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陈宇  柏杨 《商业时代》2012,(17):37-38
随着电子商务的不断发展,网上购物方式已经由传统的B 2 C和C 2 C模式演变成了新兴的团购(Groupon)模式。它通过消费者自行组团、专业团购网站、商家组织团购等形式,极大地提升了用户和商家之间的议价能力,使消费者获得了很大的商品让利。本文针对团购网站在发展中存在的问题,通过对比研究团购网站发展的特性与团购中消费者表现出来的行为意向,为团购网站的健康发展提出对策。  相似文献   

孙军  吕芮 《中国市场》2013,(26):84-86,156
随着新兴网络团购模式在全世界掀起浪潮,我国也出现了为数众多的Groupon式团购网站。Groupon式团购指的是第三方独立平台组织团购活动的新型模式,这个模式传入中国后已经演变为每日多团、时效很长的中国特色Groupon式团购。持续增长的用户数量给中国Groupon式团购企业的发展带来了活力,但是信任问题一直制约着团购行业的健康发展。网页冗长不便浏览、缺少评价机制、消费者权益保障不到位等都是信任问题的表现。本文通过对国内10家团购网站的信任管理现状的分析来探索团购网站的发展方向。  相似文献   

Groupon团购模式作为典型的具有双边市场特征的商业模式,其外部性效应并没有带来先占竞争优势,导致目前我国网络团购行业陷入低价竞争。本文从双边市场所有的外部性效应角度分析独立团购网站竞争惨烈的原因所在,结合我国网络团购网站运行模式,发现外部性效应缺失导致独立团购网站无法建立企业的竞争优势,应从技术和服务两方面构建技术壁垒,提升竞争力。  相似文献   

杨大蓉 《商业时代》2012,(17):47-49
Groupon模式网络团购的快速发展,已经成为中国电子商务领域出现的新热点。随着团购行业的竞争日益激烈,激烈的竞争和行业的混乱会增加、诱发和放大企业来自客户、竞争对手的经营风险,团购网站针对我国团购市场竞争状况应该做出合适的经营策略。  相似文献   

曲艺 《现代商业》2012,(31):81-82
在Groupon疯狂势头的引领之下,我国网络团购迅速发展,然而目前我国团购网站数量大量减少,同时开始了大规模的裁员,并被预言"99%的团购网站都会死掉"。在后Groupon时代,我国团购行业进入"剩者为王"的年代。本文基于平衡计分卡理论,分别从财务、客户、内部运营和学习和成长维度分析我国团购网站的综合能力,并针对后Groupon时代对我国团购网站给予意见。  相似文献   

新兴团购网站及发展模式探讨   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
2010年以来,受美国Groupon网站的启发,国内新兴团购网站发展迅速。本文论述了团购模式的基本特征、成功因素,并对未来的两种发展模式进行了探讨。认为未来的赢家将是资金雄厚、资源整合能力强的团队。  相似文献   

傅静 《广告大观》2011,(8):116-116
Groupon的强势崛起,让每个消费者感受到团购带来的实用性,也让资本市场看到团购的魅力。受Groupon这种模式启发,国产团购网站风生水起,如破竹之势在中国市场上蔓延开来,目前我国团购网站数量达到了近6000家的规模。  相似文献   

曾因抢注"Groupon.cn"域名而声名鹊起的团购网站——团宝网,如今正被投资人和市场抛弃。全国范围内已有1968家团购网站在激烈的竞争中关闭、退出团购市场,占所有运营团购网站总数量的33.5%。  相似文献   

2008年诞生于美国的限时团购网站Groupon堪称史上最疯狂的互联网公司,它的成功瞬间引发了全球范围的模仿热潮,我国也不例外,短短几年就已经形成"千团大战"的局面。本文将在"波特竞争对手分析模型"的基础上,以竞争对手分析流程图为依据,详细分析Groupon模式团购网站竞争对手,为其制定科学发展战略提供参考。  相似文献   

一、团购营销,胜者为王 2010年,网络团购网站,如雨后春笋般出现上万家网站,全民参与到了一次别开生面的PK团购竞赛中,以糯米、拉手、美团、24券为代表的团购网甚至动用报纸、地铁灯箱等传统媒体进行广泛传播,拉手甚至在七夕节炒作拍卖男友的活动,竞争异常激烈,但是绝大部分团购网站仅仅是在模仿美国团购Groupon网站的模式,在营销创新,  相似文献   

Groupon式团购网站与商家合作关系的法律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从法律的角度分析发现,在不同的网络团购环境下,电子券的运用和网站收取货款是两个关键要点;团购网站和商家具有完全不同性质的合作关系,即;Groupon式团购网站和商家之间首先应当是一种委托关系,然后商家又以自己的名义跟消费者发生了直接的团购交易关系,进而Groupon式团购网站又从商家处获得相应的佣金报酬。因此,将Groupon式团购网站、商家和消费者三者间的关系界定为行纪合同关系更为合理。  相似文献   

