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董事高管责任保险在董事和高管遭受民事诉讼时具有“兜底”效应,降低了董事高管的执业风险.选取2002-2014年中国A股上市公司为样本,实证检验董事高管责任保险对公司盈余管理的影响,进一步分析在不同公司治理水平下,董事高管责任保险与公司盈余管理的关系是否存在差异.研究结果表明:董事高管责任保险的引入会加剧公司盈余管理行为;随着公司治理水平提高,董事高管责任保险与公司盈余管理的正相关关系减弱.  相似文献   

基于公司治理角度,使用2002~2012年沪深引进董事高管责任保险的上市公司为样本,考察了董事高管责任保险、权益资本成本和上市公司再融资能力三者之间的相互关系。研究表明:董事高管责任保险与上市公司的再融资能力负相关,与权益资本成本呈显著正相关关系;权益资本成本在董事高管责任保险和上市公司再融资能力影响机制中发挥中介作用。具体地,投资者因规避责任保险机制庇护下公司高管自利行为可招致的风险,导致上市公司权益资本成本增加,从而降低了公司再融资能力。  相似文献   

基于公司治理角度,使用2002~2012年沪深引进董事高管责任保险的上市公司为样本,考察了董事高管责任保险、权益资本成本和上市公司再融资能力三者之间的相互关系。研究表明:董事高管责任保险与上市公司的再融资能力负相关,与权益资本成本呈显著正相关关系;权益资本成本在董事高管责任保险和上市公司再融资能力影响机制中发挥中介作用。具体地,投资者因规避责任保险机制庇护下公司高管自利行为可招致的风险,导致上市公司权益资本成本增加,从而降低了公司再融资能力。  相似文献   

本文选择2011-2016年中国上市公司为样本,从非执行董事的视角考察董事会独立性对公司股价崩盘风险的影响。研究发现,非执行董事能够约束管理层的负面消息管理行为,预防公司股价崩盘风险。但是当公司管理层权力更大、股权集中度更高时,非执行董事在预防公司股价崩盘风险中的积极作用会相对降低。进一步研究发现,非执行董事与其他公司治理机制存在替代效应,表现为在没有实施管理层股权激励以及分析师关注程度更低的公司中,非执行董事对股价崩盘风险的预防效应更强。  相似文献   

本文运用沪深A股上市公司财务数据,实证检验董事高管责任保险的购买与上市公司负债能力之间的关系。研究结果显示,公司的负债水平与上市公司的董事高管责任保险的购买之间呈现显著正相关关系,同时上市公司负债的期限,不管是期限结构还是期限水平也都与董事高管责任保险购买正相关。随后本文对比国有上市公司和非国有上市公司购买董事高管责任保险的效用,结果显示董事高管责任保险的购买对国有上市公司负债能力的作用显著大于非国有上市公司。最后总结并提出包括完善我国董事高管责任保险制度、加强公司的内部监督、完善购买董事高管责任保险的信息披露等建议。  相似文献   

作为一个市场化的治理机制,董事高管责任保险可能因其“监督激励效应”或“兜底效应”对公司的违约风险产生影响。基于沪深A股2003~2020年上市公司数据,本文实证检验了这一影响。结果表明,董事高管责任保险能够显著降低上市公司的违约风险;在一系列的稳健性检验和内生性处理之后,上述结论仍然成立。机制分析发现,董事高管责任保险通过提升上市公司的内部控制质量和公司价值降低了违约风险。进一步研究表明,董事高管责任保险对市场化程度低地区的上市公司和国有控股上市公司违约风险的抑制作用更为显著。本研究充实了对董事高管责任保险治理职能的认识,丰富了抑制公司违约风险的治理机制。  相似文献   

本文以2007-2013年中国上市公司数据为研究对象,考察了高管减持行为对股价崩盘风险的影响方向及其作用渠道。结果显示:(1)高管减持股票的金额越大,公司股价崩盘风险越高;(2)当高管减持动机越强以及减持效用越大时,高管减持对股价崩盘风险的影响增强;(3)对作用渠道的识别显示,管理层的信息压制行为导致了"坏消息"聚集,最终引发股价崩盘风险。本文为后金融危机背景下股价崩盘风险的应对提供了一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

