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步入21世纪,由社群经济所派生起来的新商业模式正在促进着新市场经济的运行。本文主要研究社群经济下商业模式的创新,将用户作为本文商业模式的重要影响因素,结合“好物淘—大学生好物分享平台”项目的实践内容,分析用户行为及特征为基础,运用价值共创理论,采取项目实践研究的方法进行研究。可以发现当前社群经济商业模式存在用户增速慢、选品精准度和变现能力弱等方面的问题。因此,可以从用户需求、用户行为以及平台运营机制等方面进行优化,借此探索符合时代特点和需求的社群经济的商业模式,为大学生类型创设平台的经济发展提供参考。  相似文献   

杜俊义  吴琼 《现代商业》2022,(17):13-16
平台是企业发展壮大的基石,也是企业发展的轴心,企业进行资源投入和业务拓展都是围绕平台进行的,平台商业模式不仅仅被互联网企业所采用,随着移动互联时代的发展,传统的制造业企业也逐渐进行探索和尝试。本文从战略管理中的平台战略视角出发,通过对平台战略研究进行综述以便更好地理解平台企业的成长与发展历程,对平台及平台战略进行了重新的定义,认为平台是连接不同用户群的产品和服务,把不同的用户群联系起来形成的一个完整网络。平台战略是连接两个及两个以上特定群体,为之提供互动机制,以满足所有群体的需求,并从中获利的商业模式,并将平台战略划分为平台定价战略、平台竞争战略、平台层次战略、平台开放战略和平台创新战略五个部分。本研究拓宽了平台战略的研究视角,有助于深入理解平台战略的作用机制,为企业进行有效的平台战略实施提供有价值的启示和理论上的参考。  相似文献   

商业模式研究文献综述:兼论零售商业模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于对商业模式研究的文献检索,对商业模式的概念、要素和类型及有关零售商业模式研究进行了文献综述。结果发现尽管商业模式概念很多,但反映的多是企业价值创造的基本逻辑;商业模式要素围绕着价值创造体系和价值获取体系,以及与这两个体系有关的价值网络所组成的,商业模式类型划分也反映商业模式的价值创造逻辑。  相似文献   

赵琛  刘晓欢  李青 《商业时代》2012,(19):122-123
互联网的兴起带动了基于互联网平台的企业迅速发展。在服装业,具有新型商业模式的服装企业正在不断蚕食传统商业模式服装企业的市场。服装企业的竞争越来越激烈,寻找一种优秀的商业模式成为企业发展的关键。本文以服装企业商业模式成功案例为切入点,分析商业模式的内涵、商业模式创新的重要性和迫切性。然后通过服装企业的实践经历,分析与研究服装企业商业模式创新路径和类型,同时也对商业模式的价值进行实例研究。  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业的本质特性决定了其发展与商业模式创新密不可分。文章基于对我国战略新兴产业商业模式分布类型和创新必要性的分析,分别提出了企业边界划分视角下的合作导向型商业模式创新、要素组合视角下的价值主张导向型商业模式创新和核心要素构建视角下的资源导向型商业模式创新,针对不同类型的战略性新兴产业商业模式的创新方向进行研究,构建适应其发展的商业模式创新机制,促进我国战略性新兴产业能够更好地发展。  相似文献   

新常态背景下,平台商业模式可从需求侧发力,为用户持续提供优质产品,从而逐步提高企业绩效,驱动经济增长,开辟经济发展新空间。当前,构建平台商业模式已经成为众多企业汇聚内外部资源、发挥网络效应、实现互利共赢的首选,而学术界有关平台商业模式的研究也从最初的双边市场角度转向日益复杂的多边市场角度,包括平台提供者、用户、供应方、互补方等多个群体在内的平台商业模式成为研究热点。最新研究表明,平台商业模式价值体系的架构主要围绕价值主张、价值网络、价值维护、价值实现四个基本要素展开。平台商业模式具备非线性价值逻辑关系,包括多个价值创造主体,注重多个利益相关主体的共建、共生、共融,其竞争优势来源于扩大用户规模和增强关系密度双重驱动下的网络效应。平台商业模式强调用户本位主义,强调平台提供者的企业职能、市场职能和"政府"职能。其未来研究应基于案例加强对不同平台商业模式价值创造过程的探索,并重点关注平台商业模式治理问题、新技术群情境下的平台商业模式应用问题、平台跨界竞争问题、平台商业模式盛行下的政府监管与平台自治相互平衡问题。  相似文献   

本文基于国内外有关商业模式研究的文献检索和总结,从商业模式的内涵、要素构成、类型和商业模式评价四个方面对国内外商业模式研究取得的成果进行了评述。研究发现,国内外对于商业模式的研究多集中在以企业自身为视角来进行,缺乏多视角的研究;研究的内容理论化,方法单一化,缺乏相应的实证研究。本研究在商业模式评述的基础上对未来的研究进行了展望,以期有参考和指导意义。  相似文献   

