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美国社会保障法案的颁布标志着现代社会保障制度的建立。在人口老龄化的背景下,美国对法定退休年龄和养老金领取年龄进行改革,逐步废除法定退休年龄,提高正常退休年龄,同时对养老保险制度中的退休收入核查制度进行调整,建立延迟退休补助制度,由此增强延迟退休对老年劳动力延迟退休的激励。美国废除法定退休年龄和延迟正常退休年龄的改革对中国延迟退休年龄改革提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   

我国公务员工资的现状、问题与对策建议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着形势的发展,我国公务员工资制度目前已经不能适应当前形势的要求,主要表现在公务员工资制度已失去了激励作用,公务员工资水平地区之间差距过大,职位分类不完善,岗位评价不到位,工资增长机制不健全等方面。为此,下一步公务员工资制度首先应改革职务等级工资制度,加强职位分类,建立工资调查制度,缩小地区之间的差距,建立公务员工资正常的增长机制。  相似文献   

新时代下,事业单位的各项制度都在不断的完善过程中,其中就包括事业单位的工资制度改革,其结构主要由薪级工资、岗位工资、津贴补贴和绩效工资组成,要想深化事业单位工资制度改革,必须认真完成绩效工资的落实工作。我国政府从事业单位工资制度开始施行起,就不断对其进行改革,近几年的政府计划中对推行绩效工资已经有较为详细的安排,本文以绩效工资管理制度为基础,根据全国部分地区已经开展的绩效工资改革实践,阐述相关的体会和处理相关问题的技巧,为今后更好地改革事业单位绩效工资提供有力的依据。  相似文献   

汪伟  王文鹏 《经济研究》2021,56(9):90-106
随着人均预期寿命的延长和受教育年限的提高,包括中国在内的世界各国劳动者的实际退休年龄却普遍低于法定退休年龄,呈现提前退休趋势。本文试图在生育受到约束的制度环境下对上述反常现象进行理论解释,通过构建一个动态一般均衡世代交叠(OLG)模型,考察预期寿命延长对劳动者的人力资本投资、退休年龄选择的影响机制,并结合中国的现实经济进行数值模拟。研究表明:当预期寿命提高时,人力资本投资能够在生命周期中获得更高的工资率回报,劳动者在少年期倾向于进行更多的人力资本投资,提高受教育年限;人力资本积累、有效工资率上升和利率下降引起的收入效应超过了替代效应,使得劳动者在老年期增加对闲暇的需求,有能力和意愿提早退休,减少终生劳动供给时间;进一步地,本文发现放松生育控制政策也会使劳动者享受更多闲暇时间的意愿增强,选择提前退休。本文还考察了个体退休行为的异质性,发现随着预期寿命的延长,相对穷人而言,富人的退休年龄和终生劳动供给更低。本文的结论有益于厘清劳动者在老年期的退休决策机理,为如何推进退休制度改革提供理论依据。  相似文献   

经合组织国家近年来为应对养老金支付压力,在就业年限的调整和改革中循序渐进地提高退休年龄,逐步统一男女退休年龄,并推行弹性退休制度。这一过程当中形成的较为成熟经验无疑会对中国起到重要的启示作用:应充分考虑就业年限调整和养老金制度改革中的公平公正;就业年限的调整应"预则立不预则废";突出激励自愿推迟退休年龄的作用;并可发挥劳动力市场调控作用。  相似文献   

延迟退休年龄来应对人口老龄化压力是国际通用的一种做法.本文主要通过研究退休行为对经济增长的影响,以及养老保险制度与退休行为的关联机制,以提出有利于经济增长的养老保险制度设计和退休行为安排.研究显示,我国应建立多支柱型养老保险制度,加大政府转移支付力度,降低养老保险缴费率,分阶段分行业分层级地延迟退休年龄.  相似文献   

