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《The Economic record》1942,18(1):94-139
A History of Economic Ideas. By Edmund Whittaker
Monopoly. By E. A. G. Robinson
Labour Supply and National Defence. By International Labour Office
Economics of Labour. By R. A. Lester.
Labour Economics and Labour Problems. By Dale Yoder.
Unused Resources and Economic Waste . By David Rockefeller.
The Cambridge Economic History of Europe
The Agrarian Life of the Middle Ages. Edited by J. H. Clapham and Eileen Power.
Survey of British Commonwealth Affairs , Vol. II; Problems of Economic Policy, 1918-39, Part I. By Professor W. K. Hancock.
Historical Records—Australia and New Zealand.
Pragmatism and Pioneering in Benoy Sarkar's Sociology and Economics. By Nagendra Nath Chaudhury.
The Population Studies of Benoy Sarkar . By Sachindra Nath Dutt.
Postwar World Economy, A General Survey. By Benoy Sarkar.
Antoine-Elisée Cherbuliez et la Propriété Privée, 1779–1869. By William E. Rappard.
Farmers in a Changing World–Year Book of Agriculture
Food Production in Western Europe. By P. Lamartine Yates.
Atlas of Western Australian Agriculture. By J. Gentilli.
Deficit Spending and the National Income. By H. H. Villard.
Ceylon Currency and Banking . By R. B. Shenoy.
The Australian Economy: Simple Economic Studies. By Professor D. B. Copland.
Profits and Price Control, By Professor D. B. Copland and Sir Marcus Clark.
Towards Economic Reconstruction. By F. R. E. Mauldon
Europe's Trade.
Federal Union in Practice. By H. R. G. Greaves.
Canadian War Economics. Ed. J. F. Parkinson.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1963,39(88):489-511
Book reviewed in this article:
The Coalminers of New South Wales. By E. G ollan .
C ommittee for E conomic D evelopment of A ustralia Public Investment in Australia. An Outline of the First C.E.D.A. Research Project. By R. M athews .
Journeys Towards Progress. Studies of Economic Policy-Making in Latin America. By A. O. H irschman .
Economic Philosophy. By J oan R obinson
International Economic Papers No. 11. Edited by A. T. P eacock , W. F. S tolper , R. T urvey and H. L iesner
What Keynes Means. By A. M urad .
The Nature of Price Theory. By H. H. L iebhafsky .
Unemployment and Structural Change. Studies and Reports
The British Economy in the Nineteen-Fifties. Edited by G. D. N. W orswick and P. H. A dy .
History of Stockholm's Enskilda Bank to 1914. By O. G asslander .
The Demand for Canadian Imports 1926-55. By M urray C. K emp .
Explanation in Social Science. By R. B rown .
The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. Vol. III:Economic Organizations and Policies in the Middle Ages. Edited by M. M. P ostan , E. E. R ich and E. M iller .
The Progress of Economics. A History of Economic Thought. By W. B. C atlin .
The Development of Firms. By A. S. M ackintosh .
Institutional Economics:Veblen, Commons and Mitchell Reconsidered. By J. D orfman and others .
State and Regional Income Estimation. By A lex K err .
Economic Trends in the Soviet Union. Edited by A. B ergson and S. K uznets .
Asset Prices in Economic Analysis. By S. B. C hase , J r .
Disarmament and the Economy. Edited by E. B enoit and K. E. B oulding .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1974,50(1):142-163
Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Fluctuations in Australia, 1948 to 1964. By A. M. C. W aterman .
The State as Entrepreneur. Edited by S. H olland .
New Zealand Manufacturing Production and Trade with Australia. By P. J. L loyd .
The Economy of Papua New Guinea: Projections and Policy Issues. By R. T. S hand and M. L. T readgold
Alternative Strategies for Papua New Guinea. Edited by A. C lunies Ross and J. L angmore .
Australia, New Guinea and the International Economy: Trade and Development. By D. G adiel .
The National Income of Western Samoa. By I. J. F airbairn .
