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北京老字号是北京的城市名片,是构成北京城市文化的重要因子。经过30余年改革开放的市场竞争洗礼,环境、市场都发生了巨大变化,势必对北京老字号品牌的塑造及扩展提出许多新的挑战。面对新的情况,企业及政府应采取相应的对策,使北京老字号品牌能够更好地为北京的发展增光添彩。本文对北京老字号的现状进行了探讨,并对北京老字号品牌进行了全面的SWOT分析。在此基础上,一方面从品牌定位、营销模式和品牌文化的创新等微观层面针对北京老字号企业提出了建议;另一方面从提供发展环境及与文创产业、地理标志品牌塑造、与文化遗产品牌相结合等方面提出了面向政府的建议。  相似文献   

中华老字号具有民族文化积淀的品牌是经过祖辈几代人的努力奋斗竖立起来的,承载了具有我国民族特色的商业文化。传统品牌具有深厚的文化底蕴,中华老字号应立足这一竞争优势,同时实现企业品牌的整合、重组和创新,从而适应新时代的发展要求,使我国的老子好品牌得到更好的传播和传承。文中简单论述了当代我国老字号企业品牌传播中出现的问题,同时提出了老字号品牌传播要坚持的原则,最后对于新时期老字号企业品牌传播具体措施给出了几点建议。  相似文献   

中国老字号品牌具有深厚的文化底蕴,是中华商业文化的重要载体,是中华民族工商业的精英,是中国名牌经济的重要力量,具有很强的历史文化价值和经济价值。但是随着经济的发展,这些老字号品牌除了少数一部分今天仍然保持着活力外,绝大多数己经从市场上消失。国内学者对于中国老字号品牌的重振问题,作了许多相关研究。文章的研究视角在于将西方的品牌老化、品牌活化理论与中国老字号品牌结合起来,从中找出适合中国老字号品牌重新振兴的策略。  相似文献   

城市中的老字号品牌携带着历史长河中的文化精华,记录城市中人们对生活的理解,可以说老字号品牌已成为一个城市的名片,对城市的形象和发展起着至关重要的作用。杭州传统老字号品牌在普通老百姓生活当中占有极其重要的地位,但是如今很多老字号品牌在激烈的时代竞争中失去了原来的魅力。本文通过实地调研,走访企业和消费者问卷等形式,提出这些传统品牌发展过程中的局限和问题,并针对存在的问题探究传统品牌未来创新发展的对策。  相似文献   

老字号发展障碍及其原因分析 具有老字号品牌的企业(以下简称老字号)以餐饮企业最多,这些企业所遇到的发展障碍,涉及社会和经济的因素、产业结构等内容。据此,老字号理解和制定竞争战略必须从自身的优势与劣势、关键实施者的个人价值、产业机会与威胁(经济上和技术上)和广泛的社会期望等四个要素去考虑。这四个关键要素决定了一个公司可以取得成功的限度,借用波特竞争模型,可用图形表示为图1。  相似文献   

近年来,北京大华时尚科技发展有限公司紧紧围绕品牌主业发展目标和方向,以深化品牌特色为基础,以运营管理全方位创新为抓手,通过"加文化、减制造、乘科技、除环节"创新品牌管理机制,实施品牌再造和品牌多元融合发展,有效弘扬了老字号品牌文化,实现了老字号企业和品牌的传承与发展,提升了企业和品牌的知名度和影响力.同时,有助于实现北京"文化中心"建设,更好地满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要.  相似文献   

品牌文化的建设是振兴浙江老字号的根本所在,浙江应从夯实老字号品牌文化基础、整合老字号品牌文化物质载体、构建老字号品牌文化的精神气质、整合老字号品牌文化的传播通道等四方面来打造品牌文化战略。  相似文献   

厦门老字号由于其独特而优良的产品和工艺,曾得到了市场和消费者的认同。然而随着时间的推移,许多老字号处于萎缩趋势,有的名店甚至已经消失。抢救、扶持、振兴厦门老字号迫在眉睫,应该引起政府及全社会的关注和重视。本文对厦门老字号的发展现状及部分老字号衰退原因进行分析,在此基础上对厦门老字号品牌的发展振兴提出若干建议,希望在政府、企业及全社会的重视关心下,厦门老字号能走得更远,永续发展。  相似文献   

中华老字号的发展与中华民族文化息息相关.令人惋惜的是进入现代经济社会,有些老字号未能适应市场变化而纷纷倒闭.本文应用公共关系方法,从品牌管理的角度探讨老字号的发展路径.  相似文献   

