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This paper argues that the "first generation" approaches to private investment in public infrastructure in the United Kingdom and Australia were inappropriate and socially costly. In most cases, the PPP approach involves an inappropriate allocation of risk between the public and private sectors, an excessive cost of capital, and an inappropriate bundling of risk through the use of a single private partner (or consortium) rather than separate contracting for separate project stages. Conditions under which a PPP approach is likely to be appropriate are considered. The main conclusion is that the PFI/PPP approach should be adopted only in special cases.  相似文献   

Public sector organizations have undergone immense changes over the last two decades. Bureaucratic structures of governance have been reformed with the aim of promoting a more market-oriented approach, intended to improve efficiency and encourage greater responsiveness to the client. On the basis of interviews with senior managers and professionals, this article argues that the public sector is not in a state of 'post-bureaucracy' as claimed in some recent academic writing. Far from reducing bureaucratic tendencies, the reforms have created additional workloads, heightened the tensions surrounding the meeting of client needs and the management of resources and led to more, and not fewer, tiers of management.  相似文献   

This article investigates the abilities of four key summary risk measures to predict property-liability insurer insolvencies. The four summary risk measures studied are the NAIC's risk-based capital ratios, the NAIC's financial analysis solvency tools (FAST) scores, A.M. Best's Capital Adequacy Relativity ratios, and A.M. Best's ratings. The empirical tests find that the risk measures produced by the private sector are superior in predictive ability to the measures produced by regulators, perhaps because of the qualitative adjustments made by private sector analysts. The results also demonstrate that overall measures of risk are substantially better than risk-based capital measures in predicting insolvencies. Another finding is that the predictive ability of the NAIC's RBC ratios can be improved substantially if ranks are used rather than the ratios themselves.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper explores the use of theory in public sector accounting research. The aim of this paper is to offer a critical review of the various approaches adopted and a way forward for researchers in this area. The paper also explores the debate between theoretical purity and theoretical pluralism. It presents an analysis of the different theoretical approaches used over the last sixteen years in public sector accounting research. While around a third of the papers did not adopt an explicit theoretical framework, nearly half of the papers did. The two most popular theoretical approaches were neo‐institutional and economic theory. Theoretical insights have been drawn from organisational and political theory while sociological approaches from Habermas, Foucault, Latour, Giddens and Bourdieu are all evident. In conclusion many of the papers blend theoretical insights from different authors in an attempt to better make sense of the complexity of public sector activity and support an argument for theoretical pluralism.  相似文献   

《Africa Research Bulletin》2013,50(10):20153C-20153C

This paper examines the usefulness of the Social Amplification of Risk Framework (SARF) in understanding the media's role in risk communication. Since the SARF was created in 1988, it has been both further developed and critiqued for (amongst other things) its: static conception of communication; lack of attention towards how key actors use the media; lack of systematic attention towards the media as an amplification station; and simplistic assumptions of how the media operate as an amplification station. A complex heavily‐mediated risk communication case study—the battle between Greenpeace and Shell over the deep‐sea disposal of the Brent Spar oil rig (1995)—is used to explore whether the SARF in its current stage of development stands up to these critiques. It is concluded that these critiques are more a consequence of how researchers have used the SARF rather than a fault of the SARF itself. Using the SARF framework with a qualitative case study methodology enabled systematic analysis of the role of relevant media in the social amplification of risk in the Spar issue, exposing how Greenpeace used the media to successfully communicate three risk signals, together with the inadequacies of Shell's reactions; and revealing the layering within amplification stations, including the media itself.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper explores the apparent paradox that while public sector auditors have become more powerful by claiming performance auditing expertise and linking this to New Public Management reforms, the same reforms have provided an opening for competition between private and public sector auditors. In Denmark, the competitive relation has led to a jurisdictional dispute between public and private sector auditors in which the former have developed a special qualification for public sector auditors. The paper analyses the development of this qualification using Abbott's (1988) theory of the system of professions, thus focusing on how the involved groups have attempted to build networks of support for their competing jurisdictional claims of expertise. The case contributes to knowledge about the potential for development of a distinct public sector auditor identity. The case suggests that to develop such an identity and gain professional recognition, public sector auditors need to convince parliaments, standard‐setting bodies and universities that a public sector auditing qualification serves as a solution to some of their problems, too.  相似文献   

CFO在产业投资基金的设立和运作中承担着重要责任,他们需要协助产业投资基金发起人制定产业投资基金经营发展战略,并负责产业投资基金财务计划的制定和监督管理;建立和完善财务部门,建立产业投资基金的财务核算体系和财务监控体系,进行有效的内部控制;对重大投资  相似文献   

Accrual Accounting and the Efficiency of the Core Public Sector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper evaluates the 'microeconomic' case for the extension of accrual accounting to the core government for the purposes of performance measurement, competitive tendering and asset management. Having found the microeconomic case to be weak, it suggests that it is the potential role of accrual accounting as an indicator of the fiscal stance of the public sector (particularly in respect to intergenerational equity) which provides a convincing rationale for its introduction in core government, and that this has significant methodological implications.  相似文献   

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