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罗诚 《上海质量》2007,(5):72-74
分析了ISO 90012000标准对建立质量方针和质量目标的要求,指出运用方针目标管理方法贯彻质量方针和实现质量目标,可以实现二者与组织业务的真正融合,在组织高层、部门和普通员工等层面上建立起有效的运作体系.不仅可以提升整个质量管理体系运行的有效性,而且对组织的战略目标及日常业务目标的达成起到"火箭助推器"的作用.  相似文献   

李权 《上海质量》2001,(8):32-33
2000版ISO9000标准中质量方针的定义是"由组织的最高管理者正式发布的该组织总的质量宗旨和方向";质量目标则给出了"在质量方面所追求的目的"的定义.然而如何制定,标准没有限定.笔者以为可以应用过程的方法制定质量方针和质量目标.  相似文献   

方针与目标管理方法是1954美国管理学大师德鲁克首先提出,广泛被世界上管理人员应用的一种方法。ISO9001将其纳入对组织基本要求,提出了质量方针、质量目标的要求条款。然而相当多的企业没有对方法的作用深入理解,只着重于模仿,造成有形无实的结果,非常可惜。笔者以务实的角度对质量方针目标的实施浅谈如下。1.质量方针制定的目的明确组织的发展方向,集中职工关注的焦点,聚集各方面的力量,成为各项质量活动依据的准则。2.质量方针的制定由最高管理者制定公司的质量方针、质量目标。最高管理层应当积极参与质量体系建立工作,不能把这项工作全部委托给别人。质量方针制定时应考虑以下内容:组成:质量方针、可测量的目标、相应的措施。实施步骤:制定→展开→实施→检查→改进  相似文献   

引言质量目标是组织在质量方面所追求的目的,是每个组织进行质量管理的承诺和对组织质量方针的落实、完善以及进行质量持续改进的量化指标[1]。质量目标管理就是围绕确定质量目标和实现质量目标所开展的一系列活动,主要包括质量目标的  相似文献   

在质量管理体系中,质量方针和质量目标为组织确定了预期的结果,提供了关注焦点,它们是组织全体员工的价值取向和工作准则。因而,它们的建立和实现具有特殊重要的意义和作用。IS09001:2000标准(以下简称“标准”)正式发布和实施近三年,大多数组织在按其建立、实施质量管理体系时能较好的按标准的要求建立质量方针和质量目标。  相似文献   

ISO 9001:2000对质量方针和质量目标之间的关系,以及质量目标的分解进一步阐述和明示。很多有关贯彻ISO 9001:2000的书籍对质量目标如何分解的论述不多。质量目标如何分解以及质量方针能不能分解,要不要分解,这方面的问题,我们接触过—些质量工作者(审核员、咨询师),对此见解不尽相同。我们曾在《质量春秋》2003年第2期发表《关于质量方针和质量目标分解的探讨兼质疑》抛砖引玉以求能得到释疑指教。现我们对质量方针和质量目标的几个问题再进一步探讨。  相似文献   

2000年版ISO9000标准十分重视组织质量目标的建立和实现。标准的质量管理体系基础认为:建立质量方针和质量目标为组织提供了关注的焦点,确定了预期的结果,并帮助组织利用其资源达到这些结果;质量目标的实现对产品质量,体系运用有效性和财务业绩都有积极影响,因此,对相关方的满意和信任也产生积极影响。下面,我们就来谈谈质量目标建立和实现的有关问题。  相似文献   

质量目标的建立与存在的问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ISO9001:2000的5.4.1质量目标条款要求:“最高管理者应确保在组织的相关职能和层次上建立质量目标,质量目标包括满足产品要求所需的内容(见7.1a)。质量目标应是可测量的,并与质量方针保持一致”。  相似文献   

确定富有挑战性、竞争性和可测量性的质量目标,是一个组织贯彻实施ISO9000族标准的重要环节,也是落实组织质量方针和持续改进质量体系的重要步骤。但许多组织对如何确定组织的总质量目标以及如何在各相关层次上加以分解落实,却缺乏办法。《质量目标的确定及其在相关层次上的分解落实》一文,通过实例对此问题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

组织的质量方针确定之后,应该策划一个在质量方针框架下,与其保持一致的质量目标,并应在组织的相关职能和层次上建立满足质量管理体系、产品和服务要求的,可测评的、能通过努力能够达到的质量目标。  相似文献   

Although the Industrial Relations Act marks the most significant break with the traditional “abstentionist” role of the law in British labour relations, it is true to say that during the last ten years the development of public policy has entailed a growing involvement of lawyers and the law in the world of work. As Professor Kahn-Freund has written:  相似文献   

There exists convincing evidence to suggest that radical innovations arrive in swarms or clusters. While a great deal has been written about the economic causes of innovation clustering, relatively little has been written about their fundamental societal causes. In this article we discuss a number of characteristics of technological development and attempt to assess the degree to which they each are culturally bound. We then present two “models” of the process of technological change and discuss the place of cultural factors in them. In the final section we discuss the public policy implications of the “cultural boundedness” of innovation with particular reference to the innovation diffusion process. We conclude that public policy has an important role in certain areas in stimulating the public acceptance of new technology, and that an especially potent tool in this respect is the public information programme.  相似文献   

