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刘倩倩 《时代经贸》2007,5(10X):112-113
自1998年开始,我国住房制度改革逐步深入,特别是随着福利化分房的结束,住房商品化的开始,房地产业进入了持续快速发展的新时期。山东省房地产产业发展迅速,成为影响GDP增长的重要因素。但与此同时,房地产价格也连续快速攀升。本论文以济南市为例,在收集整理大量有关房地产泡沫资料的基础上,得出了自己对于济南房地产市场的判断:总体发展健康,但同时需要进一步加强防范措施避免泡沫的形成。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,我国的房地产产业连续多年保持高速增长,房地产价格累计升幅达到较高水平,在局部地区产生了一定的泡沫.同时,全球性的房地产泡沫已经开始升温,世界经济有可能不得不面对房地产泡沫破灭的恶果.在这样的背景下,对我国房地产泡沫形成现象进行深入的研究,并对可能出现的泡沫破裂提前应对无疑是极具现实意义的.  相似文献   

随着房地产事业的发展以及各项管理机制以及调控机制的成熟,如今我国的房地产事业可以说是走向了"泡沫"经济的阶段,房地产泡沫是指由房地产过度投机等因素所引起的房地产价格脱离市场基础的持续上涨的过程或状态。表现为在经济繁荣期,地价飞涨,但到达顶峰状态后,市场需求量急剧下降,房价迅速下跌,泡沫随之破灭。这也使得我国的房地产业在一段时间的繁荣之后几乎是以自由落体的方式走向了幻灭。  相似文献   

王军  于福海 《时代经贸》2008,6(12):17-19
随着我国经济发展水平的不断提高,以及市场经济体制的建立和不断完善,房地产作为一种重要的投资对象,其虚拟性在逐步显现.本文从虚拟经济的含义、产生与发展着手,剖析了房地产具有虚拟性的原因,在此基础上.探讨了房地产价格形成机制、房地产泡沫的判别依据及其形成原因,揭示了房地产的虚拟性对房地产泡沫产生的影响,总结了学者们对于处理房地产泡沫的政策建议;考虑应对房地产泡沫问题、促进我国房地产健康发展的政策措施时,应充分考虑房地产的虚拟性.  相似文献   

王军  于福海 《时代经贸》2008,6(8):17-20
随着我国经济发展水平的不断提高,以及市场经济体制的建立和不断完善,房地产作为一种重要的投资对象,其虚拟性在逐步显现。本文从虚拟经济的含义、产生与发展着手,剖析了房地产具有虚拟性的原因,在此基础上,探讨了房地产价格形成机制、房地产泡沫的判别依据及其形成原因,揭示了房地产的虚拟性对房地产泡沫产生的影响,总结了学者们对于处理房地产泡沫的政策建议;考虑应对房地产泡沫问题、促进我国房地产健康发展的政策措施时,应充分考虑房地产的虚拟性。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,我国的房地产产业连续多年保持高速增长,房地产价格累计升幅达到较高水平,在局部地区产生了一定的泡沫。同时,全球性的房地产泡沫已经开始升温,世界经济有可能不得不面对房地产泡沫破灭的恶果。在这样的背景下,对我国房地产泡沫形成现象进行深入的研究,并对可能出现的泡沫破裂提前应对无疑是极具现实意义的。  相似文献   

当前中国房地产市场的自发调整,说明泡沫的存在;土地垄断制度、房地产开发壁垒、住房保障功能的缺失、宏观调控的错位等,是推动泡沫形成的主要因素;泡沫风险大,当前亟需解决市场冻结的问题,同时也需要标本兼治。  相似文献   

最近几年,我国房地产发展势头过猛,与之相伴的是金融风险隐患。具体体现为房价过高,且一路攀升,局部地区出现泡沫;房地产业贷款过度依赖银行及假按揭导致大量不良贷款等。我们要认真汲取国际经验,严把信贷闸门,谨防房地产泡沫风险。  相似文献   

选取我国35个大中城市2009年和2010年的相关数据,运用主成分法进行实证分析,通过对这两年实证结果的比较发现,我国政府在2009年下半年和2010年出台的房地产调控政策作用显著,存在泡沫的城市明显减少,但泡沫消退的主要是中西部城市,东部发达城市泡沫依然存在.为此,政府应当进一步完善相关调控措施,并且重点针对东部发达城市制定相关调控政策.  相似文献   

国家计委经济研究所日前推出的《中国行业景气分析报告》对目前房地产景气持续回升提出了三点基本看法:  相似文献   

房地产投资全球化是经济全球化一重要组成部分,其优势在于分散风险、优化投资组合,以获取稳定的收益.伴随金融创新,房地产投资方式日趋多样化,且REITs已成为间接投资的主要工具.面对国际资本对中国房地产业的冲击,政府部门应从制度建设入手,提高信息透明度,强化市场监管及可行的调控措施.  相似文献   

