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Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Planning and Politics in Britain by JACQUES LERUEZ. Martin Robertson
Social Democracy and Industrial Militancy: The Labour Party, The Trade Unions and Incomes Policy 1945–1974 by LEO PANITCH
Strikes and the Government, 1893–1974 by ERIC WIGHAM
The Effectiveness of Shop Stewards and Supervisors, Vol. I and Vol. I1 (Appendices) by IVER HORNEMANN MBLLER. Teknisk Forlag, Krabenhavn
The Worker Directors: A Sociology of Participation by PETER BRANNEN ERIC BATSTONE, DEREK FATCHETI. AND PHILIP WHITE. Hutchinson
Social Analysis: A Marxist Critique and Alternative by V. L. ALLEN. Longmans
Wage Determination in Industry by W. W. DANIEL
Labor Market Segmentation edited by R. C. EDWARDS, M. REICH AND D. M. GORDON
The Contract of Employment by M. R. FREEDLAND
Pay at Work by BILL CONBOY
Work Study by JIM POWELL
Workers' Rights by PAUL O'HIGGINS
Industrial Action by ERNIE JOHNSTON
Shop Stewards. Ihre zentrale Bedeutung f u r die Gewerkschaftsbewegung in Grossbritannien by GUNTHER DEGEN
Workers Divided: A Study in Shopfloor Politics by THEO NICHOLS AND PETER
Employment Conditions in Europe by MARGARET STEWART
Democracy and Government in European Trade Unions by ANTHONY CAREW  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
THE ROLE OF THE PERSONNEL MANAGER: Education, Manpower and Economic Growth: Strategies of Human Resource Development by F. Harbison and C. A. Myers
THE ROLE OF THE PERSONNEL MANAGER: Hiring of Dock Workers by Vernon H. Jenson
THE ROLE OF THE PERSONNEL MANAGER: Management, Automation and People by R. A. Beaumont and R. B. Helfgott
THE ROLE OF THE PERSONNEL MANAGER: The Bureaucratic Phenomenon by Michael Crozier
THE ROLE OF THE PERSONNEL MANAGER: The National Wage Policy: Antecedents and Application by Abraham L. Gitlow  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Management: Its Nature and Significance by E. F. L. Brech
Towards a Sociology of Management by Sir Geoffrey Vickers
The Strategy of Evaluation Research in the Field of Supervisory and Management Training by P. Hesseling
Industrial Relations in a British Car Factory by Garfield Clack
Wage Determination and Wages Poliy by C. W. Guillebaud
Social Structure and Mobility in Economic Development edited by Neil J. Smelser and Seymour Martin Lipset
La citoyenneté économique de la femm. Réflexions sur le travail féminin à temps partiel by Robert Gubbels
Trade Unionism in Africa: A Study of its Growth and Orientation by Jean Meynaud and Anisse Salah Bey
The Rle of the Member States in the Unijication Work of the International Labour Organisation by Antti Suvisanta
Du Trijartisuie à l' Organisation Internationale du Travail by Eliane Vogel-Polsky
Harmony and Conflict in Modern Society by J. Pen. McGraw Hill  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Trade Union Membership : Broadsheet No. 463, July 1962, 48 pp. 5s.
Trade Unions in a Changing Society : Broadsheet No. 472, June 1963, 52 pp., 5s.
Bargaining in Grievance Settlement—The Power of Industrial Groups by James W. Kuhn.
The Successful Supervisor in Government and Business by W. R. Van Dersal.
Front-line Management: A Guide to Effective Supervisory Action by J. M. Black and G. B. Ford.
Human Relations in Modern Industry by R. F. Tredgold.
Men, Management and Mental Health by Harry Levinson, Carlton R. Price, Kenneth J. Munden, Harold J. Mandl, Charles M. Solley.
The Reality of Management by Rosemary Stewart.
The European Executive by David Granick.
Managers and Scientists by R. M. Hower and C. D. Orth.
