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The relationship between freight cash and futures prices is investigated using cointegration econometrics. Results illustrate that the BIFFEX futures market is unbiased, and hence efficient for the current, one, two, and quarterly contract horizons. Since the futures contract is based on an index of various shipping routes, which has undergone several changes since its inception, stability in the relationship between the spot and futures rates is investigated using rolling cointegration techniques. Results indicate that the futures contract appears to have become more efficient over time in predicting the spot rate, and that the decrease in trading volume found in the BIFFEX market is not driven by a lack of efficiency in this market. Rather, the decrease in futures trading might be attributed to the growth rate of the freight forward market. This article incorporates the long‐run cointegrating relationships between cash and futures prices in a forecasting model and compares the forecasting performance of this model with several alternatives. It is found that while the futures price is the best predictor of future spot rates for the current‐month contract, time‐series models can outperform the futures contract at longer contract horizons. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 20:545–571, 2000.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the failure of the municipal bond and municipal note futures contracts. The municipal bond contract is shown to have been the most effective hedge in the municipal market over its tenure. Changes in volume in the municipal bond contract were closely related to changes in the volume in the U.S. Treasury bond futures contract, the spot–municipal‐over‐bonds (MOB) ratio, and visible supply. The failure of the municipal bond contract is mainly attributed to a decrease in trading volume in the U.S. Treasury futures market. This was impacted by the onset of electronic trading, which the municipal futures market was reluctant to embrace. The municipal note contract was a less effective hedge than U.S. Treasury note futures and ten‐year London Interbank Offered Rate swaps. The failure of the municipal note futures contract is attributed to the existence of well‐established alternative hedges, and segmentation in the municipal market. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 28:656–679, 2008  相似文献   

In recent years, cash and futures prices have failed to converge at expiration for selected corn, soybean, and wheat commodity contracts. This lack of convergence raises questions about the effectiveness of arbitrage activities, and increases concerns about the usefulness of these contracts for hedging. We describe the delivery process for these contracts, and show that it embeds a valuable real option on the long side—the option to exchange the deliverable for another futures contract. As the relative volatility of cash and futures prices increases, this option increases in value, which disconnects the cash market from the deliverable instrument in a futures contract. Our estimates of this option's value show that it may create significant price divergence. We parameterize an option pricing model using data on these three commodities from 2000 to 2008 and show that the option model fits closely to recent episodes of non‐convergence, which lends support to the importance of real option effects. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark

This article studies the effects of speculation in a thinly traded commodity futures market, paying particular attention to periods characterized by high-speculative activity of long–short speculators. Using the speculation ratio as a daily measure for long–short speculation, we employ generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity regressions to study its impact on return dynamics. Our results for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange feeder cattle futures market suggest that futures returns are predominantly explained by fundamentals, but their volatility is significantly driven by the speculation ratio. This relationship holds for periods of high- and low-speculative activity alike.  相似文献   

The eurodollar futures contract of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is arguably the most successful of all futures contracts. The contract is structured such that its price does not converge to the price of the underlying eurodollar time deposit. Ignoring the daily settlement, one typically assumes that a eurodollar futures contract perfectly hedges an anticipated loan pegged to LIBOR, provided the loan rate is set at the eurodollar expiration. This article demonstrates that this hedge is not perfect, leaving a risk empirically estimated at four basis points, a seemingly small amount but considerably larger than the bid–ask spread on the futures. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 26:189–207, 2006  相似文献   

During the last weeks before each quarterly expiration of Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500 futures, the bulk of trading volume begins to shift away from the next‐to‐expire (nearby or lead) contract toward the second‐to‐expire (next out) contract. At some point, the exchange formally redesignates the next out as the new lead contract, and the next out replaces the nearby in the futures pit location designated for the lead contract. This event invariably results in a dramatic increase (decrease) in trading activity in the next out (nearby) contract. This shift in relative trading volumes is due to the microstructure of the futures exchange rather than new information or underlying volatility conditions. The event thus offers us an opportunity to examine how volatility responds to noninformation‐based exogenous changes in volume. This study examines the volatility behavior of nearby and next out S&P 500 futures contracts on the 10 days surrounding quarterly redesignation of the lead contract. Our model measures possible changes in (a) the level of volatility and/or (b) the association between volume and volatility after redesignation of the lead contract. Results indicate that when we account for the association between volume and volatility, the higher volume lead contract consistently experiences a lower level of volatility. This outcome supports the view that the larger population of liquidity providers who trade the more active lead contract fosters greater market depth and lower volatility. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 21:1119–1149, 2001  相似文献   

