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中国独生子女政策让每个家庭对于孩子的关注度越来越高,要让孩子穿好、吃好、玩好、喝好成为很多家长的第一要务,这也让少儿市场成为了一个极具价值的市场,很多品牌针对少儿市场开始细分,迪斯尼、麦当劳、芭比娃娃等国际品牌都通过儿童市场建立了品牌和形象,创造了孩子无尽的情感和消费需求,获得巨大的成功,但是,中国本土的少儿品牌仍处于一片混沌的状态。  相似文献   

王维花 《现代商业》2014,(17):25-26
中国是仅次于日本的第二奢侈品消费大国,约占全球总额的30%。在世界奢侈品排行榜上前1000名中,中国本土的奢侈品牌只有香港地区的两个。中国大陆本土奢侈品牌的缺失和低竞争力证明了发展本土奢侈品牌的重要意义。本文从弘扬中国传统文化入手,分析了中国白酒、珠宝、瓷器和丝绸传统文化、奢侈品牌发展状况及中西对比意义,呼吁中国奢侈品牌的发展以弘扬民族工艺与现代设计理念结合,并以中国强大的历史文化背景为支撑。  相似文献   

冯小刚电影品牌研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电影品牌,意味着一个产品系列的明确的主题、受众和风格的定位,意味着影片与观众的关系是一种具有持续性的消费关系。中国影坛上,冯小刚的贺岁片是具有品牌意义的代表,作为国产片类型创作的一个成功范例,它也给了国产影片一个很好的启示。本文试从冯小刚电影主题、演员、风格角度探讨其电影品牌的建构。  相似文献   

随着中国品牌消费时代的到来,中国的财富通过中国老百姓对国外品牌的消费,向其品牌的属国转移,我们要警惕中国品牌消费中的财富转移!  相似文献   

当今,服装消费已逐步从"商品消费"进入"品牌消费",服装企业能否培育出自有品牌,并塑造成知名品牌,将决定一个企业在市场上的竞争力。近几年来中国服装企业的品牌国际化做了很多努力,但中国自有品牌服装销售却非常少。总结了一些中国服装创立国际品牌存在的问题,并对中国服装创立国际品牌的对策进行了研究。  相似文献   

当今,服装消费已逐步从“商品消费”进入“品牌消费”,服装企业能否培育出自有品牌,并塑造成知名品牌,将决定一个企业在市场上的竞争力。近几年来中国服装企业的品牌国际化做了很多努力,但中国自有品牌服装销售却非常少。总结了一些中国服装创立国际品牌存在的问题,并对中国服装创立国际品牌的对策进行了研究。  相似文献   

周静莉  陆朋 《商场现代化》2006,(34):248-249
随着市场经济的日益完善和感性消费时代的来临,未来饭店之间的竞争将更多地表现为品牌的竞争。我国进行饭店品牌建设,可以一方面借鉴国际著名饭店品牌的发展经验,另一方面需结合中国实际,探索适合国情和企业实际的品牌经营模式,树立中国知名品牌饭店企业形象。  相似文献   

宋铮 《成功营销》2008,(4):86-86
新消费时代的变迁给营销带来了哪些变革?中国的新媒体变革有哪些机遇可以利用?欧美的发达国家经验对于中国品牌有哪些借鉴意义?通过对这位被称为品牌资产“鼻祖”的知名美国品牌专家的采访,也许可以给你打开通往新时代品牌建设道路上的另一扇窗。  相似文献   

李英爽 《中国市场》2007,(27):44-45
中国经济持续增长的动力源于消费结构的进一步升级,而消费结构升级则依赖于中国中产阶层的产生和崛起。二者相辅相成。面对阶层变迁带来的消费趋势的新变化,企业要把握迅速变化的中产阶层的品牌消费特点以及他们的巨大的消费需求,极力从多方面满足他们的要求,赢得消费者的好感和信赖,形成品牌忠诚将成为企业打造核心竞争力的重要途径。  相似文献   

白酒行业是中国特有的行业,品牌众多。品牌化白酒的消费具有社交属性,十分特殊,因此一般的品牌个性维度并不适用。本文在黄胜兵和卢泰宏(2003)的品牌个性量表基础上,结合中国白酒行业实际,设计了包含65个品牌个性特征词汇的量表。通过实证研究,收集白酒消费者有效问卷190份。经EFA探索性因子分析最终得到五个维度,分别命名为"友善"、"气派"、"成熟"、"家庭"、"刺激",包含32个品牌个性特征词汇。还对模型进行了信度和效度的检验,均符合要求。经实证研究,通过这一维度模型可以很好地区分不同白酒品牌,具有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

Hong Kong has sailed through several economic crises while undergoing economic adjustment since its return. However, industrial trade has been a firm force driving Hong Kong's economy through the past decade. Over the past 10 years, Hong Kong's total trade volume has grown from HKD 2.9 trillion in 1997 to HKD 5 trillion in 2006, representing a remarkable increase of 70%. In spite of economic twists and turns in Hong Kong, its foreign trade has maintained continuous growth. Especially over this decade, foreign trade has made noticeable contribution to Hong Kong's economic development. But where will Hong Kong's foreign trade stand in 10 years' time? And what will Hong Kong's advantages lie in the future?  相似文献   

How best to pay an advertising agency is a long-standing debate, but up till now there has been little empirical evidence upon which to base decisions. In a recent survey, retailers reported lower satisfaction with their advertising agency remuneration agreement than clients in any other sector. As remuneration has the potential not only to sour day-to-day relationships, but more significandy to provide incentives to the agency for better advertising, a better agency service and value for money, getting it right is without doubt an important task. This paper examines the factors that are associated with satisfaction, notably the methods and practices of remuneration employed, the characteristics of the advertising task and advertiser situation, and advertiser attitudes on the equitability of the agreement. Findings indicate that changes to certain methods, practices and attitudes may be beneficial to both client and agency. Best-practice advice is offered, and conclusions drawn.  相似文献   

你是个私车车主吗?爱车给你带来方便和乐趣的同时,让你操心的事一定也不少,想没想过为它找个可靠的管家呢?  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to consider e-mentoring models applicable for SME staff development. The article examines a study conducted collaboratively between a university of applied sciences and entrepreneurial organisation, ascertaining organisation members’ interest in e-mentoring for professional development. In this Finnish case, entrepreneurs’ skill deficits and e-mentoring’s possibilities as a learning support are identified, and the practicality and meaningfulness of different e-mentoring forms examined. The results indicate e-mentoring is expected to facilitate support from experienced entrepreneurs in practical professional development. Peer mentoring online was slightly preferred over one-on-one expert e-mentoring.  相似文献   

鉴于补贴对服务贸易可能产生的扭曲作用,建立和完善服务贸易补贴的多边纪律无疑是十分重要的。GATS有关服务贸易补贴的现行规定主要体现为第15条,另外,GATS第2条、第17条等也对其有间接规范作用。这些规定均存在缺陷与不足,因而服务贸易的多边谈判将服务贸易补贴作为了其项下的一个重要议题。但是截至目前为止,谈判仍未取得重要进展。我国则应积极关注和参与谈判,并以适当的方式设置我国的服务贸易补贴。  相似文献   

The following article pinpoints the elements of a possible new order for the commodity markets against the background of the existing market order for raw materials and proposals for its reform which have been made public. The existing order is briefly reviewed in the first part of the article while topical reform proposals are set out in the second part. The direction in which the search for a new international market order for raw materials should point so as to accommodate the various, often sharply diverging expectations and demands of the trading partners is indicated in the final part.  相似文献   

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