Salaries in the Public Services in England & Wales by Hilda R. Kahn.
Government and Industry in Britain by J. W. Grove.
Sociologie der Angestellten (The Sociology of the staff employee) by Fritz Croner.
Office Automation and the Non-Manual Worker by Dr. W. H. Scott.  相似文献   

Book reviewed: Capitalist Diversity and Change: Recombinant Governance and Institutional Entrepreneurs by Colin Crouch. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005, 184 pp., ISBN 0 19 928647 7, £50.00.
Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Approaches edited by David Coates. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, 2005, xi + 300 pp., ISBN 1 4039 1886 4, £60.00.
Review by Gregory Jackson
King’s College London
Richard Deeg
Temple University Labor Embattled: History, Power, Rights by David Brody. University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, 2005, x + 166 pp., ISBN 0 252 07246 4, US$20.00, paper.
The Irony of State Intervention: American Industrial Relations Policy in Comparative Perspective, 1914–1939 by Larry G. Gerber. University of Northern Illinois Press, DeKalb, 2005, viii + 212 pp., ISBN 0 87580 347 4, US$40.00.
Review by Howell John Harris
University of Durham The Politics of Working Life by Paul Edwards and Judy Wajcman. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005, xvi + 316 pp., ISBN 0 19 927190 9, £60.00.
Review by Chris Clegg
Institute of Work Psychology, University of Sheffield Employment, Trade Union Renewal and the Future of Work — The Experience of Work and Organisational Change edited by Paul Stewart. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2005, xi + 290 pp., ISBN 1 4039 12270, £60.00.
Review by Kirsty Newsome
University of Strathclyde Labour Laws and Global Trade by Bob Hepple. Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, OR, 2005, xxiii + 302 pp., ISBN 1 84113 160 1, £30.00; ISBN 1 84113 187 3, £20.00, paper.
Review by William B. Gould IV
Stanford Law School A Global Union for Global Workers — Collective Bargaining and Regulatory Politics in Maritime Shipping by Nathan Lillie. Routledge, New York and London, 2006, vii + 209 pp., ISBN 0 415 97747 9, £45.00.
Review by Harold Lewis
General Secretary of the ITF, 1977–1993 Employment Relations and the Health Service — The Management of Reforms by Stephen Bach. Routledge, Abingdon, 2004, x + 239 pp., ISBN 0 415362997, £65.00.
Review by Maria Koumenta
London School of Economics Employment Relations in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries by Rosemary Lucas. Routledge, London and New York, 2004, xx + 306 pp., ISBN 0415297125, £23.99, paper.
Review by Peter Haynes
University of Auckland Critical Management Studies: A Reader edited by Christopher Grey and Hugh Willmott. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005, ix + 437 pp., ISBN 0 19 928608 6, £24.99, paper.
Review by Carl Rhodes
University of Technology Sydney Emotions in Organizational Behavior edited by Charmine E. J. Härtel, Wilfred J. Zerbe and Neal M. Ashkanasy. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, Mahwah, New Jersey and London, 2005, xxv + 425 pp., ISBN 1 8058 5098 8, US$99.95, Special Prepaid Price US$49.95.