本研究以2009—2017年我国A股上市公司为样本,实证检验股价崩盘风险是否会对上市公司未来线上投资者关系管理产生影响。研究结果表明,当上市公司股价崩盘风险较高时,其后续在线上与投资者沟通互动的效率更高,说明公司通过加强线上投资者关系管理建立事后补救机制以进行危机公关。进一步分析表明,公司信息透明度和高管是否拥有金融会计类工作背景对上述关系具有调节作用,即当上市公司信息透明度较低和拥有较多金融会计类工作背景的高管时,股价崩盘风险对线上投资者关系管理的正向影响更显著,尤其体现在对线上投资者问答回复率的正向影响。本研究反映了测算股价崩盘风险在公司治理角度的信号作用与预测意义,并揭示了信息时代投资者关系管理来自资本市场的决定因素,具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

董事高管责任保险在公司治理中的作用及购买动因日益受到重视.本文以沪深两市A股制造业上市公司为样本,对企业集团框架内母子公司董事高管协同与上市公司董事高管责任保险购买行为的关系进行了研究,并考察了委托人与代理人利益目标的一致性和企业集团产权性质在上述关系中的调节作用.研究发现:第一,母子公司董事高管协同对上市公司董事高管责任保险购买行为,具有显著的负向影响;第二,委托人与代理人利益目标的一致性会弱化上述关系,即上市公司管理层持股比例越高、委托人与代理人利益目标的一致性越强,母子公司董事高管协同对上市公司董事高管责任保险购买行为的负向影响越小;第三,从产权性质看,国有企业集团中母子公司董事高管协同对上市公司董事高管责任保险购买行为的负向影响更强.本文在用固定效应模型和PSM方法进行稳健性检验后,以上结论依旧成立.上述研究结论有助于明晰集团框架内上市公司董事高管责任保险的购买动因,可为实践中母子公司治理结构的优化提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

以我国A股上市公司2009—2017年数据为样本,研究高管的海外经历对公司未来股价崩盘风险的影响。发现海归高管有助于降低公司未来股价的崩盘风险,在多种稳健性检验并控制内生性问题后,以上结论仍然成立。另外,海归高管降低股价崩盘的效果在分析师关注较少的企业以及外部审计质量较弱的企业中表现得更加明显。机制分析表明,海归高管通过降低公司过度投资以及提高会计信息质量来抑制股价崩盘风险。  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of directors' and officers' insurance (D&O insurance) on stock price crash risk. We find that D&O insurance in China is negatively associated with stock price crash risk. This association is robust to a series of robustness checks including the use of alternative sample, Heckman two-step sample selection model, propensity score matching procedure, fixed effects model, the inclusion of some possibly omitted variables, and bootstrap method. Further analyses show that the impact of D&O insurance on crash risk is more pronounced in firms with lower board independence, non-Big 4 auditors, lower institutional shareholdings, and weaker investor protection; and the negative relationship between D&O insurance and crash risk is not driven by the eyeball effect. Moreover, we find that D&O insurance purchase is associated with less financial restatements and more disclosure of corporate social responsibility reports. Our findings provide support to the notion that D&O insurance appears to improve corporate governance.  相似文献   

The activities and decisions of the top management have garnered considerable attention. The general phenomenon of management turnover has gradually become the focus of investors in capital market, especially top management abnormal turnover. This paper examines the correlation between top management abnormal turnover and stock price crash risk. The research finds that the higher the abnormal turnover rate of top management, the greater the risk of stock price crashes, indicating that top management abnormal turnover can exacerbate the stock price crash risk. Considering that directors' and officers' liability insurance is an instrument for enterprises to protect their own interests, this paper finds D&O insurance can mitigate the stock price crash risk caused by top management abnormal turnover. Based on China's special national conditions, further researches also consider political associations and the nature of property right. The results advance our understanding of top management abnormal turnover and directors' and officers' liability insurance, and remind companies to reduce stock price crash risk when the top management leaves.  相似文献   

