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We employ the directional technology distance function approach and present estimates of profit efficiency in the 25 European Union (EU) member states over the period 1998–2008. This method decomposes profit efficiency into its technical and allocative components. We investigate potential efficiency differences across the old EU region and the new EU member states, across countries and across banks of different size. Our results indicate a significant level of profit inefficiency for the EU region, which is predominantly attributed to allocative inefficiency. Our findings also suggest that banks operating in the old EU region are, on average, more profit efficient than credit institutions in the new EU member states. Overall, we observe considerable variation of efficiency scores across countries and different patterns in efficiency change over time, as well as a negative relationship between bank size and efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper uses directional distance functions to extend the non-parametric metafrontier approach to efficiency measurement proposed by O’Donnell et al. (Empir Econ 34:231–255, 2008) to the assessment of technological differences in eco-efficiency between groups of producers. Furthermore, eco-efficiency is assessed at the level of specific environmental pressure management. This methodology is applied to a sample of Spanish olive producers that belong to both traditional mountain and traditional plain growing systems. We find great potential for both olive growing systems to reduce environmental pressures. In terms of pressures on natural resources, the most eco-efficient technology is the traditional plain system, while the traditional mountain system is the most eco-efficient when considering pressures on biodiversity. These results might help policymakers design strategies to improve the performance of olive growing and meet the demands of society regarding the economic and ecological functions of this farming activity.  相似文献   

The bank efficiency literature lacks an agreed definition of bank outputs and inputs. This is problematic given the long-standing controversy concerning the status of deposits, but also because bank efficiency estimates are known to be affected by the inclusion of additional outputs such as non-traditional (fee-based) activities or risk measures. This paper proposes a data-driven identification of bank outputs and inputs using the directional technology distance function. While previous applications of this tool used symmetric expansion or contraction directions, we focus on a set of orthogonal directions, each corresponding to an assumption on the input/output status of an individual variable. These directions correspond to a set of different specifications, whose estimated coefficients can be used to determine the input or output status of all variables except the regressand. Our empirical analysis revealed a very consistent pattern across the alternative specifications estimated. There is strong evidence that customer deposits are an input, and that non-performing loans are an important undesirable output. Finally, the orthogonal expansions/contractions we consider avoid the simultaneity problem raised by the “convenient normalization” commonly used to impose linear homogeneity in stochastic frontier estimation.  相似文献   

This paper shows how scale efficiency can be measured from an arbitrary parametric hyperbolic distance function with multiple outputs and multiple inputs. It extends the methods introduced by Ray (J Product Anal 11:183–194, 1998), and Balk (J Product Anal 15:159–183, 2001) and Ray (2003) that measure scale efficiency from a single-output multi-input distance function and from a multi-output and multi-input distance function, respectively. The method developed in the present paper is different from Ray’s and Balk’s in that it allows for simultaneous contraction of inputs and expansion of outputs. Theorems applicable to an arbitrary parametric hyperbolic distance function are introduced first, and then their uses in measuring scale efficiency are illustrated with the translog functional form.  相似文献   

Milk quota trading rules differ across EU member countries. In Denmark a biannual milk quota exchange was set up in 1997 to promote a more efficient reallocation of milk quotas as well as to reduce transaction costs related to the searching and matching of sellers and buyers. Using two comprehensive unbalanced panel data sets on organic and conventional milk farms this study attempts to disentangle the effects of the introduction of quota transferability on the production structure of those farms as well as the probability of market entry/exit. Bayesian estimation techniques are used to estimate an input oriented generalized Leontief distance function as well as a curvature constrained specification. The results suggest that the deregulation in the quota allocation mechanism led to an increased allocative efficiency of organic as well as conventional milk production as well as a relative shift of the PPF in favor of the production of organic milk.  相似文献   

Despite their great popularity, all the conventional Divisia productivity indexes ignore undesirable outputs. The purpose of this study is to fill in this gap by proposing a primal Divisia-type productivity index that is valid in the presence of undesirable outputs. The new productivity index is derived by total differentiation of the directional output distance function with respect to a time trend and referred to as the Divisia–Luenberger productivity index. We also empirically compare the Divisia–Luenberger productivity index and a representative of the conventional Divisia productivity indexes–the radial-output-distance-function-based Feng and Serletis (2010) productivity index–using aggregate data on 15 OECD countries over the period 1981–2000. Our empirical results show that failure to take into account undesirable outputs not only leads to misleading rankings of countries both in terms of productivity growth and in terms of technological change, but also results in wrong conclusions concerning efficiency change.  相似文献   