伴随着团购网站Groupon在美国的巨大成功,从2010年3月开始,国内掀起了空前的团购热潮,在不到一年的时间里,已由"百团大战"上升到"千团大战"。团购网站如何在这场声势浩大的角逐之中吸引消费者,取得长足发展成为了当前最应该关注的问题。而消费者对网络团购的态度直接决定了其是否会进行网络团购以及选择哪家团购网站。因此有必要对网络团购态度的影响因素进行研究,识别出影响消费者网络团购态度的主要因素。本研究以参加过网络团购或未参加过但对网络团购有了解的人群为调研对象,结合SPSS13.0和AMOS17.0对数据进行了分析和模型检验,以此探讨影响消费者网络团购态度的因素。实证结果表明:感知网络团购有用、感知网络团购易用及感知网络团购风险是影响消费者网络团购态度的关键因素;除娱乐导向外,其他购物导向均会显著影响感知有用或感知风险变量;而人口统计特征对网络团购态度无显著影响。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of apparel mobile commerce in the United States, more companies view mobile commerce as a new source of competitive advantage. Despite the importance of apparel mobile website quality and its effect on consumer satisfaction and future purchase stimulus, extant research has paid little attention to these topics. This study proposes a website quality–consumer satisfaction–purchase intention research model based on the self-regulatory process theory. Six dimensions of apparel mobile website quality—website visual appeal, apparel visual appeal, brand trust, website information quality, website response time, and website security—were investigated. In all, 293 eligible responses were collected via an online survey. Multiple regression analysis was utilized to test the proposed relationships. Results reveal that website information quality, website visual appeal, apparel visual appeal, and website security positively affect consumer satisfaction toward apparel mobile commerce websites, while website response time and brand trust show insignificant impacts on consumer satisfaction. With higher satisfaction on an apparel mobile commerce website, consumers are more likely to purchase apparel through the website.  相似文献   

Shortly after Groupon started its business in 2008, selling one deal a day with substantial price discounts, daily-deal sites became new online shopping places for many people. Starting with Groupon, most daily-deal sites required that voucher sales be higher than a predetermined number before deals become active. This feature, known as the “tipping point,” was a unique characteristic of the daily-deal business and is identified as one of the most prominent features of social shopping. Most daily-deal sites also required that a redemption period start after a deal was over and be fixed, usually 90 days, presumably to maximize the promotional effect of deals by encouraging rapid voucher redemption. The question remains, however, whether such features actually contributed to the success of the daily-deal industry. Using individual-level panel data from a major daily-deal site in Korea, we analyze whether consumers' purchase and redemption behaviors were affected by these features and how consumers changed their behaviors as they continued to purchase and redeem vouchers over time. We find that the presence of the tipping point did not boost voucher sales and likely deterred new customers from buying deals right away. We also find that new customers tended to redeem their vouchers quickly, and this likely caused the small businesses that offered deals to become overwhelmed. It is not surprising, given our findings, that both Groupon and the Korean daily deal site abandoned the use of the tipping point and modified redemption rules.  相似文献   

In a two-person game with bargaining, C-optimal threat decision pairs are defined. The definition is compared with that of optimal threat decision pairs in Nash's sense. In the case of differential games, a sufficiency condition for the C-optimality of a threat strategy pair is given and illustrated by examples of collective bargaining.Deceased  相似文献   

目前,国内旅行社产品低价竞争状况严重。旅行社产品在产品同质化的情况下,价格必然成为影响旅游消费者购买偏好的决定性因素,只有施行差异化竞争战略才能有效规避低价竞争;同时旅行社必须充分了解并有效把握市场需求,在产品中不断添加创新元素,创造性的以新产品引导消费,通过品牌识别和服务创新巩固旅行社产品差异化,才能不断强化旅行社产品的排他性,持久增强旅行社企业的竞争优势。  相似文献   

团购网站疯狂扩张的浪潮日渐平息,进入了所谓的"寒冬"。笔者就团购行业出现的问题结合大学生团购市场的调查与分析结果,从行业生态角度探讨改善团购行业现状的方法,提出了将中国移动即时通讯(飞信)业务、3G网络运营业务、手机支付平台应用于大学生团购市场,并以大学生团购市场为突破口对团购行业进行改革,探索一种有利于消费者、商家以及第三方平台的行业发展新模式。  相似文献   

Drawing on a sample of 288 new ventures from three disperse locations in China, we examine how dysfunctional competition impacts the innovation strategy of new ventures as they mature. Our results show that: 1) innovation strategy has a positive effect on new venture competitive advantage; 2) the impact of dysfunctional competition positively moderates this relationship in the early stages of the venture; 3) dysfunctional competition negatively moderates it as the venture matures. Thus, dysfunctional competition forces new ventures to focus on their resource shortages through innovation strategy. However, as these ventures mature, they accumulate greater resources, and dysfunctional competition acts to limit the firm's competitive advantage. With these findings, we contribute to the theoretical understanding of innovation strategy in a dysfunctional competition environment and how new ventures strive for competitive advantage in such a setting.  相似文献   

随着电子商务的迅猛发展,网络团购的出现,产生了一种新型电子商务模式“B2T”,FtpBusinesstoTeam。网络团购很清晰的商业模式很快得到商家和用户的认可。网络团购电子商务平台,是商家有效的营销平台,是用户买到物美价廉很最要的途径。组建网络团购门槛很低,国内团购呈现爆炸式的增长,有少数几家网络团购企业逐渐稳定成熟,但大部分网络团购面临着激烈\残酷的竞争。有些企业缺乏市场调查和分析,比较盲目。本文对网络团购模式和市场运作进行了深入分析和研究。希望为一些网络团购企业有一定指导作用,对网络团购健康发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

Proponents of deregulation have suggested that several industries should lose their antitrust exemptions and operate within a competitive atmosphere. An important assumption underlying deregulation arguments is that consumers will respond to price differentials in a manner that encourages price competition among supplier firms. This assumption is of special concern in the regulated fields of property and liability insurance. The intangibility of these products, the relatively long-term purchase commitments, and the intimate relationships between insurance and consumers' perceptions of risk raise substantial questions concerning individuals' reactions to price competition. In this study the amount of annual premium savings required to switch companies and the relationships between consumer characteristics and intended switching behavior were examined. The results suggest that a substantial segment of insurance buyers would change firms given modest price reductions. The size of this segment, along with the attitudinal and demographic characteristics of this group, indicates that price competition is a viable strategy in a deregulated insurance industry.  相似文献   

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