Review by Ginka Toegel
London School of Economics  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: British Industrial Relations, by Gill Palmer, Allen and Unwin Industrial Relations in Britain, edited by George Sayers Bain Unemployment: Cuuse and Cure by Patrick Minford Developments in Labour Market Analysis, by C. Joll, C. McKenna. R. McNabb and J. Shorey, George Allen & Unwin Managerial Strategies and Industrial Relations, edited by Howard F. Gospel and Craig R. Littler. White-Collar Unionism, by K. Prandy. A. Stewart and R.M. Blackburn The Democratic Class Struggle, by Walter Korpi Routledge and Kegan Capitalism, the State and Industrial Relations by Dominic Strinati  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Labour Law and Politics in the Weimar Republic, edited by Roy Lewis and Jon Clark. Stagflation Vol. 1 Wage Fixing, by J.E. Meade. Allen & Unwin Payment Systems in Britain, Michael White, Gower Pay in the Public Sector, R.F. Elliot, and J.F. Fallick Effects of the Temporary Employment Subsidy, B.M. Deakin and C.F. Pratten Managers in Focus: The British Manager in the Early 1980s, by Michael Poole, Roger Mansfield, Paul Blyton and Paul Frost Who Gets to the Top?, A Sociological Study of Business Executives, by Gloria L. Lee. Gower The Dynamics of White-Collar Unionism: A Study of Local Union Participation, by Nigel Nicholson, Gill Ursell and Paul Blyton Industrial Relations in International Perspective: Essays on Research and Policy, edited by P.B. Doeringer The Militancy of British Miners by V.L. Allen King Coal, Miners, Coal and Britain's Industrial Future by Tony Hall Au milieu du gué, Jean-Louis Moynot Working Life: A Social Science Contribution to Work Reform, by B. Gardell and G. Johansson Organized Workers and Socialist Politics in Interwar Japan, by Stephen S. Large  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: G. D. H. Cole and Socialist Democracy, by A. W. Wright The Politics of the Corporate Economy, by Trevor Smith Servants of Post-Industrial Power? Sociologie du Travail in Modern France, by Michael Rose The Working Class in the Labour Market, by R. M. Blackburn and Michael Mann Trade Unions and the Economy, by Brian Burkitt and David Bowers The Economic Analysis of Trade Unions, by Charles Mulvey The Market for Labour: An Analytical Treatment, by John T. Addison and W. Stanley Siebert Marxism and Class Theory; a Bourgeois Critique, by Frank Parkin The Rise and Fall of the British Manager, by Alistair Mant Union Organization and Militancy, Conclusions from a Study of the United Mine Workers of America 1940–1974, by Makoto Takamiya Industrial Relations in Africa, edited by Ukandi G. Damachi, H. Dieter Seibel and Lester Trachtman Votes, Virtues and Vices: Trade Union Power, by Innis MacBeath The Fifth Estate: Britain's Unions in the Modern World, by Robert Taylor  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Inequality of pay , by Henry Phelps Brown.
Worker Participation in Europe , by J. R. Carby-Hall.
Worker Self-Management in Industry: The West European Experience , by G. David Garson (ed).
The Economics of Co-Determination , edited by David F. Heathfield.
The British Coalmining Industry 1870-1 946: A Political and Economic History , by M. W. Kirby.
Improving Produciivity and the Quality of Work Life , by T. G. Cummings and E. S. Molloy.
The Sociology oflndustry (third edition ), by S. R. Parker, R. K. Brown, J. Child and M. A. Smith.
Social and Labour Practices of Muttinationat Enterprises in the Petroleum Industry , International Labour Office,
Trade Unions and the Media , edited by Peter Beharrell and Greg Philo.
Industrial Relations: A Textbook , by Michael P. Jackson.
Collective Bargairiing: What You Always Wanted To Know About Trade Unions and Never Dared To Ask , by Clive JenkinsandBarrieSherman.
Futures We Are In , by Fred Emery, Martin Nujhoff,
Concentralion in Modern Industry , by Leslie Hannah and J. A. Kay. Macmillan
The Nature of Law , by A. Watson. Edinburgh
Behavioural Sciences for Managers , by R. L. Boot, A. G. Cowling and M. J. K. Stanworth
The Social Organization of Strikes , by Eric Batstone, Ian Boraston, Stephen Frenkel.
Sociological Research Methods: An Introduction , edited by Martin Bulmer.
Personnel and Industrial Relatiom: A Managerial Approach , by J. B. Miner and M. 0. Miner.
