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Responses of single and multiple person household food shoppers are analyzed to determine whether the two groups differ with respect to (1) those store criteria which are important in selecting a food store, (2) attitudes and behavior concerning the grocery shopping activity, and (3) various demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Even though many similarities were found between the two groups of shoppers, some differences were observed. The implications of these similarities and differences are discussed, with emphasis given to their impact on retail food store management and strategic planning.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the stability of evaluations and relative importance weights in linear compensatory service performance evaluations when customers are delayed. We postulate that even within one specific service, a consumer’s evaluation model may differ depending on the service experience. In an empirical study comparing delayed and nondelayed airline passengers, we found that evaluations of punctuality and overall service quality differed between those experiencing a delay and those who did not. More significantly, the delay also affected other service attribute evaluations and the relative importance of the various service attributes in the prediction of overall service evaluation. Preliminary explanations for these results, based on attribute salience and mood research, are discussed. She received her Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario.  相似文献   

高管背景特征、社会网络与战略决策关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高阶理论提出后,占据企业科层金字塔顶端的决策者,高层管理者的背景特征对于战略决策的影响日渐为研究者所重视。而中国经济转型的情境,造成了高层管理者所嵌入的社会网络——“第三种资源配置方式”对战略决策的重要影响。因此,探索高管的背景特征和社会网络对于战略决策的影响具有重要的理论意义。本研究分别基于高阶理论和资源基础理论,分析了任职背景、教育背景、性别与年龄和团队异质性等背景特征以及社会网络对于企业战略决策质量、多元化战略和战略变革的影响。  相似文献   

This study examines the characteristics and shopping behavior of urban blacks who patronize a black-owned and managed neighborhood shopping center in a large mid-western city. The shopping center is located in a community that reflects typical inner city characteristics of high unemployment, low income, and classic shortage of necessary retail and commercial facilities. The community promotion analyzed in the study was the shopping center's first formal attempt to promote the mall and provided an opportunity both to measure the traffic and the sales generating impact of the promotion and to learn about the profiles of the center's shoppers. Covered in the study are demographic and socio-economic variables, attitudes toward and perceptions of various characteristics of the mall, and various dimensions of the respondent's retail shopping behavior. Analysis of the characteristics of the shopping center's customers indicates two distinct market segments that live different distances from the mall with sex, income, age, and shopping behavior varying by segment. The hypothesis that the two groups of black shoppers, with different demographic characteristics, will also exhibit different shopping behavior was not rejected, and therefore, the authors could suggest marketing policy and strategy recommendations to management to more effectively reach and satisfy the heavy user of such shopping centers. Alpha Development Corp.  相似文献   

Recently, legislation affecting the granting of credit, and the desire of many banks to become dual issuers of the two national bank cards (Bank Americard (Visa) and Master Charge), have created a need for more information about bank credit cards and the holders of either or both of these two national cards. Both bankers and retailers are interested in knowing more about the market segments holding one or both of these cards, and whether or not there is any difference in theusage of credit between holders of either or both cards. This paper compares the socioeconomic characteristics, attitudinal response, and credit usage of a nationwide probability sample of Americans who possess one or both of these two national bank credit cards.  相似文献   

A product evaluation and market segmentation research process is proposed which incorporates iterative, sequential studies and uses multi-measures and multi-methods of analysis. Market structure analysis is positioned within this process such that product positioning, product-space segmentation and attitude modeling are conducted as alternative analytical approaches. At each step in the research process, specific consideration is given to the various product use contexts. The corroborative findings from the analyses show that ideal beverages and important product attributes differ with the use situation. At least half of the use context results differ substantially from those in which context-specific analysis is ignored.  相似文献   

上海是我国重要的出入境口岸之一,许多境外游客选择从上海入境并将其作为中转地向我国西部地区转移。从某种意义上说,上海已经成为我国西部地区入境游客重要的“二手客源地”之一。那么这种入境旅游流的东西递进空间转移是否存在一定规律,其转移人数又能否进行预测?其结果将对我国西部省区的旅游业宏观调控、旅游业接待、旅游市场营销、区域旅游规划等具有重要意义。在1997--2005年国家旅游统计数据的基础上,运用转移态指数对转移特征进行了分析,并运用灰色马尔可夫链模型对未来2年上海入境旅游流向西部典型(陕西、广西、云南、川渝)旅游区的扩散转移效量作了预测。  相似文献   

概括了笔者的两篇文章“发生学视角下自然旅游的本质和行为特点”及“走行:旅游学的逻辑起点”的主要观点。即旅游的本质是一种。走行”欲望的满足.“行”贯穿了人类社会的始终,“行”不仅仅是手段。更是人生的目的和基本需求之一.总结了皮季里姆·A·索罗金的“波动”的历史哲学的主要内容,即公元前580年一公元1920年期间希腊、罗马和欧洲及美国的社会、文化和历史的变迁规律,既不是直线前进或后退的,也不是循环的,而是呈一种时间上不规则的波动。这种波动在文化精神方面就表现为观念的(ideational)、感觉的(sensate)和理性的(idealistic)三种特质.基于如上视角阐释了朝圣和旅游的实质,认为二者都是人类古老的继衣、食、住的需要之后的第四种需要——“行”的需要在不同时代的展现.从而在更基础的行为层次上统一了二者。在更高的认识层次上整合了二者,并深化和促进了旅游学的研究.  相似文献   