Learning, monetary policy rules, and macroeconomic stability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several papers have documented a regime switch in US monetary policy from ‘passive’ and destabilizing in the pre-1979 period to ‘active’ and stabilizing afterwards. These studies typically work with DSGE models with rational expectations.This paper relaxes the assumption of rational expectations and allows for learning instead. Economic agents form expectations from simple models and update the parameters through constant-gain learning. In this setting, the paper aims to test whether monetary policy may have been a source of macroeconomic instability in the 1970s by inducing unstable learning dynamics.The model is estimated by Bayesian methods. The constant-gain coefficient is jointly estimated with the structural and policy parameters in the system.The results show that monetary policy was respecting the Taylor principle also in the pre-1979 period and, therefore, did not trigger macroeconomic instability.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the effect of monetary policy shocks on housing rents. Our main finding is that, in contrast to house prices, housing rents increase in response to contractionary monetary policy shocks. We also find that, after a contractionary monetary policy shock, rental vacancies and the homeownership rate decline. This combination of results suggests that monetary policy may affect housing tenure decisions (own versus rent). In addition, we show that, with the exception of the shelter component, all other main components of the consumer price index (CPI) either decline in response to a contractionary monetary policy shock or are not responsive. These findings motivated us to study the statistical properties of alternative measures of inflation that exclude the shelter component. We find that measures of inflation that exclude shelter have most of the statistical properties of the widely used measures of inflation, such as the CPI and the price index for personal consumption expenditures, but have higher standard deviations and react more to monetary policy shocks. Finally, we show that the response of housing rents accounts for a large proportion of the “price puzzle” found in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper shows that with limited liability banks lever up excessively to finance new loans. Lower monetary policy rates can worsen or reduce these incentives depending on the size of the shock when equity financing is ruled out. When this constrained is relaxed but the bank faces costly dividend adjustment, lower monetary policy rates always worsen risk-taking incentives and the effect is persistent. The reason is that costly dividend adjustment lowers the opportunity cost of lending. In this model, capital requirements are closer to the source of the distortion and thus work better than loan-to-value caps in reducing excessive risk taking.  相似文献   

Homelessness is part of the lives of many people. But almost no one is homeless for all or most of his or her life. The median shelter homeless spell is well under a month, and even “chronic homelessness” officially entails spells of a year or so. I model homelessness as part of people’s lives in a dynamic stochastic framework in continuous time. I can explain many empirical regularities with a parsimonious model: for instance, why the last addresses of homeless people are concentrated in a few low-rent neighborhoods, why homeless entries are hard to predict, why recidivism is common and past homelessness is a good predictor of future homelessness, why some groups recidivate more often than others, why the hazard rate for shelter exit is single-peaked, why effective homelessness prevention programs do not alter the average length of homeless spells. I also examine policy. The optimal homelessness prevention program is Pigouvian and starkly simple. With an optimal prevention program in place, optimal shelter quality maximizes a simple and intuitive expression, and insurance programs always raise social welfare. Most of the previous economics literature about homelessness has been static, but most literature about homelessness outside economics has been dynamic. This paper tries to bring the two strands of literature closer together.  相似文献   

Balance sheets, exchange rate policy, and welfare   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We evaluate the welfare implications of fixed and flexible exchange rate regimes in a small open-economy model that incorporates the financial accelerator coupled with liability dollarization. We solve the model up to a second-order approximation which allows us to rigorously address the relationship between uncertainty and welfare. We identify leverage and debt-to-GDP ratios above which an exchange rate peg is welfare superior to a flexible exchange rate regime. The results indicate that emerging market countries with even moderate levels of foreign currency-denominated debt may find it beneficial to stabilize their exchange rates.  相似文献   

A monetary policy framework describing how to cope with a financial crisis might alleviate a recession; however, it might also result in subsequent secular stagnation. Based on an empirical New Keynesian model with financial uncertainty, this study investigates how monetary policy can avoid sluggish economic recovery in response to financial shocks. The results show that a protracted sluggish response of an output gap to a financial shock is triggered by inflation targeting, without considering interest rate variations. In such a policy, the uncertainty causes additional sluggish behavior after a sharp reduction in the output gap. In contrast, in a speed limit policy, the output gap recovers rapidly, regardless of the central bank’s approach to interest rate variations, and the uncertainty mitigates reductions in the output gap. Finally, the results are robust under several alternative settings.  相似文献   

Established firms can diversify into new markets in two distinct modes: through internal development or through conglomerate merger. Building on a dynamic three-stage bargaining model with variable threats, this paper shows that a lenient antitrust position toward horizontal mergers can induce established firms that would otherwise not have entered to enter via conglomerate merger. The vigor of antitrust enforcement toward horizontal mergers also affects the conglomerate acquisition price but it does not influence the choice of entry mode. Finally, the paper brings to light a heretofore neglected avenue through which conglomerate mergers can increase welfare.  相似文献   

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