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Pairs trading is a popular dollar-neutral trading strategy. This article, using the components of the S&P 500 index, explores the performance of a pairs trading system based on various pairs selection methods. Whereas large empirical applications in the literature focus on the distance method, this article also deals with well-known statistical and econometric techniques such as stationarity and cointegration which make the trading system much more demanding from a computational point of view. Trades are initiated when stocks deviate from their equilibrium. Our results confirm, after controlling for risk and transaction costs, that the distance method generates insignificant excess returns. While a pairs selection following the stationarity criterion leads to a weak performance, this article reveals that cointegration provides a high, stable and robust return.  相似文献   

This study empirically identifies the impact of various macroeconomic factors on the default risk premium. Using monthly data for the period 1970–2010 for the US, our estimations indicate that the monetary policy aggregates, risk-free interest rate, term structure of interest rates, inflation, and the state of the business cycle influence the risk premium. The results also provide some evidence in support of the hypothesis that the development of information technology has had a decreasing impact on the risk premium. As expected, various financial crises have had substantial and long-lasting effects on the premium. The results suggest that the direct impact of the subprime crisis and Lehman’s collapse on the risk premium was as large as two and a half percentage-points for a sustainable period. Foreign financial crises, in turn, have lowered the risk premium in the US market, suggesting a flight-to-safety phenomenon.  相似文献   

公司业绩持续增长的战略与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对 Growth of Firm的研究,一直以来将注意力集中在公司成长或发展上,研究公司规模扩大的促进和阻碍因素,以及相应的管理和战略。如潘罗思的《企业成长论》、思达巴克(W.H.Starbuck)的《组织成长战略研究》、巴墨尔(W.J.Baumol)的《企业行为、价值和成长》、钱德勒(Alfred D. Chandler)的((看得见的手—美国企业的管理革命》等著作。  相似文献   

A model of portfolio behaviour is developed, based on the assumption that the distribution of a portfolio over different countries is determined by the general level of returns and costs of investments in those countries. From the model an iso-capital exports line is derived. With the help of this line it is shown under which circumstances ‘perverse’ capital movements will occur. The model implies that only temporary compensating operations on the domestic money and capital markets may be sufficient to make a domestic monetary policy effective.A partial adjustment version of the model is estimated for Netherlands company pension funds.  相似文献   

Although the market for Canadian paintings is now of substantial magnitude, with several works having recently been sold for well over a million dollars, it remains true that with very few exceptions, the works of Canadian painters are bought and sold only in Canada and seem to be held only by Canadian collectors. This market can thus be viewed as largely local, and it is therefore not clear whether there should be any linkage between price movements for Canadian art and those for the mainstream international market in old master, impressionist, and modern art. This article investigates the presence and nature of such time series dependence econometrically, both in terms of long-term trends as reflected in the co-integrating relationship between Canadian and the international market, and in terms of short-run co-movements as represented in correlations. The possibility that the local market ??follows?? the international one is also considered through an analysis of Granger causality. For Canadian art prices, we use a new hedonic index that has been computed using an updated version of the dataset of Hodgson and Vorkink (Can J Econ 37:629?C655, 2004), while for the international prices, we use an index provided by Mei and Moses (Am Econ Rev 92:1656?C1668, 2002).  相似文献   

Patent technology morphological analysis utilises the advantages of both patent information analysis and morphological analysis to provide more detailed information on current and future patent technology. Current patent technology morphological analysis methods are largely reliant on manual expertise in the construction of morphological boxes with few approaches to the evaluation of future morphological configurations. We developed a patent text mining and informetric-based patent technology morphological analysis technique. We defined the basic parameters of the morphological box as the factors in factor analysis, with a patent keywords matrix, and the clusters in clustering analysis with factor scores. Patent citation, year of patent registration, keyword frequency, and contributing factors were used to evaluate future morphological configurations. We used an empirical study of liquid crystal display wide viewing angle patents to validate our method. The Thomson Reuters Derwent Innovation Index was used to collect patent text datasets. Our study indicates that this method is feasible for the implementation of patent technology morphological analysis. Our method provides advantages in terms of cost and time reductions during morphological box construction and more flexible methods for evaluating morphological configurations. We discuss problems and possible development of our method in the last section.  相似文献   

