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便利店作为新零售业态,在我国迅速发展的同时,也普通存在经济效益不佳,并未显示出强劲的竞争力和生命力,甚至陷入与超市互为竞争的尴尬境地,其原因何在,如何摆脱困境创新发展是摆在每一个国内便利店零售业面前的问题。  相似文献   

在零售业的发展中存在着便利原则,人们对便利的偏好决定了便利店的产生与发展。我国的便利店在发展中存在着的问题主要是由于经营者观念陈旧,对“便利”的理解有偏差,政府的扶持和政策引导不够等原因造成的。因此,便利店在发展过程中应遵循“便利原则”,使便利店能够做到真正意义上的“便利”,以推动我国便利店的持续、快速发展。  相似文献   

技术和竞争使企业给消费者带来越多的便利,研究便利有助于企业更好审视自身提供便利的行为,从而选择有效的便利策略。文章在考察便利研究的现状后,针对性地梳理了不同视角下便利的概念,分析了多维度便利的分解方法,总结了便利对顾客满意、行为倾向、重复购买等服务结果的直接影响和间接影响。在此基础上对未来研究提出一些建议。  相似文献   

服务便利作为服务营销领域的一个崭新理念,已越来越引起学术界的关注。现有的服务便利研究聚焦于两个方面:一是服务便利概念的定义和操作化;二是服务便利的实证研究,包括服务便利的后果影响研究和影响消费者感知服务便利的前置因素等。文章在对国内外有关服务便利的主要研究成果进行梳理、归纳和评述的基础上,提出未来服务便利研究可以考虑的五个方向:一是推进服务便利的实证研究,二是完善服务便利测量量表,三是改进现有的研究方法,四是深入全面的探讨服务便利的前置因素,五是关注服务便利、服务价格和服务质量的交互作用及其对服务评价的影响。  相似文献   

The constructs of perceived control and convenience have been identified in previous qualitative studies of self-service technology (SST) use as important factors; yet empirically their effects are relatively unknown. Based on the theory of planned behavior, this study explores how control and convenience perceptions influence customers’ utilitarian (speed of transaction) and hedonic (exploration) motivations for using an SST. In addition, we explore how trust in a service provider influences customers’ future SST intentions. Two studies were undertaken to assess both users and nonusers’ evaluations of an SST. The results revealed that perceived control and convenience do impact the intentions of customers to use an SST in the future; however, their impact was mediated through the constructs of speed of transaction, exploration, and trust. Increased control and convenience perceptions influenced exploration, trust and speed evaluations, which in turn were associated with stronger perceived value, higher SST satisfaction judgments, and increased SST usage intentions. Managerial implications stemming from the empirical findings are discussed along with directions for future research.  相似文献   

As customers have demanded greater convenience in service exchanges, researchers have responded by incorporating the convenience construct into their conceptual models and empirical studies, but a comprehensive, formally validated measure of convenience remains lacking. This study conceptualizes service convenience as a second-order, five-dimensional construct that reflects consumers’ perceived time and effort in purchasing or using a service. Service convenience dimensions are salient at different stages of the purchase decision process. Given this conceptualization, the study presents the development and validation of the SERVCON scale, a comprehensive instrument for measuring service convenience. The five dimensions are independent within a nomological network that illustrates distinct antecedent and consequent effects, and the results reinforce the multidimensional representation, offering insight into the distinctive relationships between each service convenience dimension and its antecedents, such as competitive intensity, and consequences, such as repurchase behavior. The findings help researchers and managers understand a fully conceptualized convenience construct and facilitate the measurement of convenience in future empirical studies.  相似文献   

社区便利店营销策略分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
便利店作为一种追求便捷、优质服务的商业形态,在世界零售业中占据着举足轻重的地位,非常适合我国现阶段的经济发展水平。便利店的经营需根据自身特点在选址策略、产品策略、价格策略等方面进行营销定位以获得竞争优势。  相似文献   

国外营销学界关于便利问题的研究及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文回顾了便利理论的产生与发展,尝试性地概括出了便利研究的假设前提,并对便利理论在营销中的应用提出了建议。即,通过文献评述解释了便利的内涵;概括出了便利研究的假设前提;探讨了企业如何将便利用于经营的战术层面和战略层面,并考虑了企业关注便利时的成本问题;阐述了便利理论对于中国营销实践的启示。  相似文献   

本文从职务主体与时间的结合上,分二大类四小类界定了利用职务上的便利的涵义。笔者认为:利用职务上的便利应包括利用本人现在的、过去的和将来的职务上的便利及利用他人职务上的便利。对利用他人职务上的便利,应从行为人与第三人发生关系的原因上具体分析,只有通过工作关系利用第三人职务上的便利,才能作为受贿罪的构成要件。  相似文献   

随着我国连锁企业的蓬勃发展,作为连锁经营核心技术之一的物流配送技术成为连锁经营的基础和保障。而相对滞后的物流配送体系严重制约了连锁企业的发展,阻碍了我国连锁运营模式效益的发挥,成为连锁企业发展的"瓶颈"。对日本7-11便利店地毯式轰炸的集中开店战略、信息系统多方位管理、高效率物流配送的重要性展开分析和探讨,借鉴其以企业战略的观点力求物流配送的利润最优化,并对我国连锁企业运营模式效益化提出对策建议。  相似文献   

