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旗晨亮  张波 《北方经济》2012,(Z1):120-121
正从经济发展的规律来看,平衡是相对的,而不平衡是绝对的。地区之间在自然资源禀赋差异、经济意识差别、区域经济政策倾斜、"行政区经济"导向、地方政府能力以及市场经济负面影响等诸多因素的共同作用下,存在发展差距是正常的。但是,中国地区之间的不平衡状况及其差距,显然已经超出了一般市场经济国家在同等发展阶段上的正常状况。现阶段,中国区域经济发展的状况表现为地区间差距较大且不断扩大,地区内省际间存在一定差距,呈现出不平衡、多样性和复杂性的特点。  相似文献   

旗晨亮  张波 《北方经济》2012,(1):120-121
从经济发展的规律来看,平衡是相对的,而不平衡是绝对的。地区之间在自然资源禀赋差异、经济意识差别、区域经济政策倾斜、“行政区经济”导向、地方政府能力以及市场经济负面影响等诸多因素的共同作用下,存在发展差距是正常的。但是,中国地区之间的不平衡状况及其差距,显然已经超.出了一般市场经济国家在同等发展阶段上的正常状况。  相似文献   

本文从区域发展趋同和趋异理论出发,首先说明区域发展不平衡的理论基础。然后分析欧盟新老成员国各自的区域发展问题,欧盟区域政策的现状成果及其成因,并剖析由此产生的欧盟东扩对欧盟提出的挑战和压力,最后在分析的基础上提出对欧盟区域政策的政策建议。  相似文献   

地区不平衡是我国的一个基本国情。改革开放以来,全国各地经济都有了很大的发展,但是由于发展的快慢不同,地区经济发展差距有所扩大。在全国范围内,不仅存在着中西部地区与东部地区日益拉大的差距,就是在西部经济不发达地区也存在着区域间发展的不平衡。本文通过分析陇东地区在整个西北地区经济发展中的位置和作用,探讨了贫困地区如何抓住机遇,利用国家向中西部倾斜的政策,结合本区域的特点,加快经济发展的步伐问题  相似文献   

市场经济是区域不平衡经济,经济发展过程中客观存在的空间差异、时间差异和政策差异,使得各地区社会经济发展呈现不同的水平。与经济发达地区相比,欠发达地区市场化程度低、经济总量少、缺乏产业支撑力。缩短与经济发达地区的差距、提高市场化程度、扩张总量、加快发展...  相似文献   

欧盟委员会5月30日发表的第四个国家和区域一体化发展投资评估报告认为,欧盟区域一体化发展投资政策的效果是明显和积极的,它已经帮助相对落后的国家和区域经济得以有效、均衡地增长,使得成员国的发展水平和速度之间的差距不断缩小。[第一段]  相似文献   

一个国家或地区经济区域之间存在显著的发展差异,通常被作为经济二元性的重要体现和不发达的重要标志。一方面,青海作为全国最落后的省份之一,与沿海地区、甚至西部其他省区的差距继续呈拉大之势;另一方面,由于地域辽阔,省内各地区自然地理条件、资源禀赋、经济发展水平以及社会发育程度等差异很大,城市、农村、牧区二元、甚至三元结构突出,区域发展极不平衡。  相似文献   

推进区域经济协调发展对于促进山东省经济社会的又好又快发展具有重要意义。当前,山东省区域经济发展存在一定程度的不平衡、不协调问题,主要体现在东西部地区经济发展差距显著、区域经济一体化水平较低以及区域经济增长"落后快进"格局尚未形成等方面。造成这些问题的原因主要是东西部地区的经济基础差异、改革开放后的政策落差以及人力资本等内生增长要素的差异等。推动山东省区域经济协调发展的对策建议:发挥重点区域带动和示范作用,推进基础设施一体化,强化功能分区和完善帮扶机制等。  相似文献   

在中国经济获得蓬勃发展的同时,由于各地区基础条件不同,改革开放以后享受到的国家政策也不同,地区发展存在不均衡状况,区域经济发展差距日益明显。因此,区域经济一体化问题逐渐受到中央、地方各级政府的高度重视,如西部大开发、东北振兴等战略的实施。现代经济是知识经济,技术创新是现代经济增长的特有方式与最主要的动力。在知识经济环境下,区域经济一体化实质上是一个创新过程,不仅需要产业创新、机制创新、城市功能创新,  相似文献   

从区域利益看我国地区的不均衡发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李新安 《开发研究》2004,(2):14-15,44
改革开放后的非均衡发展战略 ,极大地改变了既有的区域经济格局 ,但也带来区域差距扩大。出现地域性差距除既有经济基础等因素外 ,主要是区域利益得失不均衡 :各地区制度非同步安排造成发达区域“先行者利益”优势 ;区域垂直分工体系下造成欠发达地区的双重利益损失 ;区域要素收益率差异造成区域差距扩大格局。  相似文献   

文章发展了新经济地理学中包含垂直联系的一般均衡模型,通过放松"总资本不变"的假设,将垂直联系、资本积累和知识溢出结合起来,构建了一个内生增长模型,以此分析资本积累和知识溢出对经济增长与集聚的影响。结果显示,发展成为核心区可以通过提高自身的资本积累水平和掌握先进技术、核心技术来实现。对于欠发达地区,既可以通过地方保护或加大中央政府的财政支持力度,提高其资本积累水平,也可以通过增强地区间的合作与交流,提高知识溢出水平,缩小与发达地区的经济差距。  相似文献   


