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Employees' voice is conceptualized as a necessary condition for organizational success. A model of employee voice is proposed that encompasses employee predispositions, receptivity to employee voice in the microstructure, and affirmative norms for voice in the societal macrostructure. The model was examined by testing the hypothesis that subordinates' satisfaction will be greater when corporate conditions are receptive to employee voice and when the organization is perceived to be committed both to quality in product and quality of employees' work life. a study with 150 employees from a variety of organizations is reported. The results produced rather strong support for the research hypothesis.  相似文献   

This article examines managers' experiences of introducing a team‐based work system in a manufacturing firm, and their efforts to manage this. Drawing on a social constructionist view, findings are presented that point to the plurality of ‘world views’ held among managers responsible for the delivery of change and to the socially contested nature of teamworking. Implications of these findings are pursued, including the need for change agents and human resource development (HRD) specialists to build sufficient time for review and reflection into change programmes. This is central to developing more skilled approaches to balancing inherent tensions in the employment relationship and processes of change, and in creating opportunities for more fluid and open dialogue among different groups and individuals within management in order to enhance processes of learning and understanding.  相似文献   

研究基于职业建构理论和情景交互理论,探讨职业适应力作为中介变量,工作自主性作为调节变量在前瞻性人格影响个体职业成长(内在职业成长与外在职业成长)过程中的作用.通过对问卷数据的分层回归分析,研究结果表明:前瞻性人格对个体的内外在职业成长有显著正向影响;职业适应力在前瞻性人格与内在职业成长间表现出部分中介作用;工作自主性在前瞻性人格与外在职业成长关系间的调节作用更为显著.  相似文献   

干练的发型、简单的职业装,只是手指间闪烁的一抹金色暗示着他从事工作的与众不同:右手的K白金戒指是新婚时和太太在香港买的,左手玫瑰色的18K金戒指则是结婚十周年的纪念物。  相似文献   

生涯适应力(career adaptability)是职业生涯建构理论提出的核心概念,是个体实现终身可就业性的保障,而职业成功观作为个体对职业成功的主观评价标准,反应着个体的职业发展目标和动机,本研究以北京市某高校学生(N=437)为样本,在相隔4周的两个时间点收集数据,通过建立多步多重中介模型来探究二者之间的关系.结果表明,职业成功观(内在满足维度)通过易变性职业生涯态度和职业探索两个中介变量多步影响生涯适应力,不仅支持了职业生涯建构理论和自我决定理论,也为实践中提高员工生涯适应力开拓了新视野.  相似文献   

Just expecting more from your supplier is not what partnership is about. We have had the experience where the quality improvement and partnership banner has been waved but the tone and spirit of the meeting did not encourage or support a joint quality improvement effort. Benefits will not be achieved until the wall truly begins to come apart and the relationship is built on mutual respect and trust. Data collection and open answers to questions often reveal embarrassing errors and obvious needs for improvements. As stated before, blame and finger-pointing must be replaced with a mutual commitment to asking and answering the question, "How can we improve?" As Dr. W. Edwards Deming has stated, "End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag. Instead, minimize total cost. Move toward a single supplier for any one item on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust." The structured approach of a quality improvement process and the application of quality methods and techniques has proven useful in removing emotion and helping the team focus on the process rather than the people and the issues involved. Quality improvement methods are focused on achieving both customer and supplier goals--customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and operational efficiency and effectiveness. Our experience with Partners in Quality as well as our experience with the quality leadership process supports a recent quote in the Harvard Business Review: "Quality is not just a slogan...(it is) the most profitable way to run a business."  相似文献   

弗雷德·沃克是美国南缅因州大学技术系教授,美国质量学会出版了他的最新著作《注册质量工程师手册》和《注册质量技术人员手册》,他同时还是《质量管理论坛》的责任编辑,美国质量学会的高级会员。杰斯丁·维斯克是他的研究生。  相似文献   

We conducted and analyzed interviews with 20 executives from the for‐profit sector who had transitioned into second careers in the nonprofit sector. Our qualitative study provides an in‐depth analysis of the critical events that triggered career agency and stimulated the change process. At each stage of transition, the executives revisited their personal brands, deciding how to best position their skills, knowledge, and values within the context of their new nonprofit organizations. This research contributes to academic and practitioner knowledge of new career paths open to mid‐ and late‐career executives and insights for nonprofit leadership, as many nonprofits can anticipate major shortages of qualified executives. Each stage in the career transition process provides opportunities for human resource professionals to contribute to successful nonprofit leadership change: first, by creating opportunities for “chance events” motivating transition, followed by career coaching opportunities before and throughout the transition. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper aims at helping innovators improve the effectiveness of design management, with a view to enhancing the competitiveness of manufactured products. The author examines the hypothesis that 'design is not effectively managed in many British Industries'. The paper presents the results of an investigation into ways in which the management of design may be improved. It is concluded that the key to successful design management is the effective integration of all the departments, teams and/or individuals involved in the design, development, manufacture and sale of a new product, with minimal boundaries. The product per sc must be continuously evaluated and reviewed in harmony with the customer/user purpose.  相似文献   


