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The effect of barriers to international investment (in the form of differential taxation) upon a firm's investment and financing decision is analyzed through a newly derived international capital asset pricing model. A firm using an improper project selection criterion which fails to account for the effect of barriers to international investment may reject a desirable project with high systematic risk, whereas it may incorrectly accept an undesirable project with low systematic risk. The financial risk premium under barriers is greater than that in the absence of barriers to international investment. In addition, the lower is the degree of barriers to international investment, the more domestic securities will gain, even when both countries impose a tax on investors of different nationality.  相似文献   

二战后国际直接投资和国际贸易的发展非常迅速,被称为“经济增长的双引擎”。特别是进行80年代以来,随着世界经济自由化和全球化趋势的日益加强,国际直接投资和国际贸易的发展更加迅猛,二者的关系也更加紧密,出现了二者相互相互融合的趋势。  相似文献   

解析中国国际投资头寸表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任大川 《新金融》2006,(11):7-10
中国对外资产的83%都由包括人民银行在内的金融机构经营管理,投资时的外汇风险大多集中于金融系统。对外负债所形成的外汇储备占外汇储备总额的65%,外汇储备经营管理的安全性显得尤其重要。虽然近几年外汇储备迅速扩大,但美国国债所占的比例一直都是40%左右。随着对欧元等货币的投资增大,回报率有所下降。2002年以前的对外净资产都是负值。这与中国常年的经常收支盈余完全不能匹配。其原因是,在净误差与遗漏项目下的中国资本的流出大于经常收支项目下的资金流入。中国对国际资金的管理难以达到预期效果。2005年对外净资产大约2800亿美元,这既小于香港的4500亿美元,也不到日本的五分之一。所以,虽然中国的外汇储备已成为世界第一,但这既不能证明中国的家当有多大,更不能表明人民币就应该升值。同样,用日本的经验来证明人民币大幅升值会给中国带来长期通货紧缩的理论也缺乏根据。  相似文献   

利用国际投资推进自主创新的对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自主创新是我国对外开放新战略的核心内容也是取得全球竞争新优势的必然选择。科学发展观指导下的建设创新型国家对于国家创新体系中的各个主体提出了更高的期望和要求。在经济全球化背景下,利用投资实现科技合作成为各国在贸易关系以外另一个重要的合作领域。必须树立全球眼光,善于利用国际投资推进自主创新。  相似文献   

This article develops a model of international equity portfolio investment flows based on differences in informational endowments between foreign and domestic investors. It is shown that when domestic investors possess a cumulative information advantage over foreign investors about their domestic market, investors tend to purchase foreign assets in periods when the return on foreign assets is high and to sell when the return is low. The implications of the model are tested using data on United States (U.S.) equity portfolio flows.  相似文献   

论电子商务对国际税权划分的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
电子商务对现有税收协定原则提出了根本的挑战。对现行税收协定原则作根本性修改的建议尽管解决了电子商务在来源国征不到税的问题,但却给征管工作带来了难以克服的困难。下一步的工作主要是进一步对电子商务的影响进行跟踪研究,尽量采取一些微调的办法来解决因电子商务产生的国际税权划分的问题。  相似文献   

本文阐述了国际房地产投资信托基金运作的经验,从我国房地产投资信托基金发展现状出发,提出了发展我国房地产投资信托基金的模式设想,以及推进我国房地产投资信托基金发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

Market Integration and Investment Barriers in Emerging Equity Markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article develops a return-based measure of market integrationfor nineteen emerging equity markets. It then examines the relationbetween that measure, other return characteristics, and broadlydefined investment barriers. Although the analysis is exploratory,some clear conclusions emerge. First, global factors accountfor a small fraction of the time variation in expected returnsin most markets, and global predictability has declined overtime Second, the emerging markets exhibit differing degreesof market integration with the U.S. market, and the differencesare not necessarily associated with direct barriers to investment.Third, the most important de facto barriers to global equity-marketintegration are poor credit ratings, high and variable inflation,exchange rate controls, the lack of a high-quality regulatoryand accounting framework, the lack of sufficient country fundsor cross-listed securities, and the limited size of some stockmarkets.  相似文献   

近二十年来经济、金融全球一体化的迅速发展,主要表现为全球贸易与投资规模的不断扩大以及资本流动的加剧,这些都会使一国经济面临的不确定性增大。为这种不确定性风险进行衡量和控制,编制一个完整的国际帐户体系就变得必不可少。通常我们所说的国际帐户是指国际收支平衡表(Balance of Payments,简称BOP),然而根据国际货币基金组织的规定,一个完整的国际帐户体系不仅包括国际收支平衡表,还应包括一个反映一国是否为债权国或债务国的国际投资头寸表(International Investment Position,简称ⅡP)。本文阐述了国际投资头寸表和国际收支平衡表的关系、ⅡP的编制原则;在此基础上对美英日等国的ⅡP进行了简要分析,并对中国编制和公布ⅡP进行了前瞻分析。  相似文献   

