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党的十六大以来,以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,准确把握世界发展趋势,认真总结我国发展经验,深入分析我国发展的阶段性特征,提出了树立和落实科学发展观的重大战略思想。党的十七大报告对科学发展观提出的时代背景、内涵特征、精神实质等一系列重大问题又做了更加系统全面、深刻精辟的阐述,提出了在新的发展阶段如何“深入贯彻落实科学发展观”的重大命题。建设民航法治政府,是抓住和用好重要战略机遇期,实现民航持续、快速、协调、健康发展的客观需要,是我国由民航大国向民航强国迈进的必由之路,也是民航实践和落实好科学发展观的必然要求。下面就科学发展观的重大战略思想,并结合民航两级政府三级机构如何建设民航法治政府谈一些粗浅的学习体会。  相似文献   

机场建设融资具有融资数量大、投资回收周期长、投资风险不确定性等特点,所以我国一般由政府财政支持机场项目的建设,这些特点也阻碍了民间资本进入机场建设领域的步伐。同时,机场建设项目所需的资金数量巨大,单一的政府财政支持容易出现融资时间长,融资难度大等问题。鼓励民间资本参与机场建设,降低民间资本进入机场建设领域的门槛,对机场建设和民间资本的发展都是有积极作用的。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的稳步快速发展,基础设施建设也随之快速发展,带动了基础设施建设融资方式、建设模式、承发包模式和管理模式的多样化发展。以 BT模式投资建设的新运作方式,对缓解政府资金困难、确保工程质量、减少业主协调和管理的工作量、  相似文献   

正受建设、养护、融资成本快速上涨和通行费收入增长放缓影响,我国收费公路发展正面临巨大挑战。全国收费公路连续两年收不抵支,很多即将到期的收费公路难以按时还清债务,路网分割导致政府监管困难,一些经营性项目游离于政府管理之外,服务质量问题引发了社会负面反响。此类问题其他国家也曾遭遇,日本通过创新和改革收费公路管理模式,较好地解决了这些问题。现行的日本收费公路管理模式既不像我国的经营性公路,也不同于我国的政  相似文献   

美国水上运输系统是由水路运输系统、港口经营系统二者的双向交互运作和及该系统的用户等元素组成。整个美国水上运输系统从根本上讲是由美国国家政府、地方政府或私人所有的设备及企业组成的聚合体。它作为美国经济整体中的一个重要部分,主要由市场条件来左右其运作方式。除此之外,联邦政府、州政府及地方政府也参与了水上运输系统的经营、融资和  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:近年来,地方政府融资平台公司(指由地方政府及其部门和机构等通过财政拨款或注入土地、股权等资产设立,承担政府投资项目融资功能,并拥有独立法人资格的经济实体)通过举债融资,为地方经济和社会发展筹集资金,在加强基础设施建设以及应对国际金融危机冲击中发挥了积极作用。但与此同时,也出现了一些亟须高度关注的问题,主要是融资平台公司举债融资规模迅速膨胀,运作不够规范;地方政府违规或变相提供担保,偿债风险日益加大;部分银行业金融机构风险意识薄弱,对融资平台公司信贷管理缺失等。  相似文献   

正"收费公路的费率实际上都是地方交通部门认可、出具文件的,这种承诺应该合理,同时也是必须坚持的,不能改。如果改了的话,就会影响地方政府融资平台的责任,也会影响市场对其的信心。"——全国政协副主席、原央行行长周小川认为地方政府的承诺及相关政策需要可持续性。"机构设置和建设模式这两个根本问题没有解决。前者是指公路系统要涉及到多个管理部门或运营主体,很难理顺关系。从建设模式来看,我国公路网建设,尤其是高速  相似文献   

高速公路建设的快速发展为公路客运系统发展创造了良好的条件,显示出方便、快捷、安全、舒适的优越性。高速公路网络的完善在给人们出行带来极大便利的同时,也对配套的客运场站设施及工艺流程提出了更高的要求。道路体系是交通运输赖以实现的基本网络,而汽车客运站则是运输环节中的必要节点。笔者通过分析汽车客运站的发展趋势中出现的问题,对客运站建设进行了研究,并提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

正地处江苏省最南端、苏浙皖三省交界地区的中国陶都——宜兴市,范蠡大道、滆湖东路、阳灵隧道3项BT项目正在这里如火如荼地进行着。5年前,国内首条BT模式道路改造工程就曾在这里建设。近年来,宜兴公路建设得到了快速发展,但与宜兴经济社会快速发展,尤其是长三角经济圈的高速公路发展需求相比还有很大差距,原有的公路资金来源模式中资金有限,地方配套资金短缺,农村公路建设负债等问题亟待解决,为解决政府"想做事没钱做"的问题,实现由"有多少做多少"向"做多少筹多少"的转变,宜兴市运用经营城市理念,改革投融资方式,采取市场化运作,以有限的财政投入撬动蕴藏丰富的社会资金,突破了制约地方发展的资金瓶颈。"多条腿"战略一直以来,财政拨款都是公共基础建设资金的主要来源,宜兴市政府部门和交通部门紧紧围绕"加密路网、拓展空  相似文献   

