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市场经济新时期、新常态需要培养新管理人.在明确界定"新管理人"的基础上,归纳提炼了新管理人的基本素质及知识能力要求,并进一步探讨了基于新管理人培养的教育教学创新.  相似文献   

在SWOT分析法和田野调查法的基础上,对临清市旅游业发展的资源基础、文化内涵、旅游定位、发展战略、旅游发展战略总目标、分目标进行了深入研究后认为,该市以金瓶梅市井休闲文化为代表的古运河文化资源特色鲜明,开发潜力大;提出了世界金瓶梅休闲文化旅游目的地、中国运河休闲文化名城等特色和产业定位;提出了增强体验战略、金瓶梅龙头战略等七大发展战略.  相似文献   

文章通过介绍化工用泵的密封技术,分析有无密封泵的利弊,提出使用无密封泵的要求,从而使其能够更好地满足工业生产的需要。  相似文献   

This paper examines Japanese Candlestick methods of technical analysis for 349 stocks. Using more data and alternative tests, the study contradicts an earlier article in the literature, finding little value in the use of candlesticks and providing more support for the weak form of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis.  相似文献   

零售业的选址策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售业是面向大众消费者服务于大众消费者的流通企业。零售企业惟有拥有众多的消费者,为大众消费者所接受才能生存与发展。零售业的经营成果极大地依赖其店址的选择。因此,零售业被称为"选址的产业"是有一定道理的。业界有不少专家认为,零售业成功的关键是"Place-Place-Place",即选址-选址-选址,更从另一个角度说明了选址的重要性。  相似文献   

现代服务业是衡量一个国家和地区经济发展水平的重要标志,其具有的资源消耗低、环境污染少等产业特点正契合了当前发展低碳经济的要求。低碳背景下,加快发展现代服务业无疑是推动我国当前产业结构优化升级、转变经济发展方式的有力举措。文章概述了我国现代服务业的发展现状,并对现代服务业发展存在的问题进行了评析,在此基础上勾画了我国现代服务业的发展路径。  相似文献   

The stakeholder approach has taken a prominent role in the discussion of sustainability measures at varying strategic levels and corporate functions. Literature on sustainability suggests that firms have to cope with enhanced pressure from different stakeholder groups regarding their upstream supply management practices. At the same time purchasing managers face the trade-off between sustainability and cost prevalence in selecting new suppliers. Thus, it is of major concern for companies in general and purchasing organizations in particular to know and understand how purchasing managers react to the influence of specific stakeholder groups when it comes to supplier selection decisions. Following this notion we formulate six sets of hypotheses linking the adoption of ethical business culture to the prevalence of sustainability and cost criteria in supplier selection decisions to be tested in a path analytical model.Based on the results of an empirical study conducted with purchasing managers from multi-national firms located in Germany, this paper makes two major contributions: first, it sheds light on direct effects of shareholder, public, and customer orientation on the evaluation of the outlined-trade off; second, it investigates the indirect effects by introducing the formalization of ethical culture as a mediating variable to assess the impact of the three kinds of shareholder orientation on the propensity to select suppliers based on their performance in terms of social and environmental criteria as well as cost performance.  相似文献   

The ability of existing research to guide managerial decision making along a broad range of strategic orientations with which knowledge must be acquired, created, and utilised to improve organisational performance still remains an unfilled gap in the literature. Consequently, by adopting a wide range of organisational orientations that inherent knowledge‐based resources in the organisation can be applied, this paper examined the moderating effect of organisational orientation on the relationship between organisational knowledge and performance of telecommunication firms. Data were gathered using quantitative research approach. This involved the use of structured questionnaire from 230 managers and other administrative and technical employees of firms in the Global System for Mobile Communication submarket of Nigeria's telecommunications industry. The statistical analysis was subject to hierarchical multiple regression.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of brand orientation on the managerial practices of fundraising managers in the top 500 UK charities and, in particular, on their ability to attract voluntary income. A series of hypotheses was tested including whether level of brand orientation is associated with different patterns of influence within charities, with the range and type of brand communicators used and with the extent to which organisational objectives are fulfilled. A key finding of the research was that high brand‐oriented fundraising managers attract significantly more voluntary income than low brand‐oriented fundraisers, but that level of brand orientation was not related to statutory income. Such findings are consistent with current theory and practice of branding in which a brand is perceived as a product or organisation plus, where the plus indicates a unique set of values which allows differentiation and hence, donor choice, within competitive environments. Copyright © 2002 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

