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大量外企的职业经理人开始向国企和民企回归。个人选择背后蕴含着行业背景和经济大势的变化。  相似文献   

尽管中国加入WTO已经十一年,但国企垄断、民企夹缝中求生存、外企水土不服的格局依然没有被打破。只有打破这种格局,才能够建立起完善的职业经理人市场,这样,无论是国企、民企,还是外企都可以在这个市场上聘请到自己需要的职业经理人2012年11月23日,由多家媒体举办的首届"中国杰出经理人TOP100"的评选在上海公布了最终结果,这场历时半年的中国职业经理人"选秀"活动由此告一段落,  相似文献   

职场上,人分几种,有的适合给别人打工,有的就适合给别人当老板。在外企拼搏多年的白领们也各有打算,很多人在当了多年职业经理人之后,萌生了自己创业的念头。特别是那些身居要职的跨国企业高管,当他们的阅历和经验得到相当积累的时候,更会有一展身手的欲望。这些在被外企丰厚薪水喂养的FATCAT(大肥猫)们往往认为自己掌握了更先进的管理技巧,具有更广阔的视野,拥有良好的资源,一旦投身商海仿佛只有成功,没有失败。而事实上我们发现,“大肥猫”下海,溺水而亡的例子比比皆是,这些经验丰富的高级白领们陷入了怎样的误区?  相似文献   

何春盛 《人力资源》2009,(23):54-55
今年9月份,Google公司宣布,李开复辞去接任四年的Google中国区总裁。李开复同时也宣布将自行创业,募资人民币八亿成立创新工厂,类似风险投资行业,专门投资年轻人的创新事业。这位深受中国大学生羡慕与爱戴的打工皇帝,突然离开Google,一定让许多大学生与中国职业经理人同感错愕!  相似文献   

飞蓬 《英才》2008,(5):118-118
“蓝领、白领、灰领,领领不如金领;国企、私企、外企,企企与我无关。”职业经理人如此自嘲。  相似文献   

唐骏  郭琳 《中外管理》2009,(8):90-91
作为从外国到中国的一个职业经理人,唐骏坚持先做人后做事,偶尔作作秀;作为一个从外企到民企的经理人,他选择先去适应它,再去改变它。  相似文献   

目前我国家族企业中老板与职业经理人往往同床异梦,老板侵犯职业经理人权益和经理人损害老板利益的事件常有发生。双方互信、协作机制难以建立,难道老板与经理人之间注定要反目成仇,不能成为生死与共的“战友”?!  相似文献   

王珏 《上海企业家》2005,(4):17-18,16
她会忘记午饭,花三个小时跟下属谈工作,让面临淘汰的同事找回工作的感觉,但她几乎不会花一个小时来做点完全“自私”的事情.王桂芳说她最大的爱好就是与同事交谈、跟女儿交流。  相似文献   

卡莉负气出走大明 2006年年底,惠普前CEO卡莉受大明集团董事长崇祯之邀,出任大明集团CEO。她上任后不久,便发现大明集团家族气息过浓,亲情友情错综复杂,使她无法正常开展工作。她尝试进行改革,想冲破家庭关系网的制约,但处处受到抵制。  相似文献   

他以前的职业经历可谓辉煌。现在的他却陷入困境和迷茫,对自己的未来极度缺乏自信。  相似文献   

大企业的员工跳槽是屡见不鲜的,中小企业员工弃职离去更是司空见惯。当一个中小企业的高管处在一个压抑的环境中,工作缺乏挑战性,个人的观点、建议和策略得不到被赏识,个人才干没有发挥的机会,导致对自己的未来发展不乐观,前景模糊时,也会跳槽。跳槽一般是为了获得更高的薪资和寻找能更好发挥个人潜能的地方。  相似文献   

This article examines the work force management practices appropriate for quality management. The hypotheses positing the role of work force management practices in implementing and managing quality are developed and tested using data from 384 individuals in 98 manufacturing plants in the U.S. The results indicate that the relationship-oriented practices—team building, supporting, mentoring, inspiring, recognizing—seem to play an important role in manufacturing settings characterized by a high emphasis on quality. These practices seemingly motivate workers to manufacture products that are accurate, consistent, durable, and reliable. Furthermore, workers are entrusted with the traditional responsibilities of manufacturing managers, such as planning and problem solving.  相似文献   

