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Self-regulation (SR) is a common way of enforcing quality in markets (such as banking, financial services and several professions) and in a variety of public and private organizations. We provide experimental evidence of the reputational incentives of self-regulatory organizations (SROs) to publicly disclose versus cover-up fraud in an incomplete information environment. We find that observed behaviour is generally consistent with Bayesian equilibrium when subjects are informed about the relative likelihood of fraud detection by a ‘vigilant’ versus a ‘lax’ SRO type. In particular, a fraud disclosure equilibrium is supported when subjects are informed that the ‘vigilant’ SRO is more likely to detect fraud; otherwise, a cover-up equilibrium is supported. However, when subjects are not informed about the relative likelihood of fraud detection by the SRO types (as expected in real SR situations), no equilibrium is strongly supported. Our results suggest that in practice, the reputation-based incentives for effective SR may be inherently ambiguous and weak.  相似文献   

Around US$600 billion of investment is desperately needed to address forecasted huge shortages in water supply globally. A number of worldwide investors – so-called water funds – have started to take up this challenge. For these global water investors, knowledge about the extent of integration between the water sectors of financial markets is highly important. According to international portfolio diversification theory, the less (more) integrated markets are, the more (less) benefits there are from international diversification. In this study, we investigate the extent and manner of interdependence among the US, European and Asian water sector of the equity markets based on Vector Autoregression (VAR), Granger causality and impulse response analyses. We find that world water stock market prices are indeed significantly interdependent although this interdependence varies across time periods. Each market quickly responds to shocks from each other and completes its response within 3 days. Hence, for water investors, international diversification that is undertaken just within the water sector will not be beneficial. The result also implies that there is the risk of crossmarket contagion – that is, price volatility spill over across water sectors of different financial markets, and therefore, water authorities in one market should take cognisance of events in other markets.  相似文献   

This paper measures the extent to which declines in social assistance (SA) participation were associated with novel and aggressive reforms referred to as new reform strategies: work requirements, diversion, earning exemptions and time limits. Controlling for province‐specific benefit levels, eligibility requirements, GDP growth, labour market conditions and demographics, SA participation rates were more than one percentage point lower (equivalent to a 13% decline) in provinces with new reforms. Work requirements with strong sanctions had the sharpest negative associations. New reform strategies explain at least 10% of observed declines in SA participation, twice that of benefit levels and eligibility requirements.  相似文献   

Thailand has currently enhanced and promoted intensive trade and investment liberalization and implemented long-term growth policy according with current regional economic integration, WTO obligations and globalization. Nevertheless, several recent internal and external factors e.g. the massive SARS and avian flu outbreaks, the Indian Ocean tsunami devastation, the Asia financial crisis and domestic policy reforms (ICSEAD, 2006) have also impeded this policy. While the issues are important for Thailand and developing countries in Asia, only limited research has been undertaken to investigate them. The paper conducts a substantive quantitative study to contribute to these trade and development policy issues. A new econometric modelling policy method, namely the generalized gravity theory (Tran Van Hoa, 2004) is used to develop a simple flexible simultaneous-equation econometric model of Thailand's openness model with its seven major trade partners (ASEAN-4, Australia, the USA, the EU, China, Japan and India). Using data from the ICSEAD, the World Development Indicators and the Bank of Thailand databases, the paper reveals efficient and reliable empirical findings on trade-growth causality, trade determination including the impact of shocks and policy reform on trade and growth between Thailand and its major trade partners over the past two decades. The paper also provides evidence on the linkages between trade in goods, FDI and services and regional economic integration for more credible policy implications.  相似文献   

When the market for a certain good is competitive enough, economic activities can be studied by the market pricing mechanism. Because this is usually not feasible in case of environmental goods with embodied natural and cultural heritage, particular methods for economic valuation of such goods have to be applied. The present article represents the economic valuation of the Landscape Development and Protection Area of Vol?ji Potok, which is an important Slovenian cultural landscape area with internationally recognized qualities. For this purpose we combined classical contingent valuation with a closed-version of discrete choice method, where the protest responses have been removed. By using econometric analysis we obtained the value of willingness-to-pay and established its determinants. We also made an attempt to control for different biases that arise in such analyses. At last, we used the adjusted average individual value of willingness-to-pay to calculate the aggregate willingness-to-pay. The present analysis represents one of the very few applications of the method to Central and Eastern European countries.  相似文献   

