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陈林尔 《中国价格监督检查》2012,(6):35
1990年原国家物价局发布了《关于商品和收费实行明码标价制度的规定》,1994年原国家计划委员会颁布了《关于商品和服务实行明码标价的规定》并发布了实施细则,2000年原国家发展计划委员会根据《价格法》的相关规定,以8号令形式出台了《关于商品和服务实行明码标价的规定》。明码标价为推进市场交易行为的公开化,保障消费者权益起到了应有的作 相似文献
从媒体上得知,国家发展改革委联合国家工商行政管理总局于2005年12月中旬发布了《广告服务明码标价规定》。几经辗转才在地方工商局的网站上看到了《规定》的内容。整个《规定》既有现行法律依据,又针对了目前广告业存在的问题,无论是从动机还是从目的来看,均无不当之处。尤其是在我国广告业全面对外开放的第一年出台此项《规定》,并以此明确市场规则,整肃广告市场,实可谓正当时。因此我从接触这一《规定》起,就坚信接下来贯彻、执行是自然之事。也正是由此,我开始思考可能带来的变化。 相似文献
市场经济条件下,价格机制是市场经济的核心,是引导资源配制最灵敏的信号,也是调节利益关系最重要的经济杠杆,完善的市场秩序离不开建立在诚信基础上的价格秩序作为支撑。随着社会主义市场经济不断发展,作为构建社 相似文献
经过20余年的努力,明码标价已经成为价格工作中规则明确、作用明显、贯彻面广、知名度高的亮点。《中华人民共和国价格法》第十三条规定:经营者销售、收购商品或提供服务,应当按照政府价格主管部门的规定明码标价, 相似文献
林积昌 《中国价格监督检查》2010,(1)
明码标价是在商品或服务等各项指标基础上标示的价格水平或收费标准,是向消费者公布商品和服务价格的一种方式,是监管市场价格行为的重要抓手。明码标价的方式及规范 相似文献
2005年底,国家发展改革委和国家工商行政管理总局联合发布了《广告服务明码标价规定》,要求所有广告经营单位向广告主提供服务时,必须公开明示广告服务价格以及收费等相关内容。 相似文献
作为当今服务行业的一个重要分支,知识密集型服务因在服务提供过程中溶入大量专业知识而饱含特色.特色的产品总会引发一系列的特殊管理难题,如何科学定价就是其中之一.文章在简介知识密集型服务的内涵与特征的基础上,剖析其所面临的定价困惑,并推荐了基于成本的、基于竞争的及基于顾客价值的定价法等,这些行之有效的定价策略将对定价决策者有所启示与帮助. 相似文献
Basic theories and widely held beliefs about pricing in the fields of economics and cost accounting are reviewed, but found not to have total relevance to the pricing of services. Marketing principles reviewed offer some guidelines to the pricing problem, which is rooted in service characteristics. A pricing procedure is suggested. The purpose of this article is to show how the service price decision is uniquely constrained by environmental and product characteristics, and to review the price-related literature of several disciplines. 相似文献
国际上的知识产权保护力度空前加强,在新的经济格局中创意产业所做出的贡献日益突出,如欧共体把创意产业作为21世纪的关键性产业。我国也力图从中国制造走向中国创造,要实现从手的制造到脑的创造,创意产业的发展是重要而必要的保障。面对这样的国际国内形势,创意产业的发展空间无疑是越来越大。 相似文献
信息化采购使企业不再采用传统办法采购它们的商品,是全新的商业模式,它的优势是十分显著的,是现代采购发展的方向。 相似文献
An Empirical Investigation of the Pricing of Professional Services (As Applied to Public Accounting)
《Services Marketing Quarterly》2013,34(1):169-181
Recently there has been escalating interest and attention focused on services marketing in marketing literature. Professionals, in particular, face additional marketing challenges because they have both an increased need and an increased ability to market their services. Yet, the pricing of professional services as an area of investigation in marketing has not been adequately researched. This paper examines the pricing issue in the context of public accounting services. The empirical investigation utilizes a multivariate approach to describe and quantify the fee structure of public accounting services. Empirical findings and then managerial implications are discussed. 相似文献
如果我们不希望世界末日真的到来,我们就要去创造一个更美好的世界。企业社会责任为我们创造未来提供了新的世界观和方法论。2012年12月21日,传说中的世界末日并没有如期到来。我想起德鲁克的名言:预测未来最好的方式就是创造未来。德鲁克认为,未来并不是科幻小说或漫 相似文献
通信运营企业正面临着业务迅速增长、ARPU值下降、竞争日益激烈的严峻挑战,基于业务组合的价格竞争将是我国通信运营商在今后相当长的一段时间内的重要营销策略。本文以逆向选择理论为基础,分析组合业务定价的理论与方法,提出通过激励约束和参与约束实现业务套餐设计的有效区隔和用户自动选择的原则,并对通信服务特有的网络外部性和呼叫外部性进行分析,给出具有网络外部效应的效用函数刻画方法和价格确定方法。最后,本文指出定制服务定价将是通信业务资费制定未来发展的趋势。 相似文献
This paper demonstrates the political perspective of corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosures and, drawing on Weber’s notion of traditionalism, seeks to explain what motivates companies to make such disclosures in a traditional setting. Annual reports of 23 banking companies in Bangladesh are analysed over the period 2009–2012. This is supplemented by a review of documentary evidence on the political and social activities of corporations and reports published in national and international newspapers. We found that, in the banking companies over the period of study, apparently neutral, corporate, philanthropic activities disclosed and promoted in CSR reports are inextricably linked to powerful leaders’ personal projects and the ruling party’s agendas. We have demonstrated elements of traditional societies, including personal loyalty and the public display of loyalty, the master–servant relationship, and obedience to personal rather than formal authority, provide an understanding of why banks (with or without explicit political linkages with the ruling party) have employed politically charged CSR disclosure strategies. The paper contributes to disclosure studies where political motivations of corporate disclosure rarely discussed. The paper extends the debate on political CSR by demonstrating that the role of family and familial values at the organisational and national levels may be much more important when it comes to CSR disclosure and activities. 相似文献
《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(3-4):339-362
The purpose of the present study is to explore the pricing objectives that service companies pursue along with the pricing policies that they adopt in order to price their services. Analyzing data from 170 companies operating in six different services sectors in Greece, the study found that the objectives, which are pursued, are fundamentally qualitative rather than quantitative in their nature with a particular emphasis given on the companies' customers. Regarding the pricing policies, the only policy that was found to be followed by the majority of the companies is the traditional price list perhaps due to the easiness associated with its implementation. Moreover, the pricing objectives were found to be, as we should expect, associated with the pricing policies. 相似文献