人力资本价值与企业高管薪酬模型探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢莉  方勤敏 《价值工程》2009,28(4):57-59
随着经济全球化及知识化进程的加快,人力资本管理理念已逐步引入到国内企业中,相应地管理水平也得到了提升。高层管理者作为企业的核心人力资本,其薪酬问题成了众人关注的焦点。虽然已有很多学者对高管薪酬的结构和制定依据等问题进行了研究,国内企业在这些方面仍存在一些不足。笔者从人力资本价值的角度出发,对人力资本价值实现过程与薪酬之间的内在联系进行分析,并据此构建了相应的高管薪酬模型。  相似文献   

追赶企业通常面临技术和市场的双重壁垒,因此需要正确应对追赶战略选择和技术创新能力培养的挑战。深圳迈瑞医疗的成功为正在进行追赶的中国企业提供了三点启示:第一,企业的追赶已经进入了以国际市场和标准为初始起点的新阶段;第二,工业设计的创新可以成为中国企业走向国际化的新路径;第三,要以预先培养建设自身能力为核心,作为实现和提升技术引进效果的前提。  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigate several outcome differences among 410 managers who either had or had not implemented layoffs (i.e., handing out warn notices) during one or more years between 2000 and 2003. Using survey data, our findings show that issuing warn notices significantly predicts increased self‐reported health problems, seeking treatment for those health problems, sleep problems, feelings of depersonalization, and intent to quit. Emotional exhaustion fully mediates the relationship between issuing warn notices and health problems, depersonalization, and intent to quit, whereas it partially mediates the relationship to seeking treatment and sleep problems. A similar pattern was found for the mediating variable of job security. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study geographically mobile managers in 1978 were compared to mobile managers in 1989 and significant changes were found in career patterns and attachment to the organization and the job. The managers in 1989 were changing jobs and relocating more frequently than were the 1978 managers. They were also less satisfied with their companies. Job involvement and job satisfaction, however, were higher among the 1989 managers than among the 1978 managers. Retrospectively, the 1989 managers thought they were less loyal to their companies than they had been five years previously. Managers' attachment to their organizations may be tied to challenging jobs that provide career development opportunities; those organizations unwilling or unable to provide such jobs may experience higher managerial turnover.  相似文献   

从开发区到特色小镇:区域开发模式的新变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
改革开放以来,开发区以及各类新城、新区、特区已经成为拉动中国经济增长的主要力量,"开发区"体制也成为地方政府治理模式的重要组成部分。开发区模式创造了显著的经济绩效,但同样也面临土地供应、公共服务、廉政风险等多方面压力,随着中国经济调速换挡,开发区治理模式继续转型。浙江省"特色小镇"创建中的诸多做法则能够对于开发区治理模式中存在的困难与问题进行很好的回应,一定程度上是开发区治理模式在经济社会发展达到一定高度之后的突围转型,其经验可以作为未来开发区模式转型升级之借鉴。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT   Legge's seminal book on personnel managers ( Legge, 1978 ) identified ambiguities in their role, vicious circles that limited their power and possible strategies to improve their effectiveness. This paper explores how far the advent of human resource management has altered the circumstances in which they find themselves and how far it offers a new basis for power and influence. Analysis of interviews with 48 senior executives indicates that although there have been changes in features of the ambiguities and vicious circles, personnel managers have failed to overcome many of the problems identified by Legge 25 years earlier or to seize the opportunities outlined by Ulrich (1997 ) to become human resource champions.  相似文献   

External liberalization—the relaxation of restrictions on cross-border trade and inbound direct investment—has played an important role in the programs of economic transition in central Europe. While liberalization is widely heralded, there has been little empirical analysis of the links between liberalization and industry structure. This analysis examines changes in foreign presence following external liberalization in Poland and Hungary. I show that the presence of proprietary and intangible assets explains much of the cross-industry variation in patterns of foreign presence and, for a given level of foreign presence, whether this will occur via trade or inbound direct investment.  相似文献   

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