Abstract .  The much studied relationship between domestic rivalry and export performance consists of those supporting a national-champion rationale, and those supporting a rivalry rationale. While the empirical literature generally supports the positive effects of domestic rivalry, the national-champion rationale actually rests on firmer theoretical ground. We address this inconsistency by providing a theoretical framework that illustrates three paths via which domestic rivalry translates into enhanced international exports. Furthermore, empirical tests on the world airline industry elicit the existence of one particular path – an enhanced firm performance effect – that connects domestic rivalry with improved international exports.  相似文献   

This paper examines the validity of the strategic implications draun from the typology of generic strategies presented by Michael Porter. It is argued that the existence of technologies which simultaneously drive cost and performance make it possible to combine cost leadership and difflerentiation strategies, and yet be extremely competitive. The mobile telephone industry provides us with an illustrative empirical example. In this case, rather than a 'stuck in the middle' strategy, we found a 'luck in the middle' strategy.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse empirically whether the level of institutional quality influences how financial development affects poverty for a sample of developing countries covering the period from 1984 to 2012. Using an interaction term constructed as a product between financial development and institutional quality we find that the pro-poor impact of financial development decreases as the quality of institutions rises. Such a differential effect can be ascribed to the capacity of banks to provide functions that mimic those performed by an institutional framework that works well. The results of this article can be used for policy management.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the correlations between technological change,organisational change and skill change using a survey on organisationalchange in manufacturing firms conducted in 1993. Considerablediversity is allowed for in terms of the measure of technologicaland organisational change, and the analysis shows a positivecorrelation between technological change and reorganisations,whatever their types. The paper then analyses the relationshipsbetween these changes and the employment behaviour of firms.It shows that changes in the required skills and in the occupationalstructure of firms are more closely connected to organisationalthan to technological change. Although organisational changeaffects the work content and skill requirements of blue collarworkers, it is mainly indirect workers that are affected interms of the number employed. Finally, the analysis shows thattechnology tends to stabilise the workforce whereas the movetowards the model of ‘flexible enterprise’ favoursits renewal.  相似文献   

The research interest on Intellectual Capital (IC) has been increasing, adopting different definitions and developing diverse measurement tools. Nonetheless, little research focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the relation between IC and innovation management. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of technology innovation strategy on the IC development and then on innovation performance in manufacturing SMEs. After conducting a survey, measures of IC for SMEs have been performed and an integrated structural equation model has been created. Results demonstrate that technology innovation strategy affects all IC components, the internal structural capital supports the relational and human capital, and the latter two influence firm technology innovation performance. This study contributes to developing an IC measurement system in SMEs and to emphasise the importance of single IC components in improving technology innovation performance.  相似文献   

It is still an open question when groups perform better than individuals in intellective tasks. We report that in an Acquiring a Company game, what prevailed when there was disagreement among group members was the median proposal and not the best proposal. This aggregation rule explains why groups underperformed with respect to a “truth wins” benchmark and why they performed better than individuals deciding in isolation in a simple version of the task but worse in the more difficult version. Implications are drawn on when to employ groups rather than individuals in decision making.  相似文献   

An attempt is made, in this study, to examine the monetarist propositions regarding the effects of budget deficits on money growth and inflation for ten industrialized countries. To this end, a two-equation econometric model consisting of the money supply growth and inflation equations has been specified and estimated. Based on the results, it is concluded that, in general, the government budget deficit is not a determinant of money supply growth or of inflation (directly or indirectly). The U.S. is an exception with some statistical evidence of direct and indirect effects of the budget deficit on inflation.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a new technique, which makes optimal control in a stochastic minimum variance framework computationally feasible. The new approach is then used to evaluate gains to policy coordination in the context of a macroeconometric model for the G-3. More specifically, we consider policy responses to a temporary price shock in a single country and in multi-country cases. The results show that coordination brings about a striking improvement in the overall control of inflation and a reduction in output costs.  相似文献   