The Houston and Rothschild S-O-R consumer involvement paradigm is tested for validity with measures of involvement for a shampoo purchase decision. A multitrait-multimethod matrix approach confirms the convergent and discriminant validity of the measure employed. A causal modeling analysis suggests that enduring involvement may work through situational involvement to influence consumer responses. Marketing implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We consider the implications of the three pillars of sustainability (environment, economy and social justice) on consumption in a wealthy country. Building a theoretical model that includes consumers, business, government, the environment, and economic and political relations between nations, we explore how sustainability should affect the consumption behavior of consumers, charitable aid to poorer countries, and responsible environmental practices by businesses. Our model enables us to provide normative implications for consumers, society and business. Importantly, we assume that all stakeholders will optimize their self-interest, and that altruism will only partly explain behavior consistent with sustainability. Among the more non-obvious findings are that (1) the poorer the poor countries are, the less the rich countries should consume, (2) the more sensitive the global political climate is to economic inequity between the rich and poor nations, the less the rich countries should consume, and (3) if aid to poor countries is effective enough, then the more materialistic the society is, the more charitable aid it should give. We also confirm a number of more intuitive findings, such as that business should use more green technology as the taxes on pollution and/or efficiency of green technology increase, and the more resource-intensive consumption is, the less consumers should consume. Taken as a whole, the findings imply that societal consumption patterns should be sensitive to aspects of environmental impact and social justice, even if altruistic motivations are absent.  相似文献   

理性与非理性消费行为刍议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
改革开放以来 ,我国的产品生产能力已达到了较高水平 ,城乡居民 ,尤其是城镇居民的个人可支配收入得到了大幅度提高 ,足以满足城乡消费者的绝大部分需要。但是 ,我们也应该看到 ,随着消费品市场的进一步发展和人们收入水平之间差距的进一步拉大 ,消费群体的分化也日益明显 ,部分消费者经济能力的不同 ,文化观念的落后乃至消费心理扭曲等现象正逐渐在其消费行为上显现出来 ,即我国的消费品市场也和世界众多的消费品市场一样 ,存在着理性与非理性消费行为  相似文献   

选取40篇出境游客游记进行内容分析,总结出影响中国公民出境旅游便利的4个主要方面:旅游手续、旅游交通、旅游服务和旅游文化。据此设计调查问卷开展游客调研,采用IPA工具分析中国公民出境旅游便利度感知情况,通过重要性和绩效表现的不同,将中国公民主要出境旅游便利度问题分为4个方面,为提升中国公民出境旅游便利提供针对性的建议。  相似文献   

连锁便利店商圈特性的实证研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
决定零售店经营成败的三个关键因素是“选址、选址还是选址”,因此,在中国最有发展前景的零售业态连锁便利店快速发展的今天,研究其商圈特性并为科学选址提供依据具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。本文通过对连锁便利店的商圈特性的研究,提炼出对便利店经营有重要影响作用的店址因素,包括通行量、商圈类型、商圈竞争程度、消费能力、可视性、动线性等,并利用定性、定量等研究方法分析上述因素对便利店经营业绩的影响,初步得出一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

"新零售"背景下社区便利店面临转型升级的巨大压力,电商冲击、消费升级、技术变革、渠道融合等是社区便利店转型升级的主要动力。社区便利店转型升级,应着力重构"人-货-场"零售三要素,精准服务顾客、精准提供商品或服务、精准实现多场景融合,国家和地方政府也应在提高便民服务水平、加强信息技术应用、促进品牌连锁化发展等方面提供政策支持。  相似文献   

基于社区O2O的快递便利店创新商业模式设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
占领社区入口布局快递便利店并进行创新的商业模式设计,才能使快递企业在社区O2O的激烈竞争中超越竞争对手,迈向转型升级为综合物流服务商之路.遵循社区O2O下竞争层面和市场层面的规律选择生鲜农产品作为快递便利店门店主题,并据此以社区生鲜门店为例,基于商业模式的四大构成要素,探究如何将创新商业模式设计分解为以创新的价值主张为导向、盈利模式多元化、引入物联网的生鲜农产品供应链运营模式设计、模糊化的界面模式创新四个要素,由此来设计出一套具有市场竞争力的快递便利店商业模式.  相似文献   

科学消费浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,中消协提出了“科学消费“作为今年的消费主题,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。从某种意义上说,科学消费对我国的经济发展将产生重大的影响。因此,全面的理解及贯彻科学消费有重要的意义。  相似文献   

传统经济学理论认为,当一种商品的供给增加时,其价格呈下降趋势。然而我国当前的住房消费市场却恰恰相反:一方面,市场上出现了大量的商品房积压或闲置,而另一方面住房价格却依然居高不下。本文认为,出现这一问题的原因是供给没有有效地创造出自己的需求,而解决这一问题的方法是通过降低利率、成本以及减少税收等手段增加居民的相对收入并达到有效刺激市场需求的目的。  相似文献   

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