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在中央和省统一部署下,淮安市自2004年开始实施对种粮农民直接补贴政策。2004年和2005年对种植水稻的农民实施粮食直补,每亩补贴20元,2006年对夏收小麦和秋熟水稻实施农资增支综合补贴,补贴标准分别是每亩10元和15元,稻麦两季直补资金每亩达45元。该市三年累计直接补贴种粮农民3.49亿元,90万农户平均每亩累计受益388元。实施两项补贴政策,对提高农民的种粮积极性,促进粮食生产面积扩大和产量提升,促进农业增效、农民增收和粮食安全起到了积极作用,水稻、小麦种植面积和总产量都创造了历史新高。现行两项补贴政策在实施过程中也暴露出一些问…  相似文献   

从2004年起,广西根据国家对种粮农民实行直接补贴的政策规定精神,结合广西的实际情况,实施了对种粮农民实行直接补贴的政策措施。粮食直补政策措施的主要内容广西属于粮食产消基本平衡结构性缺粮省区,且粮食产量不大,粮食商品率不高(年均约16%),粮食产量主要集中在全区30多个粮食主产县(市、区),商品粮源比较短缺。因此,为使有限的粮食直补资金补贴到主要产粮县农户手中,使粮农得到实惠,又使各级政府掌握粮源,充实地方储备粮库存,增强政府调控市场的能力,达到粮食安全的目的,广西采取了对部分粮食主产县(市、区)种粮农民实行直接补贴与储备…  相似文献   

关于完善粮食直补政策的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现行财政粮食政策主要是粮食风险基金包干政策和粮食直补政策,粮食直补政策是粮食风险基金包干政策的延伸。为了进一步推进粮食流通体制市场化改革,促进农民增收,中央决定把粮食流通环节的间接补贴改为对种粮农民的直接补贴。直补资金的唯一来源是各级包干的粮食风险基金,而粮食风险基金来源渠道偏窄,地方配套资金难筹集,加上使用范围过大,政策效果并不明显。  相似文献   

粮食直补效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在粮食连续五年减产的背景下,国家采取拿出100亿元直接补贴种粮农民等一系列利农措施,这将对中国的粮食生产起到何种作用?财政部长金人庆说,国家把通过流通环节的间接补贴改为对粮食主产区种粮农民的直接补贴,2004年13个粮食主产省,从粮食风险基金中拿出100亿元安排对种粮农民直接补贴。3月31日,财政部发出紧急通知,要求各地尽可能在春播之前兑付部分直补资金,并在上半年把全部补贴资金基本兑现到农户。随后,各地对直接补贴政策也做出了回应。一场粮食直补行动暖洋洋地展开了,意在温暖农民种粮的积极性。有报道称,当前春耕生产形势总体良好,…  相似文献   

一、选择较好的“直补”方式(一)以农业税计税面积为依据,进行“直补”以县为单位确定补贴总额,计算出单位计税土地面积应补金额,再落实到户。这种方式简便易行,但是以土地面积为依据,不管种植经济作物还是粮食,都给予补贴,失去了粮食补贴稳定和促进粮食生产的作用。(二)以粮食种植面积为依据,进行“直补”以农民实际种植粮食土地面积给予补贴,一年一定。这种方式,可以起到稳定种粮面积,促进粮食生产的作用。但是,实际运作中困难颇多,统计农民实际种粮土地面积,可能会出现虚报的情况。(三)以粮食“订单”为依据,进行“直补”以粮食购销企业…  相似文献   

粮食直补:政策落实及完善建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年国家建立对农民的直接补贴制度,产生明显的政策效应,极大地调动了农民种植粮食的积极性,粮食生产出现重大转机,农民收入明显增加。为进一步完善农业补贴制度、建立促进农民收入持续稳定增长的长效机制等问题,我对江西、安徽、江苏、山东四省直补情况进行了调研。本文重点就粮食直补政策落实和如何建立长效机制做一探讨。一、四省粮食直补办法的主要内容及特点四省因地制宜,直补方案各有特点。直补方案包括补贴方式、补贴标准、兑付方式、资金管理、财务公开制度、基础档案制度等。(一)补贴方式、范围及标准江西省的粮食直补方案是以农…  相似文献   