This paper examines factors determining airport charges. Using data for 100 large airports in Europe, we find that they charge higher prices when they move more passengers. Additionally, competition from other transport modes and nearby airports imposes some discipline on the pricing behavior of airports. Low-cost carriers and airlines with a high market share seem to have a stronger countervailing power. We also find that private airports not regulated charge higher prices than public or regulated airports. Finally, the regulation mechanism does not seem to influence substantially the level of airport charges.  相似文献   

This study provides an empirical analysis of the market for some male prostitution services in the UK. Flexible working hours, part-time working, and multiple job holding are considered as important labour market characteristics in this service sector. Statistical models helping explain the provision of a deviant and a more mainstream sexual service is reported, utilizing cross-section data drawn from individual prostitute advertisements. The significance of various declared intrinsic endowments of the prostitutes are examined in relation to the offer of these services, including age, ethnicity, physique, and masculine demeanour.  相似文献   

Employing an open-economy framework, the present article argues that international forces would have important implications for US price behaviour even prior to the 1970s when the US international sector was relatively small. A distributed-lag price equation that declineates between domestic and foreign impulses is derived. The model is estimated using quarterly data over the 1959–1979 period when international reserves as a measure of world liquidty were subject to relatively little noise. The study finds that growths of US import prices and exports positively affected US price inflation over the entire sample period but not during pre- 1971 period. On the other hand, while world liquidity, measured by worldwide international reserves, did not appear to influence US price for the whole period examined, its effect is found to be positive over the fixed-exchange-rate era. The mean lag of this foreign impulse is estimated at 6 quarters, 2 quarters larger than that of domestic liquidity as measured by M1. The findings then suggest inflationary implications ‘world liquidity’ for the US during the fixed-exchange-rate period but not under the managed-floating-rate system.  相似文献   

A modern adaptation of the Ricardian model is used, which incorporates monopolistic competition and multiple factors to derive a MacDougall-type relation between a country's international competitiveness at the industry level and its productivity performance. This relation is implemented empirically for Canada and the United States, using panel data for twenty-five years and forty industries. A key finding is that the Canadian-U.S. productivity ratio is an important determinant of relative shares of Canadian firms in both Canadian and U.S. markets. Trade liberalization between Canada and the United States also plays a significant role in influencing market shares. JEL Classification: F11, F12
Niveau de productivité et compétitivité internationale : un autre coup d'œil à un vieux test . Ce mémoire utilise une adaptation moderne du modèle ricardien qui postule concurrence monopolistique et plusieurs facteurs pour dériver une relation à la MacDougall entre la compétitivité internationale d'un pays au niveau de l'industrie et son niveau de productivité. On calibre cette relation pour le Canada et les États-Unis en utilisant des données pour quarantes industries sur une période de vingt-cinq ans. Un résultat important est que le ratio de la productivité entre le Canada et les États-Unis est un déterminant important des parts de marché des firmes canadiennes tant au Canada qu'aux États-Unis. La libéralisation du commerce entre les deux pays joue aussi un rôle important dans la définition de ces parts de marché.  相似文献   

The study presents an empirical analysis of the relative revenue efficiency of UK universities in providing teaching and research. With government policies pressurizing the largely public-funded universities to secure efficiency in both input usage and output revenue, university producers are modelled as cost-constrained revenue maximizers. Taking explicit account of the quality of research output, the methodology uses linear programming techniques to construct nonparametric cost indirect production frontiers and to compute revenue efficiency relative to these frontiers. Revenue efficiency is then decomposed into its (output) allocative and technical components. Further analysis investigates the sources of allocative and technical inefficiencies.  相似文献   

We conduct a real-effort task experiment where subjects’ performance translates into a donation to a charity. In a within-subjects design we vary the visibility of the donation (no/private/public feedback). Confirming previous studies, we find that subjects’ performance increases, that is, they donate more to charity, when their relative performance is made public. In line with the competitive altruism hypothesis, a biology-based explanation for status-seeking behavior, especially male subjects increase performance in the public setting.  相似文献   

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