This article provides evidence of linkages between the equity market and the index futures market in Australia, where the futures market has experienced a major structural event due to the futures contract respecification. A bivariate Exponential Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (EGARCH) model is developed that includes a cointegrating residual as an explanatory variable for both the conditional mean and the conditional variance. The conditional mean returns from both markets are influenced by the long‐run equilibrium relationship, and these markets are informationally linked through the second moments. The crossmarket spillovers exhibit asymmetric behavior in that the volatility responses to past standardized innovations are different for market advances and market retreats. An intervention analysis shows that some of the parameters describing the return‐generating process have shifted after the contract respecification by the futures exchange. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 21:833–850, 2001  相似文献   

This study examines daily and intraday data on sterling interest rate futures and IMM forward rate agreement (FRA) contracts for evidence of the convexity adjustment in FRA quotes. The futures/FRA differential is marginally negative, contrary to the predictions of convexity models. Standard statistical tests confirm that the futures/FRA differential does not differ between contract maturities. Regression analysis also fails to find any support for the predicted positive relationships between the differential and the term to settlement and volatility of interest rates. These results suggest that dealers in the sterling FRA market do not price convexity into quotes on FRA contracts. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 28:617–633, 2008  相似文献   

通过选择期货市场适度性衡量指标对投机是否适度进行基差和换手率的实证分析,基本判断我国期货市场存在操纵市场、多空逼仓等风险事件,投机性风险高于国外成熟市场,存在投机过度。造成投机过度的原因是多方面的.如期货法律不健全,监管存在漏洞,现货市场发展不完善,套期保值者不足等等。解决我国期货市场投机过度要从完善期货市场制度、加强现货市场建设、培育大宗期货品种、完善期货品种结构、大力培育套期保值者等方面入手。  相似文献   

为了进一步促进我国农产品期货市场的完善和发展,推动我国农产品期货市场国际化,并在国际农产品期货市场中具有世界影响力,对影响我国农产品期货市场效率的国际化因素进行了具体分析,指出当前我国农产品期货市场在国际化、开展跨境业务等方面存在的一些问题。提出逐步允许更多的国内公司直接参与国际期货交易.逐步拓展国内期货公司代理国外期货交易以及探索国外投资者参与国内期货交易的途径等具体政策建议。  相似文献   

Professor Chance's analysis shows that hedge results from eurodollar futures are imperfect; and he credits the futures contract design as being the source of the error. This comment argues that the unanticipated outcomes that Professor Chance evidences stem not from the design of the contract, but rather from improperly sizing hedge transactions. If appropriately sized hedges are used, perfect hedge outcomes in fact, will follow. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 27:187–193, 2007  相似文献   

中国小麦期货市场效率的协整检验   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王赛德  潘瑞娇 《财贸研究》2004,15(6):31-35,62
本文采用扩展恩格尔-格朗杰检验对中国小麦期货市场效率进行研究,结果显示:未来现货价格与距最后交易日前第7、14、28天期货价格协整,并且距最后交易日越近,期货价格越接近对未来现货价格的无偏估计,期货市场接近有效率市场;未来现货价格与距最后交易日前第56天的期货价格不协整,因此可推断距最后交易日超过56天的期货市场没有效率。  相似文献   

This paper considers whether the introduction of the mini‐futures contract for the Spanish Ibex index affects overall market efficiency. Using linear, non‐linear, and fractional integration modeling techniques for the basis term, results of this study suggest the following salient points. First, the equilibrium speed of adjustment is reduced after the introduction of the mini‐futures contract. This effect is particularly pronounced in the mini‐futures second year when its contracts are more heavily traded. Second, fractional integration tests support longer memory in the basis term after the contract introduction, again particularly in the second year. Third, the relationship between the full‐size and mini‐futures contracts appears highly efficient, with a quick speed of adjustment and short memory. Finally, an examination of the volatility dynamics suggests that in the second year of the mini‐futures contract shocks to spot return volatility exhibit longer memory. The results reported here suggest that the increased use of the mini‐futures contract after its introduction has had a detrimental impact on price discovery. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 28: 398–415, 2008  相似文献   

