作社等。  相似文献   

供应链管理是一个正在迅速发展的学科,它为我们理解企业是用何种方式进行组织及在不同组织结构下做到提高效率提供了许多视角。供应链管理是一个跨学科的概念,在许多专业中都有运用,例如:市场学,经济学,逻辑学。本文叙述了交易费用(TCA)的起源与发展,并解释了该框架中的关键概念。并讨论交易费用对科层及供应链管理的潜在影响。  相似文献   

中国是当今世界吸引外商直接投资(FDI)最多的发展中国家。从交易费用角度看,中国之所以能吸51大量FDI,一是因中国在同外资缔结契约的环节中存在着吸引外资的较低交易费用;二是因国有企业资产专用性、国有企业代理成本与产权缺陷导致的中国国有企业为降低交易费用而进行的改革也吸引了外资流入。  相似文献   

控制权是公司治理的核心问题之一。本文从公司治理的相关理论和原则入手,分析了控制权的相关表现形式,进而探讨了公司创始人掌握控制权的方式,即基于股权层面、基于董事会层面以及基于经营管理层面的控制权以及相关案例借鉴。  相似文献   

肖升 《金融论坛》2000,5(1):41-45
国有商业银行银企关系是其形成竞争优势的重要资源,银企关系的塑造是企业文化的一部分,国有商业银行应将巩固优质客户群作为一项长期的战略.目前我国银企关系存在的主要问题是由于目标市场细分不够、有效益的客户群的不稳定以及仍不能避免的行政干预使银企关系不够正常,这些问题主要依靠国有商业银行制定和实施全面的关系营销战略予以解决.其侧重点包括:以客户需求为导向,树立质量、服务和营销融为一体的关系营销观念;科学地进行目标市场选择和定位;完整制定和全面实施关系营销战略;建立和完善营销组织机构,培养高素质的员工队伍.  相似文献   

An appropriate control framework for public corporations must reflect the distinctive organizational features of this policy instrument. There are circumstances where it is desirable to undertake public production, and to do so through a corporate structure. But the advantages of public production are unlikely to be realized where the control system involves a contractual-type arrangement between the government and the public firm. Alternatively, too close direction may undermine the advantages of using a corporation rather than a government department. Both current discussion and current practice reveal an inadequate appreciation of the nexus between organization and control.  相似文献   

A number of popular business magazines have recently run cover stories describing the “return of leverage.” Although full of interesting details about individual leveraged deals and the investment bankers who put them together, they are largely silent on several issues of economic importance: Why is this happening now? What are the most important benefits as well as costs of debt financing? Is there such a thing as a value-maximizing, or “optimal,” capital structure for public corporations? No financial economist has thought and written as much about corporate capital structure and its relationship to shareholder value and corporate governance as Harvard professor Michael Jensen. The first economist to see the value-adding potential of LBOs in the 1980s, he was also the first to identify the source of the problems with the late-'80s deals. In this roundtable discussion, Professor Jensen explores the “real” effects of corporate financial policies on managerial decision-making and shareholder value with a distinguished group of corporate executives and financial advisors.  相似文献   

长期以来,由于对银行信息化与银行管理之间的关系缺乏深入研究,在信息化过程中过分地依赖于技术手段,使得信息化成功率偏低.本文认为,银行信息化与银行管理存在着双向互动关系:一方面,银行信息化改变了银行管理的基本模式;另一方面,银行管理实践又对银行信息系统及其信息技术的应用范围和行为规则产生了约束.判断银行信息化成功与否的标准,并不是看采用了多少先进的技术或软硬件设备,而应在分析银行经营战略的基础上,选择恰当的信息技术组合,使银行信息化既能够与当前组织结构相协调,又能有效解决银行普遍存在的激励失效问题,并被用户所接受,从而使银行的劳动生产率得到提高.  相似文献   

Many individuals purchase shares in mutual funds as investments. With a lack of evidence supporting performance persistence in fund returns, investors should consider expenses as a fund-selection tool since fund expenses have a negative effect on fund returns. One of the largest expenses incurred by fund investors is distribution expenses, which include both load charges and annual fees. Close to two-thirds of all equity funds charge investors for fund distribution. The true cost of these distribution fees to investors is hard to measure because a myriad of distribution arrangements have evolved that vary both the timing and magnitude of distribution charges. We derive a simple methodology that expresses the present value of distribution costs as a percentage of the original investment in fund shares for any expected holding period. This methodology allows direct comparison of the effect on investors of distribution fees for mutual funds with different types of sales arrangements.  相似文献   

Extant literature suggests that target setting must be complemented by cost control. There are, however, strong theoretical reasons to suggest that cost control, whilst meaningful for the manufacturing function, may be less effective for the marketing function. Difficulties in setting standards and tracing marketing results (sales) to marketing effort and the discretionary nature of many marketing costs are likely to reduce the effectiveness of cost control in marketing departments. This study examines firstly, whether cost control moderates the relationships between emphasis on tight budget targets and subordinates' propensity to create slack; and secondly, whether these relationships are found in both the manufacturing and the marketing functions. The results support a significant two-way interaction between emphasis on tight budget targets and cost control affecting propensity to create slack for the manufacturing function, but not for the marketing function. Marketing managers' propensity to create slack was found to be associated only with emphasis on tight budget targets. These results are consistent with the theory that differences in manufacturing and marketing can influence the effectiveness of accounting control systems.  相似文献   

在这场没有硝烟的战争中,挺身一线的白医天使们吃苦战斗的精神令人动容,而共克时艰同战疫的,还有千千万万坚守在一线岗位的金融人。他们以金融之力,齐心助力打赢疫情防控阻击战,交行河南省分行就是其中一支特别能战斗的队伍。在疫情形势依然复杂严峻的当下,交行河南省分行全行上下把疫情防控作为首要工作,全面动员、全面部署、全面加强,坚定不移把党中央和总行党委决策部署落到实处,积极应对、全力以赴,以河南人特有的“硬核”精神,在疫情防控过程中坚持“六字战术”,坚定打窳疫情防控阻击战的必胜信心。  相似文献   

张洪武 《金融论坛》2003,8(10):55-60
银行贷款是德国企业最重要的外部资金来源,银行向企业董事会选派代表,同时,德国银行还可以代表小股东行使代理投票权。通过这些方式,德国银行与企业形成了密切的合作关系,银行不仅参与企业的管理,而且在企业的控制和管理中发挥了非常重要的作用。德国这种密切的银企关系不仅使企业能够获得长期、稳定的贷款,而且能够缓解政策性波动对企业经营活动可能带来的影响,促进经济的稳定发展。学习德国这方面的经验,建立密切的银企关系,有利于解决我国企业融资困难的问题,充分发挥银行对企业经营活动的监督管理作用,减轻政策波动对经济发展的影响。  相似文献   

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