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北京:明确涉奥广告审查标准;上海:明确界定公益广告标准;成都:清理公交语音广告;上海:明确界定公益广告标准;深圳:10种药品4种保健品广告违法;  相似文献   

正广播电台每套节目每日公益广告播出数量不少于6条(次);电视台每套节目每日公益广告播出数量不少于10条(次)。据国务院法制办公室网站消息,工商总局起草了《公益广告促进和管理暂行办法(征求意见稿)》,向社会公开征求意见。《意见稿》明确,发布政务信息、服务信息等各类公共信息  相似文献   

《公益广告导论》的作者,学者潘泽宏曾经站在新世纪的门槛边预言:我国21世纪的公益广告事业将会得到重大发展。事实的确如此,新世纪的这十年间,我国公益广告进入了稳定发展阶段,显出一派繁荣景象。然而,中国公益广告仍有很长的路要走,如去除仍较为浓厚的行政命令色彩、提高创意制作水准、增强企业参与的积极性等。要促进公益广告可持续发展,有赖于建立长效机制,明确传播主体,并努力实现共赢局面。一些发达国家公益广告的运行机制已趋于成熟,其运作经验值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

本文主要就公益广告和社会发展两个支点来展开分析,研究电视公益广告对构建和谐社会发展的作用问题。以电视公益广告为出发点,分别从电视公益广告与构建和谐社会经济发展的关系、我国社会经济发展状况对电视公益广告应用的制约和影响、电视公益广告对构建和谐社会经济发展的重要作用三个方面予以阐述和分析,探讨电视公益广告对构建和谐社会的促进作用。  相似文献   

范素锋 《中国广告》2012,(7):126-128
公益广告对于社会文明的倡导、传播和推动起着重要作用。2011年底,中央电视台启动了"汇聚力量,传播文明"——2012年公益广告项目,推出了成立"公益广告专项机构"、推出100支以上电视公益广告、拨出专项资金投入公益广告创作研究、组织央视优秀主持人及各界名人拍摄公益广告、面向全社会广泛征集公益广告片、安排更多时间播出公益广告、呼吁并推动设立中国国家级公益广告奖项等7项举措。  相似文献   

本文采用取样分析的研究方法,从公益广告和商业广告的要素对比分析,公益广告的功能对比,公益广告的分类与特点,以及如何做一则成功的公益广告为视角,对于电视公益广告进行浅析。  相似文献   

1.公益广告的特点公益广告具有非营利性、观念性、时效性、反复性和国际性等特点。非营利性是公益广告的基本特点,公益广告倡导有利于社会的观念或行为,服务于公众的利益,并使自然环境得以优  相似文献   

电视公益广告是社会公益事业的重要细成部分,电视公益广告比其他类型的公益广告更加直观和富有感染力,已成为公益广告发布的首选,北京奥运会前展播的公益广告,为国人以最好的面貌展现在世人面前起了很大作用.  相似文献   

传统的公益广告已经不可以满足现代广告行业的发展和观众的需求。新媒体时代的到来会带来广告的新形式。互动型公益广告是传统公益广告和新媒体广告的组合。可以让受众感受到广告的人文性,充分发挥传统型公益广告的权威性和感染力与新媒体广告的创意性加以突破。因此,对于新媒体时代互动型公益广告研究是非常有必要的。  相似文献   

城市户外公益广告发展思路探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以南京市新街口地区户外广告为例,探讨城市户外公益广告发展新路径,指出政府是城市户外公益广告发展的组织者和协调者;广告商提供媒体资源和创意保障,是城市户外公益广告发展中的主力军;企业是户外公益广告的有效推动力量.另外,新媒体技术的发展是城市户外公益广告发展的载体和动力.  相似文献   

陈荣勇 《中国广告》2012,(8):126-129
电视媒体已经成为社会主要传播渠道,成为当之无愧的第一媒体。因此,电视媒体应当承担社会公民应尽的社会责任和义务。在履行好"内容把关人"的职责,传播先进内容的同时,公益广告是电视媒体承担社会责任的重要表现。中央电视台不仅播出大量公益电视广告,而且积极组织、策划与创意各项公益内容与活动,主动承担媒体的社会责任,有效地推动了中国电视公益广告的成长与发展。  相似文献   

谢静艺 《中国广告》2014,(8):122-124
以《泉州晚报》近年获奖公益广告作品为例,结合多年公益广告创作与教学实践,论证广告内容在公益广告创作中的重要性,探讨如何通过对广告内容的设计,来提高公益广告的创作质量。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how consumers feel and react to animal metaphor advertising in the context of the public service environment. Three studies are carried out using both field and experimental data. The results show that ads with an animal-like transgressor (vs. a human transgressor) elicit a stronger moral outrage response (e.g., contempt, anger, disgust), which generates a stronger perception of dehumanization toward the transgressor, consequently enhancing the consumers’ persuasive reaction to follow public etiquette. The animal metaphor effect is robust, irrespective of whether the metaphorical objects are high or low in conceptual similarity, but the consumer reaction is more intense when the metaphorical pairing is conceptually high in similarity. However, this effect is diminished when the ad is displayed as a drawing as opposed to a photograph. The implications of the findings for retailers or service providers considering the use of animal metaphor in their ads are also discussed.  相似文献   


