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Parametric stochastic frontier models yield firm-level conditional distributions of inefficiency that are truncated normal. Given these distributions, how should one assess and rank firm-level efficiency? This study compares the techniques of estimating (a) the conditional mean of inefficiency and (b) probabilities that firms are most or least efficient. Monte Carlo experiments suggest that the efficiency probabilities are easier to estimate (less noisy) in terms of mean absolute percent error when inefficiency has large variation across firms. Along the way we tackle some interesting problems associated with simulating and assessing estimator performance in the stochastic frontier model.  相似文献   

Traditional stochastic frontier models impose inefficient behavior on all firms in the sample of interest. If the data under investigation represent a mixture of both fully efficient and inefficient firms then off-the-shelf frontier models are statistically inadequate. We introduce the zero inefficiency stochastic frontier model which can accommodate the presence of both efficient and inefficient firms in the sample. We derive the corresponding log-likelihood function, conditional mean of inefficiency, to estimate observation-specific inefficiency and discuss testing for the presence of fully efficient firms. We provide both simulated evidence as well as an empirical example which demonstrates the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   


In stochastic frontier analysis, the conventional estimation of unit inefficiency is based on the mean/mode of the inefficiency, conditioned on the composite error. It is known that the conditional mean of inefficiency shrinks towards the mean rather than towards the unit inefficiency. In this paper, we analytically prove that the conditional mode cannot accurately estimate unit inefficiency, either. We propose regularized estimators of unit inefficiency that restrict the unit inefficiency estimators to satisfy some a priori assumptions, and derive the closed form regularized conditional mode estimators for the three most commonly used inefficiency densities. Extensive simulations show that, under common empirical situations, e.g., regarding sample size and signal-to-noise ratio, the regularized estimators outperform the conventional (unregularized) estimators when the inefficiency is greater than its mean/mode. Based on real data from the electricity distribution sector in Sweden, we demonstrate that the conventional conditional estimators and our regularized conditional estimators provide substantially different results for highly inefficient companies.


Worker peer-effects and managerial selection have received limited attention in the stochastic frontier analysis literature. We develop a parametric production function model that allows for worker peer-effects in output and worker-level inefficiency that is correlated with a manager’s selection of worker teams. The model is the usual “composed error” specification of the stochastic frontier model, but we allow for managerial selectivity (endogeneity) that works through the worker-level inefficiency term. The new specification captures both worker-level inefficiency and the manager’s ability to efficiently select teams to produce output. As the correlation between the manager’s selection equation and worker inefficiency goes to zero, our parametric model reduces to the normal-exponential stochastic frontier model of Aigner et al. (1977) with peer-effects. A comprehensive application to the NBA is provided.  相似文献   

Analysis of the behavior of technical inefficiency with respect to parameters and variables of a stochastic frontier model is a neglected area of research in frontier literature. An attempt in this direction, however, has recently been made. It has been shown that in a “standard” stochastic frontier model that both the firm level technical inefficiency and the production uncertainty are monotonically decreasing with observational error. In this paper we show, considering a stochastic frontier model whose error components are jointly distributed as truncated bivariate normal, that this property holds if and only if the distribution of observational error is negatively skewed. We also derive a necessary and sufficient condition under which both firm level technical inefficiency and production uncertainty are monotonically increasing with noise-inefficiency correlation. We next propose a new measure of the industry level production uncertainty and establish the necessary and sufficient condition for firm level technical inefficiency and production uncertainty to be monotonically increasing with industry level production uncertainty. We also study the limiting probabilistic behavior of these conditions under different parametric configuration of our model. Finally we carry out Monte Carlo simulations to study the sample behavior of the population monotonic property of the firm level technical inefficiency and production uncertainty in our model.
Arabinda DasEmail:

One of the main purposes of the frontier literature is to estimate inefficiency. Given this objective, it is unfortunate that the issue of estimating firm-specific inefficiency in cross sectional context has not received much attention. To estimate firm-specific (technical) inefficiency, the standard procedure is to use the mean of the inefficiency term conditional on the entire composed error as suggested by Jondrow, Lovell, Materov and Schmidt (1982). This conditional mean could be viewed as the average loss of output (return). It is also quite natural to consider the conditional variance which could provide a measure of production uncertainty or risk. Once we have the conditional mean and variance, we can report standard errors and construct confidence intervals for firm level technical inefficiency. Moreover, we can also perform hypothesis tests. We postulate that when a firm attempts to move towards the frontier it not only increases its efficiency, but it also reduces its production uncertainty and this will lead to shorter confidence intervals. Analytical expressions for production uncertainty under different distributional assumptions are provided, and it is shown that the technical inefficiency as defined by Jondrow et al. (1982) and the production uncertainty are monotonic functions of the entire composed error term. It is very interesting to note that this monotonicity result is valid under different distributional assumptions of the inefficiency term. Furthermore, some alternative measures of production uncertainty are also proposed, and the concept of production uncertainty is generalized to the panel data models. Finally, our theoretical results are illustrated with an empirical example.  相似文献   

