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本文采用需求可识别双变量Probit模型,同时从需求和供给两个方面考察互助资金的借贷行为,探讨互助资金是否瞄准贫困户。研究发现,互助资金没有瞄准贫困户,瞄准目标上移既有机构贷款供给方面的原因,也有贫困户贷款需求小的原因。贫困户缺乏需要大额资金的生产投资机会是互助资金偏离瞄准目标的客观原因;小组连带责任贷款也能把信贷资源传递给更多农户是增强金融普惠性的重要机制;分期还款机制和高利率降低农户对小额信贷的需求,但高利率会增加互助资金向农户贷款的可能性。  相似文献   

本文关注宁夏地区村级互助资金运行现状和扶贫目标瞄准问题,并基于宁夏11个县29个村庄492个农户的调研数据,运用Heckman两阶段样本选择模型,实证检验了村级互助资金瞄准贫困的准确度及农户参与和使用的影响因素。结果显示,互助资金的主要受益人群集中在中低和中等收入组农户,未能充分涵盖最贫困的人群。与传统金融扶贫相比,互助资金服务目标有所下沉,并取得了一定效果。据此,本文提出了进一步规范互助资金、提高互助资金扶贫瞄准度的政策建议。  相似文献   

一般认为,扶贫型小额信贷可有效瞄准贫困农户,缓解贫困农户发展的金融约束。但是,本文对仪陇贫困村互助资金试点的实证研究显示,即便在信贷供给充足、贫困甄别严格的前提下,由于缺乏对贷款的有效需求,有劳动能力但处于最低收入水平的贫困农户仍难以有效利用互助资金的贷款服务;扶贫型小额信贷仅仅为贫困农户获取贷款服务提供了一个平台,但农户能否有效利用这个平台的影响因素有很多,不能指望仅仅通过提供扶贫型小额信贷服务即可解决贫困农户的发展问题。  相似文献   

贫困村村级互助资金作为我国财政扶贫的新模式,在帮助贫困农户发展生产的同时对缓解农户借贷难问题也具有重要意义。本文立足机构视角,在分析贫困村互助资金社瞄准机制现有设计的基础上,对四川省互助资金社贫困户入社率和借贷率进行了实证检验。研究结果认为,四川贫困村互助资金社在互助资金的投递上瞄准了贫困户,但生产投资机会的缺乏导致贫困户对互助资金的借贷率不高。  相似文献   

村级发展互助资金具有缓解正规信贷约束、降低资金供给成本的制度优势,但现实中仍面临资金动员困难、贷款风险高等难题。本文在反思与澄清四个认识误区的基础上,从目标、产权、治理以及政府支持等方面探讨完善互助资金治理制度的条件与路径。扶贫是互助资金的首要使命,不应为了追求可持续而置扶贫于不顾。净储蓄者才是互助资金真正的所有者,该组织治理的要点在于平衡净储蓄者—净借款者之间的利益冲突,特别要保护净储蓄者利益,而对于此仅依靠民主管理是无法解决的。政府不应将资金交给社区后放手不管,而应运用配股等手段促使内部成员实现激励相容,同时应承担互助资金制度创新成本。  相似文献   

山东德州乐陵市探索的"公益岗位互助扶贫模式",瞄准了特殊贫困群体,选准了互助扶贫路径,精准了帮扶服务内容,通过政府购买服务的方式,雇佣有劳动意愿但劳动能力较弱或因其他原因不能外出务工的贫困人员,就近帮扶需要服务且愿意接受服务的老弱病残幼等特殊贫困群体,既激发了部分特殊贫困群体依靠自身劳动脱贫的内生动力,又满足了老弱病残幼等特殊贫困群体的特困需求,同步破解特殊贫困群体"脱贫"与"解困"两大难题,实现了脱贫和解困的有机结合,成效非常显著,极具推广价值。目前全国很多地区特殊贫困群体的弱劳动力特征和失能半失能特征越发凸显,建议在全国有序推行"公益岗位互助扶贫模式",同时为保证其有效运行,本文建议:细化岗位标准,规范管理平台,构建完善的制度保障;筹集好财政资金、集体经济、社会捐助三块资金,建立多元的资金保障;调动好贫困户、村集体、社会组织三个主体,形成广泛的社会参与。  相似文献   

村级发展互助资金是由财政资金支持的扶贫新模式。文章基于5省160个样本村的调查数据,采用DEA和因子分析法构建相关变量,利用Tobit模型和中介效应模型,实证分析了政府支持对于村级发展互助资金效率的影响。研究发现:(1)政府支持能够全面提升村级发展互助资金效率。(2)政府支持会通过扩大贷款规模提高村级发展互助资金效率,贷款规模具有部分中介效应,且中介效应占总效应的比例为26.93%。(3)不同的政府支持对村级发展互助资金效率的影响存在异质性,其中资金支持有利于规模效率的提升,监管和相关技术培训支持有利于纯技术效率的提升。因此,政府应当加大对村级发展互助资金的支持力度,尤其是针对农户有效需求不足以及财务管理混乱等问题的试点,更一般地来说,政府应当在金融扶贫中扮演"守夜人"的角色。  相似文献   

