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国有土地使用权招标拍卖是通过市场配置土地资源,实现土地价值的最佳方式和今后供应土地的主渠道,通过加强土地交易市场职能可以有力地推进国有土地招标拍卖。回顾我区国有土地招标拍卖工作半年多进展情况,要推进这项工作,还需要从观念上和整体利益上加大工作。  相似文献   

今年5月,国土资源部发布第11号部令《招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权规定》,《规定》中明确了招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权的法律依据,原则、范围、程序和法律责任等。《规定》指出,商业、旅游、娱乐和商品住宅等各类经营性用地,必须以招标、拍卖或挂牌方式出让。同时,在《规定》中还明确了招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权的范围,要求全国各地在按照规定的推行过程中也必须做到:一、经营性土地使用权必须全部实  相似文献   

为贯彻落实胡总书记“三个更加注重”的要求,根据国土资源部39号令和《招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权规范》,以及市府《上海市土地交易市场管理办法》,以进一步规范土地交易行为为核心,以构筑规范透明,方便高效的全市统一的土地交易平台为基础,通过设立固定场所、健全交易规则、强化相关服务.  相似文献   

在香港过完春节的北京环宇信达行房地产咨询公司总裁邓智仁,刚抵达首都机场后就从报刊广告上发现,北京的地产价格正在经历前所未有的突然下跌。“最直观的导火索是CBD新盘的低价开盘,要比周边的老盘均  相似文献   

2002年5月9日,国土资源部发出第11号令——《招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权规定》,对国有土地招标拍卖挂牌出让做出了统一规范的要求,并规定自2002年7月1日起施行。据统计,2001年全国开展土地使用权招标拍卖的省份已经超过90%,北京市也在国有土地招标拍卖出让方面做了一些工作和尝试。 随着新规定的颁布,北京市如何开展国有土地使用权的招标、拍卖和挂牌出让,这将对北京房地产市场产生什么影响,成了众人关注的热点。  相似文献   

北京市的第一家现代估价机构成立于1992年,当时北京市人民政府为了改善房地产投资市场的软环境,建立土地使用权有偿使用制度而设立。主要业务范围限于国有土地使用权出让的评估。而现在,房地产估价的目的已有十种以上,据统计,1996年1至12月,评估房地产总值为389.7亿元,其中:  相似文献   

最新统计显示,过去一年香港大型发展商(不计中国海外、华润及中信泰富等主要业务在内地的香港上市企业)所购入的内地地皮逾30幅,占地面积逾8804万方尺,相等于近40个太古城或23个将军澳梦幻之城的占地面积,地皮成交价总额逾358亿元(有部分仅公布投资额)。 虽然港商进军内地房地产已经成为趋势,但在投资时仍存在一定风险,因此要警惕港商“圈而不发”。  相似文献   

6月28日,市政府已批转市国土房管局、市计委、市规委、市建委、市监察局《关于停止经营性项目国有土地使用权协议出让的有关规定》,明确自2002年7月1日起,在我市行政区域范围内,停止经营性项目国有土地使用权的协议出让。今后,经营性项目用地,均在市土地交易市场通过招标、拍卖、挂牌交易方式取得。这是国有土地使用权出让方式的一次重大改革。日前,市国土房管局负责同志回答了记者有关问题。  相似文献   

每一个企业都有成功的梦想,每一个成功的企业都有其成功的模式,然而成功模式却不是可以被简单复制的.新近出版的美国<商业周刊>推出封面文章<韩国的LG>,介绍LG试图效仿三星公司而在两年内成为全球第三大手机制造商的勃勃雄心.对于LG能否成功复制三星,文章没有定论,给人留下了悬念.且不管LG到底能否成功复制三星,但成功的模式决不能简单地复制,这倒是定论.  相似文献   

In this JOM Forum article, published in conjunction with the Special Issue on Manufacturing in the High-Cost Environment, two operations management heavyweights Richard Schonberger and Karen Brown examine the missing link between manufacturing research and practice.  相似文献   

