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过去的一年.是新世纪以来我国经济发展最为困难的一年.也是中船集团公司成立以来面临严峻挑战的一年。一年来,集团公司党组以开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动为契机.  相似文献   

“受金融危机影响,船市出现下滑,但对于我们七。八所来说.是危机更是机遇,因为这是我们真正潜下心来,认真研究,加强创新,积极占领高端市场,提高自身实力的大好时机。”七。八所所长、党委书记邢文华在接受记者采访时这样表示。  相似文献   

在中船集团公司第七次工作会议上,李宏书记作了题为"应对危机挑战,充分发挥作用,为中船集团公司平稳较快发展提供坚强保证"的讲话,现摘要如下: 集团公司第七次工作会议,是在国际国内形势出现新的复杂因素、党和国家工作面临新的严峻挑战、中国船舶工业面临新的"寒冬"考验的情况下召开的.  相似文献   

China's Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) system was established in 1985. In its 21 years of existence, it has undergone unusual changes. IPR, as a new idea to be considered in constructing socialist market economy, helps promote internationalization and implement the strategy of "walking out", is so important that the Central Government has paid special attention to it. In 2005, China launched a mission to draft a National IPR Strategy, and in order to do so, the State Council has organized a leading group called the National IPR Strategy Committee, which is headed by Vice Premier Wu Yi. 28 State Council departments have also participated.  相似文献   

在中船集团公司第七次工作会议上.李宏书记作了题为“应对危机挑战,充分发挥作用,为中船集团公司平稳较快发展提供坚强保证”的讲话.现摘要如下:  相似文献   

During the interview, NPC Deputy, Vice Secretary of the Municipal Committee and Mayor of Yan Cheng, Li Qiang pointed out that Yan Cheng can realize a great transformation and increased development only by applying the principles of scientific thinking together with a free mind and innovation.  相似文献   

SMEs attempt to accelerate and diversify their international expansion strategies. The purpose of this article is to identify the internationalization stages followed by traditional SMEs to seize global market opportunities. The authors analyze the internationalization paths of five French SMEs operating in traditional manufacturing industries. The empirical study is mainly based on 66 interviews. The findings indicate that the internationalization process of SMEs continues to follow several stages, but that their commitment to foreign markets may increase, decrease and re-increase. The identified stages, which can be triggered by internal and external factors, reflect characteristics of different internationalization models proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

人民币国际化的现实基石、主要障碍及推进路径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人民币国际化是人民币在国际范围内发挥货币功能,成为主要的贸易计价结算货币、金融交易货币以及国际储备货币的过程。中国20世纪90年代初的汇率改革开启了人民币国际化的萌芽和发展,现阶段中国快速增长的对外贸易、对外直接投资、区域影响力的提升等为人民币国际化提供了强大的驱动力。但由于对外贸易结构的不合理、人民币国际结算的失衡以及"霸权货币"的抵制,使人民币国际化面临不少困难。我们应完善和推广自由贸易区建设,形成本土离岸人民币金融中心和人民币回流机制;深化金融体制改革,完善金融市场机制,加快国际金融中心建设;协同推进渐进式的资本项目开放与利率市场化、汇率自由化;进一步扩大双边本币互换的范围和规模,以东亚货币合作为基础,推进国际货币合作。  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of internationalization on small and medium enterprise (SME) survival, and the direct and moderating effects of technology resources and research and development (R&D) alliances. Our survey examination of 1,612 Korean SMEs reveals that sales internationalization is associated with better survival prospects, suggesting that failure risk does not increase with cross‐border sales. In addition, though technology resources provide no direct survival benefits, R&D intensity acts as a moderator in the internationalization‐to‐survival relationship. R&D alliances, on the other hand, are directly linked with survival but do not show a moderating effect. This supports the liabilities of newness and smallness view that external relationships can help counter survival threats but suggests that the accumulation of technology resources may be more important when firms seek international expansion.  相似文献   

In light of the lack of empirical evidence regarding issues of internationalization as they affect small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from newly-industrialized economies (NIEs), this study aims to expand the applicability of existent internationalization theories. So far, such theories have largely been developed with MNCs from industrialized economies in mind. In examining a 1996 sample of 1,419 Taiwanese SMEs, we found that the relationship between internationalization and performance could be graphically depicted as one of inverted U-shaped curvilinearity, and that a specific level of internationalization corresponded to maximum profitability. Our empirical findings also confirmed a relationship of U-shaped curvilinearity between advertising investment and performance, indicating that a minimum level of investment is required in order for advertising to be effective. Investments in research and development (R&D) were also shown to be positively associated with firm performance. The external validity of our internationalization theories regarding SMEs from NIEs was generally supported, though some modifications allowing for consideration of the particular context of individual SMEs will ultimately become a necessity.  相似文献   