This article evaluates and compares regional development in the Chinese provinces and in the regions of the European Union (EU) countries. Development efforts in southern Italy, northeast England and eastern Germany are reviewed along with EU, Community-wide regional development programmes. Equity concerns suggest promotion of regional policy, but the pursuit of maximum national economic growth would avoid it, since it sacrifices some economic growth. The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) and domestic investments on individual Chinese provinces is compared with their impact in Europe. There is an implicit contrast between public sector regional development programs and more effective private foreign direct investments.  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代起,地区主义在发展中国家广泛兴起。在长期的地区主义实践中,发展中国家逐步形成了多层次、开放性、经济和安全优先的地区主义发展路径,并且正朝着综合性、多功能、外向型的方向发展。这一路径的形成主要取决于发展中国家所拥有的地区秩序的双层结构。从地区内部看,对于发展中国家而言,地区主义的发展有其特有的战略考虑。在政治上,通过对话与协商维护国家独立与主权平等,维护国内稳定和地区安全;在经济上,通过贸易、金融、货币等政策的协调,来化解内部经济矛盾与冲击。从对外联系看,尽管很多时候外部大国介入地区事务能够增进地区利益,但由于在客观上存在的对外不对称依赖关系,这种介入很可能会成为组建排他性的地区政治经济集团的制约因素。总之,由于地区内的优先政治经济考虑以及对地区外力量的借重与依赖,在可以预见的未来,发展中国家地区主义难以发展成为欧洲式的政治经济联盟。  相似文献   

The academic literature on regional integration suggests that the impact of integration is unevenly spread among countries and regions. There is, therefore, a case for some redistributive mechanism, and this is what the EU Structural Funds tries to do. This article considers the role of the EU Structural Funds in Spain and Ireland, of which both countries were major beneficiaries, in facilitating the regional economic adjustment and reducing regional disparities. The article suggests that there were positive redistributive effects, as well as growth effects, but concludes that national, institutional and political configurations determine the distinctive outcome in the two cases. Finally, it considers the wider lessons for regional integration in ASEAN, a regional community of countries with diversity in the levels of regional development.  相似文献   

东亚区域合作的经济需求与发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东亚区域经济合作与现实经济需求是与各方的承受能力联系在一起的。考虑到利益需求的差异,以及经济发展水平的不同,要推动合作,就需要寻找共同利益,谋求共赢互利发展。为此,东亚区域经济合作应该是以共同利益为基础、渐进式、多层次、全方位的合作。  相似文献   

Galvanised by the devastation of the Second World War, European countries achieved a historically unprecedented and unparalleled level of regional economic integration in the post-war period. Intensive cooperation between the two biggest powers of continental Western Europe, France and Germany, lay at the core of Europe's seemingly relentless momentum towards integration, crystallised by the European Union (EU). The Franco-German alliance also provided strong eadership and sense of direction for the EU, which gained further traction with the admission of Central and Eastern European states after the fall of communism and the establishment of a monetary union among many of its members. However, more recently, the European integration process no longer seems unstoppable or inevitable. Most shockingly, the United Kingdom, a core EU member and the EU's third largest economy, has opted to leave the union, triggering the ‘Brexit’ process. Nor is Brexit the only sign of growing fractures within the EU. The current standoff between the EU and Italy over Italy's unwillingness to rein in its fiscal deficit is just one additional example of the loss of momentum. The central objective of the paper is to examine EU's past successes and current problems from the perspective of Asian countries, in particular ASEAN+3 countries that have achieved some measure of integration, although well below that of the EU. Both past successes and current problems hold valuable lessons for ASEAN+3 countries as they chart their own course towards regional integration. Given that the level of integration among ASEAN+3 is much lower than that of the EU, it would be unwise to draw lessons, positive or negative, without the proper context. Nevertheless, the European experience can provide valuable insights for Asia's integration process.  相似文献   

Using different levels of regional aggregation, we compare Europe with the USA and Canada as regards business cycle synchronization and core-periphery patterns. A long annual sample (1950–2005) makes it possible to study how these aspects have evolved over time. Results support the economic viability of EMU. Average cyclical correlations among European countries have risen significantly, reaching levels close to those of North American regions. Applying fuzzy clustering to the analysis of core-periphery issues, we find European countries to actually outperform USA Census Regions: the core-periphery divide is milder, and peripheral status seems generally less protracted.  相似文献   

东亚地区已经成为全球经济体系中的重要力量,对维护全球经济秩序稳定和健康发展承担着越来越大的责任。东亚地区的最大两个经济体中国和日本参与全球经济治理的进程充分说明,国家经济实力与全球治理能力和话语权之间并不存在必然的正相关关系,东亚地区对全球经济治理的规范选择及其影响力仍然有限,东亚参与全球经济治理的发展前景仍存在一定的不确定性。  相似文献   

Internal migration patterns in China are characterised by rapid urbanisation and cross‐regional movement and more recently by the return of migrants to their native counties. This study investigates the drivers of migrants' permanent return and their likelihood of starting new businesses in their counties of origin. The results suggest that migrants are discouraged from permanent resettlement in urban areas because of family ties and the aspiration to start businesses in their villages of origin. The study also provides evidence that the probability of starting a business upon return is affected by the migrants' accumulation of work experience, business experience, the savings earned while away, financial stability, and the social capital they have in their home counties. The results provide important insights for emerging countries in overcoming rapid urbanisation and imbalanced regional economic growth.  相似文献   

由于我国经济发展的地区间以及地区内部的发展不均衡,经济增长方式很难对大学生形成有效需求导致大学生就业问题。舒缓大学生就业集中地区的就业密度;转变区域经济增长方式,加快经济结构调整,提高对大学毕业生的吸纳能力。  相似文献   

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