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心理契约对组织公民行为的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘媛 《商场现代化》2008,(9):303-304
"心理契约"是联系员工和组织之间的心理纽带,也是影响员工行为和态度的重要因素。组织公民行为类似于员工的角色外行为,是不受与组织签订的正式合同或内部的规章制度约束,而是发自内心做出的利他人、利社会的有益行为。虽然两个概念看似无关,但组织公民行为的实施却深受心理契约的影响。基于这个思考,论文对心理契约和组织公民行为进行了综述,总结了四种不同类型的心理契约会对组织公民行为产生影响,接着提出了在实践中运用心理契约管理组织公民行为的意见。  相似文献   

魏璐 《商》2013,(1):248-248
本文研究组织支持感对员工组织承诺的影响,以心理契约为中介变量。我们发现:(1)组织支持感对组织承诺有正向影响;(2)组织支持感对心理契约有正向作用;(3)心理契约在组织支持感和组织承诺之间起着中介作用。  相似文献   

作为一种负面的心理倾向,员工犬儒主义对组织绩效产生了消极的影响。本文在文献分析的基础上探讨了组织政治知觉、心理安全与员工犬儒主义之间的作用机制,研究表明:组织政治知觉的提升引发员工犬儒主义的产生;高度的组织政治知觉引发心理安全感的下降,心理安全感的降低则进一步导致员工犬儒主义的盛行;心理安全在组织政治知觉与员工犬儒主义之间起中介作用;心理安全感降低与犬儒主义产生都将降低组织绩效。  相似文献   

零售企业间竞争趋于白热化,零售企业的“顾客之争”越发激烈,但顾客的“琢磨不定”是企业和顾客建立关系的难题。顾客心理契约是影响顾客关系的“无形之手”,制约着顾客和企业交换资源的类型,并有一套规范指导整个资源交换过程。文章梳理了营销情境下顾客心理契约的相关研究,主要包括顾客心理契约的内涵、影响因素、心理契约破裂及违背的结果等,并在此基础上提出了顾客心理契约未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

李佳雪 《中国市场》2022,(31):112-114
在经济高速发展的现代社会中,企业间的竞争加剧使得员工过度劳动,接连出现辞职、抑郁等行为。反生产行为是员工有意违背组织利益的相关行为,在组织中普遍存在,通常具有隐蔽性和较强的破坏性。研究过度劳动对员工反生产行为的影响,从而避免员工不良行为的发生已成为企业亟待解决的管理问题之一。  相似文献   

张义奎 《商》2014,(4):28-28
在企业里,员工之间的关系直接影响到组织未来的前景,很多学者据此出发,基于组织与员工之间的心理契约,为组织提供很多激励员工的建议和措施,但是很少有人研究组织内部员工之间的心理契约,本文主要基于员工之间存在的心理契约,探讨其对员工之间关系的影响,结合问卷分析等实证结果,认为员工之间的关系更倾向于关系型契约。从而建立良好的企业文化,帮助员工实现自身的价值。  相似文献   

心理契约是组织与员工之间一种"无形的"契约形式,比之有形的经济契约能对员工的工作态度和行为产生更大的约束力,本文将立足点放在工作投入上,旨在探索心理契约对员工工作投入的影响。  相似文献   

心理契约是组织与员工之间除正式的雇用协议以外最重要的、非书面化的契约形式,它对员工的工作表现具有重要影响。本文就员工心理契约违背以及由此引发的一系列态度和行为变化进行研究,并在此基础上探讨如何预防和纠正这种现象的发生和发展。  相似文献   

邓子鹃 《商场现代化》2007,(11Z):315-316
一、心理契约 心理契约是组织和员工之间隐含的、未公开表明的、相互期望的总和。心理契约不仅具有期望的性质,而且包含“对义务的承诺与互惠”。组织对雇员心理契约的履行或违背是影响雇员对组织承诺和工作满意度的一个重要因素,影响着员工的离职率和缺勤率。当新员工进入组织,对组织的期望与实际情况的差距越大,离职的可能性越大。李原基于中国本土文化背景的需要,强调人际交往与人际环境对中国员工十分重要,  相似文献   