Policy Issues in Contemporary Personnel and Industrial Relations , edited by M. G. Miner and J. B. Miner
Redundancy and Re-employment in Ireland , by B. J. Whelan and B. M. Walsh. Dublin,
Worker Sit-ins and Job Protecrion , by J. Greenwood
Winners and Losers, Pay Patterns in the 1970s , by C. Saunders, S. Mukherjee, D. Marsden and A. Donaldson.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Structure of Power in America edited by Michael Schwartz.
Work in the Waterfront: Worker Power and Technological Change in a West Coast Port , by William Finlay
Facilitating Technological Change: The Human Resource Challenge by Patricia M. Flynn.
Invisible Factors in Local Economic Development by Peter B. Doeringer, David G. Terka and Gregory C. Topakian.
Management In China During And After Mao In Enterprises, Government And Party by Oiva Laaksonen
War, Law and Labour: The Munitions Acts, State Regulation and The Unions 1915–1921 by Gerry Rubin.
Debating Coal Closures: Economic Calculation in the Coal Dispute edited by D. Cooper and T. Hopper.
Investigation into the King's Cross Underground Fire , by Desmond Fennell.
Managing Industrial Conflict: Seven Major Disputes by Sander Meredeen.
Anglo-American Innovation by Peter A. Clarke
Organization Transitions and Innovation-Design , by Peter A. Clark and K. P. Star-key.
Manager.s of Discontent: Trade Union Oficers and Industrial Relations Managers by Diane Watson.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Yugoslav Workers' Selfmanagement edited by M. J. Broekmeyer
Local Labour Markets and Wage Structures edited by Derek Robinson
The Law of Redundancy by Cyril Grunfeld
Guidance to Employers on Industrial Relations Bill.
The Industrial Relations Act at Work by Joan Henderson
An Employer's Guide to the Industrial Relations Act by Peter Paterson
Conflict at Work edited by S. Kessler and B. Weekes
Work, Creativity, and Social Justice by Elliott Jaques  相似文献   

《R&D Management》1979,10(1):43-46

Book reviewed in this article:
Incomes in Postwar Europe: A Study of Policies, Growth and Distribution
Wages and Productivity by J. E. Isaac. F. W. Cheshire
Wages, Prices, Projts and Economic Policy by John H. G. Crispo
Report to the Government of Tanzania on Wages, Incomes and Prices Policy (Government Paper No. 3) by H. A. Turner
Report on the Wages, Incomes and Prices Policy by H. A. Turner
Economic Progress and Problem of Labor by F. Baerwald
Restrictive Labor Practices in the Supermarket Industry by Herbert R. Northrup
Australian Trade Unions edited by P. W. D. Matthews and G. W. Ford
The Teachrs' Union Aspects of Policy and Organization in the National Union of Teachers, 1950–1966 by Walter Roy
Theories of the Bargaining Process by Alan Coddington
Automation and the Workers by Erik Christensen
O&ce Automation in Social Persbective by H. A. Rhee
The Foreman, Forgotten Man of Management by Thomas H. Patten Jr
Supervision: Principles and Techniques by Bruce Yuill
Supervisory Selection and Training in Manufacturing Industry by David Jenkins
Management Motivation by Saul W. Gellerman
Factors Afecting Industrial Employment: A Study of Ugandan Experience 1954 to 1964 by Azarias Baryaruha  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The New Workplace and Trade Unionism: Critical Perspectives on Work and Organisation edited by Peter Ackers, Chris Smith and Paul Smith
Managing Employee Relations in the Hotel and Catering Industry by Rosemary Lucas
Productivity Management in Hospitality and Tourism edited by Nick Johns
The Comparative Political Economy of Industrial Relations edited by Kirsten S. Weaver and Lowell Turner
Enriching Production: Perspectives on Volvo's Uddevalla Plant as an Alternative to Lean Production edited by Åke Sandberg
Labour Law and Freedom: Further Essays in Labour Law by Lord Wedderburn. Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1995, xv + 464 pp., £24.95 paper.