职级工资是我国国家公务员工资的基本形式,因而完善职级工资也是提高国家公务员工作效率的主要的主要手段。它在推进我国国家公务员制度改革中起着至关重要的作用。经过多次的改革完善我国国家公务员的职级工资制度基本建立完整,多少随着市场经济的发展和国际化的不断加强,职级工资制度依然显露出了自身或存在的问题与不足。  相似文献   

浅析事业单位绩效工资制度改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张丽 《经济论坛》2009,(14):31-33
推进和完善事业单位职工工资制度改革是社会发展的必然要求,而事业单位工资制度改革的关键是绩效工资的落实。随着公务员的“阳光工资”和中小学教师绩效工资待遇的解决,落实其他事业单位的绩效工资更加迫在眉睫。推进事业单位职工绩效工资制度改革,首要的是规范事业单位的分类,然后通过建立完善的绩效评价体系,鼓励创新的事业单位收入分配激励机制,逐步建立绩效工资总量动态管理和监督机制等一系列措施来进行,这不仅可以进一步增强事业单位的活力,还会大大增强事业单位职工工作的积极性、主动性和创造性。  相似文献   

伴随着经济与社会的飞速发展,中国的老龄化问题也日益严重,为了解决这一问题,延迟退休年龄势在必行.本文梳理了 日本退休政策改革的发展脉络与具体措施,提出中国可以借鉴日本的制度改革,阶段性地提升退休年龄,建立具有激励作用的弹性养老金制度和建立非盈利性的老年职业介绍所,以应对人口老龄化问题.  相似文献   

退休年龄政策调整是老龄化成本再分担的过程,延迟退休意味着激励预期寿命延长的劳动者工作更久。发达国家以充足、持续、公平和效率为目标,以制度改革、参数调整和环境改善为工具,以提高正常退休年龄、消除强制退休、控制提前退休、激励延迟退休、倡导弹性退休和开发高龄劳动市场等为主要内容,构建了宏观政策、中观运行和微观决策相衔接的退休年龄政策体系。文章认为,中国要以激励性灵活退休年龄体系为方向,以增量改革为宗旨,以高龄劳动市场为重点,秉承纵向匀速、横向异速的渐进延迟路径,构建工具多样的退休年龄政策体系。  相似文献   

张熠 《财经研究》2011,(7):4-16
文章通过连续时间养老金收支模型分析认为延迟退休年龄对养老保险计划收支余额的影响来自四个方面的效应,即缴费年限效应、领取年限效应、替代率效应和差异效应。改革的最终效果是上述四种效应共同作用的结果。短期看,前两种效应占据主导;长期看,后两种效应也具有显著影响。延迟退休年龄的政策效果和工资增长率、养老金增长率、改革速度以及未来参保人口结构有关。理论分析和实证检验结果表明,无论从改革过程还是从对养老保险计划收支余额的影响看,延迟退休年龄都是一个复杂而渐进的过程,延迟退休年龄必将减轻政府在养老保险方面负担的传统说法并不全面。  相似文献   

隔代抚育会对延迟退休年龄政策在促进劳动力供给上产生挤出效应。为了对此进行验证,本文在工资收入随机性的假定及延迟退休5年的情景下,模拟了面临孙辈照护需求的女性临近退休者提前退休所产生的福利变化。进一步,本文采用CHIP和CHARLS的微观调查数据,对不同群组的收入增长率和收入风险进行了估计,继而分析了当面临孙辈照护需求时这些收入特征对退休决策者制度退休和退休后劳动参与抉择产生的影响。总体上,在延迟退休年龄政策下,隔代抚育将对女性劳动力供给产生挤出效应。当面临孙辈照护需求时,女性临近退休者的制度退休抉择主要受自身收入增长率和收入风险的影响,收入增长率越低,或收入风险越高,她们提前退休的意愿就越强烈;制度退休后的劳动参与则更多地受子女收入增长率的影响,子女收入增长率越高,劳动参与的概率越低。  相似文献   

