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我国房地产金融的未来发展趋势   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目前我国房地产金融业务过份依赖银行信贷资金支持,房地产开发企业融资渠道单一,风险集中。房地产金融未来发展趋势是促进间接融资向直接融资转变,构建房地产业多元融资体系,学习和借鉴国际经验,构建有中国特色的房地产金融两级体系。  相似文献   

中小企业作为市场经济的主体,在促进经济发展、优化产业结构、缓解就业压力等方面发挥着重要的作用.随着改革开放的不断推进,我国中小企业得到迅速发展.由于中小企业规模小,资本原始积累不足,信用等级比较低,相关的金融和法律制度又不完善,其发展始终受制于融资难的瓶颈.本文首先分析我国中小企业融资现状和融资困境的成因,结合我国中小企业融资的特点、来源,通过分析表明我国现行金融融资体系不健全是造成中小企业融资困境的主要原因.据此针对我国中小企业的融资环境,借鉴国外中小企业融资的经验启示,从完善融资制度角度提出了一系列缓解中小企业融资困境的相应对策和建议.  相似文献   

关于我国政府融资状况与国有银行业发展的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在转轨经济时期,我国政府不仅通过征税和发行国债的显性融资渠道融资,还通过对银行系统的直接控制和干预获得了隐性的融资渠道.在国有商业银行体系建立和发展的初期,政府隐性融资与国有银行之间存在互惠互利的关系;随着我国经济市场化程度的提高,特别是1994年以后,政府对隐性融资可依赖程度降低,国有商业银行对政府的隐性融资采取了较为谨慎的态度,这种融资方式的弊端逐渐暴露.本文分两阶段对政府融资状况与国有银行业发展的相互影响和未来趋势进行分析,在此基础上,探讨了我国财政体制和金融体制改革的一些主要思路.  相似文献   

对中小企业进行贷款融资支持问题,理论界和实业界巳做过多方面的研究和探讨。本课题从深入分析我国商业性金融和政策性金融制约中小企业贷款融资的因素入手,在考察其他国家和地区金融支持中小企业发展的基础上,提出了建立我国中小企业贷款融资支持体系的构想。这一体系具体由商业性金融贷款融资体系和政策性金融贷款融资体系两部分构成。其中,应以商业性金融包括国有商业银行、股份制商业银行、区域性中小金融机构等为主体,政策性金融包括政策性银行、信用担保机构、中小企业发展基金等为补充,尽而形成全方位、多角度的中小企业贷款融资支持体系。  相似文献   

构建中小企业资本性融资体系的核心是建立自由资本形成制度;完善中小企业债务性融资体系的关键在于既要使债务性融资体制与机制具有处理中小企业“软信息”及防范融资风险的能力,也要能够有效解决中小企业的弱势融资地位问题;构建中小企业理财服务不仅可以解决中小企业的信息透明度与可信度问题,而且可以提高中小企业的融资效率,甚至可以整合金融、保险、证券等金融服务,提供类似金融控股公司式的综合性服务,充分满足中小企业发展的各类金融需求。  相似文献   

张文棋 《福建税务》2001,(10):32-33
借鉴世界经济发达国和地区的经验,紧密结合我国国情、经济体系改革目标、跨世纪发展战略、中小企业现状和未来发展要求,我国中小企业融资体系可以由融资供给、融资保证和融资指导三个方面组成,形成一个复合型、多层次、多形式的相互联系、相互依存和相互配合的有机融资体系,共同为中小企业发展提供有效的融资服务。  相似文献   

我国中小企业融资担保体系所存在的制度性金融缺陷,将在一定程度上影响我国中小企业融资担保行业的可持续发展,必须通过构建科学高效的金融创新机制来治理缺陷。本文采用实地调查和问卷调查所获得的全国147家融资担保机构的数据,以实证分析当前我国中小企业融资担保体系所存在的制度性缺陷为切入点,提出了构建我国中小企业融资担保体系发展的金融创新机制的战略性思路,为发展和完善中小企业融资担保理论,加快推进我国中小企业融资担保业的科学化发展进程,实现我国中小企业融资担保业的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

中小企业是我国国民经济中的一支重要力量,当前中小企业发展面临的最突出问题是融资的困难。构建我国中小企业融资体系,既是促进企业发展的政策需要,也是我国经济发展的内在要求。本文根据我国目前中小企业融资现状及存在的问题,试图为构建我国中小企业有效的金融支持体系提出政策性建议,以促进我国经济的发展。  相似文献   

本文从所有制歧视、融资体系不完善、担保体系不成熟和社会信用评估体系不完整等方面分析了武汉市民营经济融资困难 ,并在此基础上提出了加快金融体制改革、建立健全民营企业的信用担保体系及信用等级评估体系、消除所有制政策歧视以及鼓励民营企业进行直接融资等建议。  相似文献   

本文结合对经济欠发达地区中小企业融资状况的调查,从金融机构、中小企业及中介服务三个角度分别分析了欠发达地区中小企业融资难的原因,最后提出构建中小企业金融支持体系的路径选择.  相似文献   