The insurance industry worldwide has become less fragmented through liberalization reforms. Yet, following the transformational changes, there is little empirical evidence on identifying the determinants of managerial efficiency. This paper employs a truncated regression analysis to determine the factors driving managerial efficiency of Malaysian insurers. Overall and divisional efficiencies are derived using data envelopment analysis. The decomposition analysis reveals that the observed inefficiency is mainly caused by investment capability division. The regression findings reveal that determinants of efficiency have dissimilar impacts on overall and divisional efficiencies. This study broadly supports financial liberalization as a means of promoting managerial efficiency.  相似文献   

Banking technology is typically characterized by multiple inputs and multiple outputs that are associated with various attributes, such as different types of deposits, loans, number of accounts, classes of employees and location of branches. These quality differentials in inputs and outputs are mostly ignored in empirical studies. These omissions make the practical value of productivity studies in organizations like banks questionable because quality is a key component of performance. This paper proposes using hedonic aggregator functions (as a tool of aggregating inputs and outputs with quality attributes) within an input distance function framework and analyzes the impact of banking deregulation on efficiency and total factor productivity (TFP) change in the Indian banking industry using panel data for the period 1996–2005. Empirical results indicate that banks have improved their efficiency (from 61% in 1996 to 72% in 2005) during the post‐deregulation period, and the gain in efficiency of state‐owned banks has surpassed that of private banks. Improvement in capital base, as indicated by increased capital adequacy ratio, played an important role in ushering efficiency gain. The return to scale estimate suggests that state‐owned banks are operating far above their efficient scale and cost savings can be obtained by reducing their size of operations. Overall, TFP growth was above 3.5% annually. Both technical progress and technical efficiency change consistently played an important role in shaping TFP growth. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this note a simpler method of cost efficiency decomposition than that of Kopp and Diewert (1982) is proposed. The method is obtained by application of a duality theorem for cost and distance functions.  相似文献   

In some contexts, firms have to deal with certain elements or factors that affect the production outcome but which are non-market in nature and therefore do not have a price. In this paper we propose a new use of a production economics tool, the input distance function, to empirically measure the effects of these factors. Although we suggest a general use of this methodology, it has been developed in the context of measuring the effects of labor disputes in a particular declining industry, that of Spanish coal mining. We have estimated an equation system comprising an input distance function and cost share equations to calculate the cost generated by strikes.
Ana Rodríguez-álvarezEmail:

Using the stochastic metafrontier framework of Battese et al. (J Prod Anal 21:91–103, 2004), this study proposes to compare and measure the cost efficiency and cost frontier gap between the banking industry in Taiwan and China. It further identifies environmental variables that determine bank’s cost frontier gap between two countries. Data on 69 sample banks for years 2005–2009 are used in the empirical analysis and inference. The empirical results show that Taiwanese banks have in general the superior cost frontier of production, but inferior cost efficiency of operation than Chinese banks. Private banks in Taiwan have the best cost frontier, whereas foreign banks in China are most cost efficient among all banks in Taiwan and China. The empirical results also reveal that the majority of Taiwanese banks are undersized and that most banks in China are oversized. Finally, the regression results show that the financial market structure, institutional environment, and political development are significant determinants of the cost gap between the cost frontiers of banks in Taiwan and China. Therefore, programs related to changes directed toward a better bank production environment can be initiated to improve the cost technologies of banks in both Taiwan and China.  相似文献   

This study combines the output distance function approach with a latent class model to estimate technical efficiency in English football in the presence of productive heterogeneity within a stochastic frontier analysis framework. The distance function approach allows the researcher to estimate technical efficiency including both on-field and off-field production, which is important in the case of English football where clubs are generally thought to maximize something other than profit. On-field production is measured using total league points, and off-field production is measured using total revenue. The data set consists of 2177 club-level observations on 88 clubs that competed in the four divisions of professional football in England over the 29-season period from 1981/82 to 2009/10. The results show evidence of three separate productivity classes in English football. As might be expected, technical efficiency estimated using the latent class model is, on average, higher than technical efficiency using an alternative method which confines heterogeneity to the intercept coefficient. Specifically, average efficiency for the sample is 87.3 and 93.2% for the random-intercept model and the latent class model respectively.  相似文献   

This study decomposes the environmental Kuznets curve for CO2 into scale, composition and technique effects for a sample of countries in the South China Sea and Caribbean basins, regions at risk of increased exposure to extreme tropical weather and at different developmental stages. Effect variation with respect to population density and investment proportion of GDP show evidence of more effective abatement activities and more appropriate technology in the South China Sea economies. The countries with the highest levels of technical efficiency in the different regions also have the most equal distribution of income and the highest population densities.  相似文献   