所谓粮食“直补”是将间接向种粮农民予以补贴的形式,改为将补贴直接发放到粮农手中。与以往的保护价收购和其他补贴措施相比,直接补贴有许多优点。目前,发达国家都减少或取消支持价格政策,转向对农民进行直接补贴,这种补贴方式的变化除满足WTO规则要求、减少价格扭曲外,其补贴的效率很高。  相似文献   

建立粮食直接补贴制度,是党中央、国务院着眼经济发展全局,保证粮食安全的重大举措之一。这对促进粮食生产,保护厂大农民的根本利益,维护农村社会稳定起到了十分重要的作用。但在实际操作中也存在一些不容忽视的问题,本文针对当前工作中存在的不足,就如何科学、有效地做好粮食直补工作提几点思考与建议。  相似文献   

上海市金山区共有26349户粮农,种粮面积达2R5万多亩,政府大力推进农业适度规模经营,鼓励农民通过土地流转后,扩大承包一定规模的粮田。现在种植粮食作物30亩以上的粮农有991户,其中有69家种粮生产合作社。国家实行扶农惠农政策后,加强了对种粮农户的多种补贴,全区粮农共获粮食直补资金5116万元,加上农资直补2229万多元,其中还有中央财政直接补贴的1638.9万元。7000多万元装入金山农民钱袋子。这些实实在在的真金白银,让粮农直接得到了实惠。  相似文献   

2004年。为了扭转粮食生产连年下滑的严峻形势,党中央、国务院出台了一系列促进粮食生产的政策措施,粮食直补是其中重要措施之一。从4月初开始,13个粮食主产省(区)开始向种粮农民兑现直补资金,同时还有16个非主产省也对省内产粮大县的农民实施了直补。2004年全国29个省(市、区)共安排补贴资金116亿元。现就我国的粮食直补政策谈几点认识。  相似文献   

1.统一征收粮食风险基金,壮大直补资金规模。具体来讲就是:由粮食行政主管部门向所有粮食经营者颁发粮食经营许可证,地税部门在调查摸底的基础上确定各经营者的年经营量(或销售量),按照全省统一的征收标准以量计征粮食风险基金,所以它最终将转嫁到粮食消费者身上,符合“谁受益谁负担”的原则。实行这种办法后,一方面,地方配套粮食风险基金由财政预算直接列收列支,不再空转,得到了切实的保障;另一方面,粮食风险基金总规模将很快壮大,必将增强其调控能力。2.完善财政支农资金管理,提高资金使用效益。一方面,国家应继续加大财政支农资金投入力…  相似文献   

完善我国渔业补贴政策的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
党和政府十分重视农民增收和城乡一体化发展,已相继出台了一系列的惠农政策。在新时期,由于受渔业资源衰退、油价上涨和渔场缩小等因素影响,渔民增收较困难,建立完善渔业补贴政策,对渔民增收、渔区稳定、渔业可持续发展具有重要的作用。本文在对有关渔业补贴政策现状、取得成就及存在问题深人调研基础上,提出了建立完善的一系列政策建议。  相似文献   

Trade policy, biotechnology and grain self-sufficiency in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the past 20 years the growth of China's agricultural economy has been extraordinary. However, it seems unlikely that China will maintain self‐sufficiency in grains by 2005 without substantial intervention. We develop a CGE model to assess the options available to Chinese policy makers. We compare the welfare effects of import tariffs and domestic support, and explore the potential of biotechnology as a means to achieve self‐sufficiency through improvements in agricultural productivity. Our results indicate that the price interventions that would be required to maintain China's desired self‐sufficiency ratios are considerable, and are unlikely to be compatible with WTO accession. The productivity improvements required are also significant, and likely beyond the current potential of biotechnology.  相似文献   