贫困村级互助资金:益贫效果、机理分析及政策建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对7省9个贫困县18个互助资金及1648份农户的问卷调查,重点分析了贫困村级互助资金的益贫效果、非贫困农户的影响及差异,结合认为目前贫困村级互助资金更加有利于非贫困户.在此基础上,从政策设计、政府执行、政策对象角度探讨了形成这种现象的原因,并提出了针对性的政策建议.  相似文献   

贫困村村级互助资金是新形势下四川省探索财政扶贫资金使用的一种创新方式,其在缓解贫困农户发展生产所需资金短缺问题、推进贫困村和贫困农户可持续发展方面取得了明显的成效,积累了宝贵的经验.同时,经过几年的探索和实践,贫困村村级互助资金扶贫模式还普遍面临着布局上过于分散、资金来源上过渡依赖财政资金等限制互助资金扶贫功能展挥的难题.由此,为使互助资金能够在更大范围更有效地满足贫困村发展所需资金,需要财政部门营造和谐的发展环境,互助资金推行要与项目相结合,要拓宽融资渠道、适当提高借款额度等.  相似文献   

贫困村村级发展互助资金的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贫困村村级发展互助资金将政府财政资金交由农户按照互助合作、有偿使用的方式用于发展生产,是我国财政资金投入农村扶贫开发的具体形式的一种创新。已有文献揭示,通过互助资金推动农村扶贫,一方面可以改变过去财政资金投入扶贫效率低、瞄准困难的缺陷,另一方面也能够提高贫困农村社区与农户的组织化程度与合作能力,为促进农村地区政府、社会、社区以及农户相互之间的团结协作,实现农村各种资源有机整合与有效利用提供途径。合作理论和赋权理论是解释互助资金运行机制的两种基本理论取向。  相似文献   

Using a unique data set from a commercial microfinance institution in Madagascar, this article investigates the credit risk of microfinance loans with flexible repayment schedules for crop farmers. Flexible repayment schedules allow a redistribution of principal payments during periods with low agricultural returns to periods when agricultural returns are high through predefined grace periods. We apply propensity score matching to investigate how different numbers of grace periods reflecting different levels of production diversification affect the credit risk of crop farmers. In this attempt, three delinquency categories reflecting various levels of credit risk are assessed. Moreover, we consider the specifics of the regions where loans were disbursed. Our results reveal that loans with predefined grace periods show significantly higher delinquencies. This effect is significant over all three delinquency categories for loans disbursed to low diversified crop farmers. For the more diversified farmers, this effect is only significant for the lowest delinquency category. Hence, predefined grace periods might bridge periods with low agricultural returns but come at the cost of higher credit risk for the lender. The magnitude of these effects is, however, small.  相似文献   

林业企业融资问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前林业企业资金缺口大,资金投入不合理,自筹资金能力较差,社会信用度不高,借入资金能力较差,外资和其他资金不稳定,融资非常困难。其原因既有林业企业自身弱点的影响,也有商业银行机制失调和国家宏观政策支持不够的影响,因此要切实提升林业企业自身的整体素质和信用形象,努力发展各种类型的信用担保机构,进一步加大政府方面的引导和扶持力度。  相似文献   

以江西省赣州市油茶贷款项目为例,国家开发银行针对由于经营主体比较分散、规模较小实力较弱、项目自身盈利能力不足、抵押担保资源有限等问题,导致精准扶贫产业在对接国家开发银行贷款时面临难以直接承接贷款、缺乏充足的还款来源、信用结构难以搭建、无法达到贷款要求和条件,限制了社会资本和商业性金融的进入,使精准扶贫产业面临严重的融资困境,对支持精准扶贫产业的融资模式进行了创新:构建统贷和承贷平台,实行资金统贷统还;通过政府购买服务,补充项目还款来源;搭建项目信用结构,完善风险保障机制;根据项目资金需求,优化贷款产品结构,并针对项目推进过程中存在的问题,提出了推进贷款项目实施的策略。  相似文献   