当前,我国正处于并将长期处于城市化快速发展阶段,需要相应的基础设施建设,如通信、交通、能源等方面予以支持。一般而言,基础设施建设是大型工程,需要雄厚的资金支持,建设时间长,存在诸多不可预料的风险,且进入和退出机制复杂。PPP模式改变了原来单一化的全部由政府支撑基础设施项目建设的模式,民营资本的加入减轻了政府部门的压力。  相似文献   

城市交通发展对铁路货运站布局影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市区域结构和产业布局的调整、城市规划理念的变化,使铁路货运站的位置需重新确定。城市轨道交通形成网络后,市内运输能力大大提高,铁路枢纽所有为城市服务的设备和设施均可移出市区,城市内的货物运输可由城市轨道交通系统利用凌晨时段完成。为此,提出了铁路枢纽内货运站设置的数量、位置,以及城市内货运集散点位置的确定方法。  相似文献   

Various government laws have recently been enacted to alleviate the environmental deterioration of transportation systems. Environmental constraint is a valid means to explicitly reflect various environmental protection requirements imposed by the government. In this paper, we examine the environmentally constrained traffic equilibrium problem (EC-TEP), which is a fundamental tool for modeling and evaluating environmental protection requirements. Specifically, we provide an equivalent reformulation for the EC-TEP. The proposed reformulation adapts the concept of gap function to simultaneously reformulate the nonlinear complementarity conditions associated with the generalized user equilibrium conditions, environmental constraints, and conservation constraints as an equivalent unconstrained optimization problem. This gap function reformulation has two desirable features: (1) it can handle a general environmental constraint structure (linear or nonlinear; link-based or area-based) and a general link and route cost structure, enhancing the modeling adaptability and flexibility; (2) it is smooth and unconstrained, permitting a number of existing efficient algorithms for its solution. A gradient-based solution algorithm with a self-regulated averaging stepsize scheme is customized to solve the reformulated unconstrained optimization problem. Numerical examples are also provided to demonstrate the modeling flexibility of the proposed EC-TEP reformulation.  相似文献   

城市轨道交通基础设施建设融资方式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国城市轨道交通建设正处于快速发展时期,这对于缓解城市交通拥挤、改善环境和提高综合效益具有十分重要的意义。结合西方发达国家的成功经验和我国资金市场的实际情况,应用相关实例对我国城市轨道交通基础设施建设的融资方式进行探讨。  相似文献   

The introduction of eco-routing systems has been suggested as a promising strategy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and criteria pollutants. The objective of this study is to scrutinize the impacts of an eco-routing guidance system on emissions through the use of a case study in a commuting corridor. This research aims at assessing the potential environmental benefits in terms of different pollutant emissions. Simultaneously, it addresses the extent of variations in system travel time (STT) that each eco-routing strategy implies. The methodology consists of three distinct phases. The first phase corresponds to the adjustment of a microsimulation platform of traffic and emissions with empirical data previously collected. Second, to volume-emission-functions (VEF), developed based on the integrated modeling structure. Final, to different scenarios of traffic flow optimization performed at the network level based on a simplified assignment procedure. The results show that if the traffic assignment is performed with the objective to minimize overall impacts, then the total system environmental damage costs can be reduced up to 9% with marginal oscillations in total STT. However, if drivers are advised based on their own emissions minimization, total system emissions may be higher than under the standard user equilibrium flow pattern. Specifically, environmentally friendly navigation algorithms focused on individual goals may tend to divert traffic to roads with less capacity affecting the performance of the remaining traffic. This case study brings new insights about the difficulties and potentials of implementing such systems.  相似文献   

Whilst it has been used since the 1960s, the UK government have promoted bus-based Park and Ride (P&R) particularly heavily over the last 20 years as a tool to deal with traffic congestion and air pollution. There has long since been a view however that P&R in its current guise may actually be exacerbating the problems of traffic congestion, fuel use and emissions instead of mitigating them. This paper aims to reconsider this proposition whilst also testing a range of alternative forms of car–bus interchange in the context of traffic reduction, drawing on evidence from a large survey of P&R users in Cambridge, UK. Overall the results suggest that while current P&R significantly increases the vehicle miles travelled by its users, some of the alternative models presented potentially offer considerable improvements.  相似文献   

