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实施“金种子项目”计划。中小企业凡是符合深圳市产业政策具有市场前景的优质项目,深圳市政府给予政策资金支持,建立中小企业“金种子项目”库和服务网络。并鼓励中小企业服务机构及时提供项目策划和咨询服务,培育“金种子项目”;鼓励担保机构提供融资担保服务,催生“金种子项目”,形成为初创小企业提供各类有效的支持服务。  相似文献   

<正>最近,九届全国人大常委会第二十八次会议审议通过的《中华人民共和国中小企业促进法》已经颁布,并将于2003年1月1日起实施。 为中小企业专门立法,是世界各国特别是市场经济发达国家的通行做法。这首先因为中小企业对于保持国家经济活力、提高效益、提高国家整体竞争力有着非常重要的作用。例如,从创造的国民财富看,美国的中小企业提供了45%左右的国民生产总值;日本中小企业制造业生产额占全国制造业生产额的50%;我国中小型企业在全国工业总产值中的比重为60%,实现利税的比重为40%。从提供的就业机会看,美国中小企业就业人数占  相似文献   

大公司、大企业、大工厂是工业经济社会先进生产组织的象征,至今仍起着主导作用。但是由于管理成本高、市场应变滞后等难以避免的“大企业病”的广泛存在和中小企业的蓬勃发展,使得人们不得不重新审视和检讨现代经济社会中中小企业的作用和地位。 中小企业;我们不能没有你 在中国今天和未来的经济生活中,仍然需要大力发展中小企业,这是因为我们不能没有它。 一、中小企业的健康发展是满足劳动力就业需求的需要。目前,我国正处于产业结构激烈变动时期,劳动力从农业向非农业转移,军转民以及一些资源型产业、纺织行业的结构转换,增大…  相似文献   

深圳市中小企业支持体系是以中小企业为特定服务对象,以“多层次、多渠道、多方位”服务为特征的系统网络,由政府、事业单位、社团和行业协会等中介服务机构,以及相关政策法规等组成。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国中小企业促进法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

发达国家对中小企业发展的扶持政策及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

构建支持中小企业发展的政策及服务体系,不仅当前探讨的热点问题,更是十分迫切需要解决的重大问题。2003年1月1日实施的《中华人民共和国中小企业促进法》,从资金支持、创业扶植、技术创新、市场开拓、社会服务等方面规定了相应地政策措施,标志着我国中小企业发展的政策服务体系的基本框架的初步形成;但该体系远非成熟,在政策的连贯性、配套性、协调性等方面还存在诸多问题。各地政府也需根据当地的社会经济环境及其中小企业发展状况,构建符合当地发展需要、具备自身特色的中小企业发展支持体系。在此基础上,对当地中小企业发展政策支持力度进行系统评价,考察中小企业的政策需求,研究新阶段的政策选择,将有利于当地政府进一步制定和完善中小企业政策,促进中小企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

鼓励支持引导中小企业健康发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
6月29日,是我国第一部关于中小企业的专门法律——《中华人民共和国中小企业促进法》颁布一周年纪念日。自《中小企业促进法》今年1月1日正式实施以来,各地区、各部门积极宣传贯彻《中小企业促进法》,对发展中小企业的重要性认识不断提高,支持中小企业发展的配套法规正在形成,有关政策措施不断细化并逐步得到落实,全社会关注并积极推进中小企业发展的氛围正在逐步形成。依法推进中小企业健康发展,已经成为促进我国经济快速增长,努力增加就业,保持社会稳定,推进现代化,实现全面建设小康社会目标的一项重要而艰巨的任务。依法促进中小企业健康…  相似文献   

Abstract. Economists devote considerable energies towards refining their econometric techniques to overcome difficulties connected with conducting empirical research. Despite advances in technique. it is not clear whether further refinement in this direction is worthwhile for policy purposes. It may be that no further amount of statistical adjustment of inadequate data will increase understanding, and that better data is simply necessary to add to our knowledge. But rarely is sufficient credit paid to new forms of data. In short, econometric technique is emphasized to the neglect of data innovation, as if new data were merely lying about waiting for an ingenious suggestion for use. This paper surveys advances of the last twenty five years in estimating labour supply for policy purposes with a view towards appreciating the relative contribution of both improvements in econometric technique as well as developments of new data.
After briefly detailing the key parameters which economists have sought to estimate, we describe the early 'first generation' research (circa 1970), which is plagued by problems of unobservable variables, measurement errors, truncation and selectivity bias, and non linear budget constraints. 'Second generation' research constitute attempts to resolve one or more of these difficulties, and the respective contribution of econometric technique and new data is acknowledged and assessed, including the contribution of data generated by large scale social experiments in which participants are randomly assigned to different guaranteed income plans and their labour supply behaviour measured.  相似文献   

Advertising and its effects have been debated for well over a century. In the last few decades a generally sceptical view of the benefits of advertising has been overturned by a series of academic advances in economics that detail a variety of ways in which advertising may affect the economy and society. This academic work has however been paralleled by a growing popular and political opposition to advertising and its social effects. In this paper, the positive economic case for advertising is challenged by an assessment of the main channels of its influence and by a review of the associated empirical findings on its economic and wider impact. A policy response of limiting the tax deductibility of business advertising is explored.  相似文献   

古代,有位富甲一方的财主,想为自己的独生女儿选丈夫,为此制订了“权、财、貌、德、才”等N个方案和标准,试图百里挑一,找到一位“他”称心如意,“鱼和熊掌”都可兼得的贤婿。于是乎,张榜天下纳贤婿,应者芸芸,经过层层筛选,入围者众多,财主也不知选哪一位合适,看入围者都似完美,却总感觉有少许遗憾。  相似文献   

担保运作呈现“五多”浙江是中小企业发展的大省。目前全省中小企业占全部企业数的99%。其中工业企业实现总产值、工业增加值、缴纳税金和出口交货值,已占全省总量的50%至70%。为促进中小企业的健康发展,近年来,各级政府采取积极措施,不断优化中小企业发展环境。但由于中小企业面广量大,企业素质和信用状况参差不齐,面临的困难仍然不少。其中融资难是最突出的问题。尤其是许多初创型、成长型中小企业的贷款需求,不能得到充分满足。据专项调查,中小企业因不能落实贷款抵押而发生拒贷的有32.3%,因不能落实贷款担保而拒贷的有23.8%。因此,不健…  相似文献   

F. A. Hayek's significant intellectual contribution to a number of scholarly disciplines was grounded in his critique of socialist economics. This article sets out how Hayek's critique of classical and market socialism led to the development of his wide‐ranging research programme in the social sciences and shows that the implications of this research programme remain crucial to academic research and public policy in the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

This paper argues that, despite its rhetoric in support of markets, government does not understand how markets work, but is rather trying to use certain aspects of markets to control social housing. The paper looks at three areas: first, the idea of private finance and how this is used by government as a form of public policy; second, the notion of risk and whether it actually occurs in social housing; and third, the contention that government is incapable of appreciating the manner in which markets operate because it only wishes to provide safe options and so cannot countenance real choice and competition.  相似文献   

Different planning systems allocate property rights differently between the state and private property owners. This article argues that the appropriate allocation of property rights between the state and private owners can only be discovered by a process of experimentation. The experience of the UK suggests that such a process can take time and may be hindered by the controlling tendencies of central government.  相似文献   

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