从来源和结构角度分析了第一个人口红利和第二个人口红利的结构特征,从多个角度对中国第一个人口红利是否已经消失做出判断,并从建立更具有弹性和竞争性的劳动力市场、人力资本投资体系、富有激励性的社会养老保障制度、完善的资本市场和公平、合理的收入分配制度等方面探讨了第二个人口红利的实现机制。  相似文献   

"薛定谔猫"新议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克里福德是第一个提出物质与四维空间存在逻辑关联的科学家,他给出的双曲虚单位对应狭义相对论的闵考夫斯基空间。利用克里福德几何代数,可以从闵考夫斯基几何空间中抽象出双曲希尔伯特,用于量子力学可对微观客体的运动行为乃至薛定谔猫给出一个新的哲学诠释。  相似文献   

利用2008届全国大学毕业生抽样数据,在同时纠正就业与否和部门选择两种选择性偏差的前提下,利用Neumark分解方法测算了公、私部门的工资差异构成,并分性别进行了考察。结果发现,“211”院校毕业、有良好家庭背景或来自于中西部地区的大学毕业生更容易进入公有部门,专业为法学、理学或来自于中西部不发达地区的大学毕业生更不容...  相似文献   

时间定位形式是涉及从词汇到语法及语义等各级语言系统的复杂问题,它们共同构建了语篇立体的时间递归结构,但它们的构建模式在汉英两种不同语言中既存在共性又存在差异性。共性在于时间定位形式必须在言说主体得以明确之后才可发挥功能;差异性则在于时间定位形式在言说主体确定之后表现出各具特色的组合模式。  相似文献   

核心竞争力是企业独有的、支撑企业可持续性竞争优势的核心能力。一个企业能否在竞争中获胜,主要取决于企业的核心竞争力。企业核心竞争力具有价值性、独特性、延展性、动态性等特点,影响中小企业核心竞争力的因素也是多方面的。本文时制约提升我国中小企业核心竞争力的影响因素进行全面的分析,目的在于通过分析解决我国中小企业发展中存在的问题。  相似文献   

It should be noted that due to the composition of the sample, the specific findings of this study are not intended to be generalized to the population. The results of the discriminant analysis, nevertheless, provide some evidence that socioeconomic variables are more efficient than both organization-specific attitudes and personality variables in discriminating donors and nondonors. The analyses also show that personality variables used in this study do not contribute to a separation of nondonor/donor groups. Ford Motor Company The authors gratefully acknowledge the research support of University Research Committee, Ball State University in this study.  相似文献   

贫困地区农村公共产品的消费阻力研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
贫困地区的公共产品需求和供给有很大的共性(收敛性).贫困地区的农民不是一般研究意义上的理性农民.在公共产品的消费中,消费阻力同样存在.贫困地区的农民对公共产品的消费阻力有一些共性.本文在介绍贫困地区和贫困地区农民特征的基础上,分析了贫困地区农民对农村公共产品消费阻力以及其表现,然后提出正确引导、消除贫困地区农民对农村公共产品消费阻力的对策.  相似文献   

征信(信用调查)是市场经济的重要基础之一。发达国家一般通过立法对征信行为进行规范,既重视征信数据为市场参与者服务,又重视对消费者权益的保护。这对我国是很有启示意义的。我国在用立法手段建立征信市场的同时,还应当重视对消费者权益的保护和对失信者惩罚机制的建设。  相似文献   

《洛丽塔》是美国作家弗拉基米尔.纳博科夫的代表作,小说中的男主人公亨伯特一直是一个备受争议的文学形象。在整部小说中,亨伯特表面看来只是一个患有严重心理疾病的中年男人,但实际上,在他的身上背负了当时社会现实中太多的沉重的负担。在现实、爱情和道德的夹缝里,他只能苟延残喘,最终走向了人生的终点。《洛丽塔》绝不是一部不入流的色情小说,而是通过对亨伯特的刻画,表现了人在社会缝隙中的生存状态;从唯美主义的视角,审视了隐性的人性自然生命生态特征,为我们解构现代人的道德标准和生命追求打开了一个新的窗口。  相似文献   

我国许多世界遗产地的旅游发展已经有很长一段时间.其旅游影响已凸显出来。对遗产地居民旅游态度的调查可以了解旅游影响的状况如何。以世界文化遗产地平遥古城为例.在实地调查的基础上,分析了当地居民对旅游影响的感知及其态度并比较了不同类型的居民以及不同人口学、社会学特征的居民对旅游影响感知和态度的差异。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,依靠人口红利,福建省经济取得快速发展.但人口红利并非可持续的,其效应能否充分发挥,关系到福建省是否可以实现经济的持续增长.随着福建省人口红利的不断减小乃至消失,在充分把握人口红利效应的同时,应从人力资本的积累、产业结构的转型、劳动力的流通、就业机会的创造等方面着手,促进福建省经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

长株潭城市群“两型社会”建设的现状与问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长株潭城市群"两型社会"综合配套改革试验区是国家促进我国资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设的重大举措,其建设不仅对当地社会经济发展有极大的影响,且影响到全省社会经济的可持续发展。文章从自然资源、产业发展、科技状况和环境状况四个方面对长株潭城市群"两型社会"建设的现状与问题进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

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