Over the last five decades, business schools all over the world have adapted their strategies for introducing the theoretical and pedagogical consequences of globalization. Educational institutions have gone to great lengths to internationalize their curricula to stay current with the most recent trends in the globalizing economy. As this evolution takes place, the issues of multiculturalism and diversity are increasingly included in the internationalization dialogue. In this article we use qualitative focus groups to examine how U.S. business students experience the relationships among internationalization, multiculturalism, and diversity. Next, we consider the role of international business faculty in addressing this issue. We conclude by offering recommendations for successfully integrating these perspectives into a coherent curriculum.  相似文献   

Lawyers tend to see cooling-off periods in consumer laws as a remedy for the problems caused by unequal bargaining power between sellers of goods and consumers. This article takes a different approach and argues that cooling-off periods can be seen as efficiency-enhancing devices. From an economic point of view, cooling-off periods provide a remedy for irrational behaviour on the part of consumers and may cure market failures, in particular problems caused by situational monopolies and asymmetric information. In spite of these important benefits, the economic approach also warns against possible disadvantages. The latter range from a moral hazard problem on the side of the consumer to the adverse counter-productive effects of cooling-off periods. A legislator who is informed by economic analysis may design cooling-off periods in ways that maximise their ability to cure inefficiencies and at the same time minimise their potential detrimental effects. Unfortunately, the relevant EC Directives and the current consumer laws of the Member States are not in perfect harmony with an efficiency enhancing-approach.  相似文献   

徐新华 《北方经贸》2009,(5):111-114
中国是一个发展中大国,具有后发展优势,综合国力不断增强,在国际上享有一定的政治地位和威望,经济和贸易水平已经进入世界前列.中国在保证对世界承担义务的同时要利用大国优势,充分享有大国地位带来的战略利益,人民币国际化就是其中一项。人民币国际化条件已经形成,要选择有利于人民币国际化的途径,积极推进人民币区域化。在对外交往中主动和鼓励使用人民币,进一步放开对人民币现钞入境的限制,广泛开展国际金融合作,建立离岸金融市场,为人民币离岸业务提供必要的服务,离岸金融市场也是中国经济国际化要求。选择恰当时机实现人民币资本项目下的自由兑换和国内自由兑换。最后实现人民币自由兑换和人民币成为世界货币。  相似文献   

Expectations of association members change over time depending on two factors: age and length of membership. In the product- and service-marketing literature, the fact of changing needs and expectations during a customer’s life cycle is already well explored. So far, this is not the case in the research on members of nonprofit organizations. This paper closes this research gap from a member-value perspective by discussing the links among age, length of membership, and value perception. Survey data from 1,613 members of a Swiss hiking trail association reveal that both temporal metrics show significant positive relationships with all member-value dimensions: enjoyment, affection, identity, power, participation, understanding, and safety. In this respect, length of membership shows stronger effects than age and the only member value unaffected by time is that of individual economic goals. The paper closes with practical implications for the management of membership associations.  相似文献   

"学习型组织"是当今世界最前沿的两大管理理论之一."学习型组织"的真谛,可概括为:它是全体成员能全身心投入到持续增长的学习力的组织;它是能让全体成员活出生命意义的组织;它是能通过学习能创造自我,扩展创造未来能量的组织.  相似文献   

泛家族式组织包括家长身份的建立与维持、部属的身份建立与维持等关键因素。西方现代社会中的大部分组织是基于契约的,而中国很多组织仍然保留着家族主义的元素。泛家族式组织与基于契约的组织在运行上存在很大的不同,家族或泛家族式组织一定是包含私人生活、带有“人身”性质的社群。由于泛家族式组织在中国本土的广泛性,西方组织行为理论在中国本土情境下应作相应修正。  相似文献   

How do members' experience and external interactions shape evaluation of the team's business idea? With a sample of 74 teams that participated in a business idea competition, we showed that experience as defined by size, mean work experience, and assistance from individuals with business founding experience related positively to the teams' business idea evaluations. The benefits of external founders are more pronounced for smaller than for larger teams. Having a founder in the team did not relate to idea evaluation but interaction effects showed smaller sized teams had worse evaluations if they did not have a founder in the team.  相似文献   

First of all, please allow me on behalf of the Langfang Municipal Party Committee, municipal government and the 4 million residents of Langfang, to express my warmest welcome and sincere thanks to all of you. It is our great honor to host the 2nd Annual China Finance Mayors Conference & China Financial Ecological Cities Development Conference. This conference is a grand event among financial circles, to which we attach great importance.  相似文献   

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