This study explores best practice in the preparation and protection of strategic HRs deployed by Multinational corporations (MNCs) in hostile environments. By building on the literature from the areas of strategic and IHRM, expatriation, as well as risk and crisis management, the limitations and gaps of the extant research are highlighted. This provides a foundation for our investigation through a series of in-depth interviews with corporate executives, and insurers and relocation specialists with professional expertise in protecting and supporting HRs. This represents the first time such a detailed picture of the partnerships between MNCs and the specialists, required to deliver preparation and protection in hostile environments, has been depicted in the IHRM literature. The findings identify the challenges MNCs face when protecting their HRs and highlights the importance of specialist expertise, knowledge, and management. A framework for managing HRs within international hostile environments is subsequently developed offering an opportunity to systematically consider some of the ethical and strategic issues associated with the contemporary challenges of international mobility.  相似文献   

Concerns expressed in the mid-1990s about the lack of research on late career are no longer valid. There is a growing body of research; however, it is scattered across a range of disciplines. In an effort to gather current thinking on late career, this review draws upon work addressing chronological aging, labor economics, sociology and social psychology, retirement research, human resource management, and career theory. Several cross-disciplinary observations were made: (1) Cognitive declines with age are not sufficient to impact work performance; (2) Current economic models assume declining productivity among older workers, but this reflects perceptions rather than reality; (3) Aging may be better understood as a series of discrete transformations rather than as a continuous process of decline; (4) A productive use of older workers recognizes individuals' specific strengths and the increasingly distinctive individual differences among older workers.  相似文献   

职业生涯发展过程的动态性和复杂性特征日益突出,现有职业生涯理论的解释力遇到挑战。本文以一批具有高等教育学历并处在职业生涯成长期的特定的专业人员为研究对象,运用深度访谈及自传体短文分析等研究方法,提出并初步探讨了专业人员群体的职业成长需要及其满足程度对于其职业生涯发展过程中雇员行为和态度的影响问题,为职业生涯发展理论进一步拓展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article critically analyses the theory and practice of human resource management (HRM) in Thailand. Thailand emerged against all expectations as the most impressive of the 'tiger economies' with unprecedented growth rates of 8 per cent and above in the 1980s and early 1990s. This paper examines the human resource challenges associated with the industrial expansion during the period of transition from the boom era to the subsequent economic downturn that saw the collapse of the economy in 1997. Based on in-depth interviews with managers across eleven major industrial sectors, observations of office and factory practice, this paper attempts to characterize the diversity of approaches available and how they reflect the social-cultural and economic realities in Thailand today. Three generic HR models are identified: traditional , transitional and progressive . We assess the key definitive features of these models, identify some major thematic differences, and examine the relative importance of these models in the commitment to develop a competent and innovative workforce. Finally, we identify some possible avenues for further research, and set out a number of managerial and policy implications.  相似文献   

Robin Jacobs and Robert Bolton argue that, although competency-based assessment methods have improved the haphazard management development practices of the past, they nonetheless provide an incomplete picture for improving performance and developing potential. They suggest that self-development through a career planning framework might provide the missing link and present a case study in this area based on their work in the Nationwide Building Society. Robin Jacobs is a Lecturer in Management at the Open University Business School as well as one of the directors of Transitions Limited, and Robert Bolton is Human Resources Manager at the Nationwide Building Society.  相似文献   

A bstract . Concurrently with the rising trend in the number of dual career families , the problem of role strain in such families has arisen. In a recent series of scholarly studies (herewith subjected to critical analysis), time management, division of household labor, child care , and perceived guilt have been identified as likely determinants of wife/mother role strain for career women. Prior to 1980, most of the role strain studies have been of the exploratory, case study type. This does not permit generalizing, so a theory of role strain in such situations is still lacking. But those studies have provided useful hypotheses and insight into the limitations of available typology, thus setting the stage for quantitative studies and for the empirical research needed for a detailed understanding of the problems such strain creates and of the solution options available.  相似文献   

在目前专业技术人员流失率居高不下的背景下,管理专业技术人员职业倾向对有效发挥专业技术人员作用具有重要意义。本文围绕专业技术人员职业倾向与职业成功关系展开实证研究,发现专业技术人员呈现多样化的职业倾向,并不是以技能型及其相关的职业倾向为主导;同时发现专业技术人员的一些个人因素会影响其职业倾向和职业成功,不同的职业倾向会影响职业成功的不同方面。论文依据专业技术人员职业倾向特点及其对职业成功的不同影响,提出了保留和激励专业技术人员的建议。  相似文献   

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