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The aim of this study is to discuss the difficulties that Poland, as an example of a transition economy, has in complying with the underlying principles of IAS and to recommend changes that need to be introduced before true convergence to IAS can take place. The study identifies existing differences between Polish financial reporting and the IAS in terms of the underlying conceptual framework, using the treatment of fixed assets to demonstrate the fundamental differences between the two systems.

Using in-depth interviews supported with a review of the published financial statements for a sample of listed Polish and UK companies, the study found considerable differences between Polish accounting law and IAS. The article argues that those differences arise predominantly from the Polish legalistic and rule-based orientation that is incompatible with the principle-based spirit of IAS. It will be argued that, in order to achieve greater convergence to IAS, Polish accountants will need to move away from the system of uniform reporting towards broader, principle-based accounting.  相似文献   

In this empirical study we examine whether China's efforts to converge domestic accounting standards with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) over the past 15 years have resulted in the successful convergence of Chinese listed firms. This study is unique in that we evaluate convergence of firms' accounting practices from three perspectives: (1) the level of compliance with Chinese GAAP and IFRS, (2) the consistency of accounting choices under Chinese GAAP and IFRS, and (3) identification of significant differences in the net incomes produced under Chinese GAAP and IFRS (earnings gap).Using the 1999 and 2002 annual reports of 79 Chinese listed firms we find improvement in both compliance with IFRS and in the consistency of the accounting methods used in annual reports prepared under Chinese GAAP and IFRS. We also find a reduction in the earnings gap from 1999 to 2002. However, interestingly we observed that Chinese listed firms' compliance with IFRS is significantly lower than their compliance with Chinese GAAP. Overall we believe that our findings suggest that in China the convergence of accounting standards has been a conduit to the convergence of accounting practices.  相似文献   

We investigate lead‐lag relationships among monthly country stock returns and identify a leading role for the United States: lagged U.S. returns significantly predict returns in numerous non‐U.S. industrialized countries, while lagged non‐U.S. returns display limited predictive ability with respect to U.S. returns. We estimate a news‐diffusion model, and the results indicate that return shocks arising in the United States are only fully reflected in equity prices outside of the United States with a lag, consistent with a gradual information diffusion explanation of the predictive power of lagged U.S. returns.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that immigrants are more willing to take risks than native-born populations. In this paper, we measure if the willingness to take risks is contagious and if this effect is different for immigrants and native-born individuals in the United States. We suggest that the willingness to take risks may be contagious, like emotions and generosity, i.e. an individual may be more willing to take risks if others make risky decisions. We measure if contagion has a stronger effect on willingness to take risks among immigrants than native populations using a variety of vignettes, specifically in the domains of career, financial investment, and health. Respondents were randomly assigned either to a control or experimental condition. In the experimental condition, we attempted to induce risk-taking by suggesting that other individuals made risky decisions in the lottery-choice tasks (a ‘risk shift condition’). Contrary to expectations, the risk shift condition had a positive effect on willingness to take risks among native-born, while a negative effect or no effect was found among immigrants (conservative shift). Native-born found the situations more beneficial in the risk shift condition than in the control condition, while immigrants found them less beneficial in the risk shift condition. The conservative shift was found among immigrants, as well as males and self-employed. Risk shift condition reduced the sense of power among power-motivated individuals (males and immigrants), which produced a less optimistic evaluation of risky situations. While taking into consideration that others make risky decisions, immigrants and males perceived situations as less beneficial for them. The results of the experiment have some implications for our understanding of the link between a sense of power and the willingness to take risks.  相似文献   

Where Is the Market? Evidence from Cross-Listings in the United States   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analyze the location of stock trading for firms with a UScross-listing. The fraction of trading that occurs in the UnitedStates tends to be larger for companies from countries thatare geographically close to the United States and feature lowfinancial development and poor insider trading protection. Forcompanies based in developed countries, trading volume in theUnited States is larger if the company is small, volatile, andtechnology-oriented, while this does not apply to emerging countryfirms. The domestic turnover rate increases in the cross-listingyear and remains higher for firms based in developed markets,but not for emerging market firms. Domestic trading volume actuallydeclines for companies from countries with poor enforcementof insider trading regulation.  相似文献   

We measure the preparedness of listed firms for international financial reporting standards (IFRS) by changes in explanations from Australian GAAP to IFRS between the half-year and annual accounts. About one-third of sample firms changed their explanations for earnings, cashflows or equity by averages of about −7%, 67% and 3% respectively. Most changes are less than 5% for earnings and equity, and tax is the item most commonly revised. More profitable firms and firms with more reconciling items are most likely to change an explanation. In a telephone survey of chief financial officers, 70% revealed that the change followed an incorrect application of an accounting rule in the half-year accounts.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, UK has been progressively adopting a governmental accounting reform purporting to interpret and mimic accounting standards and practices from the private sector. Since 2009, the UK set of accounting standards applicable to the whole of governmental entities is based upon the HM Treasury's official interpretation of the international accounting standards initially designed for commercial enterprises, the latter standards having extensively inspired the International Public Sector Accounting Standards. This article analyses some representational concerns raised by its application of a balance sheet accounting approach to the public administration, pointing to consolidation perimeter, current value measurement of assets and liabilities and the case of public–private partnerships. This theoretical analysis develops relevant implications for representation and control of public spending and borrowing in UK and in general.  相似文献   