随着我国基金业的迅速发展,完全实行“定量投资”成了诸多基金管理公司吸引投资者的法宝,而本文从多个角度对完全实行定量投资的可靠性和有效性提出了质疑,指出定量投资并非基金操作的最佳选择。  相似文献   

投资率的主要差异来自于国别影响,也与时间、年份密切相关.一国的投资率主要受结构性因素的影响,这些因素国别间差异较大,但一般是比较稳定的.  相似文献   

环保投资基金在国外不断发展壮大,主要模式有政府引导型基金、风险投资型基金和股票投资型基金等。外国政府制定政策支持环保投资基金的发展与运作,发挥政府的引导作用,明确基金的管理权限,制定严格的基金项目选择标准,实现环保领域投资多元化。我国应借鉴国外经验,通过设立政府引导型环保基金、制定环保基金的优惠政策、制定环保基金投资规范和扩展环保基金投资领域等方式,发展我国的环保投资基金。  相似文献   

按照邓宁的国际投资周期理论,目前广西正处于对外直接投资的快速发展阶段,应加快推动本土企业对东盟国家等主要目的国的投资步伐.本文在对广西对东盟直接投资进行历史回顾的基础上,对2009年中国—东盟自贸区《投资协议》签署以来广西对东盟直接投资特点进行了分析,并针对目前金融支持广西企业对东盟直接投资存在的问题提出相应的策略建议.  相似文献   

金融产业的进入壁垒包括经济性进入壁垒和非经济性进入壁垒,发达国家的进入壁垒主要表现为经济性进入壁垒;发展中国家的进入壁垒则主要表现为非经济性进入壁垒。进入壁垒的改革与其他配套改革的复杂性使发展中国家面临的改革任务更加艰巨。  相似文献   

Abstract:   Boudry and Gray (2003) have documented that the optimal buy‐and‐hold demand for Australian stocks is not necessarily increasing in the investment horizon when returns are predictable. Such finding is in contrast with Barberis (2000) who shows that positive monotonic horizon effects predominate for US stocks. Using a closed‐form approximation to the asset allocation problem, this paper relates the return dynamics to the investor's portfolio choice for different investment horizons. In the special case of a single risky asset, it is shown that return predictability under stationarity may induce both positive and negative horizon effects in the optimal allocation to the risky asset. The paper extends previous empirical results by solving for the optimal portfolio when two risky assets with predictable returns are available for investment.  相似文献   

论投资银行业务面临的发展机遇与应对策路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来随着我国资本市场的蓬勃发展,投资银行业务也呈几何级数快速发展,业绩也逐年大幅增长,而越来越多的客户已经不满足于商业银行提供的存贷款等传统服务,而要求商业银行提供包括重组并购、企业理财等投行业务在内的综合金融服务.因此,商业银行境内分行应当抓住机遇,大力发展投资银行业务,实现传统商业银行业务与投资银行业务的相互支持和协调发展,增强盈利的多元化,全面提升核心竞争力.  相似文献   

Using a comprehensive data set of all U.S. investment in foreign equities, we find that the single most important determinant of the amount of U.S. investment a foreign firm receives is whether the firm cross‐lists on a U.S. exchange. Correcting for selection biases, cross‐listing leads to a doubling (or more) in U.S. investment, an impact greater than all other factors combined. Much of this increased U.S. investment is purchased in the foreign market, implying that the cross‐listing effect reflects something more fundamental about a firm than easier acquisition of its securities. We also demonstrate that cross‐listing is an important determinant of U.S. international investment at the country level and describe easy‐to‐implement methods for including a cross‐listing variable as an endogenous control.  相似文献   

作为中央党校“深化劳动价值理论”课题的子课题 ,本文通过对不同时期国际投资特点的剖析 ,分析了国际投资领域的价值分配格局的变化 ,认为发达国家虽然在分配格局中仍居主导地位 ,但随着发展中国家经济发展水平的提高 ,不公正的分配格局开始改变 ,发展中国家通过吸引外资和对外投资 ,提高了其在国际经济中的比较利益。  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of international commercial real estate investment using a unique set of panel data series for 47 countries worldwide, covering the period from 2000 to 2009. We explore how different socio-economic, demographic and institutional characteristics affect commercial real estate investment activity by determining both cross-sectional and time-series estimators, running augmented random effect panel regressions. We provide evidence that economic growth, rapid urbanization and compelling demographics attract real estate investment, and also demonstrate that a lack of transparency in the legal framework, administrative burdens of doing real estate business, socio-cultural challenges and political instabilities reduce international real estate allocations.  相似文献   

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