This study investigated the differences in advertising strategies of services marketers in two culturally distinct markets by classifying services on the basis of search, experience, and credence attributes. A content analysis of 221 service print ads revealed that the type of service serves an important role for using appeal and service quality cues in service ads. In the case of credence services, ads in India are more likely to contain a reliability dimension of the service quality, and ads in the United States are more likely to utilize responsiveness cues.  相似文献   

When Theodore N. Vail became president of the American Telephone & Telegraph Company in 1907 there was considerable public animosity toward AT&T for a number of reasons, including the company's aggressive suppression of competition under earlier leadership. With the assistance of the N. W. Ayer & Son advertising agency. Vail launched a national magazine advertising campaign to court public opinion. Vail hoped to make the public aware of the quality of service provided by AT&T licensees, to persuade the public to a more favorable opinion of AT&T and, above all, to sway the public in favor of the concept of the telephone industry as a natural and beneficent monopoly. The five pioneering institutional ads for AT&T prepared by N. W. Ayer in 1908 marked the beginning of an advertising program which continues uninterrupted down to the present day.  相似文献   

本文在剖析服务业FDI促进经济增长作用机制的基础上,对服务业FDI与服务业经济增长的关系进行实证研究。研究结果显示,服务业FDI对服务业经济增长具有显著促进作用,表明服务业FDI通过产业聚集效应、公共服务创造效应以及服务贸易效应对服务业经济的发展施加积极影响。另外,服务业国内投资对服务业经济的拉动作用还有很大的提升空间,在服务业发展过程中应重视与提高内资对服务业发展的作用,实现服务业FDI与服务业国内投资对服务业经济增长的协同推动。  相似文献   

With banner ads accounting for one‐fifth of the $16.4 billion spent on Internet advertising in 2006, this advertising format has become an integral marketing communications tool. Inclusion of required disclosure language and presenting those disclosures in a clear and conspicuous manner are important areas of regulatory interest and in recent years have extended to the online environment. This study examines the extent to which disclosures in banner ads in the top 100 U.S. Web sites adhere to Federal Trade Commission guidance in these two areas. Additionally, this study compares the banner ad results for clear and conspicuous presentation to those of a prior study that examined television advertising. All the banner ads in the study contained at least one disclosure; yet, adherence was mixed in terms of providing all the required information clearly and conspicuously. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

政务公开网络平台,是依托互联网实现政务公开、满足社会公众服务需求的综合性网络平台。它直接面向社会公众,具有方便快捷、覆盖面广、时效性强和贴进群众生活等特点。积极发挥网络平台的监督作用对于政府管理创新,深化行政管理体制改革,积极推进政务公开,具有十分重要的意义。政府应采取由形象展示向便民服务转变;增加沟通交流,发挥群众的积极性;建立公共信息服务与企业网站的联系体系;加强监督,建立网络平台的保障机制等措施,从而充分发挥网络平台的作用。  相似文献   

This article examines the magnitude and diversity of advocacy advertising in The New York Times and Washington Post for 1989. It is based on an analysis of the 661 advertisements which appeared in the two papers in 1989. The analysis shows: A small number of organizations regularly used advocacy ad- vertising as a communication tool. Profit corporations utilized advocacy advertising most fre- quently. However, nonprofit social service groups seem to be using advocacy advertising more frequently in the last several years. Three organizations were responsible for one-quarter of all ad- vocacy advertisements. Economic and social welfare issues were topics most often dis- cussed in the advertisements. The primary objective of the majority of ads was to mobilize public action rather than to provide education or improve pub- lic image.  相似文献   

残疾人均等享有公共服务是在政府主导下的生产和分配过程,它与各种组织和公民的经济活动密切相关。从经济学视角分析残疾人均等享有公共服务,可有效防止由经济因素造成的残疾人均等享有公共服务方面的偏差,降低服务供给成本和提高其社会效益。市场体制、行政体制与社会体制的合作能为此服务奠定坚实的物质基础,公民与残疾人家庭是落实服务的最终主体。残疾人均等享有公共服务要基于社会主义市场经济体制、政府宏观调控和引导以及各类组织与公民,在市场机制、行政机制、社会机制与公民主体的共同维护与努力下,坚持供求关系的动态均衡原则,努力降低服务的经济成本,不断提高其社会效益,确保残疾人有"尊严的生存",并促进社会和谐。  相似文献   

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