The current requisite skills of accounting graduates guide the graduate attributes delivered by university learning outcomes. A recent trend by Australian accounting firms to outsource accounting services may impact on accounting graduates if entry‐level tasks normally completed by graduates are sent to offshore processing centres. This study examines the impact of the outsourcing of accounting services by Australian accounting firms and classifies the current requisite skills for accounting graduates identified by accounting firms. Following a review of the current academic literature, a positivist approach using empirical data is taken in this paper. The responses elicited from a survey questionnaire mailed to a random sample of Australian accounting firms provide information for the data analysis. One of the most widely outsourced services identified is the preparation of income tax returns, which has been identified as a key area where graduate accountants normally learn the basic skills required to phase them into the profession. Accounting firms that considered the outsourcing of accounting services would change the 12 ranked prerequisite skills for graduates presented in this paper in order of importance.  相似文献   

Australia invests significant resources to address the risk of fire in all its forms. This study asks the question: is the current investment strategy cost‐effective? This question was approached in two ways: first, through a cross‐sectional study of fire statistics from other developed countries and, second, through a structured expert judgment exercise. The former found no significant relationship between the level of investment and losses from fire, suggesting that other factors are responsible for the observed inter‐country variance in fire losses. All the respondents to the structured expert judgment exercise perceived no net economic benefit would be achieved from increasing investments in prevention and response and most indicated net benefits from reducing this investment. The results of the expert judgment analysis, when considered alongside the equivocal international comparisons and fire service efficiency gains achieved in some parts of England and Wales, raise doubts about whether the allocation of investments in mitigation and response in Australia is truly risk‐informed.  相似文献   

We assess the impact of bank deregulation on the distribution of income in the United States. From the 1970s through the 1990s, most states removed restrictions on intrastate branching, which intensified bank competition and improved bank performance. Exploiting the cross‐state, cross‐time variation in the timing of branch deregulation, we find that deregulation materially tightened the distribution of income by boosting incomes in the lower part of the income distribution while having little impact on incomes above the median. Bank deregulation tightened the distribution of income by increasing the relative wage rates and working hours of unskilled workers.  相似文献   

Chabrak and Craig's paper (2013) draws on a number of assumptions that require qualification. In particular, I focus on the following aspects: (i) purpose of reform, (ii) faculty, (iii) students, (iv) degree in management/accounting, and (v) educational materials. In retrospect, calls for the reform of the accounting curriculum have been rather unsuccessful. Therefore rather than waiting for the implementation of some “grand” reform, I encourage an individual approach to this important issue. In this regard, the commentary concludes with some specific suggestions to instill critical thinking in accounting students.  相似文献   

During the mid and late 1990s young, high-tech firms in the US experienced a supply shift in both internal and external equity fueling a finance-driven boom in corporate R&D. This paper examines whether R&D spending in Europe in a similar way was sensitive to fluctuations in the supply of internal and external equity during the late 1990s and early 2000s. I conjecture that UK and Continental Europe, due to their different financial systems, differ in terms of equity supply. I estimate dynamic R&D regression models for UK and Continental European high-tech firms separately and find significant joint cash-flow effects for newly listed firms in both samples. However, only new firms in the UK experienced a joint external equity effect as well. The findings of this paper suggest a channel through which market-based financial systems outperform the bank-based economies of Continental Europe.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the level of harmonisation for IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and to identify if different levels of harmonisation are associated with company-specific factors. Based on Rahman et al. (2002) , we used the Jaccard (JACC) index to determine the level of harmonisation between IAS 39 and the financial reporting practice of a broad-based sample of European-listed companies in 2005. We applied regression analysis to identify companies' specific characteristics that affect the level of convergence of the reporting practice of financial instruments. The results of this study show a high level of harmonisation between accounting practices of European companies included in our sample and IAS 39.  相似文献   

Review of Accounting Studies - We examine whether state-level corruption and corporate tax avoidance in the United States (U.S) are related. Using a sample of 36,078 U.S. firm-year...  相似文献   

This study investigates the emphasis placed on technical and generic skills developed during undergraduate accounting courses from both the graduate and employer perspective. It is motivated by two issues. First, calls by the accounting profession and international education committees regarding the professional adequacy of graduates. Second, by the challenge facing educators and professional bodies to ensure accounting courses equip graduates with the necessary skills to add value to business. Data obtained from 174 graduates from an Australian university is compared with the perceived needs of a sample of employers. Major findings suggest that, while both groups acknowledged the importance of technical accounting skills, employers require a broad range of generic skills that graduates indicated were not being adequately taught in their accounting degree programme. Against this backdrop of skills convergence, the greatest areas of skills divergence from the employers’ perspective were those of team skills, leadership potential, verbal communication and the interpersonal skills of graduates.  相似文献   

The UK government intends to introduce resource accounting to central government departments under the banner of ‘Better Accounting for the Taxpayer's Money’. Under the proposed system of resource accounting, as outlined in a White Paper, an annual depreciation charge is to be incorporated in the cost statement and fixed assets included in a balance sheet at their depreciated replacement cost. This paper locates the proposed changes in accounting method for government departments in the general spread of accruals accounting through the public sector, and explores the relevance of accruals as a basis for measuring the results of activity undertaken by government departments. It goes on to examine the impact of the specific accounting change envisaged in the White Paper from both theoretical and practical aspects. The benefits envisaged in the White Paper are considered along with the extent to which they are likely to be realised, together with any consequences not explicitly foreseen. The conclusion is that, while the revised accounting techniques may be different, the proposition implicit in the White Paper's title that they re better is not proven by the evidence presented.  相似文献   

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