US corporations have accumulated record‐high amounts of cash, and most of it is trapped in foreign accounts. This study tests the hypothesis that the marginal value of cash decreases in the presence of tax repatriation costs, as these costs are a strong indication that part of the cash is trapped abroad. Cash abroad is not readily available to the company because it is subject to an additional layer of tax before it can be used or distributed. Moreover, uncertainty surrounds the potential use of foreign cash, and research documents that firms holding high amounts of cash abroad are likely to invest in negative net present value activities. Finally, possible changes in tax regulation are an additional source of uncertainty. Consequently, foreign cash should be worth less than domestic cash. Using a large sample of US firms drawn from COMPUSTAT during the 1991–2012 period, the analysis suggests that shareholders value an extra dollar of cash at $1.086. However, this result changes dramatically when the change in cash is interacted with the tax cost of repatriating the earnings. That is, the marginal value of cash decreases significantly in the presence of tax repatriation costs, and shareholders discount cash when it is likely to be held abroad. This study contributes to the literature on cash holding by investigating whether tax repatriation costs affect the value of corporate cash. Moreover, the findings show that there are important economic consequences linked to the phenomenon of cash accumulation in foreign countries and therefore provide regulators with a sound foundation on which to take additional actions to require more disclosure of and transparency in the actual location of firms’ cash holdings.  相似文献   

普天物流技术有限公司(以下简称普天物流)是中国普天整合物流产业资源,集中能力打造的物流产业发展平台,是中国普天发展物流技术装备产业的核心管理单位.普天物流在物流技术装备领域具有三十多年的发展历史,可为烟草、邮政、医药、图书、民航、铁路、港口、食品、服装等行业提供专业化的产品和服务,目前正通过业务整合、资产重组,逐步向物流技术装备集团迈进.  相似文献   

The lack of a validated measure of active–passive union participation and a dearth of research into the relationship between generational cohort and union participation challenge union leaders to develop policies and practices to facilitate union renewal. We address these issues by (a) developing a multidimensional measure of union participation that captures both active and passive components, (b) using structural equation modelling to validate the measure within a nomological framework, and (c) investigating the impact of generational cohort on all paths in our framework. Data from members of a large American union confirm that generational cohort influences how union members participate in their union. The two‐factor measure developed in this study facilitates research into antecedents and outcomes of passive and active union participation. Our findings should also prove useful to unions seeking to increase participation within their membership, academics researching unions and generational cohort, and human resource practitioners operating in unionised environments.  相似文献   

高冬东 《价值工程》2011,30(17):190-191
近年来,媒体披露的体罚或变相体罚学生的案例着实不少,这在社会中引起了不小的反响。文章从对一些不尊重学生人格的案例进行分析,分析造成这种现象的原因,同时提出尊重学生人格的必要性以及它的条件支撑(如改革教师评估机制等),为教育教学改革提供建议。  相似文献   

改革开放以前,中国不存在企业文化.也许有人说不对,我们有鞍钢宪法,有大庆精神,这都是企业文化.我说不是.因为改革开放以前名字叫"企业"的有,实际上存在的只是工程,可以说全国就是一个大企业,因此也就没有真正意义上的企业文化.鞍钢宪法创造出来之后,就认为是全国通用的;大庆精神创造出来,就被赋予了全民的意义,实际上是行不通的.  相似文献   

Research on the relationship between corporate environmental performance (CEP) and financial performance (CFP) continuously receives high attention in both general media and academic publications. One central issue concerns the causal effects between the two constructs. Because existing primary literature is characterized by its heterogeneous study designs and mixed empirical evidence, the aim of this paper is to explicitly shed light on the causality effects between CEP and CFP by means of a meta‐analysis of 893 empirical estimates from 142 CEP–CFP studies. Our findings suggest that in the short run (1 year), financial resources can increase a firm's environmental performance as proposed by the slack resources hypothesis; however, the effects disappear in the long run (after more than 1 year). Conversely, increasing environmental performance has no short‐term effect on a corporate financial performance, whereas a firm significantly benefits in the long term, which is in accordance with the Porter hypothesis. Overall, our results show that the causality between environmental performance and financial performance depends on the time horizon.  相似文献   

杜玲艺  张琳 《标准化报道》2000,21(3):19-20,22
简要地对MIS在开发与运行时所需的科学管理基础进行分析,并对ISO9000在实际中的运行绩效进行描述,指出贯彻ISO9000是管理信息系统成功运行的基础。  相似文献   

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