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耿成轩  苏欣 《价值工程》2011,30(26):87-88
民营经济的发展离不开地方政府的政策支持,也正是政府的这些制度安排给民营经济创造了良好的发展环境。通过对民营经济内涵的界定,重点探讨了民营经济发展与地方政府的关系,认为政府行为与民营经济的发展是正相关的关系,地方政府的不规范行为最终会影响了当地民营经济的发展。为此,应努力建设服务型政府,给民营经济营造良好的经营环境和融资环境,促进国民经济持续、健康、协调地发展。  相似文献   

民营经济已成为我国当前经济增长的重要力量和经济改革的主要动力。地方民营经济发展离不开地方政府的公共政策创新,也正是通过一系列的公共政策创新,为民营经济的发展创造良好的经济环境。值得注意的是,地方政府在民营经济发展中的政策创新也要受到一定的约束和限制。  相似文献   

民营经济已成为我国当前经济增长的重要力量和经济改革的主要动力.地方民营经济发展离不开地方政府的公共政策创新,也正是通过一系列的公共政策创新,为民营经济的发展创造良好的经济环境.值得注意的是,地方政府在民营经济发展中的政策创新也要受到一定的约束和限制.  相似文献   

蒋佳林 《企业活力》2005,(12):70-72
<正>发展民营经济需要政府出台各种政策、措施,需要政府提供高效、全方位的公共品供给。提高公共品的供给水平,满足民营经济发展的公共品需求,逐渐成为地方政府发展经济的一项大事。但是,目前由于地方政府普遍缺乏对发展民营经济的公共品的需求性质、供给状况、供给措施研究,使得民营经济公共品的供给水平较低,供给途径上步入了不少“误区”。本  相似文献   

当前中国民营经济正处于转型发展期,分析影响中国民营经济发展的因素显得尤为重要。本文运用向量误差修正模型实证研究了财政金融政策与中国民营经济发展的关系。结果显示,财政政策、金融政策都会正向长期地促进中国民营经济发展,金融政策对中国民营经济发展的影响效应明显比财政政策大,且财政金融政策均为中国民营经济发展的单向因果原因。在此基础上,提出了促进中国民营经济转型发展的相关财政金融政策建议。  相似文献   

新时期民营经济发展中面临的法律问题 (一)立法不够完备,不能保障实现同等待遇 首先,市场准入受歧视,竞争环境不公平。目前,国有经济、外资经济与民营着很大的政策差异:一是对民营企业的“限进”现象依然存在。  相似文献   

一、地方政府对民营企业的行政执法中存在的主要问题 在对民营经济发展的行政执法中存在的主要问题.一是缺乏依法行政观念和服务意识,"官本位"思想严重.有的行政执法部门及其工作人员在对民营经济的执法过程中,服务意识淡薄,服务态度很差,搞形式主义.二是关于保护和促进发展民营经济的政策和法规不健全.  相似文献   

新中国70年,民营经济的发展历程可以分为改革开放前、后两个阶段。改革开放前国家的顶层设计是要尽快全面实现全民所有制,在这一顶层设计下形成的政策环境逐渐演变为排斥民营经济,导致民营经济迅速萎缩。改革开放后的顶层设计是各类经济成分长期共同发展,建设有中国特色的社会主义。在这一顶层设计下的政策逐渐演变为鼓励支持民营经济,推动民营经济实现越来越快的平稳发展。本文运用演化研究范式分七个阶段阐释政策推动民营经济发展的历程,运用惯例机理深入研究政策推动民营经济发展的内在规律,特别是改革开放后民营经济如何在政策推动下取得越来越辉煌的成就。  相似文献   

气候变化应对立法具有典型的政策框架法的特征,因此,从法律与政策的关系维度考量我国温室气体减排立法的制度设计具有非常重要的意义。未来的气候立法,一方面要确认和固化现有政策体系中的规划和计划、目标责任制、地方低碳发展促进制度等一系列政策措施,以推动政策的长期化;另一方面需要通过立法引入碳排放权交易制度、气候环评制度、碳金融制度等一系列新的制度,通过法律的力量推动政策的创新和发展。  相似文献   

针对民营经济高质量发展的现实问题,本文采用政策文本量化分析法构建了2012~2020年省级民营经济扶持政策强度指数,检验了我国民营经济扶持政策对于民营企业全要素生产率的影响。研究发现:民营经济扶持政策能够有效改善民营企业资源配置效率和技术创新水平,进而提升民营企业全要素生产率;相对于供给型政策,需求型政策和环境型政策扶持效果更突出;此外,民营经济扶持政策对于欠发达地区、高新技术企业和规模相对较小的企业扶持效果更好。本文的研究结论支持了我国各地区促进民营经济发展壮大所做的有益探索,并为打好政策“组合拳”、促进民营经济高质量发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(3):100987
The Chinese central government introduced the environmental accountability system (EAS) policy in 2006 to encourage local governments to execute environmental policies appropriately. However, the effects of this EAS policy have not been investigated at the firm level. In this study, we first measured the environmental governance intensity of local governments by calculating the environment word portion (EWP) of the annual governments’ work reports and found that local governments increased their efforts after the EAS policy implementation. We then constructed a continuous difference-in-difference (DID) strategy to estimate the effect of the EAS on firms’ emission and found that firms significantly reduced their sulphur dioxide (SO2) emission under the regulation intensity of local governments after the EAS policy. The reductions are mainly because of the private, non-export, labour- and capital-intensive firms. The EAS policy may encourage firms to reduce coal usage, design more products, decrease capacity investment and even withdraw from the market, thus reducing pollutant emission. Finally, we tested firms’ response in various polluting sectors and found that the EAS policy may cause local governments to fail in distinguishing low pollution sectors from high pollution sectors.  相似文献   