曲鸿楠 《中国商论》2022,(19):122-125
近年来,社交娱乐类平台通过商业模式创新增强了价值创造能力,构建并维持了市场竞争优势,然而既有文献鲜有对该现象进行有效研究。本文以抖音平台为研究对象,在解析抖音平台既有商业模式构成要素的基础上,厘清其商业模式创新的主要内外部驱动因素及途径。研究发现:(1)抖音平台商业模式创新主要受到外部潜在市场机会及内部技术革新的共同驱动。(2)抖音平台主要从市场模式、运营模式、营收模式及生态模式等方面完成商业模式创新。本文的研究结论深化了既有平台商业模式创新的相关文献,并为其他社交娱乐类平台商业模式创新实践提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

以往关于商业模式的研究关注的对象为独立的企业个体,缺少对具有生态系统结构的平台企业的商业模式的研究。本文通过识别平台企业的典型特征,并且对比了平台企业和单边企业商业模式的差异,构建了一个平台企业商业模式的研究框架。即平台企业商业模式的本质就是,在三种有效的治理机制(监控模式、社区构建和自我参与)的基础上,平台企业通过五种价值活动(价值主张、价值生产、价值传递、价值获取和价值分享)的开展和实施,使得平台生态系统的三种重要群体(领导种群、关键种群和支持种群)得以持续的生存和发展,从而实现种群群体间的共生和依赖,最终构建出一个和谐、健康、可持续的平台生态系统。  相似文献   

新零售是我国流通业迭代升级的突破口,他将重构流通供应链并深刻影响流通供应链商业模式。文章围绕流通供应链内涵,结合商业模式的理论,构建了流通供应链商业模式理论分析框架;在此基础上,立足新零售的本质,揭示出新零售驱动下流通供应链商业模式的转型升级机理,即新零售通过重塑人、货、场,完成对流通供应链商业模式要素的调整,进而实现流通供应链商业模式的转型升级;紧接着,系统地梳理了我国现有流通供应链商业模式的五种类型,围绕流通供应链商业模式的转型升级机理,研究了不同类型流通供应链商业模式的转型升级路径,提出了适应新零售的以消费者个性化需求为导向的数字化、柔性化、扁平化、共享化和生态化的流通供应链平台生态系统商业模式。  相似文献   

文章尝试将商业生态系统理论与互联网相结合,解释互联网商业生态系统内部结构的静态和动态演化过程,从理论上深度探索了互联网商业生态系统内部生态发展的内在机理和运行机制,并运用计算机仿真方法模拟了互联网商业生态系统的内部演化过程。研究发现:互联网生态结构的演化过程经历了萌芽期、成长期、繁殖期、分化期四个主要阶段,商圈发展经历了平台、商家、消费者三主体到平台、商家、消费者、专业服务商、增值服务商五主体的进化过程,并不断进化和繁殖生成新的专业服务商和增值服务商,随之产生新的互联网商业生态系统。最后,文章以阿里巴巴电子商务生态系统为案例从经验上对其内部生态系统的发展和演化构成进行了分析。  相似文献   

基于层次模型的消费者生成内容动机研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王平 《商业研究》2011,(5):190-195
随着W eb2.0技术的发展,越来越多的消费者参与网络社区或平台生成各种各样的内容,但是理论界对于消费者生成内容的动机了解还不够全面。本文在借鉴动机理论研究成果的基础上,构建了消费者生成内容动机的层次模型,并以层次模型为基础,对现代企业构建参与式商务模式提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Many peer‐to‐peer sharing platforms are transforming their business model from sharing for free to renting with or without in‐person interactions. How will these changes affect consumers’ participation in peer‐to‐peer sharing of personal items? The work studies consumers’ choice among three business models that vary on two dimensions: “free versus renting” and “with or without in‐person interactions.” The novelty is to consider that consumers’ choice can be driven by their perceptions of relationships among peers, which are shaped by the business models of sharing platforms. Perceptions of communal sharing (CS) relationships among peers are found to differ across business models and to predict consumers’ choice among the platforms above and beyond the economic and social benefits that consumers seek. Interestingly, perceptions of CS are not only found to explain the choice of a sharing for the free business model over the two others, but also the choice of renting with in‐person interactions over renting without in‐person interactions. For managers of peer‐to‐peer sharing platforms, this means that renting does not make sharing completely similar to traditional market exchanges as long as in‐person interactions are involved. For scholars, this calls for more work on the factors that bring about perceptions of CS.  相似文献   