A problem with index number methods for computing TFP growth is that during recessions these methods show declines in TFP. This is rather implausible since it implies technological regress. We develop a new method to decompose TFP growth into technical progress and inefficiency arising from the short run fixity of capital and labour, and apply this to new data on the US corporate nonfinancial sector and the noncorporate nonfinancial sector. The analysis sheds light on sources of the productivity growth slowdowns over the period 1960–2014.  相似文献   

This study re-investigates the bank cost efficiency by a combination of two strands of literature. The first strand is related to bank cost efficiency; the other is related to earnings management. Employing the findings reported in bank earnings management literature, this study argues that bank observed total cost (“accounting cost”) may be the biased estimator of the true total cost. Using the biased total cost may thus yield incorrect inferences from estimating bank cost efficiency. We propose a method to modify accounting cost, which is referred to as “economic cost”, to be consistent with the economic theory; that is, one that is free of cost management. Both accounting and economic costs are then adopted to analyze the efficiency of 29 commercial banks in Taiwan banking industry. Our results show that estimated efficiency, with the application of economic cost, offers results that are more reasonable results than those of the accounting cost.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new univariate forecasting method. The method is based on the concept of modifying the local curvature of the time-series through a coefficient ‘Theta’ (the Greek letter θ), that is applied directly to the second differences of the data. The resulting series that are created maintain the mean and the slope of the original data but not their curvatures. These new time series are named Theta-lines. Their primary qualitative characteristic is the improvement of the approximation of the long-term behavior of the data or the augmentation of the short-term features, depending on the value of the Theta coefficient. The proposed method decomposes the original time series into two or more different Theta-lines. These are extrapolated separately and the subsequent forecasts are combined. The simple combination of two Theta-lines, the Theta=0 (straight line) and Theta=2 (double local curves) was adopted in order to produce forecasts for the 3003 series of the M3 competition. The method performed well, particularly for monthly series and for microeconomic data.  相似文献   

The explanation of productivity differentials is very important to identify the economic conditions that create inefficiency and to improve managerial performance. In the literature two main approaches have been developed: one-stage approaches and two-stage approaches. Daraio and Simar (2005, J Prod Anal 24(1):93–121) propose a fully nonparametric methodology based on conditional FDH and conditional order-m frontiers without any convexity assumption on the technology. However, convexity has always been assumed in mainstream production theory and general equilibrium. In addition, in many empirical applications, the convexity assumption can be reasonable and sometimes natural. Lead by these considerations, in this paper we propose a unifying approach to introduce external-environmental variables in nonparametric frontier models for convex and nonconvex technologies. Extending earlier contributions by Daraio and Simar (2005, J Prod Anal 24(1):93–121) as well as Cazals et al. (2002, J Econometrics 106:1–25), we introduce a conditional DEA estimator, i.e., an estimator of production frontier of DEA type conditioned to some external-environmental variables which are neither inputs nor outputs under the control of the producer. A robust version of this conditional estimator is proposed too. These various measures of efficiency provide also indicators of convexity which we illustrate using simulated and real data. Cinzia Daraio received Research support from the Italian Ministry of Education Research on Innovation Systems Project (iRis) “The reorganization of the public system of research for the technological transfer: governance, tools and interventions” and from the Italian Ministry of Educational Research Project (MIUR 40% 2004) “System spillovers on the competitiveness of Italian economy: quantitative analysis for sectoral policies” which are acknowledged. Léopold Simar received Research support from the “Interuniversity Attraction Pole”, Phase V (No. P5/24) from the Belgian Government (Belgian Science Policy) is acknowledged.  相似文献   

The effects of court-ordered education finance reform on property values and residential choice have received increasing attention in recent years (Fischel 2001). However, little attention has been focused on the effects of education finance reform on manufacturing sector property values within an optimizing framework. This is pursued here by modeling education expenditures and education finance reform as “free” variables to manufacturing firms in a cost function model together with input demand equations. This framework is applied to panel data on manufacturers’ capital (building and structures) stocks for the 48 continental US for 1982–1996 to estimate implicit (shadow) values to the manufacturing sector of education spending and school finance reform. On average, school finance reform lowers the implicit value of manufacturing firms’ stock of buildings and structures capital, while greater education spending lowers manufacturing variable costs.
Jeffrey P. CohenEmail:

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