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This paper investigates strategic and organisational context determinants of the sophistication of adopted sales force automation (SFA) systems in three UK industries: financial services, pharmaceuticals, and building/construction. Sophistication of adopted systems is associated with the organisation placing greater emphasis on information orientation, which is itself driven by an increased integration of IT and sales coupled with increased organisational slack. Increased integration of IT and sales is itself driven by increased strategic importance of sales coupled with increased use of internal communication networks. Importantly, a firm's marketing orientation, although also driven by the strategic importance of sales, has no impact on either information orientation or SFA sophistication. We discuss the implications of our findings to aid understanding of SFA implementation failure.  相似文献   

Researchers have studied marketing ethics from several perspectives. Few studies, however, have analyzed supervisory reactions to unethical behavior by salespeople. The results of this study using a 2 × 3 factorial design showed that the performance level of the salesperson and the consequences of the salesperson's actions influenced some types of discipline used by a sample of 246 sales managers. The findings both support and contradict prior research on how sales managers respond to unethical sales force behavior.James B. DeConinck is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at The University of Dayton. His publications have appeared inThe Journal of Business Research, The Journal of Business Ethics, andThe Journal of Applied Business Research. Prior to being in academics, he held industry positions in transportation and sales.  相似文献   

去年年底,世界客车联盟(BAAV)秘书长Luc Glorieux曾表示,中国客车企业现在生产的产品和欧洲5年前生产的产品相近,中国的客车工业与世界先进水平的差距仅有5年,中国客车企业应着眼全球,积极开拓国外市场。  相似文献   

In this study we explore the effects of behavior-based sales management control on salesperson characteristics, salesperson performance and sales organization effectiveness with data collected from field sales managers in Australia and Austria. Considering this cross-national perspective, knowledge should be added to the limited international sales management literature. The study findings provide strong support for positive relationships between behavior-based control and salesperson characteristics, salesperson outcome performance, and sales organization effectiveness. The results offer encouraging support of the cross-national relevance of the sales management behavior-based control model.  相似文献   

邓广梼 《广告大观》2008,(7):154-154
炎夏时分,虽然已是更深人静,唯独广告公司内还是灯火通明,但见人头涌涌,办公大楼的中央空调在非办公时间已是休息睡眠去矣,密封的办公大楼玻璃幕墙没能提供室外空气,大伙儿只能启动几把“美的”电风扇以高风速度暂时吹散弥漫在空中的污浊香烟云雾  相似文献   

服务营销学脱蜕于市场营销学,20世纪60年代兴起于西方。不少学者敏锐地指出服务营销学的兴起和发展,标志着市场营销领域的服务革命。自20世纪60年代以来,服务营销学的发展大致可分为以下三个阶段:  相似文献   


It has been observed in the academic and practitioner literature, a disconnect between the activities of salespeople and the sales strategy espoused by sales organizations. This study examines organizational and individual factors that can influence salespersons’ willingness and ability to implement sales strategy. This paper also seeks to examine the performance implications of sales strategy implementation by salespeople. Data were collected from a sample of 190 business-to-business salespeople in different industries. The study’s hypotheses were tested using partial least squares (PLS). The results of the study show that the different types of sales force control (behavior control and outcome control) has contrasting effects on salesperson market and technical knowledge and salesperson implementation of sales strategy. The results also demonstrate that when salespeople implement sales strategy as part of their sales process, it has a positive effect on their sales performance.  相似文献   

在当前经济社会中,品牌已深人到社会生活的方方面面,消费者也越来越多地享受着品牌带来的实惠与便利。在汽车(轿车)消费市场,品牌的演变日新月异.短短的十年光景。轿车品牌就由原来的老三样,发展到数十种之多.它们与大量进口“原装”洋品牌同台共舞.逐鹿中原;品牌营销正成为我国汽车市场营销领域中最为重要的一种营销模式。  相似文献   

In Shenzhen, sales of second-hand homes have also fallen sharply so far this month. Last week saw transaction volumes drop below 1,700 units, down 70 percent from just a week before.  相似文献   

The organizer of next year's World Expo announced the start of ticket sales in Singapore on November 10 after granting the authorization to two travel agents on the island, Zhong Yanqun, deputy director of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai Executive Committee,  相似文献   

This study analyzes the form, stability, and accuracy of Box-Jenkins forecasting models developed for 27 sales series. The order of autoregressive, differencing, and moving average factors is shown for each complete model along with “goodness of fit” criteria. Forecasting models are then presented for a reduced data set and accuracy is compared with seasonally adjusted linear regressions. The results suggest that Box-Jenkins models are often unstable, “goodness of fit” criteria are a poor guide to the best forecasting models, log transforms do not improve accuracy, and Box-Jenkins forecasts are usually (but not always) better than projections made with linear regression techniques.  相似文献   

It's been an uncertain month so far for China's real estate. With investors and potential buyers still uncertain which way policy is headed, figures for the first few weeks of January are relatively mixed. Total land area sold has gone up in some major cities. But prices and transaction volumes are down after a frantic rush at the end of last year.  相似文献   

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oessrcst.htm), almost 14 million Americans are employed in sales or sales-related jobs. Many organizations derive their entire revenue stream from the efforts of salespeople. As part of the domain of marketing, the academic study of selling and sales management is relatively young. Consider that the Journal of Marketing has been published for 70 years, while the Journal of Marketing Research has been in publication for 43 years (www.marketingpower.com). For its part, the specialized journal in selling and sales management, The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, has been published for just 26 years. Therefore, while there are a great many widely-used and studied models in the field, there is still much to be learned about this topic. As highlighted in this article, the research published in 2006 indicates the range of interesting and relevant work being conducted in the area.  相似文献   

品类定义、品类角色和品类策略是零售药店品类管理过程中的三个核心问题,本文从消费者角度出发,阐述了零售药店以适应症进行的品类定义,实施品类管理的药店需要一个均衡的品类组合,针对不同的品类角色实施不同的品类策略.  相似文献   

Increasing the productivity of salesmen is one method for boosting profits. The author discusses field cost ratios, and suggests ways to evaluate and improve sales force effectiveness.  相似文献   

We introduce a multivariate binomial logit model measuring cross-category dependence and sales promotion effects of a retail assortment. This model requires as data both the market baskets of individual shoppers and the categories currently promoted in a retail outlet. A special section describes the stepwise procedure used to estimate parameters of this model. Its application is demonstrated analyzing 6147 purchases that were acquired in a medium-sized supermarket. We finally discuss the managerial relevance of this model for sales promotion decisions of retail firms.  相似文献   

巫燕玲 《大经贸》2002,(2):40-42
对中国的分销商而言,外资进入分销可能意味着贸易渠道的重新整合。春节临近,中华广场的数码电器城,手机、电脑、音响琳琅满目,空气中弥漫着节日的喧闹气息  相似文献   

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