IT企业员工作为知识员工的代表,在知识经济时代的作用和地位日益提高,逐渐成为人力资源管理的核心。而知识员工的行为风险问题是当前制约IT企业组织绩效的关键因素。从心理契约角度来系统分析IT企业员工行为风险的含义、原因、表现及对策,对我国IT企业员工的管理具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

通过对1022名国有企业和民营企业员工的问卷调查,探讨不同所有制企业雇员的管理理念对心理契约破裂的影响.结果表明:国有企业员工的心理契约破裂程度显著高于民营企业;市场竞争理念对心理契约破裂有显著的负向影响,在国有企业中其影响更强;雇员价值理念对心理契约破裂有显著的正向影响,在民营企业中其影响更强.为降低心理契约破裂对员工和组织的影响,国有企业应营造有利于市场竞争的组织氛围,而民营企业应更好地满足员工的需求.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the role of informal leader–member interactions in managing counterproductive work behavior (CWB) in a non-Western context. We propose that under the Chinese background, guanxi with supervisor increases employees’ job satisfaction, which further reduces their CWB. Partial least square structural equation modeling with a sample of 272 Chinese employees confirms this mediating effect of job satisfaction. However, we also find that job satisfaction passes the effect of guanxi with supervisor on to CWB targeting people, but not to CWB targeting the organization. Implications for research on CWB and guanxi with supervisor are discussed.  相似文献   

Relying on customer attribution theory and psychological contract model, we find that customers perceive a psychological contract breach more severe and experience more intense emotions when they attribute the service failure to external factors rather than internal factors (Experiment 1), and message construal level (Experiment 2) moderates the effect of psychological contract breach on the formation of their intense affective reactions. The study demonstrates that the way a firm communicates to customers about the unfulfilled promises affects their interpretation of the breach and thus the intensity of the emotional reactions.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - Moral reasoning among media professionals varies. Historically, advertising professionals score lower on the Defining Issues Test (DIT) than their media colleagues in...  相似文献   

We used social network analysis to examine a theoretical model exploring why, and under what circumstances, the perpetrators’ ostracizing behaviors are accurately perceived by the target employees. In turn, these perceptions of ostracism lead to the target employees’ counterproductive work behaviors. Adopting perspectives from both perpetrators and targets, we directly measured the ostracizing behaviors by all potential perpetrators (coworkers) and perceived workplace ostracism by target employees. We integrate Social information processing theory and conservation of resource theory to propose a moderated mediation model, and found that employees who have a high level of need to belong are more likely to capture coworkers’ ostracizing behaviors, and those with low political skill are more likely to engage in counterproductive work behavior as their reaction to perceived workplace ostracism. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - Employees perceive illegitimate tasks as inappropriate assignments because such tasks are beyond what they expect to do in any given job position. Extant literature...  相似文献   

The study examined the distinction between two traditional work absence measures: frequency, reflecting voluntary absence, and duration, reflecting non-voluntary absence. The two measures were compared in a test of the relationship between work absence and employees’ perceptions of organizational ethics. Questionnaires and archive data were collected from 1,016 teachers in Israel. Organizational ethics was represented by three variables: ethical climate (caring and formal), organizational justice (distributive and procedural), and teacher’s tendency to misbehave. Results showed that four ethical constructs (caring climate, formal climate, tendency to misbehave, and procedural justice) were related to absence frequency, while only one (caring climate) was related to absence duration. The findings add to previous research on the distinction between voluntary and involuntary absence measures, and the superior sensitivity of frequency over duration as a measure of voluntary absence. In practice, the results may encourage principals and managers to create ethical workplaces to minimize absence frequency.  相似文献   

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