Future Skill Demand and Supply: Trends, Shortages and Gluts edited by Hilary Metcalf
Acquiring Skills: Market Failures, their Symptoms and Policy Responses edited by Alison L. Booth and Dennis J. Snower
The Youth Labour Market in Britain: the Role of Intervention by B. M. Deakin.
Incomes and the Welfare State: Essays on Britain and Europe by A. B. Atkinson
New Inequalities: The Changing Distribution of Income and Wealth in the United Kingdom edited by John Hills
Management, Labour and Industrial Politics in Modern Europe: the Quest for Productivity Growth during the Twentieth Century edited by Joseph Melling and Alan McKinlay
Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organizational Behaviour edited by Nigel Nicholson  相似文献   

《R&D Management》1993,23(1):61-86
Books reviewed in this article:
Purchasing and Quality
Technology and Competition in the International Telecommunications Industry
New Firms in the Biotechnology Industry: their contribution to innovation and growth.
Dynamic Project Management
Managing Technology: The Strategic View
The Global Challenge of Innovation
Science Policy Research: Implications and Applications
Measuring the Dynamics of Technological Change
Innovation and Creativity at Work: psychological and organizational settings
Consulting in Innovation Practice—Methods—Perspectives: an international perspective.
Managing Innovation within Networks
The Inducing Power of Japanese Technological Innovation
Beyond Spinoff: Military and commercial technologies in a changing world
Reviews of National Science Policy, Italy
Entrepreneurs in High Technology
Policy Development and Big Science
Capital Investment Appraisal: Towards a contingency theory
The Management Research Handbook
High-tech Fantasies. Science Parks in Society, Science and Space
Management of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
The Entrepreneurial Personality  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Union of Parts: Labor Politics in Postwar Germany by Kathleen A. Thelen British Industrial Relations, 2nd edn, by Howard F. Gospel and Gill Palmer Prices, Quality and Trust: Inter-Firm Relations in Britain and Japan by Mari Sako Technology and Work in German Industry edited by Norbert Altmann, Christoph Kohler and Pamela Meil Labour in Transition: The Labour Process in Eastern Europe and China edited by Chris Smith and Paul Thompson. Investment and Property Rights in Yugoslavia: The Long Transition to a Market Economy by Milica Uvali? Understanding Industrial Organizations: Theoretical Perspectives in Industrial Sociology by Richard K. Brown Managing the Shopfloor: Subjectivity, Masculinity and Workplace Culture by David Collinson. Walter de Gruyter Social Corporatism: A Superior Economic System edited by Jukka Pekkarinen, Matti Pohjola and Bob Rowthorn. Rethinking Labour-Management Relations: The Case for Arbitration by Christopher J. Bruce and Jo Carby-Hall Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Great Britain, 2nd edn, by Bob Hepple and Sandra Fredman Industrial Relations and European State Traditions by Colin Crouch  相似文献   

《R&D Management》1985,15(1):77-82

Book reviewed in this article:
The Workless State, edited by Brian Showler and Adrian Sinfield
What Unemployment Means, by Adrian Sinfield
Contested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century, by Richard Edwards
British Labour History, 1815–1914, by E. H. Hunt
Skill and rhe English Working Class, 1870–1914, by Charles More.
Little Moscows: Communism and Working-class Militancy in Inter-war Britain, by Stuart Macintyre
The Microelectronics Revolution, edited by Tom Forester
The Impact of Micro-electronics, by J. Rada
Microelectronics and Socicry. edited by Trevor Jones
Microelectronics. Capitalist Technology and the Working Class
Microelectronics and the Engineering Indurtry, edited by N. Swords-Isherwood and P. Senker.