1979~2008年,FDI进入占中国年度固定资产投资总额比重的变动过程,呈现显著的倒U形变动特征。1979~2000年前后,FDI占中国年度固定资产投资比重显著上升,起促进作用的因素主要是国有企业和集体企业劳动就业人口比重相对下降,税收政策优惠,以及对外贸易开放度提高。2002~2008年,FDI占中国年度固定资产投资比重显著下降,起关键作用的因素主要有中国高等教育入学率提高,以及中国加入WTO后对外贸易壁垒下降。此外,本文还就FDI占中国年度固定资产投资比重变动的决定因素分不同地区进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

国外地方政府担负着执行保障性住房政策的重要责任,多伦多市政府在此过程中根据加拿大联邦政府、安大略省政府的政策规定,制定了加强房租补贴、倡导建房第一、设立资本周转基金、完善租赁市场环境等具体措施,呈现出多元的政策执行主体、灵活的政策执行机制、坚强的政策执行保障、丰富的政策执行手段等特点。其做法和经验给我们执行保障性住房政策在强化执行主体的政策认知、建立政策执行的保障机制、形成政策执行的社会合力、加大政策执行的宣传力度、扩大政策对象的受益范围等方面以深刻的启示。  相似文献   

耕地保护、地方政府道德风险与土地管理体制变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地方政府道德风险在土地管理制度中起着关键性作用.地方政府道德风险造成地方政府土地管理行为变异而使中央政府保护耕地的政策目标难以实现.不彻底的土地垂直管理体制变革并不能有效防范地方政府道德风险的发生.现实的对策是改变政绩导向,彻底改革土地管理制度.  相似文献   

This paper considers a simple dynamic decentralized leadership model with local borrowing and regional productivity-enhancing investment. In this model, the central government is benevolent but cannot commit to ex post intergovernmental transfer policies, while local governments act strategically after accounting for the ex post motives of the central government. We then investigate inefficiency in the subgame perfect equilibrium. We analyze the effect of central control on local borrowing and show that central control is of no benefit because ex ante local taxation works to offset it. We find the model yields different policy implications that central control is effective when extended to the case of residential mobility.  相似文献   

Fiscal policy in developed countries has been a rich topic since the Great Recession. However, research has remained limited for developing countries despite their similar use of fiscal policy and concerns about the efficiency of public spending. To help address this research gap, this paper provides a case study of multiplier effects of local government spending in regions in the Philippines as well as spillover effects of local government spending across regions. An instrumental variable based on the country’s intergovernmental transfer system is used to identify regional public spending in panel regressions. The local fiscal multiplier is estimated to be above one, where a 1-peso rise in spending by local government units in a region corresponds to a 1.2-peso rise in regional output. Multiplier effects are highest for capital expenditures and appear to be primarily driven by the services sector. Spillover effects are comparatively large, at around 1.8–2.0, highlighting the important role of domestic trade when stimulating regional economic activity.  相似文献   

This article engages with recent debates which assert that community participation and empowerment are place‐contingent. The particular nature of localities has regularly been taken to account for success or failure in processes of participation and regeneration. In contrast, this article exposes the failings based in the nature of the process of regeneration in the complex intersection of national agendas of community participation, regional objectives of economic growth and local aspirations of social cohesion and improved amenities. These agendas meet in the seemingly mutual pursuit of the ‘active community’. They become manifest in the micro‐politics of negotiating and enacting different constructions of community by the different actors ‘empowered’ in the regeneration process: regional development agencies, local government and local civil society. The article is based on ethnographic research in the Kent coalfield. The coalfields as distinct places have commanded a lasting place in the academic and policy literature: romanticized as the epitome of ‘communityness’ but demonized as the site of problem groups. This otherness has outlasted the industry the communities were built on. The analysis here shows that the social organization of regeneration in an arguably ‘different’ place is less driven by local specificities than by a failure to make visible conflicting constructions of community; therefore both the pathologizing of disadvantaged social groups and calls for more ‘community’ in policy delivery rather than policy reform are called into question.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国高等教育取得了很大的进步,很多指标都已位居世界前列。但其经费短缺问题日益突出,特别是处于相对落后的中西部地区的地方高校,问题就更加严重了。本文比较系统的分析了中西部地区地方高校筹资难的原因,提出了相对落后地区地方高校缓解筹资难的一些办法和措施。  相似文献   

We analyze the implications of transboundary pollution externalities on environmental policymaking in a spatial setting, in which pollution diffuses across the global spatial economy independently of the specific location in which it is originally generated. This framework gives rise to a simple regional optimal pollution control problem allowing us to compare the global and local solutions in which, respectively, the transboundary externality is and is not taken into account in the determination of the optimal policy by individual local policymakers. We show that it is not obvious that transboundary externalities are a source of inefficiency per se since this is strictly related to the spatial features of the initial distribution of pollution. If the initial pollution distribution is spatially homogeneous then the local and global solutions will coincide and thus no efficiency loss will arise from transboundary externalities, but if it is spatially heterogeneous the local solution will be suboptimal and thus a global approach to environmental problems will be needed to achieve efficiency. From a normative perspective, in this latter (and most realistic) case we also quantify the amount of policy intervention needed at local level in order to achieve the globally desirable goal of pollution eradication in the long run. Our conclusions hold true in a number of different settings, including situations in which the spatial domain is either bounded or unbounded, and situations in which macroeconomic–environmental feedback effects are taken into account.  相似文献   

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