Econometric Studies of Macro and Monetary Relations. Edited by A. A. P owell and R. A. W illiams .
Economic Growth in History: Survey and Analysis. By J. D. G ould .
International Economics and Development: Essays in Honor of Raul Prebisch. Edited by L. E. di M arco .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1958,34(69):419-426
Book reviewed in this article:
Fifty Years of Farm Management. By H. C. M. C ase AND D. B. W illiams .
Principles of Economic Policy. By K enneth E. B ouldding .
Economic Development:Theory, History, Policy. By G. M. M eier AND R. E. B aldwin .
The Elements of Accounting. By L. G oldberg AND V. R. H ill .
The Economics of International Migration. Edited by B rinley T homas .
Public Principles of Publica Debt. By J ames M. B uchanan .
The Development of the Soviet Budgetary System. By R. W. D avies .
Problems of the New Commonwealth. By S ir I vor J ennings , K.B.E., Q.C.
The Agricultural Register (New Series). Changes in the Economic Pattern 1956-7.
Economic Models…An Exposition. By E. F. B each .
The National Economic Accounts of the United States…Review, Appraisal and Recommendations. A Report by the National Accounts Review Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1930,6(3):296-299
Book reviewed in this article:
New Zealand in the Making : A Survey of Economic and Social Development, by J. B. Condliffe, D.Sc
Trade and Credit , by R. G. Hawtrey
Report on the General Question of Tasmania's Disabilities. By the Joint Committee of Public Accounts of the Commonwealth Parliament
Credit and Currency Control. By D. B. Copland
Mathematics Preparatory to Statistics and Finance. By George N. Bauer
The Pacific Basin. By Gordon L. Wood, M.A., Litt.D., F.R.G.S
Zzrr Problentatik der empirisch-statistischen Konjunkturforschung; Kritische Betrachtung der Harvard-Methoden. By Oskar Anderson.
Zur Analyse von Nachfragekurven in ihrer Bedeutung fiir dic Konjunkturforschung. By Dr. Hans Staehle.
Die Sozialen Auswirkungen der Konjunkiurschwankungen. By Josef Soudek.
Die Korrelationsrechnung in der Konjunkturforschung. By Oskar Anderson.
Wheat , by W. W. Swanson and P.C. Armstrong
The World's Population Problems and a White Australia. By H. L.
Planning and Control of Public Works. Report of the Committee on Recent Economic Changes of President Hoover's Conference on Unemployment  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1974,50(4):632-642
Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Surveys. Australia. By O rganisation for E conomic C ooperation and D evelopment .
Strikes: Studies in Twentieth Century Australian History. Edited by J. I remonger , J. M erritt and G. O sborne .
A General Equilibrium Analysis of Protection. The Effects of Protection in Australia. By H. D. E vans .
Protektion und Branchenstruktur in der westdeutschen Wirtschaft. (Protection and Industrial Structure in the West German Economy). By J. B. D onges , G. F els , A. N eu et al.
Makers of Fortune: A Colonial Business Community and its Fall. By R. C. J. S tone .
The Environmental, Economic and Social Significance of Drought. Edited by J. V. L ovett .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1968,44(4):539-549
Book reviewed in this article:
British Shipping and Australia 1920–1930. By K. B urley .
Continuity in History and Other Essays. By A. G erschenkron .
A Guidebook to New Zealand's Future. By W. R osenberg .
The Wealth of the Nation: The National Balance Sheet of the United Kingdom, 1957–1961. By J. R evell .
Essays in Economic History of Australia 1788–1939. Edited by J. G riffin .
Fundamentals of International Economics. By I. W exler .
Teaching Economics. Edited by N. L ee .
Strategic Factors in Economic Development. By N. K aldor .
Consumption Economics: A Multidisciplinary Approach. By M. C. B urk .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1969,45(3):463-478
Book reviewed in this article:
Australia in the World Economy. By J. O. N. P erkins .
Economics at Large. By C. G. F. S imkin .