在过去50多年,美国居民的食物消费已经完成了绝对量高速增长的升级阶段,而处于消费水平和消费结构相对比较稳定的结构性调整阶段.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization has transformed cities by improving the quality and quantity of production factors, such as population, land, and capital gain optimization. However, housing problems of the floating population (liudong renkou) have seriously increased during the urbanization process. This study reviews the history of indemnificatory housing development in China and explore its effectiveness in the context of sustainable urbanization. Difficulties in the housing subsidy policy are identified, and an optimization-based framework for housing subsidy system that focusing on housing voucher is designed with the consideration of capitation grant, occasion for implementation, cost estimation, implementation procedure, and supplementary policy. The appropriateness of the housing voucher policy was tested on Zhejiang Province, and expert interview was conducted to evaluate the proposed housing subsidy system. This study provides an effective alternative housing subsidy policy which can facilitate the settling down of floating population in cities and also contribute to sustainable urbanization.  相似文献   

在秋风送爽、大地丰收的金秋十月.我们迎来了新中国六十华诞.粮食人与全国各行各业的劳动者共同度过了祖国母亲的花甲庆典.共同见证了共和国六十年的盛世辉煌。回顾六十年.粮食人艰苦创业,引导生产,搞活流通.为祖国繁荣和人民安康提供了有力保障。展望新时代.粮食人更需要深化改革,奋发努力,确保粮食安全,维护社会稳定.为共和国腾飞创造新的辉煌。  相似文献   

Grain-for-green policy and its impacts on grain supply in West China   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
China's grain-for-green policy of converting steep cultivated land to forest and grassland is one of the most important initiatives to develop its western inland regions. Using a multi-objective programming model, this study assessed the impacts of this policy in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River. In addition to the strategic planning of converting cultivated land to forest and grassland and its associated impacts, three other scenarios were simulated. Results showed that impacts on grain supply at the national level were in the range of 2–3%. These results suggest that the proposed policy might not have a major impact on China's future grain supply and the world grain market. At the local level, however, impacts could be significant.  相似文献   

Multiple cropping is one of the simplest ways to increase grain production, and it has an important role in the food security of China. This paper evaluates the multiple cropping systems of China, and identifies the regional obstacles that limit the use of multiple cropping with the aim to give some implications for developing grain production policy. A time series analysis of remote sensing data coupled with an econometrics model—stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) was used to derive the multiple cropping index (MCI), potential multiple cropping index (PMCI), multiple cropping efficiency (MCE), and potential increment of multiple cropping index (PIMCI) to evaluate the multiple cropping systems. Regional obstacles to the use of multiple cropping were identified by zoning socioeconomic and ecological environmental factors that impact its application. The MCE of China in 2005 was 87.5%, with a gap of 22% between the MCI and the PMCI. The Bohai Rim, the rim of Tianshan Mountain, the Sichuan Basin, and the middle reach of Yangtze River are the main regions that larger PIMCI could be anticipated. The whole country (excluding areas that lacked data) was divided into seven distinct regions in terms of the impact factors and further classified into low-efficiency high-potential regions (LHRs), high-efficiency low-potential regions (HLRs), high-efficiency medium-potential regions (HMRs), and medium-efficiency high-potential regions (MHRs) according to regional multiple cropping performance. Considering about the obstacles and benefits to each region, different strategies should be implemented to different regions for regional grain production increase. Special attention should be paid to the improvement of MCE in north and southwest China with the expectation to increase grain production of China. The results would help implement “The plan to increase grain production capacity by 50 million tons nationwide” launched by the central government of China.  相似文献   

1、美国政府保障粮食安全的主要责任 美国(America)是世界农业最发达的国家和粮食生产及出口大国,农业已实现现代化、区域化和专业化,粮食总产量和人均产量多年居世界前列.  相似文献   

沿海失海渔民补贴政策之效果研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
自20世纪90年代以来,渔民失海现象逐步显现.目前,学者们对渔民的失海现象及其原因比较清楚,但作者在调查中发现,现有的"失海渔民"概念不明确,补贴政策的效果有待评价.政府的一系列补贴政策,在一定程度上促进了渔业的平稳发展和渔区社会的和谐稳定,也未发生激烈的民生事件,但在对压缩捕捞强度和在保障失海渔民切身经济利益方面的效果不甚明显,有待完善.为此,作者从明确界定身份、保障渔民权益和加强渔区社会保障体系建设等方面提出了完善失海渔民补贴的政策措施.  相似文献   

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