建国时,中国约有老字号企业1万多家。到上世纪90年代,原商业部认定的中华老字号企业有1600多家,老字号企业迅速减少,在剩下的老字号企业中,70%是勉强维持现状,20%长期亏损,面临倒闭、破产,只有10%的企业生产经营效益比较好。而一些改嫁的老字号,新东家看中的往往只是老字号所处的黄金地段,至于老字号本身的金字招牌几乎被忽略掉了。业内人士指出,老字号在新形势下面临“三老”难题:一是产品结构老。  相似文献   


I develop a model of competition between walkable shops, and other shops whose customers drive (car-oriented shops). Walkable shops operate in monopolistic competition within a local area, or neighbourhood. A small cost advantage for car-oriented shops can turn into a larger price advantage. High prices in walkable shops effect a regressive transfer from poorer to richer consumers, since the poorer are less likely to have cars. Internalizing environmental and social costs of urban automobile use could reduce prices and increase capacity utilization in walkable shops in more densely populated local areas. Many common combinations of planning and pricing tools fail to internalize important costs, and may actually subsidize driving to shop, but a combination of planning and the pricing (through taxation) of retail parking could effectively internalize the relevant costs.  相似文献   

Charity shops are now a familiar feature of high streets and shopping precincts throughout the UK. As the sector has grown charities have taken an increasingly commercial approach to selling; many charities have introduced new goods in their shops. It is suspected that these changes have significantly broadened their customer base. As yet, however, little research has beendoneoncharityshopcustomers. This paper is based on a survey of 592 customers in 25 charity shops in the Bristol area. It explores who is using the shops, the types of goods they are purchasing and the amounts they are spending. Findings include a number of revealing differences between the purchasing habits of men and women, some of which appear to be peculiar to the charity shops sector. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

随着商品经济的发展,中小型店铺的数量迅速增加。传统的ERP软件由于成本、便携性等方面的限制,无法适应小型店铺的实际需要。基于这种现状,文章以手机作为数据采集终端,以计算机作为服务器,通过http+JSON的形式构建手机与服务器端的数据交互,方便用户对店铺的货品管理,提高小型店铺的管理水平。  相似文献   

随着商品经济的发展,中小型店铺的数量迅速增加。传统的ERP软件由于成本、便携性等方面的限制,无法适应小型店铺的实际需要。基于这种现状,文章以手机作为数据采集终端,以计算机作为服务器,通过http+JSON的形式构建手机与服务器端的数据交互,方便用户对店铺的货品管理,提高小型店铺的管理水平。  相似文献   

分析同一港口集装箱码头间拖箱业务产生原因的基础上,根据上海港(案例港)的实地调研数据,采用Dijkstra算法和模糊综合评判法,建立码头间集装箱拖箱业务调度模型及调度系统。用C++11语言,编写了适用于港口的数字模拟平台,通过仿真,验证了设计的新调度模型比传统人工方式更有效率,为港口运营提供了切实可行的系统支持。  相似文献   

This paper considers several implications of the fact that charity shops are part of the wider class of second‐hand markets. This approach attempts to complement research on other features of charity shops like the distinctive nature of voluntary work and the identities of charity shop consumers. It is argued that the functioning of second‐hand markets highlights some limitations in traditional models of consumer behaviour. This gives charity shops (and second‐hand markets in general) an important role in developing more effective theories of consumption. At the same time, there are more practical reasons for being aware of the limitations of existing theories. In particular, marketing for charity shops will be ineffective if their functions are misunderstood. The paper also illustrates how these theoretical insights have practical implications. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

张方  刘丙午 《物流技术》2007,26(11):81-83,93
主要探讨了物流配送中心和其所服务连锁店在配送时间上的相互制约关系,以及配送中心在一个工作周期中的经营成本。在规定时间范围内保证满足连锁店服务要求的前提下,配送中心本着成本最小的原则,利用混合整数规划方法,对物流配送中心的选址进行优化。  相似文献   

Charity shops have been part of the voluntary sector for many years. Competition and professionalism have brought about major shifts in the expectation of charity shops, be it the quality of the product sold, the way in which it is marketed or the return on investment. In the following article Charles Holden draws on his experience to offer a perspective to the reader who is either contemplating the introduction of retailing into the fundraising portfolio or seeking to assess the strengths and weaknesses of an established operation.  相似文献   

Charity shops seem inherently contradictory in many ways. This paper unravels some of the contradictions by analysing charity shops in their ‘sectoral contexts’. First it puts forward different meanings of ‘sector’ and introduces notions of ‘sector values’. Then it presents results from empirical research into UK charity shop organisations, to show how senior managers of charity shop chains deal with ‘sectoral contradictions’. Finally, it asks how the sectoral contexts influence the management philosophies and marketing strategies (in the broadest sense) of these senior managers. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

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