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如果一部部华丽而浪漫的古装戏,已经让人们以为历史就等于奢华的宫殿,多彩的霓裳,就是无关衣食住行的爱恨情仇,那么,相信这件刖人守囿车会让你看到历史不一样的另一面。刖人守囿车,1989年从山西闻喜上郭村西周墓地出土,高9.1厘米,长13.7  相似文献   

白亮 《旅游时代》2012,(5):64-71
大连,因其"足球"和"服装"而闻名于世,可以说大连是中国最具时尚和动感的城市;大连又是避暑胜地,是中国北方绿化最好的城市,她拥有众多响亮的称号,如中国优秀旅游城市、卫生文明城市、园林城市、联合国授予的"世界环境500佳"城市……大连地区的人类社会至少有17000年的历史。战国至秦汉属辽东郡;汉设沓;唐属安东都护府;辽设苏、复州;金元明清为金州;19世纪,这里还是一个名叫青泥洼的小渔村,100多年前,俄国人开建  相似文献   

素食主义是一种饮食文化,表现出回归自然、回归健康和保护地球生态环境的返朴归真的文化理念。吃素,除了能获取天然纯净的均衡营养外,还能额外地体验到摆脱了都市喧嚣和欲望的愉悦。悄然传播的素食文化,使得素食越来越成为一个全球时尚的标签,越来越多的人开始选择吃素,而素食中的绝佳选择就是笋!笋类含有丰富的植物蛋白和膳食纤维、胡萝卜素、维生素B、维生素C、维生素E及钙、磷、铁等人体必需的营养成分。笋又有素食第一品之说,不仅是蔬菜,还是优良的药膳食材。  相似文献   

巴罗洛(Baro1o)葡萄酒,是意大利皮埃蒙特大区(Piedmont)最具代表性的特产,同时也是意大利最好的红酒之一,产自皮特蒙特区,由意大利独产的内比奥洛葡萄(Nebbiolo)酿造,常被誉为酒王和御酒。堪称意大利的红酒之王,受到许多王公贵族,如萨鲁佐女侯爵、萨丁尼亚王的喜爱,甚至法国国王路易十四的餐桌上都常有巴罗洛红酒。依据巴罗洛产区的规定,其酒精浓度不得低于13%;至少在橡木桶中陈酿3年,顶级Reserve(储备)的则需要5年陈酿,品质越好的需要储藏的时间越长。  相似文献   

This study examined the relative perceived importance of the various dimensions of the restaurant experience, as captured by DinEX. Over 1,000 U.S. restaurant patrons provided perceived importance ratings of six DinEX dimensions as they related to their most recent dining experience across a variety of meal periods and restaurant categories. To make comparisons, an innovative approach to analyzing top box data was utilized. The results indicate significant differences exist across each of the DinEX dimensions, with food quality emerging as the top concern of restaurant patrons. The results of the study offer valuable guidance to the restaurateur in terms of the distinct ordering of experience dimensions that were observed, as well as the straightforward methodology demonstrated for monitoring and evaluating customers’ importance perceptions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify top managers’ competencies in hotel unit leaders perceived to be most critical for career development, and using the Fuzzy Delphi and Analytic Hierarchy Process methods to determine perceptions of the importance of various competencies in different dimensions. This study uses snowball sampling methods to collect data from 25 hotel top managers and uses qualitative and quantitative surveys, including interviews, questionnaire review and a questionnaire survey. A two-stage research design is adopted to understand the differences in perceived competency requirements better. The analytical results demonstrate the required competencies of top managers in the hotel industry, and divide them into generic and technical dimensions, 18 competency domains, and 107 competency indices. The top three most important competency domains are “leadership,” “crisis management,” and “problem-solving.” The proposed management competency framework provides an important implication for educators, practitioners, and researchers.  相似文献   

Tourism research has primarily treated gender as a male-female dichotomy and has been constrained by a heterosexual matrix for empirical inquires. Such research, however, has failed to acknowledge the fluidity and multiplicity in theorizing gender. To redress this overlook, this study moves away from the conventional binary thinking and views gender as a performativity which is resulted from repetitive social performance. By conducting multiple field observations and interviews with 17 hotel female general managers working in Mainland China and Taiwan, this research presents the ways of doing and undoing gender by tourism female leaders and the extent to which the everlasting gender logic can be questioned.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between tourism and the income inequality in top 43 tourist arrival countries by using the data over the period of 1995–2015. We have applied advanced econometric techniques which include cross-sectional augmented IPS (CIPS) unit root test, bootstrap co-integration, Pedroni co-integration, fully modified ordinary least squares, and heterogeneous panel causality technique. The results confirm that all the variables are co-integrated in the long run. The result also shows that the tourism has a positive effect on income inequality in full and the region-wise sample. Furthermore, the Kuznets curve hypothesis is also tested and found its existence. This concludes that if the examined countries increase their tourism revenue this will help them to reduce income inequality. This study gives valuable policy implications for the government and the policy-makers.  相似文献   

Due to women still accounting for less than a quarter of hospitality and tourism executive-level positions, the purpose of this paper was to identify antecedents to and outcomes of gender diverse hospitality and tourism top management teams, describe potential mediators and moderators to these relationships, and provide directions for future research. A systematic review of gender diversity in hospitality and tourism top management teams (TMTs) was conducted between the years 2010 and 2020, resulting in 26 articles used for the thematic analysis. Antecedents, outcomes, mediators, and moderators of gender diverse hospitality and tourism TMTs were identified. The results indicated female role models, organizational structure, and organizational support as antecedents, while financial performance, business growth, and human resource outcomes were consequences. The resource advantage theory is proposed as an explanation for each of these relationships. This study fills a gap in previous literature by conducting a review of gender diversity, identifying critical gaps, and proposing an overarching theory.  相似文献   


This study seeks to account for differences between the UK and US in including sites of black slavery as part of their heritage tourism and museum agenda. Both countries were heavily involved in the slave trade and both currently have immigrant communities with an appreciation of their origins. However, and unlike the American situation, it is only recently that Britain has opened the contentious issue of slavery to public gaze. In this regard, attention focuses specifically on the mounting of a pioneering Slave Exhibition at Liverpool's Maritime Museum and, by interviewing its chief curator, various insights are gained as to the potential and pitfalls of such a permanent display of an inglorious past. Further interpretation is added by references to the general literature on heritage tourism, the emerging context of “thanatourism” and the framework of a Force Field model that can usefully accommodate the competing interests of rival stakeholders.  相似文献   

社会学框架下的旅游学学科属性定位分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
陈才 《旅游学刊》2004,19(6):15-19
本文在假设旅游学是一门独立学科这一前提下,借用社会学关于学科属性定位的分析框架,对旅游学的学科属性进行定位分析。从学科的认知维度来看,旅游学是一门“应用”性较强的“软”学科;从学科的组织维度来看,旅游学是一门“分野度”较高而“城市化度”较低的学科。旅游学学科的这些属性的确定。为我们解释旅游学发展现状提供了基本依据。能够使我们明确旅游学的发展阶段、发展方向以及应注意的问题,这对于旅游学学科建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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