Effects of U.K. Direct Investment Overseas. By W. B. R eddaway , S. J. P otter and C. T. T aylor .
Input-Output Analysis and Resource Allocation. By B. C ameron .
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia: Origins and Early History. By R. G ollan .
Australian Economic Policy Discussion. By W. M. C orden .
Australian Trade Unions: Their Development, Structure and Horizons. Edited by P. W. D. M atthews and G. W. F ord .
Economic Policy in Australia: The Case for Reform. By B. M c F arlane .
The Battle for the Banks. By A. L. M ay .
Consumption and Production of Petroleum for the Australian Mainland 1968–1990. By K. S tacey .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1964,40(92):600-617
Book reviewed in this article:
Industrial Development in Australia 1920–1930. By C olin F orster .
Remembered, Days. By "W. S. K elly .
A Guide to Australian Economic Statistics. By G. R. P almer .
Money and Banking in New Zealand. R eserve B ank of N ew Z ealand .
Industrial Growth and World Trade. By A. M aizels .
International Economic Instability. The Experience after World War II. By J. D. C oppock .
A History of Interest Rates. By S. H omer .
An Introduction to Positive Economics. By R. G. L epsey .
Economic Development with Special Reference to East Asia. Edited by K. B errill .
The Economics of Take-off into Sustained Growth. Edited by W. W. R ostow .
Planning Economic Development. Edited by E. E. H agen .
Money, Capital and Prices. By G. Horwich.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1931,7(2):312-340
Book reviewed in this article:
The Australian Economy. Simple Economic Studies , by D. B. Copland
The Crisis in Australian Finance , 1929-31, by E. O. G. Shann, and D. B. Copland
The Battle of the Plans , by E. O. G. Shann and D. B. Copland
Britain and World Trade and Other Economic Essays. By A. Loveday
The Civil Service in the Modern State. By Leonard D. White
Our Financial System, An Introductory Text , by Albert S. Keister
Outlines of Economics , by Richard T. Ely
The Australian Banking and Credit System , by A. L. Gordon MacKay
Communism and Christianity , by G. V. Portus
Economics of Modern Industry , by Percy Ford
Economic Disarmament. A Study on International Co-operation. By J. H. Richardson
The Provision of Credit, with Special Reference to Agriculture. By Professor H. Belshaw
An Economic Survey of Australia.
Distribution in the United States and Europe.
An Outline of Australian Economics. By E. Ronald Walker and K. B. Madgwick
The Round Table—A Quarterly Review of the Politics of the British Commonwealth,1 No.
Economic Fragments. By D. H. Robertson, M.A.
Budget Control: An Introduction to the Financial System of New South Wales. By F. A. Bland  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1971,47(3):443-456
Book reviewed in this article:
Fiscal Policy in Australia: Theory and Practice . By J. W. N evile
Import Control and Industrialization: A Study of the Australian Experience . By G. G. M offatt
Farm Management and Agricultural Economics–An Introduction . By J. B. H akdaker , J. N. L ewis , and G. C. M c F arlane
Back in Asia . By D. M. K eats
The Royal Exchange Assurance. A History of British Insurance 1720–1970 . By B. S upple
Economics and Urban Problems . By D. N etzer
Developing the Third World: The Experience of the Nineteen-Sixties . Edited by R. R obinson
Optimal Economic Growth. Shifting Finite Versus Infinite Time Horizon . By M. I nagaki
Managerial Economics . By D. C. H ague  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1926,2(2):244-270
Books reviewed in this article:
Stabilisation of Employment in the United States . By J. R. Bellerby
Grakam Wallas: The Art of Thought. J onathan Cape
Industrial Psychology in, Great Britain . 164 pp. Dr. C. S. Myers
Some Problems of Wages and Their Regulation in Great Britain Since 1918. By Alan (3. B. Fisher, Ph.D., London. P. S. King & Son Ltd.)