This article examines if changes in short sales constraints affect the extent to which index futures contracts are mispriced. In particular, the study analyzes the mispricing of the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index futures contracts. Tests are conducted over three distinct regulatory regimes relating to the short selling of stocks in Hong Kong. This permits a study of how changes in short selling regulations affect the mispricing of futures contracts. The study indicates that relaxing the constraints on short selling reduces the extent of futures mispricing. Multiple regression analysis is used to test the relationship between the magnitude of mispricing and various economic factors including cash market volatility, time-to-maturity of the contract, trading cost, and dividend payout rates. The study also finds that lifting of the short selling restrictions speeds up market adjustment, especially when a long-hedge (long futures, short stock) signal is detected. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 19: 695–715, 1999  相似文献   

We extend the work of Brennan ( 1986 ) to investigate whether the imposition of spot price limits can further reduce the default risk and lower the effective margin requirement for a futures contract that is already under price limits. Our results show that spot price limits do indeed further reduce the default risk and margin requirement effectively. In addition, the more precise the information is that comes from the spot market, the more the spot price limit rule constrains the information available to the losing party. The default probability, contract costs, and margin requirements are then lowered to a greater degree. Furthermore, for a given margin, both spot price limits and futures price limits can partially substitute for each other in ensuring contract performance. The common practice of imposing equal price limits on both the spot and futures markets, though not coinciding with the efficient contract design, has a lower contract cost and margin requirement than that without imposing spot price limits. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:577–602, 2003  相似文献   

This paper conducts an empirical analysis of the mispricing of calendar spreads for stock index futures. Using recent data drawn from the Sydney Futures Exchange, a sharp increase in the magnitude of spread mispricing immediately prior to maturity of the near contract is documented. This pattern in mispricing is related to a sharp decline in open interest in the near contract and an increase in open interest in the deferred contract. Further, the direction of mispricing of the near and deferred contracts are more likely to move in opposite directions as the near contract approaches maturity. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that traders seeking to roll‐over their positions from near to deferred futures contracts close to maturity increase the magnitude of spread mispricing. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 22:451–469, 2002  相似文献   

This study has two main objectives. Firstly, volatility transmission between stocks and bonds in European markets is studied using the two most important financial assets in these fields: the DJ Euro Stoxx 50 index futures contract and the Euro Bund futures contract. Secondly, a trading rule for the major European futures contracts is designed. This rule can be applied to different markets and assets to analyze the economic significance of volatility spillovers observed between them. The results indicate that volatility spillovers take place in both directions and that the stock‐bond trading rule offers very profitable returns after transaction costs. These results have important implications for portfolio management and asset allocation. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 28:1066–1094, 2008  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of margin requirements on the trading activity and volatility in futures markets. We extend Hartzmark's (1986) model for futures demand to allow for the costs imposed by margins to change across the maturity of the contract. The model is tested employing data from the soybean and corn markets. We find that trading activity becomes more sensitive to margin changes as one gets closer to contract maturity, inconsistent with the notion that margins impose important opportunity costs on futures traders. Margins are found to have a negative impact on the trading activities of all types of traders, though there is some evidence that margin alterations bring about changes in the makeup of the market. The data also indicate that margins are likely to be hiked during periods of increased volatility, and reduced during periods of relative stability, thus suggesting that margin alterations serve primarily as insurance to futures exchanges. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 19: 433–455, 1999  相似文献   

We present a theoretical methodology for the pricing of catastrophe (CAT) derivatives with event‐dependent and non‐convex payoffs given the price of a CAT indexed futures contract. We do not assume a fully diversifiable CAT event risk, nor do we assume knowledge of the martingale probability measure beyond the futures price. We derive tight bounds on the contract value and present trading strategies exploiting the mispricing whenever the bounds are violated. We estimate the bounds of the reinsurance contract with data from hurricane landings in Florida. Our method is also applicable when there is no futures market but the price of a CAT‐indexed bond is available.  相似文献   

Here we consider the hedging roles of a price futures contract versus a revenue futures contract. In the absence of idiosyncratic output risk, the revenue contract almost always dominates the price contract. Idiosyncratic output risk provides conditions under which the price contract should dominate. When production risk is largely idiosyncratic, a producer with an anticipated long actuals position might combine a long revenue futures position with a short price futures position. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 24:503–512, 2004  相似文献   

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