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Abstract . Governments determine the size of the unit of value just as they determine the length and weight of physical units of measure. What are the different ways that a government can control the size of the unit of value, that is, control the price level? In general, the government designates a resource—gold, paper currency, another country's currency—and defines its unit of value as a particular amount of that resource. An interesting variant, proposed by Irving Fisher in 1913 and implemented more recently in Chile, is to alter the resource content of the unit to stabilize the price level. Another idea is to alter the interest rate paid on reserves in a way that stabilizes the price level. This essay originally appeared as “Controlling the Price Level,”Contributions to Macroeconomics 2(1), Article 5. See http://www.bepress.com/bejm/contributions/vol2/iss1/art5 . Reprinted with kind permission of the Berkeley Electronic Press. 相似文献
ABSTRACT This is an invited response to James C. W. Ahiakpor, Wicksell on the Classical Theories on Money, Credit, Interest and the Price Level. American Journal of Economics and Sociology 58 (July); 435-457. Wicksell's contribution was to introduce Böhm-Bawerk's theory of capital into a monetary setting. 相似文献
从长期看,房价会随着经济的增长而增长。但我国房价近年来每年以30%~50%的速度增长肯定是有问题的。高房价成了目前中国社会各种矛盾的焦点之一。政府可以通过法律与制度来调整目前国内房地产市场严重的利益不均衡。而税收政策就是其中不可或缺的工具。文中从物业税设置的必要性、可行性等方面加以论述,讨论了物业税开征对房价的调控作用。 相似文献
就基于我国政府在对医药企业的管制中,存在信息不对称,从政府加成成本定价出发,建立政府管制模型和企业策略模型。同时,利用博弈论分析政府管制失灵和虚高药价的原因,指出政府直接管制定价将不可避免地形成对医药行业企业成本监控的失效,并且不能形成激励相容机制。 相似文献
城市商品住宅价格水平影响因素研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
商品住宅价格问题是社会关注的焦点问题.以全国35个重点城市1999年-2005年数据为基础,研究城市住宅价格水平的影响因素.研究显示,代表城市经济发展水平和居民收入水平、单位面积土地投入、城市区位和城市环境等侧面的职工平均工资、单位面积固定资产投资、人均铺装道路面积、距海岸线的距离、通过城市的国道数量、建成区绿化覆盖率这6个因素是影响城市住宅价格水平的主要因素.可以预期,当一个城市的这些因素发生相对变化和绝对变化的时候,城市的住宅价格水平必然会发生相应的变化.阳光充足、水资源丰富、交通便捷的近海地区城市的商品住宅价格变动幅度会由于经济发展、人口增加、区住条件进一步优化、投入加大等各种条件的较大变化而高于其他城市. 相似文献
李尔华 《北京市经济管理干部学院学报》1999,14(1):10-13
本文重点讨论了企业中"内部人"控制的问题.从企业"内部人"控制问题的提出,"内部人"控制的成因及在当前企业转制时期"内部人"控制的种种具体表现,最后提出了对解决这一问题的若干意见.指出要尽快规范改制企业的内部管理体制;建立内部的各项规章制度;加强对经营者业务活动的监督;建立名符其实的经营者劳动力市场,只有这样,才可能将这一现象限制在最小影响范围之内. 相似文献
A bstract . The analysis of Professor A. J. Greco on recent legislative proposals to make resale price maintenance more difficult for manufacturers to practice is updated legislatively and judicially. Because of subsequent research findings, it is argued that this and other legislation aimed at outlawing resale price maintenance is not economically justified. Rather, a more efficient approach is to extend the current rule of reason standard applied to vertical nonprice restraints to resale price maintenance and other vertical price restraints. 相似文献
A bstract It is argued that Patinkin's introduction in his 1956 book of the stability analysis of the price level resulted in great measure from his reading of Wicksell's 1898 Interest and Prices. Both Patinkin and Wicksell based their treatments of the stability of the price level on what Patinkin used to call the real balance effect. That effect, however, does not operate under Wicksell's assumption of a competitive pure credit economy, where all transactions are carried out by bookkeeping transfers, and the unit of account is the same unit in which the accounts of banks