Moaetary Policy and Its Application to Australia . D. B. Copland, M.A., D.Sc., Melbourne University
The Empire in Eclipse . Richard Jebb, M.A. Chapman and Hall
Missionaries and Annexation in the Pacific . K. L. P. Martin, M.A., B.Litt. Oxford University  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1976,52(2):253-273
Book reviewed in this article:
Medical Care in Australia:An Economic Diagnosis. By R. B. Scotton.
Economic Surveys. Australia. By Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Long Term Unemployed People under Conditions of Full Employment. By A. Jordan.
Survey of Young Workers. By A.C.T.U.
Rural Poverty in Northern New South Wales. By Department of Sociology, University of New England.
Financial Aspects of Rural Poverty. By W. F. Musgrave, P. A. Rickards, I. F. Wan, D. P. Vincent, A. S. Watson and L. M. Barton.
Population and Australia:A Demographic Analysis and Projection.
Urbanization in Australia:The Post-war Experience. Edited by I. H. Burnley.
Models and Projections of Demand in Post-war Britain. By A. Deaton.
A Rehabilitation of Say's Law. By W. H. Hutt.
The Optimal International Division of Labour. By B. Herman.
Trade and Employment. By H. F. Lydall.
The Economic Mechanism. By B. Philpott.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1974,50(3):464-482
Book reviewed in this article:
The Controlled Economy. By J. E. M eade .
The Dynamics of the Industrial Revolution. By A. T hompson .
Finite Mathematics in Business and Economics. By G. H adley and M. C. K emp .
Stagflation and Wages Policy in Australia. By D. W. W hitehead .
The Elements of Economic Policy. By B. C ameron .
Economic Development and Policies. By G. A. M arzouk .
Economic Growth Reassessed. Edited by O. J. F irestone .
Australian Fiscal Policy. By D. A. L. A uld .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1968,44(2):254-273
Book reviewed in this article:
Production, Employment and Prices in Australia, 1958-59 to 1963-64. By B. C ameron .
Taxation in New Zealand. Report of the Taxation Review Committee.
Competition and the Law. By A. H unter .
Butter and Margarine—A Comparative Study. By G. M arais .
Investment Risk and Uncertainty: A Practical Approach for Australian Companies. By P. S pry -B ailey .
Distribution of Groceries. By D. H. B riggs and R. L. S myth .
An Interindustry Study of the Western Australian Economy. By M. L. P arker .
Econometric Models and Methods. By C. C hrist .
Soviet Economic Controversies. By J. L. F elker .
Foreign Ownership of Canadian Industries. By A. E. S afarian .
The Australian Economic Review. 1st Quarter 1968. I nstitute of A pplied E conomic R esearch , U niversity of M elbourne .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1970,46(2):271-290
Books reviewed in this article:
Economics–Australian Edition . By P. A. S amuelson , K. H ancock , and R. W allace
The Traditional Trade of Asia . By C. G. F. S imkin
A Theory of Economic History . By J ohn H icks
The Structure of Earnings . By H. L ydall
Economic Interdependence in Southeast Asia . Edited by T. MORGAN and N. SPOELSTRA
Economic Institutions and Policy . By J. McB. GRANT, A. J. H agger and A. H ocking
Credit Unions in the South Pacific . Edited by >N. R uncie
Elementary Statistical Method . By J. LUMSDEN
Economic Theory: Equilibrium and Change . By M. L. BURSTEIN
Manual of Industrial Project Analysis in Developing Countries . By I. M. D. L ittle and J. A. M irrlees
Balance-of-Payments Policy . By B. J. C ohen
Economic Analysis and Industrial Structure . By D. N eedham . (Holt, Rinehart and Winston  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1962,38(84):521-532
Book reviewed in this article:
Britain and Australia:Economic Relationships in the 1950's. By J. O. N. P erkins .
The Red National Income of Soviet Russia since 1928. By A bram B ergson .
The Economics of Wages. By D. J. R obertson .
United States Fiscal Policy 1945-59. By A. E. H olmans .
The Theory of Economic Integration. By B. A. B alassa .
Decision Order and Time in Human Affairs. By G. L. S. S hackle .