This article examines the consequences, for Paris, of the increase in two-wheel motor vehicle (2WMV) traffic (measured in vehicle/km). Our study reveals that, between 2000 and 2007, the subway's (Métro) share in total inner-Paris travel increased by 13.6%, the RER's share by 10.3% and the SNCF's share by 20.5%. These three means of transport account for 58% of daily travel. On the other hand, the bus share has decreased by 16% and that of cars by 23.7%. Private motor vehicles represent 37.3% of total travel. Looking at road traffic, where public transport (buses) and private motor transport compete for the use of limited road space, private motor vehicles account for 91.5% and public transport 8.5% of total travel.The 2WMV share in Paris traffic increased by 36% between 2000 and 2007, with 2WMVs now accounting for a share twice as large as that of buses. A survey has shown that 100 million additional passenger kilometres were made by 2WMV in 2007 compared to 2000. 53% of this increase comes from people shifting to 2WMV from public transport and 26.5% from private cars. The remaining 20% is attributable to the increased use of 2WMVs by those already owning such vehicles in 2000.Is the growth in the share of 2WMV traffic in Paris beneficial to the community? This shift in the means of transport generates time savings of €293 million and increases owners' vehicle usage costs by €49 million. The cost of accidents is increased by €49 million and the negative consequences in terms of pollution are estimated at €22.6 million. The welfare impact of the government revenue change is negative and equal to €4.7 million. In total, the gain for the community is therefore around €168 million. Accident costs are the key issue. The fact that there are on average 21 2WMV fatalities in Paris (average 2006–2007) for a means of transport accounting for 16% of passenger/km made every day in Paris offers a striking contrast to the 6 (average 2006–2007) fatalities concerning cyclists which account for a mere 0.1% of trips. The massive shift to 2WMV has taken place without any public policy support. Public policy could easily further improve the 2WMV cost-benefit balance by taking measures that would decrease the number of accidents.  相似文献   

Many cities in the world seek to establish more sustainable urban transport systems with a view to reduce accidents, congestion, air and noise pollution, and to improve social interactions, liveability and amenity values. Against this background, this paper frames urban transportation as an issue of justice: contemporary transport systems are characterized by injustice, as they tend to favour and prioritize motorized transport, accepting that considerable environmental and social burdens are put on more sustainable forms of transportation, other traffic participants and society as a whole. To conceptualize ‘urban transport justice’, the paper discusses three dimensions where injustices are apparent: Exposure to traffic risks and pollutants; distribution of space; and valuation of transport time. It is argued that public and political recognition of urban transport injustices provides significant argument for changes in urban planning, transport infrastructure development and traffic management.  相似文献   

With the Republic of Korea facing many challenges in urban housing development, the Korean government has implemented various public housing policies to stabilise the residential life of low-income households. While the government has established different housing policies for each household income class, there is a lack of research on rational accessibility models that consider the characteristics of each income class. Therefore, this study constructed an accessibility calculation model that reflects the transportation characteristics of various household income classes and used it to calculate the accessibility of each area and the household location of each income class. The results demonstrated limited difference in accessibility between income classes in Seoul; however, in Incheon and Gyeonggi Province, high-income accessibility was lower than low-income accessibility. It was also confirmed that the low-income households were more likely to be located in areas of low accessibility, while middle and high-income households were more likely to be located in areas of high accessibility. The main contributions of this study are as follows. First, it systematically derives the traffic characteristics by income class and uses these to calculate accessibility. Second, it presents a more reasonable model for calculating accessibility than the nominal model used in government policy decisions. Finally, it evaluates household location by income class based on the accessibility calculated in this study.  相似文献   

Although the benefits of cycling are well-known, in New Zealand, women cycle much less than men. This qualitative research took a feminist intersectional approach and interviewed 49 women in six focus groups, to explore their experiences as women who knew how to cycle, and wished to cycle more. Participants, who were all based in one city, included two ethnic groups (Māori and non-Māori) and three age groups (adolescents, mothers with children at home, and older women), giving a range over the life-course and including an innovative study of Māori women's cycling. Topics covered included learning to ride as a child, experiences with traffic, topography and other local issues, feelings about cycling and taking an imagined ride. Results revealed the challenge and joys of cycling, what is normal and not normal in cycling, and a double or triple burden affecting women in terms of safety: perceptions of traffic danger; personal safety as women; and the need to be safety-conscious because of responsibilities for others. Differences between Māori and non-Māori arose in context of varying household types, access to bicycles and cultural perspectives on cycling. Participants were clear about how to support women cycling: safe and connected cycling infrastructure, and systems that normalise women's cycling, with national and local government policies to support these.  相似文献   

This paper makes local and aggregate estimates of the effects of 152 level crossings in the Melbourne metropolitan area, Australia on traffic congestion in the morning peak period (7 am–9 am). A new method, including micro-simulation of a range of rail crossing configurations, is used to inform a network model which makes aggregate estimates of impacts on all traffic.Relationships between train frequency and percentage change in vehicle travel time and volume were identified. These equations can predict change in travel time/traffic flow caused by rail level crossings based on rail crossing closures and train frequency.Overall, Melbourne's level crossings result in an average increase in travel time of 16.1% for vehicle traffic on links with a level crossing. However on average a level crossing reduces the volume of vehicles on these links by 5.9% as a result of traffic diversion. These values are higher in middle suburbs where train arrivals and crossing closure times at level crossings are more frequent.The aggregate effect of all 152 level rail crossings on all traffic in Melbourne is a travel time change from 1.81 to 1.82 min/km (an increase of around 0.3%). The number of congested links in Melbourne increases by 0.9% while the total delay increases by 0.7%. These network wide effects are not large compared to localised effects because road links affected directly by crossings represent a very small part of the overall network. Additionally, network effects also include traffic diversion impacts which will counteract some of the immediate impacts on a localised scale. However, it is significant that the very small element of the system can have even a measurable effect on aggregate traffic congestion.  相似文献   

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