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武强 《发展》2004,(8):31-33
贫乏而递减的自产水 甘肃深居内陆腹地,远离海洋,海洋暖湿气流不易到达,因而降水稀少.加之地表多被透水性强的黄土厚层覆盖和干燥气候所致的蒸发强烈等诸多原因,降水形成的地表径流很少,所以,甘肃自产水资源十分贫乏.据2003年10月甘肃省水利厅发布的水资源评价成果:全省多年平均降雨量为281mm,自产地表水资源总量为295亿m3,人均水资源量仅为1100m3,不足全国平均水平的1/2,耕地亩均水资源量为378m3,不足全国平均水平的1/4,人均水资源量也低于国际公认的1700 m3的警戒线.因此,甘肃的水资源是非常贫乏的和紧缺的,属严重的资源型缺水,是我国水资源严重短缺的省份之一.而且,更为值得我们警觉的是水资源量递减的动态变化:全省多年平均自产水资源量由1980年前的307亿m3减少至现在的294亿m3,总量减少了13亿m3,动态递减量很大,由此又客观上加剧了缺水矛盾.  相似文献   

我国是水资源短缺的国家,人均占有量仅为世界平均水平的1/4,而深圳又是我国缺水情况较为严重的城市之一,境内没有大的水源,80%的饮用水都靠东深供水工程、东部水源工程两大"供水动脉"从东江流域引水,目前,深圳市人均占有水资源量仅为全国年人均水平的1/6,水资源短缺已严重制约深圳经济和社会的可持续发展,抓好节约用水工作成为解决深圳水资源短缺问题的重要任务.  相似文献   

李生庆 《发展》2007,(8):57-57
一、水资源开发利用现状甘肃省金昌市是全国108个重点缺水城市和13个资源型缺水城市之一,干旱少雨,水资源短缺是金昌的基本市情。全市多年平均降水量100mm左右,年蒸发量2400mm,是降水量的24倍。多年平均水资源总量为5.374亿m3,其中地表水资源量5.003亿m3,  相似文献   

水资源是重要的战略资源,它不仅关系到一个国家、一个地区的经济社会发展、生态安全,而且与民生息息相关。我国是一个水资源严重短缺的国家,全国淡水资源总量为28100亿m3,占全球水资源总量的6%,居世界第4位,但人均水资源量只有2300m3,仅为世界平均水平的1/4,是全球人均水资源最贫乏的国家之一。我国每年农业灌溉用水约3600亿m3,水分生产效率平均1kg/m3,仅为发达国家的50%;农田有效灌溉面积只有9.5亿亩,超过10亿亩的旱耕地完全靠天吃饭。20世纪80年代以来,由于不合理的开发利用,水荒由局部逐渐蔓延至全国,形势越来越严峻,是我国农业和国民经济可持续发展的重要约束因素。  相似文献   

水是当今世界最宝贵的资源之一,水资源缺乏已成为日益突出的全球性问题。中国以全球7%的水资源养活着全世界21%的人口,是一个严重缺水的国家,人均水资源量不足2200立方米,约为世界平均水平的30%。在我国600多座城市中,有400多个城市缺水,108个城市严重缺水,城市缺水总量达60亿立方米,每年因缺水损失工业产值上千亿元。据统计,“十五”期间,我国农田受旱面积年均达3.85亿亩,平均每年因旱减产350亿公斤。全国农村有3.2亿饮水不安全。  相似文献   

我国人均水资源占有量仅为世界人均占有量的1/4,是一个严重缺水的国家,排在世界第109位,被列为世界上13个贫水国之一。同时,我国又是世界上用水最费的国家,万元GDP用水量是世界平均水平的4倍。由于降水在时空分布上的不均,辽宁省是北方缺水省份之一,全省水资源总量363亿立方米,人均占有水资源量820立方米,仅为全国(2200立方米)人均占有量的1/3。[第一段]  相似文献   

虽然今年外部经济环境复杂严峻.但预计1至3季度,深圳生产总值增长9%,比上半年提高1个百分点,高于全国全省平均水平。  相似文献   

10上海柴油库存充足可保10天以上;1/10深圳万元GDP水耗量为全国平均水平的1/10;33北京33家博物馆免费开放政府斥亿元为公众买单。  相似文献   

一个沉重的话题:江南水乡也缺水 宁波本是江南水乡,河网纵横,雨量充沛,但也被列入缺水城市。据资料显示,由于流域水系自成体系,过境水量少,人口稠密,导致人均水资源占有量少。宁波多年平均水资源总量为75.13亿立方米,人均水资源占有量1050立方米,仅为全国平均水平的50%,属于水资源短缺地区。  相似文献   

广东省委常委、深圳市市长李鸿忠在民营企业是社会它产权清机制灵活,具有旺盛的生命力,是深圳在深圳全市经济发深圳居民储民间民间资本活跃,加之改革开放形体制优势和观念优势,深圳深圳民企全线飘红李鸿忠说,建立特区以来,深圳的民营经济得到了快速发展。特区建立前,深圳市只有6户个体户,年营业额不足3万元。到2003年底,全市私营企业户数、注册资本,位居全国第三、全省第一;个体户户数、注册资本,位居全省第二。2003年深圳的民营经济实现增加值608.58亿元,比上年增长18.1%,增幅高于全市平均水平0.8个百分点,占全市生产总值的比重达21.3%。在…  相似文献   