Economic Theory in Retrospect. By M. B laug .
Choice of Techniques. An Aspect of the Theory of Planned Economic Development. By A. K. S en .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1936,11(1-2):284-315
Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Aspects of Australian Land Tazation. By J. M. Garland.
Unbalanced Bicdgets, A Study of the Financial Crisis in Fifteen Countries. By Hugh Dalton and others.
The British Way to Recovery. By Herbert Heaton.
Social Aspects of Indwtriul Development in Japan. By Fernand Maurette
Miners and Management. By Mary Van Kleeck.
Agriculture and the Trade Cycle. By J. H. Kirk.
Prairie Settlement: The Geographical Setting. By W. A. Mackintosh
KupitdpoEitik. By R. W. Goldschmidt.
Publications of the Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University.
Eschange Control. By Paul Einzig.
The Development of Social Insurance and Minimum Wage Legislation in Great Britain. By Helen F. Hohman.
The Triumph of Mediocrity in Business. By H. Secrist.
World Economic Survey-Third Pear 1933-34. By J. B. Condliffe.
Xationul Public Works. (Report of an Enquiry-by the Communications and Transit Organization of the League of Kations).
Public Works Policy. (International Labour Office, Studies and Reports, Series C, No. 19).
Imperial Econontu and Its Place in the Formation of Economic Doctrine, 1600–2932. By C. R. Fay, M.A., DSC.
Early Constitutional Development in Australia: New South WaZes, 1789–1856. By A. C. V. Melbourne.
Economic Scares. By Edwin Cannan.
The Depreciation of Capital dndytically Considered. By R. F. Fowler
Commercial Banks 19251933. League of Nations.
League of Natims: Bdawes of Payments, 1933.
Economic and Trade Conditions in Australia to Decembw, 1933. By R. W. Dalton.
Population Theories and Their Application, W i t h Special Reference t o Japun. By E. F. Penrose.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1972,48(2):298-314
Book reviewed in this article:
Australian Trade Practices :Readings. Edited by J. P. N ieuwenhuysen .
Manufacturing in Melbourne. By P. J. R immer .
Freight Forwarding in Australia. By P. J. R immer .
Retailing in Melbourne. By R. J. J ohnston and P. J. R immer .
Land Tenure in the Pacific. Edited by R. C rocombe .
The Reinterpretation of American Economic History. Edited by R obert W illiam F ogel and S tanley L. E ngerman .
International Trade Theory and Regional Income Differences, United States 1880–1950. By E. O lsen .
Soviet Economic Development. By R. H utchings .
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930–1945. By A nthony C. S utton .
The Economic Analysis of Labour. By M alcolm R. F isher .
Money and Banking. By D. F isher .
Planning Investments with Economies of Scale. By L arry E. W estphal .
Economic Growth and Development:A Mathematical Introduction. By P hilip A. N eher .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1962,38(82):260-272
Books Reviewed in this article:
Principles of Economics. By A lfred M arshall . Ninth (variorum) edition, with annotations by C. W. Guillebaud
Wages Inflation Productivity . By J. K. G iffowrd .
Men of yesterday. A Social History of the Western District of Victoria, 1834–1890 . By M argaret K iddle .
The Structure of Property Ownership in Great Britain . By E. V ictor M organ
The Common Market—A Comprehensive Guide . By S. R. de la M ahotiere .
L'Europe Au-dela de L'Écowmie. By H. B rugmans , H. L üthy , J. H ersch .
De L'Intégration des Marchés. By L. P hlips .
The State and Economic Growth . Edited by H. G. J. A itken .
The Rationale of the Sterling Area. By A. R. C onan .
The Principles and Practices of Farm Management Accounting. By C. A. M allyon .
Europe's Needs and Resources. Trends and Prospects in Eighteen Countries. By J. F. D ewhurst , J. O. C oppock , P. L amartine Y ates and A ssociates
The Market Economy in the World of Today. By P er J acobsson
Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England. Edited by F. J. F isher  相似文献   

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