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本文对可疑交易的概念进行了界定,对金融机构的可疑交易报告义务进行了分类,同时对各类可疑交易的分析方法进行了探讨,并提出了有效履行可疑交易报告义务的具体措施,以期对指导金融机构有效地履行可疑交易报告义务有所裨益.  相似文献   

存款机构对存款人负有保密义务,这种义务来源于存款合同中的默示条款理论,存款机构的保密义务不是绝对的,存在有例外情形,我国现行法律有关存款机构保密义务的规定缺乏系统性、操作性,亟待完善。  相似文献   

金融控股公司的加重责任制度是在民法社会化这一大的理论背景下产生和发展起来的,其制度本身符合并有利于实现公平、诚实信用、禁止权利滥用等现代民法的基本原则.就金融控股公司这一具体领域来讲,在特定情形下把子公司视为母公司的代理人并由母公司承担子公司行为所产生责任的"准代理"理论是金融控股公司加重责任制度正当性的直接法理依据.  相似文献   

A model is developed where firms belonging to a group are obliged to make payments to one another by using a liquid asset. The paper studies the exogenous endowments of this asset that are necessary to assure that all obligations are met. Conditions are presented under which the degree to which firms are interconnected (so that each creditor has more debtors and each debtor has more creditors) increases the number of firms that must be endowed with the liquid asset. Interconnectedness then makes payment defaults more likely. By acquiring too many payment obligations, firms may also become too interconnected.  相似文献   

Do Financial Institutions Matter?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In standard asset pricing theory, investors are assumed to invest directly in financial markets. The role of financial institutions is ignored. The focus in corporate finance is on agency problems. How do you ensure that managers act in shareholders' interests? There is an inconsistency in assuming that when you give your money to a financial institution there is no agency problem, but when you give it to a firm there is. It is argued that both areas need to take proper account of the role of financial institutions and markets. Appropriate concepts for analyzing particular situations should be used.  相似文献   

论资产弃置会计的国际比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先说明了资产弃置费用概念,然后分别阐述了不同国家和组织对资产弃置费用处理的会计规定和处理方法,并对其进行了理论性总结,认为它是对传统会计处理方式的一种扩展。作为环境会计的一项重要核算内容,它涉及环境负债、长期资产、折旧与新增费用的组合处理,并采用未来不确定估计方式计量环境负债金额,具有较大的创新。对此,论文还提出了构建我国资产弃置费用会计准则的建议。  相似文献   

经济周期的相似性被认为是进行金融合作的重要前提条件.通过以1994~2005年间中日韩三国GDP的季度时间序列为基础建立的三者之间的向量误差修正模型进行的实证分析可以看出,中日韩三国GDP之间存在协整关系,且具有共同的长期发展趋势.它们具有长期的稳定关系,满足经济金融合作的前提条件之一.  相似文献   

本文从基层金融机构在履行反洗钱法律义务方面存在的主要问题出发,分析了产生问题的原因,提出了完善金融机构履行《反洗钱法》规定义务的对策建议.主要是:正确认识反洗钱工作的意义,解开"开展反洗钱影响业务工作"的思想包袱;进一步健全和完善反洗钱制度;增强工作主动性;严格履行"了解你的客户"义务;细分大额交易和可疑交易行为,落实大额交易和可疑交易报告制度.  相似文献   

张初础  金银助 《上海金融》2012,(2):91-93,68,118
本文考察了农村合作金融机构对外投资中涉及的会计处理问题,提出应执行合并财务报表规定,并就此深入探讨,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

分税制以来,地方财力不足、财权分散、调控管理弱化以及由此引发的财政风险加大已是一个不争的事实。在当前宏观调控、振兴国家财政的大前提下,研究如何加强地方财政调控不仅对实现统一的宏观调控目标大有裨益,而且也是防范和化解地方财政风险的根本出路。  相似文献   

论金融统计中金融资产的分类调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先介绍了目前金融统计中金融资产的分类与建议财务会计中的金融资产分类.然后给出建议的金融统计中金融资产的分类调整结果,重点介绍了其中的各个金融资产类型,还针对金融资产流量核算、金融存量核算、金融市场统计等问题提出统一协调的建议。论文最后作了总结,展望了后续研究。  相似文献   