诉讼法作为一门传统的部门法,在面对当今社会环境侵害时,亦不得不更新,以对付日趋凸现的环境危机,而有关诉讼法在环境时代的应因措施则是以对超诉资格的放宽、被诉对象的扩大、诉讼费用预防方式的改进和集团诉讼的扩张为主要内容的。  相似文献   

张贵友 《特区经济》2007,224(9):247-248
本论文首先探讨了开发性金融的涵义,继而对开发性金融研究进行了综述;在简要论述融资难已成为县域经济发展的重要制约因素这一论断的基础上,论文对开发性金融推动县域经济发展作了逻辑判断。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates evidence relating to the belief, long held by tropical health workers, that schistosomiasis control would contribute significantly to economic development. The many attempts to estimate the macro benefits of control in terms of the ‘economic loss’ due to the disease are criticized for their emphasis on aggregate output benefits and for the unrealistic assumptions made in estimating the increment in, and marginal product of, efficiency labour units which might result from control. Micro research has so far failed to establish a clear empirical basis for the assumption that schistosomiasis seriously impairs labour productivity — but this may be attributable to sampling bias resulting in the exclusion of workers with severe disease.  相似文献   

There is an increasing realization, world‐wide and in Southern Africa, that conservation and development are compatible.

Because human communities in the less developed rural areas are dependent on a renewable group of resources, including soil, water and forests, it is imperative that land use systems that protect these resources are introduced.

The predominance of subsistence agriculture in these areas is the most difficult syndrome of under‐development. An overall rural development strategy is required that integrates human development with resources management Where the population carrying capacity of the land has already been exceeded, a process of rapid villagization/urbanization is required. Village/urban growth and agricultural development require a carefully co‐ordinated programme of land capability analysis and planning, as well as active investment in infrastructure and the introduction of appropriate technologies and institutions.  相似文献   

The changing perceptions among demographers concerning their roles as social and policy scientists are discussed in order to show their involvement in development efforts in developing countries. Although demographers regard development as a concept that has not as yet been adequately defined, the current view is that the variables, development and population, are inseparable, and that the explanation of trends for one of these cannot be sought in isolation from the other. The article concludes that demographers in South Africa regard development as the predictor variable in demographic trends. They are also of the opinion that the course of demographic trends will in future have an important influence on development trends.  相似文献   

Corruption is studied as a form of decision-taking under uncertainty and separate reaction functions are derived for the briber and bribee that shed light on the determination of the bribe. A typology of corruption is established drawing the distinction between extortionary, subversive and benign corruption and their effects on allocative efficiency are explored. It is argued that while the economic effects of corruption are likely to be unfavourable there may be circumstances where the converse holds. The discussion does not extend to the moral and social aspects of corruption.  相似文献   

In industrialized countries, the human needs and purposes to be served by science and technology are increasingly subject to greater social control. People in developing countries are also preoccupied with controlling choices in the development and application of technology - and the priceless ingredient in controlling their own destiny.The encounter between the more and less dynamic societies makes developing countries the targets of an ‘information bombardment’. Science, technology, values and organization - the ‘active ingredients’ in development - are all forms of information (a resource that is not merely renewable but expandable). The capacity of indigenous people to understand and manipulate the information flow - linking science (‘know what’) and technology (‘know-how’) to human values (‘know why’) and social authority and organization (‘know who’) - is consequently the key to the dynamics of ‘development’.  相似文献   

After commencing with a brief exposition of some salient characteristics of modern geography attention is given to the state of development thinking within the discipline. Various approaches to geographical studies of development are alluded to, whilst some major contributions are cited. This is followed by a brief discussion of the main research fields relevant to South African development issues. Some major research contributions are cited and a list of perceived deficiencies given. In conclusion it is stated that economic development always takes place within a spatial framework and always affects spatial structures as well as the man‐environment system. Geography, as a spatial science, is primarily concerned with these issues and therefore has a crucial role to play in development studies.  相似文献   

西藏地区生态旅游开发与可持续发展战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙丽坤 《特区经济》2009,(4):130-131
近年来,西藏旅游资源开发取得了长足的进步,通过发展旅游业,带动了该地区社会和经济的发展,改善了人们的生活,加深了人们对旅游资源的认识。随着21世纪旅游市场的需求,西藏地区生态旅游项目的开发也受到了极大的关注,从某种意义上说它是西藏地区增强自身能力的现实选择,对区域经济的发展起着促进作用。本文试图在可持续发展原则指导下,以该地区生态旅游开发为契机,探讨西藏地区生态旅游开发战略、旅游市场定位和精品组合,达到西藏地区旅游业发展和生态建设的"双赢"。  相似文献   

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