The Spanish pension system has been recently reformed as a response to the demographic challenge and with the objective of ensuring the sustainability of the pension system in the long-term. The overall reforms include changes in the majority of the system parameters, a new indexation rule and a sustainability factor that links life expectancy and the first pension amount. The aim of this work is to analyse how these reforms affect two important features of a pension system: fiscal sustainability and adequacy. For this purpose, the real internal rate of return (IRR) of the lifetime contributions and benefits and the prospective gross theoretical replacement rate (TRR), both before and after the reforms, have been computed. The calculations are case-study based, for a few hypothetical workers who are sufficiently representative of the earnings and retirement patterns in Spain. The results show that the real IRR is 0.7 p.p. lower and the prospective gross TRR is 18 p.p. lower after the reform process for the base case of a man with an uninterrupted career of 40 years with average earnings and a retirement age of 65. In addition, pension reform process in Spain has different effects among the individuals depending on the gender, level of earnings, retirement age and career length.  相似文献   

The paper is an empirical cross-section study of the retirement decisions of American white men between the ages of 58 and 67, predicated on the theoretical notion that an individual retires when his reservation wage exceeds his market wage. Reservation wages are derived from an explicit utility function in which the most critical taste parameter is assumed to vary both systematically and randomly across individuals. Market wages are derived from a standard wage equation adjusted to the special circumstances of older workers. The two equations are estimated jointly by maximum likelihood, which takes into account the potential selectivity bias inherent in the model (low-wage individuals tend to retire and cease reporting their market wage). The model is reasonably successful in predicting retirement decisions, and casts serious doubt on previous claims that the social security system induces many workers to retire earlier than they otherwise would. The normal effects of aging (on both market and reservation wages) and the incentives set up by private pension plans are estimated to be major causes of retirement.  相似文献   

We develop an optimizing life‐cycle model of retirement with perfect capital markets. We show that longer healthy life expectancy usually leads to later retirement, but with an elasticity less than unity. We calibrate our model using data from the US and find that, over the last century, the effect of rising incomes, which promote early retirement, has dominated the effect of rising lifespans. Our model predicts continuing declines in the optimal retirement age, despite rising life expectancy, provided the rate of real wage growth remains as high as in the last century.  相似文献   

China’s pension system is in need of comprehensive reform. One measure on which we focus is to increase the retirement age. It is likely that a change in retirement age will have significantly different effects across China’s regions. Interregional disparities are already very substantial in China and it will be important to know how changes in pension arrangements will affect disparities. We consider four policies to increase the retirement age from 60 to 61. They differ according the use made of the extra revenue generated by the policy. All four policies increase welfare and reduce the interregional welfare gap.  相似文献   

P.J. Messe 《Economic Modelling》2011,28(5):2319-2341
This paper investigates the effect of the 2003 French pension reform on hiring, firing and employment rates among older workers. This reform increased the mandatory retirement age and simultaneously it set a tax levied on early retirement windows paid by firms to their older workers, to encourage them to leave their job early. We use a matching model with endogenous job destruction extended to account for a mandatory retirement age and we calibrate the model with data drawn from the French Labor Force Surveys for the years 2002 and 2003. We show that in the case of a high tax rate, delaying retirement raises job separation rates, which partially offsets its positive effect on job finding rates. Consequently, the combination of an increase in the retirement age and a taxation on early retirement windows may have negative effects on the employment rate among older workers.  相似文献   

Taxing Super     
Australia's taxation arrangements for retirement saving are among the most complicated in the world. It is almost unique in applying taxat all three possible points in the retirement saving cycle: contributions, earnings and benefits. Starting from the proposition that the 'best' pension tax is to tax benefits under the personal income tax, this paper proposes a 'withholding tax' arrangement which would have impacts on individual contributors equivalent to a benefit tax, while altering the time profile of tax collections to address cash-flow concerns on the part of the revenue authorities. Simulations are presented to show that individual contributors benefit from the proposed reform, and that equity across contributors in different wage bands is broadly maintained.  相似文献   

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