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在原油贸易交接计量中,我国一般采用吨等质量单位。在国外原油贸易交接中则采用体积单位,典型的有桶、加仑、升和立方米等。因原油的体积随温度和压力的变化而变化,因此在贸易交接中必须是在标准条件下进行。我国原油交接的标准条件是:压力为101.325kPa,温度为20℃;美国的标准条件是:压力为101.325kPa,温度为60°F;国际单位制规定的标准是:压力为101.325kPa,温度为15℃。由于使用了标准条件,原油的体积就可以看成是保持不变的量,石油贸易者就可以进行正常的交易。  相似文献   

随着天然气市场和业务的发展,计量技术显得越来越重要。,为降低生产成本、加强销售监督、优化计量管理,中原油田天然气产销厂不断提高计量技术水平,逐步实现计量精细化管理。  相似文献   

一、21世纪会计以反映精神生产和智力劳务提供过程中的资金运动为主未来产业的性质和特点将超出物质资料再生产的范围,精神产品和智力劳务的提供将成为21世纪社会再生产的主要组成部分,作为“记载生产的簿记”,精神产品和智力劳务将会成为其中心。由以反映物质资料...  相似文献   

沈阳油田是我国最大的高凝油生产基地,原油的凝固点在45~67℃之间。目前主要采用分离器玻璃管计量油井产量,其缺点是流程复杂,工作效率低,工人劳动强度大。随着沈阳油田的高凝油生产进入了高含水时期,原油伴生气急剧减少,采用玻璃管计量十分困难。针对高凝油生产的特点,该油田研究应用了低油气比的油井计量方式—高凝油自动计量技术,能够优化和简化目前的油井计量工艺,对油井产量进行高效、准确、及时的计量。  相似文献   

21世纪石油勘探技术发展展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
世界油气勘探业在20世纪取得了辉煌的成就,油气勘探技术更是在这个被称为“石油世纪”的100年间经历了从无到有、从局部到整体、从初级到综合的发展过程。 当前,世界石油勘探业面临的挑战以及石油勘探技术发展的对策表现在以下四个方面:(1)有限的油气资源带来的挑战——发展和采用新的勘探方法;(2)勘探成熟度不断提高、勘探对象日趋复杂带来的挑战——快速发展地震、钻井及测井勘探技术;(3)低油价以及行业内部竞争日趋激烈带来的降低成本的挑战——发展综合勘探技术,开展多学科综合管理,不断提高油气勘探项目的经济效益;(4)国际化经营以及实现世界油气资源分享带来的挑战——技术发展与国际接轨,部门联合与战略联盟。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,工业生产技术的进步,热工自动化技术也呈现出快速的发展,并在生产和技术发展中起到关键的作用。热工自动化主要是利用各种自动化仪表和装置对热工生产过程进行控制管理的技术,下面我们就详细进行分析热工计量自动检定技术的应用及其发展。  相似文献   

21世纪的新质量观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1、21世纪是质量世纪 世界著名的美国质量管理专家朱兰认为:“20世纪是生产力世纪,21世纪是质量世纪。”另一位同样著名的美国质量管理专家费根鲍姆认为:“质量在全球经济中处于领导地位。”随着知识经济时  相似文献   

章阐述了虚拟经营的基本概念,介绍了国际工程承包公司今后的发展方向,由此指出虚拟经营的管理方式将成为今后工程承包公司最有效的管理方式,并叙述了承包公司实现虚拟经营的方法。  相似文献   

Dragon multinationals: New players in 21st century globalization   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
This review article starts from the question: how does the global business system appear to a challenger firm, and how have challenger Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) from formerly peripheral areas such as the Asia Pacific established themselves successfully, against the sometimes fierce resistance of incumbents? To answer this question, the review develops an argument concerning the pluralistic character of the process of globalization, as contrasted with the conventional account that sees global processes creating uniformity and convergence. This alternative account is based on a review of the experiences of latecomer and newcomer MNEs, particularly those from the Asia Pacific—such as Acer, Ispat International, Li &; Fung and the Hong Leong Group—that are dubbed “Dragon Multinationals.” I argue that the innovative features that these MNEs share, such as their accelerated internationalization, strategic innovation and organizational innovation, fit particularly well with the characteristics of the emergent global economy as one of complex inter-firm linkages. The core proposition of the review is that this complementarity between the characteristics of the emergent global economy and latecomer and newcomer strategic and organizational innovations is what drives the remarkable success of these Asia Pacific firms in establishing themselves as serious international players. Such a proposition carries implications for the process of globalization as well as for the dominant frameworks utilized in International Business. The review argues that Dragon Multinationals adopt a different perspective to the resources accessed through internationalization, and that this requires a rethink of the criteria normally utilized in resource-based accounts of strategy. The challenger firm internationalizing in order to access resources also poses a challenge to the dominant OLI (ownership, locational, internalization) account of multinational advantage. Thus it is argued that the question posed at the outset goes to the core of the IB frameworks, and thereby counts as one of the ‘big questions’ that should guide research in IB in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Asian management in the 21st century   总被引:19,自引:14,他引:5  
Contrary to popular opinion, the crucial elements of the management process show strong continuity over time, but differ from one country to another, as a function of the local culture. Recent research reveals fundamental differences in the goals of business leaders from different societies. The article explores general characteristics of Asian management as opposed to management elsewhere, and what the study of Asian management and its cultural origins mean for the emerging Asian multinationals and for the state of the art in management research worldwide in the twenty-first century.
Geert HofstedeEmail:

Geert Hofstede   (PhD, University of Groningen) is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands. Since the publication of his book Culture’s Consequences (1980, 2001), he has been a pioneer of comparative intercultural research; his ideas are used worldwide. A student-level book Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind (1991, new edition 2005 with Gert Jan Hofstede) has so far appeared in 17 languages. He is one of the most cited European authors in the Social Sciences Citation Index. He is a Doctor Honoris Causa of four European Universities, a Honorary Fellow of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, and a Fellow of the Academy of Management as well as of the Center for Economic Research at the University of Tilburg. This is Professor Hofstede’s third contribution to APJM after Hofstede (1984a, 1984b). His website is www.geerthofstede.nl  相似文献   

者在《中国纺织》2000年第6 期的一篇文章中明确提出:“21世纪,中国纺织业再铸辉煌的历史阶段已经临近”。为创造这个辉煌的阶段,必须认真研究纺织企业的革命问题。 研究中国纺织企业的革命问题,首先要找到革命的起点。中国纺织工业作为中国现代产业里最有悠久历史的产业之一,曾经铸就的辉煌,在几代人的思维中,对新世纪纺织企业的革命问题产生着不同的认识,尤其是对寻找革命的起点,仍然难于跳出传统计划经济体制所形成的束缚。近期笔者到西安、兰州、上海、南京、厦门、武汉等市作国有企业改革与发展调研时,有相当一部分人还…  相似文献   

21世纪中国企业文化发展走势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究一下21世纪中国企业文化发展的走势,具有重要理论价值和实践意义。1999年5月8日《人民日报》学术版刊登了我对记者的访谈,其中对企业文化的发展前景做了几点展望。后来不断有人向我问及这个问题。今天,我想就21世纪中国企业文化的发展走势说几点看法。  相似文献   

Jacob R 《Fortune》1995,131(6):90-2, 94, 96 passim
The horizontal company is hot--but getting there is difficult. You have to define core processes, transfer power, and redesign work. Here's how four organizations are coping.  相似文献   

《Food Policy》1999,24(1):7-15
Food aid deserves much credit for having pioneered in the 1950/60s the transfer of large quantities of resources to the poorest nations and people inflicted with poverty and hunger. In recent years, the magnitude of this aid has drastically diminished. Fortunately, many of the programs that used to receive food aid are now funded by financial aid. The paper argues that it may have become counter-productive to plead for `food aid', because it distracts attention from the fact that many food shortages can be alleviated as well, or even better, with financial aid. It might be more effective to solicit `aid for food' and to assure an adequate allocation of overseas development assistance for the purpose, irrespective of the supply of food aid.The policies, of which food aid was a by-product and which have led to the accumulation of large food surpluses in the industrial countries and the inhibition of the efficient functioning of food markets in the developing countries, have by now become thoroughly discredited. Is it in parallel, not also high time to question the appropriateness of the public distribution of food to nations and people, short on food?  相似文献   

中国水电资源丰富,但开发程度不高。进入21世纪无论从国家经济发展,特别是西部大开发的战略部署和环境的需求看,加快水电开发,特别是西部的水电开发都是十分必要的,这也是所有水电工作者多年的愿望和梦想。下面就中国水电资源概况、开发现状以及21世纪发展设想和应采取的对策作一探讨。  相似文献   

Over the coming decades, technology and automation are expected to dramatically transform how work will be undertaken. While many of these developments will improve productivity and provide new opportunities, some jobs will likely disappear. In this article, we report data from in‐depth interviews undertaken with 51 young Australians about their strategies for managing the possibility of technological disruption in the workplace. In the face of future uncertainties, we found that the majority of our participants remained confident in their ability to maintain for themselves a ‘good’ career story. We posit, however, that those who could neither avoid nor reduce the possibility that technological advancements might jeopardise their career plans demonstrated an outlook of career malleability whereby they accepted the risk yet remained subjectively confident in their own capacity to rewrite their career narrative if, or when, circumstances demanded.  相似文献   

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