Worldwide, there has been an ongoing debate about whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) can lead to better financial market performance, or whether corporations can do well by doing good. Working with a sample of all listed companies in China from 2010 to 2017, this study examines the impacts of three dimensions of CSR on stock price crash risk. We find that CSR, especially firms' responsibility to the environment and stakeholders, significantly reduces stock price crash risk, while social contributions such as charitable donations have no significant effect on stock crash risk. Attracting long-term institutional investors is the primary mechanism through which CSR can curb crash risk. Mitigating earnings management is also a channel through which overall CSR and stakeholder responsibility contribute to a lower stock crash risk. Finally, we find that stakeholder responsibility and environmental responsibility can help improve stock market performance.  相似文献   

股市震荡引发投资者和监管层对股价崩盘风险的关注。从财务重述背后所反映的财务信息质量低下和公司治理失效出发,探讨其对股价崩盘风险的影响,结合管理层权力这一影响组织行为和产出能力的代理人特征,探讨其对财务重述与股价崩盘风险之间关系的影响。研究结果表明:相比未发生财务重述的公司,发生了财务重述的公司的股价崩盘风险明显更高;进一步纳入代理人特征———管理层权力后,发现代理人的这一特征对上述关系有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of social media in mitigating corporate bad news hoarding from a stock price crash risk perspective. Using a sample of public listed firms from 2008–2019, we find that social media (Guba) posts could significantly reduce firms’ stock price crash risks in the Chinese stock market. Furthermore, we find that the information intermediation function and complementary corporate governance function enable Guba to achieve such an effect. In addition, investor attention mediates the relationship between Guba posts and management withholding bad news. Our result still holds after a series of robustness checks, including an RDD approach.  相似文献   

武腾 《当代金融研究》2022,2022(1):20-32
《民法典》第597条第1款的主要规范目的是,无权处分不影响买卖合同的效力。只要承认权利人的追认会产生所有权变动的效果,就适宜承认存在效力未定的处分行为。区分负担行为和处分行为,在解释论上具有可取之处。在传统债法上,无权处分致使给付不能的,存在适用债务不履行责任抑或权利瑕疵担保责任的争论,两方面规定在构成要件上有实质区别。我国《民法典》合同编实行救济进路,第三人享有所有权、抵押权等权利致使所有权不能转移的,当事人可以选择适用《民法典》第597条第1款或第612条,两者在违约责任的构成要件和效果上并无实质区别。《民法典》第612条中规定的第三人“享有权利”文义范围较窄,应当对其进行目的论扩张,将第三人“过去享有权利”且主张权利的一些情形纳入其中;即使买受人构成善意取得,仍可认定出卖人违反权利瑕疵担保义务。  相似文献   

We exploit the staggered initiation of merger and acquisition (M&A) laws across countries as a plausibly exogenous shock to the threat of takeover to examine whether the market for corporate control has a real effect on firm-level stock price crash risk. Using a difference-in-differences regression on a large sample of firms from 32 countries, we find that stock price crash risk significantly decreases following the passage of M&A laws. This effect is stronger for firms domiciled in countries with poorer investor protection and information environments and for firms with weaker firm-level governance. Further, financial reporting opacity and overinvestment significantly decrease in the post-M&A law periods. Our study suggests that an active takeover market has a disciplining effect on managerial bad news hoarding and leads to lower future crash risk.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of A-share listed companies on the Chinese stock market, we investigate the impact of information interaction among institutional investors (IIAII) on stock price crash risk. IIAII is measured using a multiplex network constructed from data on the multiple social relations of institutional investors. We find a positive and significant relationship between IIAII and crash risk. The results of the influencing mechanism analysis show that IIAII influences crash risk through the herd effect rather than the monitoring effect. Overall, our findings elucidate the important role of institutional investors in corporate governance and promote the application of multiplex network theory to the financial field.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of stock price crash risk on future CEO power. Using a large panel sample with 17,816 firm-year observations, we posit and find a significant negative impact of stock price crash risk on CEO power, suggesting that CEO power becomes smaller after stock price crashes. We also find that our results are stronger for firms with female CEOs and are largely driven by firms with shorter-tenure CEOs. In addition, we find that the significant negative impact of stock price crash risk on CEO power is diminished for firms with strong corporate governance. Our study responds to the call in Habib, Hasan, and Jiang (2018) by providing more empirical evidence on the consequences of stock price crash risk.  相似文献   

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