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According to the statistics announced on the 16th of February by China‘s Information Center of Logistics, the overall value of national Logistics in the China mainland reached almost RMB30 trillion,increasing by 27% compared to that in 2002 which is twice as rapid as GDP atthe same period.  相似文献   

随着国际服务贸易的迅速发展,全球经济竞争的重点正从货物贸易转向服务贸易,服务企业国际化经营已成为世界经济发展的显著特征。以服务的特征为基线,运用国际生产折中理论分析服务企业和制造企业国际化的动因及模式,以促进服务企业国际化的快速健康发展。  相似文献   

与我国相比,印度经济各方面的发展都存在着很大的差距。但是,印度服务业的发展却是一个不得不引起我们注意的方面。20世纪90年代以来,印度服务业占GDP的比重从1992年的40.7%增长到2003年的51.2%,国民经济已经显示出从  相似文献   

发达国家建立国际大都市的成功经验告诉我们:服务业,尤其生产性服务业在这些城市的长足发展,不会导致所谓制造业空洞化。随着上海国际经济地位的日益提升和城市日益增强——  相似文献   

汤铭 《电子外贸》2005,(4):15-17,37
银行卡是由商业银行发行的具有消费信贷、转账结算、存取现金等全部或部分功能的电子支付卡片。银行卡按发行主体可分为境内卡和境外卡,按是否给予持卡人授信额度分为信用卡和借记卡.按账户币种的不同分为人民币卡、外币卡和双币种卡。  相似文献   

服务业利用外资占总利用外资的比重日益增加。本文对浙江省服务业外资与GDP、人均GDP、服务业比重之间的关系进行了实证分析,由此判断服务业外资在促进区域经济发展和产业结构升级中的作用,并在此基础上提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

本文针对泉州市打造先进制造业基地,产业机构调整和优化的需要,提出构建泉州制造业的生产性服务支撑体系,并从社会分工和价值链的角度分析两者的互动机制;对泉州生产性服务业与制造业的互动现状做出实证分析;最后提出构建制造业的生产性服务支撑体系的现实路径。  相似文献   

曾经看过一个产品重量与市场价值的调查,大意是,那些重量最轻的产品往往价值最高,例如Intel的芯片,Channel的香水,微软的操作系统等等;而那些重量最重的产品,例如钢铁、煤炭等,价值则最低。这个调查的意思是,我们的经济形态正在轻型化,轻薄小巧的产品,因为其中承载了知识,远比傻大黑粗的东西有价值。  相似文献   

当前,在以服务业转移为标志的新一轮全球产业转移浪潮中,中国正逐步成为全球承接服务外包的主要目的地之一。20年前,世界制造业转移为“中国制造”提供了迅速发展的机遇;20年后的今天,世界服务业转移又为“中国服务”的崛起提供了千载难逢的机会。伴随着全球互联网和经济一体化的深入,世界服务业正经历着与制造业相似的变化:由生产成本高的地方转向成本低的地区,服务外包成了当今世界最流行的关键词。所谓服务外包,是指近年来发达国家将高科技产业或服务业的部分业务,外包到成本相  相似文献   

中印服务贸易竞争力比较   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
世界经济,特别是发达国家经济发展史表明,一国经济发展将会循着工业型经济向服务型经济转型轨迹而运行。中国工业经济发展已取得重大成绩,向服务型经济转型已初现端倪。但不可否认,中国服务业在国际市场上竞争力及其薄弱,现已成为制约中国经济深度发展的瓶颈。综观世界经济,与中国同为发展中国家的印度的服务业发展却取得巨大成就,其应对中国有所启示。以下笔者对比分析中印服务贸易竞争优势及其成因,以对中国服务业发展有所裨益。一、中印服务业发展态势比较在经济全球化时代,综观发展中国家中经济发展态势,相对只有中间和印度的经济增长表…  相似文献   

Service value chains and effects of scale   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
This paper generalizes Porter’s notion of the value chain for the analysis of service industries. The generalization entails that the flow and the physical transformation and assembly of goods that are characteristic of manufacturing are generalized into flows and transformation of data and flows and transformation of the physical and mental condition of people that are characteristic of many service industries. Utility is generalized from the utilities of forms and function of goods, characteristic of manufacturing, to the utilities of time, place, convenience, speed, safety, entertainment, physical and mental well-being, knowledge and mental capacity, funding and assurance. The analysis yields a categorization of industries according to central features of the value adding process. Here, the analysis is used to identify sources of (in)efficiency of scale, scope and experience, along the value chain.
Bart NooteboomEmail: URL: http://www.bartnooteboom.nl