This paper provides an exploratory study of how rewards-based crowdfunding affects business model development for music industry artists, labels and live sector companies. The empirical methodology incorporated a qualitative, semi-structured, three-stage interview design with fifty seven senior executives from industry crowdfunding platforms and three stakeholder groups. The results and analysis cover new research ground and provide conceptual models to develop theoretical foundations for further research in this field. The findings indicate that the financial model benefits of crowdfunding for independent artists are dependent on fan base demographic variables relating to age group and genre due to sustained apprehension from younger audiences. Furthermore, major labels are now considering a more user-centric financial model as an innovation strategy, and the impact of crowdfunding on their marketing model may already be initiating its development in terms of creativity, strength and artist relations.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(6):747-758
The internet is fertile ground for multisided platforms that articulate the production of goods or the execution of services between third parties, thus relying on value co-creation as their core business model mechanism. However, an understanding of co-creation that underlies dynamics and implications for business model design and innovation is still dispersed and fragmented along a number of literature streams. This article aims to provide an understanding of the value co-creation process in web-based multisided platforms. A conceptual framework is proposed based on the combination of an analysis of a comprehensive systematic literature review, interviews with academics and entrepreneurs, and an analysis of secondary data on representative cases of multisided business models based on value co-creation. We offer a model of value co-creation in multisided platforms and advance a number of propositions regarding value dynamics, including the role of the focal firm in defining and maintaining value creation, propositions, and capture structures with consequences to monetization schemes and actors’ contributions and motivations for value co-creation. This article contributes to the understanding of the co-creation phenomenon, especially in multiple actor interaction regimes, and raises a number of suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Central to the evolution of a digital business platform is the organization’s ability to balance exploration (renewal) and exploitation (refinement) simultaneously. Drawing on prior research—including digital platforms, contradictory tensions, and organizational ambidexterity—and our own experience investigating digital business platforms in organizations, this article provides insights into how executives can manage this evolution successfully. More specifically, we present a framework recognizing three pairs of organizational capabilities (i.e., identifying-nourishing, expanding-legitimating, and augmenting-embedding) that enable balancing renewal and refinement of the platform over time. We close by providing critical managerial practices that executives can use in anticipating, adjusting, and evaluating the evolution of a digital business platform over time, including its initiation, development, and growth.  相似文献   

The emergence of Industry 4.0 offers firms internationalization opportunities employing digital platforms and emerging technologies. Relying upon the Uppsala model as applied in light of a firm case study, we contribute to the validity of the Uppsala model 2017. We respond to the counterpoint by Coviello, Kano, and Liesch (2017) to the Uppsala 2017 model, answering the question, What is the impact of Industry 4.0 on the validity of the 2017 version of the Uppsala model? This study builds on a qualitative research methodology through a single case study of Delivery Hero, a global service provider firm. We adopt an extensive longitudinal approach to understand a startup firm’s digital business concept and business evolution, including its internationalization paths. We conclude that the mechanisms of the Uppsala model are valid, but their characteristics have changed by digital and globalized value-adding processes. The dynamic capabilities possessed by the founding entrepreneur turn out to constitute a critical micro foundation for the firm’s international business success. Our findings explain these change mechanisms, illustrating the stepwise progression process led by entrepreneurial decision-making. Industry 4.0 technologies have changed the very manner by which ?rms arrange their value-adding activities with their business stakeholders in course of the firm’s internationalization. By relying on reasonable business targets, algorithms, and data management systems, real-time market monitoring enables international startup firms to learn and adopt local identities faster, thereby efficiently alleviating liabilities of foreignness.  相似文献   

地震灾区家电零售企业进行灾后重建,绝不是简单的销售终端重建,而应该从发展战略的角度把握内外环境的变化以及行业的发展趋势,寻找适合企业中长期发展的商业模式,从业态和业务两个方面进行商业模式的再造。灾区家电零售业企业业态再造需要考虑目前销售终端重建与再造,销售渠道再造和战略利润区域进行再造;而业务再造主要是根据市场发展趋势和顾客的需求,在保持现有家电零售业务的基础上进行战略拓展。  相似文献   

Mobile Live Streaming Shopping (MLSS) has become the most rapidly growing e-commerce business. However, there is a dearth of theoretical concern on the MLSS platform designing issue - the key factor affecting business success. Based on the axiomatic design theory, a systematic view of design features of MLSS platform is given, and a three-layer model including thirteen design features is built. The perceived differences of consumers across design features and individual characteristics, as well as the prioritization strategies of MLSS platform are derived with a mixed-method schema. The study provides fine-grained insights for enhancing the differentiated consumer experience by optimizing and improving the design of MLSS platforms.  相似文献   

当前,互联网引领数字经济将传统部门逐步数字化,不断创造新的商业模式。全球贸易正在经历数字贸易的引领和驱动。数字贸易由服务业逐步向制造业扩展,迈向数字化和智能化。数字贸易是制度创新建规则、管理创新建平台、技术创新数字化三维驱动下,将数字化的贸易内容一站式便利贸易的新型业态。"21世纪数字丝绸之路"建设、5G商用、《二十国集团数字经济发展与合作倡议》及强大的互联网市场、庞大的电商市场,为我国数字贸易发展提供了大好机遇,同时也面临着制度创新、管理创新、技术创新三大挑战。我国在数字贸易实践中,应充分借鉴发达国家的经验,利用好国际合作平台,通过多边谈判形成数字贸易规则;结合实际尽快制定管理政策,在政策引导下细分管理措施,强化数字贸易平台管理,反对平台垄断,对中小平台进行柔性管理,鼓励有实力的平台进行协同创新,突破管理瓶颈,创新实现智能化管理;技术创新主要解决数字产业化、产业数字化问题。  相似文献   

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