The field of productive efficiency analysis is currently divided between two main paradigms: the deterministic, nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the parametric Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). This paper examines an encompassing semiparametric frontier model that combines the DEA-type nonparametric frontier, which satisfies monotonicity and concavity, with the SFA-style stochastic homoskedastic composite error term. To estimate this model, a new two-stage method is proposed, referred to as Stochastic Non-smooth Envelopment of Data (StoNED). The first stage of the StoNED method applies convex nonparametric least squares (CNLS) to estimate the shape of the frontier without any assumptions about its functional form or smoothness. In the second stage, the conditional expectations of inefficiency are estimated based on the CNLS residuals, using the method of moments or pseudolikelihood techniques. Although in a cross-sectional setting distinguishing inefficiency from noise in general requires distributional assumptions, we also show how these can be relaxed in our approach if panel data are available. Performance of the StoNED method is examined using Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

We introduce a new panel data estimation technique for production and cost functions, the recursive thick frontier approach (RTFA). RTFA has two advantages over existing econometric frontier methods. First, technical inefficiency is allowed to be dependent on the explanatory variables of the frontier model. Secondly, RTFA does not hinge on distributional assumptions on the inefficiency component of the error term. We show by means of simulation experiments that RTFA outperforms the popular stochastic frontier approach and the ‘within’ ordinary least squares estimator for realistic parameterizations of a productivity model. Although RTFAs formal statistical properties are unknown, we argue, based on these simulation experiments, that RTFA is a useful complement to existing methods.  相似文献   

Estimation of technical efficiency is widely used in empirical research using both cross-sectional and panel data. Although several stochastic frontier models for panel data are available, only a few of them are normally applied in empirical research. In this article we chose a broad selection of such models based on different assumptions and specifications of heterogeneity, heteroskedasticity and technical inefficiency. We applied these models to a single dataset from Norwegian grain farmers for the period 2004–2008. We also introduced a new model that disentangles firm effects from persistent (time-invariant) and residual (time-varying) technical inefficiency. We found that efficiency results are quite sensitive to how inefficiency is modeled and interpreted. Consequently, we recommend that future empirical research should pay more attention to modeling and interpreting inefficiency as well as to the assumptions underlying each model when using panel data.  相似文献   

Earlier papers by Aiger, Lovell and Schmidt and by Meeusen and van den Broeck have considered stochastic frontier production functions. this paper extends that work by considering the duality between stochastic frontier production and cost funstions, under the assumtions of exact cost minimization (tecchnical inefficiency only) and of inexact cost minimization (technical and allocative inefficiency). We show how to measure both types of inefficiency, and the associated cost of inefficiency. The techniques are illustrated using data on steam-electric generating plants.  相似文献   

Traditional panel stochastic frontier models do not distinguish between unobserved individual heterogeneity and inefficiency. They thus force all time-invariant individual heterogeneity into the estimated inefficiency. Greene (2005) proposes a true fixed-effect stochastic frontier model which, in theory, may be biased by the incidental parameters problem. The problem usually cannot be dealt with by model transformations owing to the nonlinearity of the stochastic frontier model. In this paper, we propose a class of panel stochastic frontier models which create an exception. We show that first-difference and within-transformation can be analytically performed on this model to remove the fixed individual effects, and thus the estimator is immune to the incidental parameters problem. Consistency of the estimator is obtained by either N→∞N or T→∞T, which is an attractive property for empirical researchers.  相似文献   

We show how a wide range of stochastic frontier models can be estimated relatively easily using variational Bayes. We derive approximate posterior distributions and point estimates for parameters and inefficiency effects for (a) time invariant models with several alternative inefficiency distributions, (b) models with time varying effects, (c) models incorporating environmental effects, and (d) models with more flexible forms for the regression function and error terms. Despite the abundance of stochastic frontier models, there have been few attempts to test the various models against each other, probably due to the difficulty of performing such tests. One advantage of the variational Bayes approximation is that it facilitates the computation of marginal likelihoods that can be used to compare models. We apply this idea to test stochastic frontier models with different inefficiency distributions. Estimation and testing is illustrated using three examples.  相似文献   