This research aims to investigate how customers, the key actors in a service relationship, perceive service value and switching barriers. The study is framed along the means-end-chain theory of personal values and theory of customer resources in the service-dominant logic. Hypotheses about the impact of personal values on customer value, switching barriers and customer loyalty were tested using structural equation modeling of survey data obtained from the health care and retail banking sectors in Vietnam. The results show that in both sectors, personal values have a significant impact on perceived process and outcome value as well as on perceived economic and relational switching barriers. Economic barriers were found to affect loyalty in the banking sector, in the same way that relational barriers affect loyalty in the health-care sector only. Loyalty in both sectors is influenced by process but not by outcome value. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent marketing literature pays particular attention to customer value because of the potential impact on customer behavior and, ultimately, firm performance. Whereas some studies conceptualize customer value in a unidimensional manner, more recent approaches take a multidimensional approach, generally conceptualizing value as composed of various benefits and sacrifices. However, nearly all of these studies consider value components in a reflective manner, which is not only problematic but in many cases conceptually incorrect. In addition, recent customer value research includes service components to define and operationalize the construct. This study suggests that customer value in service contexts, or service value, represents a higher-order, formative construct with benefit and sacrifice components. Specifically, the authors propose a formative model of service value with four components: service quality, service equity, confidence benefits, and perceived sacrifice. A multiple-industry study substantiates the contention that this higher-order, formative approach best models value. The results theoretically and empirically support the conceptualization of service value with formative components, and the measure is robust and works well across multiple service contexts.  相似文献   

论服务、社会化服务与社区服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈文玲 《财贸经济》2001,(10):69-73
本文认为,服务是一种经济契约或社会契约的承诺与实施的活动.服务作为无形商品与有形商品相比,具有不可储存和运输性、易逝性、无形性、个性化需求的异质性、生产消费的即时性.空间距离越近,服务效率就越高,消费方越集中,就越具有规模效益,社区服务成了最能体现服务特征的服务载体.社区服务可以取得服务的规模经济,使生产与消费同时发生的服务提高效率,稳定现代社会的社会单元-社区,可以最大限度地吸纳劳动力资源,推动城市的有效管理和有序管理.  相似文献   

This study concerns the service quality topic in the retail bank sector. A sample of 209 retail bank clients was taken, measuring the performance of service quality attributes of their principle retail bank. Behavioral performance variables such as satisfaction, loyalty and customer perceived value were also measured. In a factor analyses the attributes were separated into three factors. These three independent factors explain a considerable amount of variability of a satisfaction–loyalty factor. On the other hand, they could not explain the superior perceived value; and no differences between the service quality performances of the bank brands were found. In conclusion, regardless of the degree of satisfaction and loyalty, the customer is not willing to pay more for banking services at his regular bank than he would at other brands. This implies that superior perceived value is not being achieved via service quality, which suggests a lack of differentiation between brands in this sector.  相似文献   

李有爱 《大经贸》2001,(6):84-86
好不容易培养出来的骨干,又给外企挖走了。外企的诱惑在哪里?为什么一流的人才老喜欢向那里跑?动 静的物质魅力马克思说过:人们所奋斗争取的一切,都与他们自身的利益有关.外企十分注意运用各种利益机制,努力吸引和留住人才。富有竞争力的薪酬  相似文献   

洪静  张勇 《消费经济》2005,21(3):34-36
本文阐述、分析了服务交锋的概念,从微观上指出了我国商业银行在柔性服务方面存在的主要问题,然后就如何改进商业银行的柔性服务,从服务交锋的角度提出了相关的思路。  相似文献   


The enhancement of service quality is an area of optimal managerial relevance that has, to date, received minimal attention in the literature. Because customers' service quality evaluations are based almost entirely upon the behaviours of frontline employees, organisations rely heavily upon these employees to improve overall service quality provision. However, much of the literature looking at service quality enhancement lacks detail when examining the impact of employee service-related behaviours on customers' service quality perceptions. As a result, this paper comprehensively conceptualises those front-line employee behaviours which are the most likely to enhance customers' service quality perceptions. This conceptualisation is grounded in an extensive review of the services marketing literature, pooling together previously disparate research strands. Formal hypotheses are presented. Implications and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

服务企业中的“服务链”模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘少和 《商业研究》2003,(11):144-145
制造企业主要生产有形的“物质产品”,服务企业主要生产无形的“服务产品”。同制造企业的“生产流水线”一样,服务企业“服务产品”的生产与消费也存在一条“流水线”,谓之“服务链”。理顺“服务链”,既有利于明确服务企业纵向各层级之间与横向各部门之间(乃至各班组之间)的“责、权、利”,也有助于破除传统等级观念与等级制度、本位主义和山头主义,从而创造和谐一致的服务整体,促进服务观念和制度的现代化。  相似文献   

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