We estimate popularity functions for the Austrian parties Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), Social Democrats (SPÖ) and Austrian Freedom party (FPÖ) between 1987 and 2010 (using annual data) as well as vote functions for the same Austrian parties in the 86 election districts in the national elections in 1999, 2002, 2006 and 2008. In most cases we find a statistically significant and theoretically predicted influence of three economic variables, namely the unemployment rate, inflation rate and growth rate of income, on both popularity and voting behavior. However, this influence is not robust and shows a tendency to decline over time.  相似文献   

The Chinese government initiated a new round of state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform in 2015 to improve SOE's performance with a focus on introducing multiple ownership shareholders and strategic partners, known as the mixed-ownership reform (MOR). This paper examines the policy effectiveness of the current MOR, an ongoing quasi-experiment, for listed SOEs’ productivity from 2011 to 2019 using a time-varying difference-in-difference (DID) approach. Overall, the total factor productivity (TFP) of SOEs selected as pilots by the government improved significantly by 14.57% after the reform compared to other SOEs, providing evidence for the positive role of the current MOR. This positive impact is prolonged and tends to increase in the post-reform years. A series of robustness checks show that our empirical specification satisfies the basic assumptions of DID and our findings are robust. By comparing the two reform strategies in the MOR, we find that the restructuring and reorganization plan is the primary channel driving TFP growth, showing a 0.4% improvement after the reform, rather than the employee stock ownership plan. We also investigate the impact of MOR on other financial and non-financial indicators, but we only find a significant increase in the profitability of SOEs’ assets.  相似文献   


Rajan claims that rising inequality led to financial crises through credit booms in the U.S. Kumhof and Ranciere provide a theoretical formulation for this hypothesis. However, their assertions are not supported by cross-country evidence found in the work of Bordo and Meissner. A few subsequent empirical studies, albeit inspired by this pioneering work, find new evidence not in line with its conclusion but with the Rajan hypothesis. To clarify this controversial issue, we base our study on the B-M framework, resort to different estimators, and employ more model specifications by incorporating the role of deindustrialization. We find strong evidence for the inequality-credit-crisis nexus as modelled by Kumhof et al.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the key hypotheses which Joseph Stiglitz proposed, in his wide-ranging critique of the “Washington Consensus”, with regard to transition reforms and economic policies in China and Russia. The primary purpose is to evaluate the Stiglitz perspective in the light of empirical evidence, including the experience of countries outside China and Russia. Although some of the points Stiglitz makes are important for understanding what has happened in the transition, this paper argues that his perspective mis-interprets the key facts of the Chinese transition, mis-describes the facts of the Russian transition and fails to consider the theoretical and policy implications of the success of a “third model”, which is represented by some Central European and Baltic transitions.  相似文献   

In a recent study by Chowdhry et al. (American Economic Review 95: 255–276, 2005), they suggest that the empirical failure of relative purchasing power parity (PPP) may be because the official inflation data are too sticky. Thus, after extracting the unobservable pure price inflation from equity markets, they find strong evidence supporting relative PPP in the short run. As a replication study, this paper first replicates their original findings successfully. We further investigate whether long-run relative PPP holds using the pure price inflation data constructed by Chowdhry et al. (2005). After constructing pure real exchange rate series using their pure price inflation data, we implement both unit root and cointegration tests on the pure real exchange rates. According to the test results, the evidence suggests that relative PPP does not hold in the long run. Thus, it may be too early to suggest a resolution of the PPP puzzle.  相似文献   

The rent-seeking literature concludes that special interest groups will prevail in a democracy, leading to government policies reducing social welfare. We present a model showing that, because of the endogenous inefficiency of regulation, the value of deregulation to consumers and potential entrants increases over time, while the value of maintaining regulation to the status quo industry members decreases. Thus, rent-seeking is not necessarily a steady-state equilibrium, but can lead to institutional change, such as deregulation.  相似文献   