房地产泡沫国际比较及中国房地产业发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张若雪 《财经科学》2010,(12):91-99
本文对比研究了日本和美国的房地产泡沫,分析了房地产泡沫产生的原因。总结了一些共同点,并对中国房地产的供求关系进行了分析。本文认为,由于中国仍处于高速增长阶段,城市化水平仍然较低,并且房地产业是半市场化的,因此即使存在泡沫,也不会出现日本式崩盘。  相似文献   

The collapse of real estate prices has historically jeopardized banking stability and triggered systemic banking crises. This paper studies risk contagion in a banking system in real estate price shock by adopting complex network theory. Modelling the real estate-related asset as a common exposure of banks to the real estate market, we propose a model that incorporates two main risk contagion channels, i.e., the financial network and asset fire sales, and reveal how the real estate price shock is transmitted and propagated across banks. We demonstrate that banking stability is highly sensitive to the real estate price shock. Moreover, due to the particularly low liquidity of the real estate market, the asset fire-sales of real estate assets overwhelms the financial network, playing the dominant role in risk contagion. Our model can be adopted by regulators to conduct stress testing and to forge effective risk management strategies.  相似文献   

刘亮 《资本市场》2004,(12):79-81
有关房地产泡沫的争论已经变得非常敏感。认为存在泡沫和否认存在泡沫双方的观点是如此的尖锐对立,以至于双方谁也说不服谁,任何一方发表观点之后,必然会遭到另一方强烈的反驳。而正在纷纷涌入的国际热钱短期内有可能会进入房地产行业,同时可能出现的不同政府部门之间的政策搏弈,使房地产市场的未来走势显得更加扑朔迷离。  相似文献   

房地产价格理性泡沫检验方法剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张凌  贾生华 《技术经济》2007,26(7):96-98
房地产市场价格周期波动是全球普遍存在的现象,对局部市场是否有泡沫出现研究者们还没有统一的判断方法,基于理性预期假设的泡沫检验是主流经济学的常用方法。本文对几种常用的理性泡沫检验方法,包括方差上限检验,West设定检验,单根和协整检验,RALS单根和协整检验,体制转换检验等进行了探讨,分析了其作为房地产泡沫检验手段的可行性和局限。  相似文献   

We study the dynamic link between real estate prices and firms' investment behaviors in China using a new Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. The model features heterogeneous production sectors in which private firms face discriminatory borrowing constraints while state-owned firms are not. Fitted to China's quarterly data from 2005Q3 to 2014Q4, the quantitative general equilibrium model enables us to identify the driving forces behind and the macroeconomic variables interacting with land price. It confirms the existence of the “collateral channel” in the private sector without bearing the potential endogeneity problems in empirical studies. More importantly, we identify a “crowding out” channel between private and state-owned firms caused by discriminatory financial constraints. The “crowding out” channel implies a negative relationship between real estate prices and the investment of state-owned firms, which has been documented in empirical research but short of explanation so far.  相似文献   

高雷 《经济经纬》2007,(3):63-65
杭州的房地产问题具有普通性,2005年3月和11月,诺贝尔经济学奖得主泽尔滕教授两次来华讲学.在华其间,他与其博士后高雷博士深入地探讨了杭州市房地产市场的泡沫问题.泽尔滕教授认为必须警惕杭州房地产市场泡沫,他注意到杭州房地产市场交易量的增长已落后于房价的增长.泽尔滕教授和高雷博士认为从众效应会促使房价一路攀升直至最后崩溃.对我国房地产市场存在的问题,他们提出了具体的政策建议,如放宽对利率的限制、完善房地产金融体系、改进房地产贷款和抵押政策、封堵境外投机资金等.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how real estate wealth affects the household’s attitude toward risk, and derives the closed-form expressions for risk aversion with generalized recursive preferences. We find three channels through which real estate wealth affects risk aversion, and these channels are absent in the traditional measure of relative risk aversion as in Arrow (1965) and Pratt (1964). First, illiquidity and fluctuations in real estate value increase consumption risk, thereby increasing risk aversion. Second, real estate as an asset provides a cushion for absorbing negative shocks to households, reducing risk aversion. Third, an increase in real estate prices lowers the profit of the firm that uses real estate as a factor of production, induces a decline in the real wage, and causes a rise in consumption risk. This channel increases risk aversion. We study how these channels as a whole determine relative risk aversion using a basic real business cycle model with generalized recursive preferences and compare the results with the case of expected utility preferences. Finally, we explore the implications of the firm’s and the household’s real estate holdings and illiquidity of real estate on the risk premiums for equity and real estate.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the dynamic interactions between real estate markets, in the US and the UK and their macroeconomic environments. We apply a new approach based on a dynamic coherence function (DCF) to study these interactions bringing together different real estate markets (the securitized market, the commercial market and the residential market). The results suggest that there is a common trend that drives the different real estate markets in the UK and the US, particularly in the long run, since they have a similar shape of the DCF. We also find that, in the US, wealth and housing expenditure channels are very conductive during real estate crises. However, in the UK, only the wealth effect is significant as a transmission channel during real estate market downturns. In addition, real estate markets in the UK and the US react differently to institutional shocks. This brings some insights on the conduct of monetary policy in order to avoid disturbances in real estate markets.  相似文献   

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