区域金融合作相关问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国经济资源分布、经济发展水平、产业分工布局等,在不同地域间呈现出明显的非均衡性,区域经济的差异为区域金融合作提供了广泛的空间。本文分析了区域金融合作的原因,区域经济合作对区域金融合作的要求,并对现有的区域金融合作形式进行了综合分析,提出了区域金融合作中应关注的若干问题和建议。  相似文献   

论我国利率平价机制的制度约束及表现形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人民币实际汇率与利率平价理论对人民币汇率所做预测并不契合,原因在于我国的利率平价机制受三大制度约束:利率管制性强、国际资本的有限流动性和人民币汇率缺乏有效波动。当前,我国利率平价机制调节利率、汇率和国际资本流动之间相互关系的作用还十分微弱,在现有制度约束下还尚不具备完善利率平价机制发挥作用所要求的条件,改善制度环境是解决问题的关键所在。  相似文献   

论金融交叉产品创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金融交叉产品创新是在分业向混业转变背景下的一个敏感问题。理论界对金融交叉产品统一的概念至今还没有形成,我们认为金融行业的产品创新其实质在于对整个金融业的资源进行配置、重组、再造和创新,这里包含的不仅仅是对已形成的金融产品进行部门间、类别间的分配和再分配,同时也是利用已有的资源进行创造和发明的过程。  相似文献   

论金融创新效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金融创新不但有与金融全球化,全球金融混业经营趋势以及高科技创业投资发展的协同效应,对金融体制改革的倒逼铲应,金融深化效应,社会信用创造和扩大效应,货币政策效果削弱效应和风险积累和传染效应等宏观效应,还有风险转移,规避监管,效率提高,价格发现和资产管理等微观效应。  相似文献   

民间金融问题研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
所谓民间金融是指官方的正式金融体制安排之外的资金融通活动,其范围相当广泛,有合法的、半合法的和不合法的。民间金融在我国现阶段具有广泛的生存条件和发展空间。无论政府对民间金融持什么样的态度,研究民间金融问题都具有重要的理论与实际意义。  相似文献   

论金融创新对金融体系稳定性的冲击   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从金融创新隐含的金融风险角度出发,从四方面深入探析了金融创新对金融体系稳定性可能产生的威胁,以期对金融创新有更为清醒的认识,并为防范金融风险提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

本文主要目的是比较上海与北京、深圳在金融生态方面的差异,结合上海与北京、深圳在金融生态个性化优势的差异,综合判断上海金融生态状况,并提出改善上海金融生态的政策建议。  相似文献   

在今后的金融改革中,如果不对国内金融化进行再创造和再培育,不仅高效的金融制度难以建立,而且金融的稳定运行恐怕也难以保证。  相似文献   

Institutional investors entered the Master Limited Partnership (MLP) space in 2001 with the Kinder Morgan offering of I‐share units. In the ten years that have passed since then, the number of MLPs has quadrupled, and their total market capitalization has increased tenfold. When compared to the MLPs of the 1980s, today's MLP are more focused both in terms of operations and distribution policy. After its birth in 1981, the MLP spread to over 30 different industries. But thanks in large part to tax law changes in 1987 that have helped limit MLPs to natural resource sectors, companies adopting the MLP structure since then have been concentrated in energy, and especially in energy infrastructure. And whereas distribution policy varied considerably among the early MLPs, today's MLPs uniformly pay out a large majority of their distributable cash flow. But to maintain or expand existing energy infrastructure while paying out most of their cash from operations, many MLPs require significant amounts of new capital. To help meet this ongoing funding requirement, new kinds of institutional intermediaries such as closed‐end C‐Corporation investment companies have emerged to provide capital to MLPs in the form of direct placements that offer flexibility with regard to offer sizing and timing. Since 2004, the total value of such direct placements of MLP units has exceeded $15 billion. What's more, the rise of this MLP operating/C‐corporation investment company structure has resulted in a novel realignment of incentives and functions. In this innovative arrangement, the pass‐through operating vehicle (i.e., the MLP) avoids double taxation of dividends while effectively committing managers to distribute cash. At the same time, for those MLPs with large maintenance and other requirements for capital, the commitment to pay out cash effectively forces the operating companies to raise capital continuously and stay “close to the capital marketplace.” This unusual combination of operating and investment vehicles also means that C‐Corporation investment companies, unlike their pass‐through counterparts, must manage tax on their own books and disclose to their investors the after‐tax results of their portfolio trading as well as their capital gains “overhang.”  相似文献   

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