Cotton, both a source of livelihood for millions of poor rural households and a major source of export revenues, is a vital commodity for the economic and social development of Mali. Inefficiencies in the Malian cotton system at the ginnery and producers’ cooperative levels (e.g., late payment to farmers and poorly functioning credit schemes) have recently led to an important decline in supply, threatening the sustainability of the sector. Using regional data from 1998/1999 to 2008/2009, this study aims to quantitatively assess the contribution of key determinants, such as cotton prices and timely payment, toward the downward trend in cotton area. A dynamic supply model, based on adaptive expectations and partial adjustment, is employed to estimate the effects of prices and institutional factors, such as credit recovery rates and date of payment to farmers, on the Malian cotton supply. Results show that supply responds significantly to cotton prices relative to cereal and fertilizer prices. Date of payment varies across agricultural cycles and late payment negatively influences land devoted to cotton. Low credit repayment rates create disincentives to grow cotton. Therefore, the revitalization of the Malian cotton sector depends upon getting both prices and institutions right.  相似文献   

There is a widely held industry assumption from microfinance institutions that agricultural loans have poorer repayment rates, which has resulted in many loans being provided for small businesses as opposed to agricultural purposes. Using data from a sample of 100 borrowing groups from a south Indian Microfinance Institutions (MFI), this study challenges this belief by analyzing the repayment efficiency of borrowing groups and reflects on the implications for agricultural microfinance loans. The analysis is run using Bayesian stochastic frontier estimation with an exponential hierarchical prior on the efficiency term. Our results indicate that the average efficiency of the borrowing groups analyzed was approximately 75% and that having a higher percentage of agricultural loans increased borrowing group efficiency while gains in efficiency also rose as the size of the borrowing group increases.  相似文献   

本文利用全国6个省份60县4220户农户的调查数据,运用Probit模型实证检验微型金融机构的普惠效应,即小额信贷是否为中低收入和贫困农户提供信贷支持以及能否利用自身特殊的贷款机制拓展农村金融的覆盖面.实证结果发现,微型金融机构能够将信贷服务向正规金融机构无法覆盖的中等收入群体延伸,其普惠效应主要源自其依托现金流为核心...  相似文献   

Coping with asymmetric information plays a major role in successful small business lending. Our purpose is to determine if small business applicants report their income information correctly when requesting a loan. We use a randomised controlled trial bogus pipeline experiment, established during a typical cash‐flow analysis of a bank for small businesses in the Philippines. The bogus pipeline approach is commonly applied in social science and aims to increase the rate of truth telling by informing participants that answers will be verified by a lie detector. The experimental data, which include 243 observations of credit clients that are mainly from the agricultural and food value chain, served to identify asymmetric information. Additionally, debtors’ repayment behaviour for approved loans was observed by the bank. Our results indicate that loan applicants of the treatment group report lower incomes, an effect which is most pronounced in lower income quantile. Our analyses also reveal higher loan delinquencies in the control group.  相似文献   

政府扶贫资金参与式扶贫实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探索了政府扶贫资金在农村贫困地区扶贫运作的新机制。通过采取参与式方法让穷人自主管理扶贫资金,推进整村脱贫,取得了经济、生态、社会效益。同时指出存在资金管理不到位等问题。建议建立健全组织机构,加强监督机制等。  相似文献   

Theoretical models on group lending assume the formation of groups of homogenous risk types. Recent theoretical and empirical findings challenge this view arguing that when markets for insurance are missing, risk homogeneity may not hold any more and risk heterogeneity can be the optimal outcome. Using data from an MFI in Tigray (Ethiopia), this article examines the homogeneity hypothesis and reflects on implications for repayment. No evidence is found that supports risk homogeneity, even accounting for matching frictions. However, we also do not find an explicit link between the presence of risk heterogeneity and side-payments due to missing insurance as suggested in the literature. Instead, other trust-based social networks seem to underlie heterogeneity. Such social networks are often synchronized with credit groups and influence the probability of repayment under heterogeneity. The implication is that successful repayment rates in group lending need not arise only under risk homogeneity but can also arise under risk heterogeneity. Heterogeneity may also serve to bridge missing insurance markets in poor rural environments. MFIs therefore need to consider such local conditions when designing their lending schemes.  相似文献   

小额信贷的偿还机制:一个理论述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从小额信贷机构面临的信贷风险和采用的贷款技术两个维度,综述并评论了小额信贷偿还机制方面的理论文献。现有理论文献分别解释了小额信贷机构采用连带责任、次序贷款、定期还款、小组基金等贷款技术,利用横向选择、横向监督、动态激励、分期偿付与担保替代等机制,解决金融中介机构常见的信贷风险问题(包括逆向选择、项目选择、努力程度选择、审计成本与策略性违约等)并最终有效提高还款率的机理。近20年来,对于小额信贷还款机制的理论研究,已经建立了横向选择、横向监督、动态激励机制的基本研究框架,并通过放宽假设、引入多样化机制、采用实验博弈方法等实现了向现实的逐渐逼近。  相似文献   

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