are kept. In that case, Patinkin showed in the second (1965) edition of his book that the real balance effect–and, by that, the stability of the price level–would still be a feature of the system if profit maximizer banks held reserves, created by the central bank to settle temporary imbalances at the clearinghouse. According to Wicksell, on the other hand, a pure credit economy should consist of a central bank that attracts and remunerates deposits at the same interest rate charged for its loans, plus profit maximizer financial intermediaries that lend money for risky projects. The basic rate of interest set by the central bank decides, accordingly, the price level in such an economy. Wicksell's and Patinkin's approaches differ from the view put forward in the 1980s by the so-called new monetary economics that the key to price level stabilization is the separation of the function of money as the unit of account from its function as the medium of exchange in pure accounting systems of exchange. 相似文献
PID调节规律对建立精确数学模型控制系统是非常有效的。但对于那些具有非线性、时变不确定性的控制对象,应用传统的PID调节器就难以实现有效的控制。文中提出了利用模糊PID控制技术,对水位进行控制,以使PLC对不同模型参数的系统均具有较好的控制性能,实现对系统动静态参数的最优控制。 相似文献
邹昭晞 《数量经济技术经济研究》2001,18(3):124-126
国人早已关注到这一现象:一些外国的产品,在我国市场上的销售价格反而低于该产品在生产国本国的销售价格。如日本的富士胶卷和美国的柯达胶卷在我国的售价远远低于其在日本和美国的售价。对这一“胶卷现象”,有人解释是外国生产厂家占领中国市场的惯用手段-早期低价倾销占市场,后期高价赚利润;也有人解释是由于我国民族工业的支柱-乐凯胶卷的价格牵制作用。这些解释当然不无道理。 相似文献
本文采用1994~2010年的年度数据,在单整和协整检验的基础上,利用Granger因果检验对中国外汇储备与物价水平的内在联系进行实证分析。结果表明,外汇储备变动和物价水平变动之间不存在格兰杰因果关系。因此.通过人民币升值来减少外汇储备并不是抑制国内通货膨胀的有效方法。 相似文献
依据清单计价规范对招标控制价的有关规定,分析了招标控制价偏差可能出现的问题及投标人可以对招标人编制的招标控制价投诉的方面,探讨了基于清单计价规范的相关规定招标控制价编制工作应关注的重点问题。 相似文献
This study has been made to assess the influences and effects of durum wheat quality characteristics on the prices in Turkish durum wheat market. The current prices are determined as the result of the applied analysis, in respect to the quality characteristics of durum wheat. The Turkish durum wheat varieties are compared with the wheat varieties of other countries, from where Turkey is importing durum wheat in respect to the quality characteristics. It has been assessed that hectoliter and glassware are the major factors that have the greatest effect and influence on Turkish durum wheat market in respect to the quality aspects. 相似文献
我国物价水平的非线性调整分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在前人对我国物价水平与货币量、产出间的协整关系研究的基础上,本文重新审视了线性调整模型中不变调整速度的假设,并利用非线性调整模型进一步研究了它们之间短期偏离向长期均衡调整的速度问题。否定了不变调整速度的假定,肯定了短期偏离的非线性调整性,并解释了我国货币政策对物价水平影响差异的原因。 相似文献
ABSTRACT Knut Wicksell occupies a significant place in the history of monetary economics as the developer of the cumulative process by which deviations between the market and natural rates of interest cause the price level to change persistently. A more accurate version of the same argument is a part of classical monetary analysis but there the process originates from a change in base money or central bank credit while Wicksell's version may be initiated by banks capriciously setting their lending rates. Wicksell's version arises from his difficulties in correctly interpreting the classical quantity theory of money and interest rate determination from Hume down to Marshall, but has not been so noted in the literature. 相似文献
本文通过对徐州市蔬菜流通现状及其各环节的价格进行实地调研,对蔬菜配送的"最后一公里"成本的构成、价格上涨的影响因素进行了深入分析。 相似文献
通过对电力工程项目"三超"现象的原因分析,文章对电力工程造价控制的难点、原因以及应对措施进行了全面分析,并提出了相应的措施。 相似文献