现代金融中介理论表明,商业银行等金融中介与经济增长之间存在密切的相关性。金融中介在促进经济增长的同时,也面临着许多复杂问题。本文从现代金融中介理论的视角出发,对银行导向型金融体系与市场导向型金融体系进行了国际比较,并从融资关系、风险管理、信息生产、公司治理等角度进行对比分析,得出在中国现实的环境下中介与市场发挥着不同作用,但金融中介的优势明显。因此,我国应选择以金融中介为主、资本市场为辅的金融体系,并加紧推出金融机构的混业经营模式。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the role of financial intermediaries in the valuation of firms and projects. We show that security prices should reflect both used and unused debt capacity if some corporations can act as financial intermediaries and can capture the tax benefits of debt capacity unused by the operating firm. We also provide some reasons why the value of the firm might be increased if the financing and operating risks of the firm are separated and financial intermediaries issue debt rather than the unit operating the asset.  相似文献   

We review the literature on financial intermediation in the process by which new medical therapeutics are financed, developed, and delivered. We discuss the contributing factors that lead to a key finding in the literature—underinvestment in biomedical R&D—and focus on the role that banks and other intermediaries can play in financing biomedical R&D and potentially closing this funding gap. We conclude with a discussion of the role of financial intermediation in the delivery of healthcare to patients.  相似文献   

Extant research argues that borrowing from financial intermediaries subjects managers to external monitoring. However, given managers' flexibility in choosing the type of debt financing, why would managers submit themselves to external monitoring? Recent theory points to the role of managerial incentive compensation. Specifically, it is argued that managers will borrow from financial intermediaries if their compensation is tied to firm performance. Additionally, it is noted that a more optimal compensation scheme will induce managers to undertake intermediated loans only when the firm is sufficiently profitable. Such a compensation scheme is likely to exist in opaque firm settings where borrowing from financial intermediaries can serve to signal firm profitability. Our study provides corroborative evidence. We find that the choice of syndicated bank loans is positively associated with CEO equity incentives. Second, this syndicated debt-incentive compensation link is influenced by firm profitability, particularly among information problematic firms. Overall, our study points to the role of incentive compensation in the debt placement decision.  相似文献   

When financial intermediaries' key characteristic is provision of liquidity through their liabilities, with financial frictions, the financial sector in the aggregate is likely to overaccumulate equity, thus decreasing liquidity provision and household welfare. Aggregate household welfare is therefore decreasing in the level of aggregate intermediary equity even though the individual value of intermediaries is increasing in equity, which is why intermediaries overaccumulate equity. Subsidizing intermediary dividends can improve welfare by encouraging earlier payout and decreasing aggregate equity in the financial sector. This policy increases the likelihood that intermediaries provide more liquidity and improves the stability of the economy, even though asset prices fall.  相似文献   

史燕平  杨汀  庞家任 《金融研究》2021,490(4):73-91
本文对去产能政策和融资租赁之间的因果关系和内在机理进行了深入研究。基于2007—2016年中国上市公司的融资租赁交易数据的实证分析发现,去产能政策推动了融资租赁规模的扩张,而融资租赁规模的扩张又反过来削弱了去产能政策的效果,但程度有限。进一步分析表明,去产能政策从需求和供给两方面推动了融资租赁的扩张:去产能政策限制了产能过剩企业从银行等主流融资渠道获得长期资金的能力,这一方面激发了这些企业对融资租赁等融资方式的需求,另一方面也增强了银行通过融资租赁进行监管套利的动机。在党的十九大提出的“经济高质量发展”的背景下,本文发现有助于制定更加科学有效、与金融体系相互协调的产业政策。  相似文献   

金融中介理论研究至今已开展了50年。这期间,虽然也曾产生出许多具有重要贡献的观点和经典的文献,但是与几乎是同时期发展起来的资本市场理论相比较,整体的应用性和影响力都不如资本市场理论那样强大。两种理论之间不平衡发展的主要原因在于理论研究定位不同,对实践的具体指导不同。探讨金融中介理论发展的特殊性和拓展空间,将有利于明确理论研究的未来发展方向,加强对多元化发展的金融中介机构作用的认识。  相似文献   

We model the equilibrium price and quantity of risk transfer between firms and financial intermediaries. Value-maximizing firms have downward sloping demands to cede risk, while intermediaries, who assume risk, provide less-than-fully-elastic supply. We show that equilibrium required returns will be “high” in the presence of financing imperfections that make intermediary capital costly. Moreover, financing imperfections can give rise to intermediary market power, so that small changes in financial imperfections can give rise to large changes in price.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to compare the effectiveness of financial markets and financial intermediaries in financing new industries and technologies in the presence of diversity of opinion. In markets, investors become informed about the details of the new industry or technology and make their own investment decisions. In intermediaries, the investment decision is delegated to a manager, who is the only one who needs to become informed, which saves on information costs, but investors may anticipate disagreement with the manager and be unwilling to provide funds. Financial markets tend to be superior when there is significant diversity of opinion and information is inexpensive. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: G1, G2.  相似文献   

After the stock market crash of October 19, 1987, interest in nonlinear dynamics, especially deterministic chaotic dynamics, has increased in both the financial press and the academic literature. This has come about because the frequency of large moves in stock markets is greater than would be expected under a normal distribution. There are a number of possible explanations. A popular one is that the stock market is governed by chaotic dynamics. What exactly is chaos and how is it related to nonlinear dynamics? How does one detect chaos? Is there chaos in financial markets? Are there other explanations of the movements of financial prices other than chaos? The purpose of this paper is to explore these issues.  相似文献   

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