South East Asian petroleum retailers are under considerable pressure to improve service quality by reducing turnover. An empirical methodology from this industry determined the extent to which job characteristics, training opportunities, age and salary influenced the level of job satisfaction, an indicator of turnover. Responses are reported on a random sample of 165 site employees (a 68% response rate) of a Singaporean retail petroleum firm. A restricted multivariate regression model of autonomy and training opportunities explained the majority (35.4%) of the variability of job satisfaction. Age did not moderate these relationships, except for employees >21 years of age, who reported enhanced job satisfaction with additional salary. Human Capital theory, Life Cycle theory and Job Enrichment theory are invoked and explored in the context of these findings in the South East Asian retail petroleum industry. In the South East Asian retail petroleum industry, jobs providing employees with the opportunity to undertake a variety of tasks that enhanced the experienced meaningfulness of work are likely to promote job satisfaction, reduce turnover and increase the quality of service.  相似文献   

云计算是目前IT技术发展和应用的热点,文章从云计算技术人才的热点需求出发,探讨如何通过产、学、研的模式来打造云计算技术应用型人才。以云计算产业协会作为核心,通过整合政府、企业、学术机构等多方资源来开展云计算技术人才培养,并且该模式已经在深圳得到了有效的结合应用。  相似文献   

城乡建设用地节约集约利用的路径选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前,国家正在大力倡导土地节约集约利用,这是由我国基本的土地国情国策和严峻的土地利用现实所决定的.对我国城乡建设用地节约集约利用的现实背景进行了详细分析,对建设用地节约集约利用的内涵进行了阐述,并进一步探讨了促进城乡建设用地节约集约利用的发展路径,提出既要注意把握好战略和重点,又要采取好策略和措施,二者缺一不可.  相似文献   

The relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and firm performance, despite generating significant scholarly interest, has remained mixed. These results may be attributed, at least in part, to the failure to sufficiently examine the potential impact of top management characteristics. The present study investigates how CEO characteristics (i.e. CEO industry and position tenure), impact the relationship between EO and firm performance within a sample of 579 US banks. As predicted, some support for a positive EO to performance relationship was found. In addition, the results strongly support, as posited, that CEO industry tenure positively moderates, and CEO position tenure negatively moderates, the EO to performance relationship. We also report evidence supporting the effect of EO, configured with CEO position tenure and industry tenure on firm performance. Our study suggests the EO–performance relationship is more complex than previous studies indicate. Implications for future research and practice are provided.  相似文献   

经营者的职业化是现代企业制度的必然要求.它需要建立三项基本制度,即职业证书制度、职业经理评级制度和市场化聘任与解聘制度;需要三个基本条件即要有理性的买者、充裕的卖方和规范的中介机构;职业化的路径是体制外经理市场压迫体制内经理市场,最终导致二者并轨.  相似文献   

The effects of age,experience and managers upon baseball performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As workers age, they acquire valuable experience even while their physical abilities eventually decline. Bosses/managers have the potential to alter the complex relationships between experience and declining physical abilities for better, or for worse. We examine the performances of 39,698 Major League baseball players in the 20th century and find that: (1) hitting performance peaks at age 30, base stealing at 27, and pitching at 34; (2) except for pitching, even experienced managers usually have little influence on player performance, or that influence is negative. In general, managers and coaches play limited roles in occupations where natural ability trumps other factors.  相似文献   

社会在发展的同时对于各类基础设施的要求也在逐渐提高,通信网络作为新时期发展的基础工程,对于社会通信及信息传输有着重要的意义。早期传统的通信网络无法满足目前巨大的信息传输量要求,阻碍了社会通信网络运行效率的提升。行业技术的发展让光传送网建设成为可能,这种先进的通信网络采用了最新的传输技术,为我国通信事业的改革创新提供了技术保证。文章重点分析了光传送网的优势及在电力行业的运用情况。  相似文献   

Intrapreneurship affects our daily lives and is a research topic of great importance. Given the current economic climate, its relevance to firm performance has increased considerably both among academics and practitioners. Specifically, our approach has focused on the identification, analysis and explanation of the determinants/variables that influence the intrapreneurship process in the health care service industry, including the private, public and social sectors. The methodology employed consisted of collecting primary data via a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was sent by e-mail to health care employees and middle managers from the northern and center regions of Portugal, and the study covered 202 professionals from 45 organizations. The results show that the participating health care team members present intrapreneurial behavior, and health care organizations create favorable internal conditions that support the theoretical concepts of intrapreneurship and firm entrepreneurial orientation (FEO).  相似文献   

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