We consider Bayesian estimation of a stochastic production frontier with ordered categorical output, where the inefficiency error is assumed to follow an exponential distribution, and where output, conditional on the inefficiency error, is modelled as an ordered probit model. Gibbs sampling algorithms are provided for estimation with both cross-sectional and panel data, with panel data being our main focus. A Monte Carlo study and a comparison of results from an example where data are used in both continuous and categorical form supports the usefulness of the approach. New efficiency measures are suggested to overcome a lack-of-invariance problem suffered by traditional efficiency measures. Potential applications include health and happiness production, university research output, financial credit ratings, and agricultural output recorded in broad bands. In our application to individual health production we use data from an Australian panel survey to compute posterior densities for marginal effects, outcome probabilities, and a number of within-sample and out-of-sample efficiency measures.  相似文献   

Fixed and Random Effects in Stochastic Frontier Models   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Received stochastic frontier analyses with panel data have relied on traditional fixed and random effects models. We propose extensions that circumvent two shortcomings of these approaches. The conventional panel data estimators assume that technical or cost inefficiency is time invariant. Second, the fixed and random effects estimators force any time invariant cross unit heterogeneity into the same term that is being used to capture the inefficiency. Inefficiency measures in these models may be picking up heterogeneity in addition to or even instead of inefficiency. A fixed effects model is extended to the stochastic frontier model using results that specifically employ the nonlinear specification. The random effects model is reformulated as a special case of the random parameters model. The techniques are illustrated in applications to the U.S. banking industry and a cross country comparison of the efficiency of health care delivery.JEL classification: C1, C4  相似文献   

This paper considers a panel stochastic production frontier model that allows the dynamic adjustment of technical inefficiency. In particular, we assume that inefficiency follows an AR(1) process. That is, the current year's inefficiency for a firm depends on its past inefficiency plus a transient inefficiency incurred in the current year. Interfirm variations in the transient inefficiency are explained by some firm-specific covariates. We consider four likelihood-based approaches to estimate the model: the full maximum likelihood, pairwise composite likelihood, marginal composite likelihood, and quasi-maximum likelihood approaches. Moreover, we provide Monte Carlo simulation results to examine and compare the finite-sample performances of the four above-mentioned likelihood-based estimators of the parameters. Finally, we provide an empirical application of a panel of 73 Finnish electricity distribution companies observed during 2008–2014 to illustrate the working of our proposed models.  相似文献   


We propose a kernel-based Bayesian framework for the analysis of stochastic frontiers and efficiency measurement. The primary feature of this framework is that the unknown distribution of inefficiency is approximated by a transformed Rosenblatt-Parzen kernel density estimator. To justify the kernel-based model, we conduct a Monte Carlo study and also apply the model to a panel of U.S. large banks. Simulation results show that the kernel-based model is capable of providing more precise estimation and prediction results than the commonly-used exponential stochastic frontier model. The Bayes factor also favors the kernel-based model over the exponential model in the empirical application.


This paper examines the impact of an endogenous cost function variable on the inefficiency estimates generated by stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). The specific variable of interest in this application is endogenous quality in nursing homes. We simulate a dataset based on the characteristics of for-profit nursing homes in California, which we use to assess the impact on SFA-generated inefficiency estimates of an endogenous regressor under a variety of scenarios, including variations in the strength and direction of the endogeneity and whether the correlation is with the random noise or the inefficiency residual component of the error term. We compare each of these cases when quality is included and excluded from the cost equation. We provide evidence of the impact of endogeneity on inefficiency estimates yielded by SFA under these various scenarios and when the endogenous regressor is included and excluded from the model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effect of bank size differences on cost efficiency heterogeneity using a heteroskedastic stochastic frontier model. This model is implemented by using an information theoretic maximum entropy approach. We explicitly model both bank size and variance heterogeneity simultaneously. We find that non-performing loans, federal insurance premium, legal expenses and director fees drive bank inefficiency as the bank becomes larger. Moral hazard, bank management and a ??too big to fail?? doctrine are likely explanations for the results from this study.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a stochastic frontier production model which accommodates firm-specific temporal variation in technical inefficiency. Unlike Cornwell, Schmidt and Sickles (1990), technical inefficiency is not modeled through the intercept of the production frontier, but through an error component model. The proposed model is a generalization of the Battese and Coelli (1992) model, which imposed a common temporal pattern upon all firms. In our application involving Spanish dairy farms, we find that the new model is preferred to the Battese and Coelli (1992) model on the basis of the likelihood ratio test. Results provide a new source of information on the different patterns of technical inefficiency change among the 82 farms in the sample.  相似文献   

An important issue in models of technical efficiency measurement concerns the temporal behaviour of inefficiency. Consideration of dynamic models is necessary but inference in such models is complicated. In this paper we propose a stochastic frontier model that allows for technical inefficiency effects and dynamic technical inefficiency, and use Bayesian inference procedures organized around data augmentation techniques to provide inferences. Also provided are firm‐specific efficiency measures. The new methods are applied to a panel of large US commercial banks over the period 1989–2000. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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