Work, Mobility and Purticiparion: A Comparative Study of American and Japanese Industry, by Robert E. Cole
Human Resources in Japanese Industrial Development, by Solomon B. Levine and Hisashi Kawada
Industrial Dernocrucy in Europe by Industrial Democracy in Europe
Labor Relations in Advanced industrial Societies: issues and Problem, edited by Benjamin Martin and Everett M. Kassalow
The Mearunmenl of Unemployment; Methods and Sources in Great Britain 1850–1979, by W. R. Garside
Work Design, by J. Richard Hackman and Greg. R. Oldham.
Control and Ideology in Organbations, edited by Graeme Salaman and Kenneth Thompson
The Politics of Work and Occupations, edited by Geoff Esland and Graeme Salaman. The open
Work and People: an Economic Evaluation oflob Enrichment, by Henri Savall
Changes in Working Life, edited by K. D. Duncan, M. M. Gruneberg and D. Wallis
Women Returning ro Work; Policies and Progress in Five Countries, edited by Alice M. Yohalem.
Strikes in the United States 1881–1974, by P. K. Edwards  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: New Technology in Context: The Selection, Introduction and Use of Computer Numerically Controlled Machine Tools, by Bernard Burnes. Managerial Strategy for New Technology, by Wendy Currie. New Technologies and Work: Capitalist and Socialist Perspectives, by Arthur Francis and Peter Grootings. Labour Market Flexibility: Trends in Enterprises. Precarious Jobs in Labour Market Regulation: The Growth of Atypical Employment in Western Europe, edited by G. Rodgers and J. Rogers. Flexible Working Time and Family Life: A Review of Changes, by S. McRae. The European Community: The Social Dimension, by P. Teague. The Decline of Organized Labor in the United States, by Michael Goldfield. The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, the State and American Labor Activism, 1860–1925, by David Montgomery. Reds or Rackets? The Making of Radical and Conservative Unions on the Waterfront, by Howard Kimeldorf. A Secretary and a Cook: Challenging WomenS Wages in the Courts of the United States and Great Britain, by Steven L. Willborn. Coal, Crisis and Conflict: The 1984-5 Miners' Strike in Yorkshire by J. Winterton and R. Winterton. After Redundancy: the Experience of Economic insecurity, by John Westergaard, Iain Noble and Alan Walker. Change in Industrial Relations: The Organization and Environment by P. B. Beaumont. Manufacturing Change: Industrial Relations and Restructuring, edited by Stephanie Tailby and Colin Whitston. The British Trade Union Directory, by Wolodymyr Maksyrniw, Jack Eaton and Colin Gill. International Labour Statistics: A Handbook Guide and Recent Trends, edited by R. Bean. The Keys to Excellence: the Deming Philosophy, by Nancy R. Mann. Organizational Ecoiogy, by Michael T. Hannan and John Freeman. Sweden: Social Democracy in Practice, by Henry Milner. Reforming the Revolution: China in Transition, edited by Robert Benewick and Paul Wingrove. Industrial Sociology: Work in the French Tradition, edited by Michael Rose.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: New Perspectives on Industrial Disputes edited by David Metcalf and Simon Milner. The New Industrial Relations by Neil Millward. Willing Slaves? by Andrew Scott. Human Resource Management: Key Concepts and Skills by P. B. Beaumont. Principles of Human Resource Management by D. Goss. Managing Human Resources and Industrial Relations by J. Storey and Keith Sisson. Privatization and Employment Relations: The Case of the Water Industry by Julia O'Connell Davidson. Trade Union Behaviour, Pay Bargaining and Economic Performance by R. J. Flanagan, K.O. Moene and M. Wallerstein. Employment Security and Labor Market Behaviour edited by Christoph F. Buechtemann. Cultural Perspectives on Organizations by Mats Alvesson. Breaking from Taylorism: Changing Forms of Work in the Automobile Industry by Ulrich Jürgens, Thomas Malsch and Knuth Dohse. Labor and an Integrated Europe edited by Lloyd Ulman, Barry Eichengreen and William T. Dickens. The Politics of French Trade Unionism by Jeff Bridgford.  相似文献   

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