Seeun Jung 《Applied economics》2013,45(28):2924-2938
Individual risk attitudes are frequently used to predict decisions regarding education. However, using risk attitudes as a control variable for decisions about education has been criticized because of the potential for reverse causality. Causality between risk aversion and education is unclear, and disentangling the different directions it may run is difficult. In this study, we make the first attempt to investigate the causal effects of education on risk aversion by examining the British education reform of 1972, which increased the duration of compulsory schooling from age 15 to age 16. Using regression discontinuity design, we find that this additional year of schooling increases the level of risk aversion, which is contrary to previous findings in the literature, and we also find that this result is particularly strong for individuals with less education. This positive causal effect of education on risk aversion might alleviate concerns regarding the endogeneity/reverse causality issue when using risk aversion as an explanatory variable for decisions about education; the sign would remain credible because the coefficients are underestimated.  相似文献   

Abstract .  The Penn World Tables (PWT) are an important data source for cross-country comparisons in economics. The PWT have undergone several revisions over time. This paper documents how countries' output growth rates change across four publicly available versions of the PWT. We show that for some countries the magnitude of the differences is significant and/or the sign of the growth rates changes across versions. Using as an example Ramey and Ramey (1995) , who found growth volatility has a significant negative effect on growth, we demonstrate that conclusions based on one version of the PWT may not hold under another version.  相似文献   

What does export diversification do for growth? An econometric analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is frequently suggested that export diversification contributes to an acceleration of growth in developing countries. Horizontal export diversification into completely new export sectors may generate positive externalities on the rest of the economy as export oriented sectors gain from dynamic learning activities due to contacts with foreign purchasers and exposure to international competition. Vertical diversification out of primary into manufactured exports is also associated with growth since primary export sectors generally do not exhibit strong spillovers. Yet there have been remarkably few empirical investigations into the link between export diversification and growth. This paper attempts to examine the hypothesis that export diversification is linked to economic growth via externalities of learning-by-doing and learning-by-exporting fostered by competition in world markets. The diversification-led growth hypothesis is tested by estimating an augmented Cobb–Douglas production function on the basis of annual time series data from Chile. Based on the theory of cointegration three types of statistical methodologies are used: the Johansen trace test, a multivariate error-correction model and the dynamic OLS procedure. Given structural changes in the Chilean economy, time series techniques considering structural breaks are applied. The estimation results suggest that export diversification plays an important role in economic growth.  相似文献   

We review the experiences of developing countries with market-oriented reforms, using the tools of modern political economy. We impose intellectual discipline by requiring that actors behave rationally using available information and that basic economic relationships such as budget constraints be accounted for. We attempt to integrate two approaches, one based on dynamic games played by interest groups, with one that focus on limited information and the dynamics of learning.

We describe the “starting point” as the set of “old” policies and we attempt to explain the dynamics (political, economic and informational) that lead to reform (section II). We analyze strategies for reformers subject to political constraints (section Ш). We evaluate the aggregate and distributional costs of reforms, emphasizing the importance of looking at the right counterfactuals (section IV).

We conclude by pointing to the challenges ahead: the second-stage institutional reforms necessary to take off from underdevelopment.  相似文献   

This study examines a decade of individual-level US employment and insurance information to investigate whether federally mandated Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA) regulation affects post-separation employment activity. The empirical approach addresses the possibility that COBRA enrollment is endogenous with respect to post-separation employment outcomes. The main finding is that, although COBRA enrollees are 5 percentage points less likely to become re-employed, this relationship is not causal. Rather, individuals with lower probabilities of becoming re-employed tend to enroll in COBRA. The reason appears to be because, when compared to subjects who voluntarily leave for other jobs, subjects who separate for other reasons not only are less likely to become re-employed, but they also are approximately 23% more likely to enroll in COBRA.  相似文献   

This article analyses retirement decisions from a household perspective, treating the retirement timing of spouses as potentially interdependent choices. To identify the determinants of retirement decisions by couples and the effects of spousal retirement, this research estimates bivariate probit models in a multi-country setting. The results show a significant joint retirement trend: both men and women are more likely to retire if their spouse already has retired. Strong asymmetric behaviours arise by gender though, with high crosscountry heterogeneity, reflecting institutional differences in both pension and public health systems.  相似文献   

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