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The main objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of U.S. short- and long-term monetary policy under both flexible and managed floating systems, using the new CANDIDE Model 2.0. We have also examined the role of domestic monetary policy in the Canadian economy under both fixed and flexible exchange rate systems. The following are some of the important findings of our study:
  1. Our results support the traditional view that under the fixed exchange rate regime, monetary authorities cannot successfully pursue an independent monetary policy from its trading partners — an effort to increase money supply will be almost offset by increases in the balance of payments deficit. In contrast, in the flexible exchange rate regime, monetary policy is more effective in producing an increased growth in output and employment. However the increased output growth comes at the cost of higher prices induced by increased wages and a depreciation of the Canadian dollar.
  2. Our results suggest that the impact of U.S. interest rates on investment, GNE, employment, productivity, and government debt is less severe in a pure floating exchange rate regime, compared to the managed floating system. However, the impact of U.S. interest rate policy on the Canadian inflation rate is worse in the case of flexible exchange rate regime. Even though real income and inflation are less favourable in both cases, our results indicate a trade-off between output growth and inflation.
  3. Our results imply that under a pure floating monetary authorities can determine the long-run rate of inflation in Canada independent of others. However, the United States and Canadian economies are interrelated during the adjustment process, even under the flexible exchange rates, through the terms of trade and the wage-price spiral channels.

We test for the long-run relationship between stock prices, inflation and its uncertainty for different U.S. sector stock indexes, over the period 2002M7–2015M10. For this purpose we use a cointegration analysis with one structural break to capture the crisis effect, and we assess the inflation uncertainty based on a time-varying unobserved component model. In line with recent empirical studies we discover that in the long run, the inflation and its uncertainty negatively impact the stock prices, opposed to the well-known Fisher effect. In addition we show that for several sector stock indexes the negative effect of inflation and its uncertainty vanishes after the crisis outburst. However, in the short run the results provide evidence in favour of a negative impact of uncertainty, while the inflation has no significant influence on stock prices, except for the consumption indexes. The consideration of business cycle effects confirms our findings, which proves that the results are robust, both for long- and short-run relationships.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a form of boundedly-rational inflation expectations in the New Keynesian Phillips curve. The representative agent is assumed to behave as an econometrician, employing a time series model for inflation that allows for both permanent and temporary shocks. The near-unity coefficient on expected inflation in the Phillips curve causes the agent's perception of a unit root in inflation to become close to self-fulfilling. In a “consistent expectations equilibrium,” the value of the Kalman gain parameter in the agent's forecast rule is pinned down using the observed autocorrelation of inflation changes. The forecast errors observed by the agent are close to white noise, making it difficult for the agent to detect a misspecification of the forecast rule. I show that this simple model of inflation expectations can generate time-varying persistence and volatility that is broadly similar to that observed in long-run U.S. data. Model-based values for expected inflation track well with movements in survey-based measures of U.S. expected inflation. In numerical simulations, the model can generate pronounced low-frequency swings in the level of inflation that are driven solely by expectational feedback, not by changes in monetary policy.  相似文献   

A great of deal of study has explored the relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty under the assumptions of normal distribution and no regime shift. This paper attempts to investigate whether changes in the specification of distribution specification and regime shifts will affect the inflation-uncertainty relationship. Empirical results show that these two factors have a vital effect on the inflation-uncertainty relationship. A specification with four states and the Student’s t distributed error terms can successfully describe the dynamics of the inflation rate. After taking the non-normal density and independent regime shifts into account, this paper finds that inflation uncertainty has no impact on inflation, regardless of inflation pressure. Inflation has a negative impact on inflation uncertainty during periods of high inflation volatility, while the impact of inflation on inflation uncertainty is insignificant during periods of low inflation volatility.  相似文献   

An influential explanation for rising dowry payments is the “marriage squeeze”. The present paper shows this explanation to be internally inconsistent. The marriage squeeze argument for inflation relies on the fact that population growth leads to an excess supply of brides in the marriage market. This excess supply is resolved by some women postponing marriage, so that the average age of brides increases. In previous studies the argument is stated informally. Here, a matching model of marriage is developed to formally analyze the link between dowry payments and population growth. It is shown that a marriage squeeze cannot yield dowry inflation. In fact, when women who do not find matches at the ‘desirable’ marrying age re-enter the marriage market as older brides, a marriage squeeze is shown to imply dowry deflation. Population change is therefore not a promising explanation for the observed increases in dowry payments.  相似文献   

本文认为:美国货币政策对我国股票市场真实回报具有显著的溢出效应,即扩张性的货币政策使我国股票市场真实回报下降;在短期,美国货币政策冲击对我国股票市场真实回报波动贡献大,而在中长期美国的通胀、产出冲击贡献大;美国货币政策溢出效应经由美国股票市场价格示范效应传递的机制不显著。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the causal patterns, in the sense of Granger, which characterize the relationships between U.S. and Canadian inflation rates under different exchange rate regimes. Both bivariate and multivariate models are considered. The results suggest that the flexible exchange rate period of the 1950s exhibits no insulating effects with causal inferences similar to those from the fixed rate era of the 1960s. For the flexible rate period of the 1970s the bivariate model indicates that U.S. and Canadian inflation are independent but when the model is expanded to include money growth rates in each country, evidence of a direct, nonmonetary causal link from U.S. inflation to Canadian inflation is found.  相似文献   

Well-anchored inflation expectations have become a key indicator for the credibility of a central bank’s inflation target. Since the outbreak of the financial crisis, the (de-)anchoring of long-term U.S. inflation expectations has been under debate. We propose a time-varying parameter (TVP) model in order to explore gradual changes in central bank credibility and the corresponding degree of inflation expectations anchoring. Our results confirm that inflation expectations have been partially de-anchored during the financial crisis. However, the TVP model reveals that inflation expectations have been successfully re-anchored ever since.  相似文献   

This paper uses a structural multi‐country macroeconometric model to estimate the size of the decrease in transfer payments (or tax expenditures) needed to stabilize the U.S. government debt/gross domestic product (GDP) ratio. It takes into account endogenous effects of changes in fiscal policy on the economy and in turn the effect of changes in the economy on the deficit. A base run is first obtained for the 2013:1–2022:4 period in which there are no major changes in U.S. fiscal policy. This results in an ever increasing debt/GDP ratio. Then transfer payments are decreased by an amount sufficient to stabilize the long‐run debt/GDP ratio. The results show that transfer payments need to be decreased by 2% of GDP from the base run, which over the 10 years is $3.2 trillion in 2005 dollars and $4.8 trillion in current dollars. The real output loss is 1.1% of baseline GDP. Monetary policy helps keep the loss down, but it is not powerful enough in the model to eliminate all of the loss. The estimates are robust to a base run with less inflation and to one with less expansion. (JEL E17)  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of sticky price and limited participation frictions, both separately and combined, in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. Using U.S. data on output, inflation, interest rates, money growth, consumption, and investment, likelihood ratio tests and Bayesian pseudo-odds measures reveal that the data prefers a model with both structural features. Our results also show that the combined model mimics many important features of the business cycle. In particular, the model generates plausible impulse responses, and monetary policy shocks are responsible for only a modest amount of output, inflation, and nominal interest rate movements.  相似文献   

Previous research finds that the analysis of sacrifice ratiosnamely, identifying disinflation episodes, calculating the sacrifice ratio, and looking at its determinantschanges substantially when one moves from headline to core inflation. This paper examines whether similar findings are obtained when examining benefice ratios, and we find arguably even greater differences. Specifically, we see that headline inflation identifies far more inflationary episodes since the 1990s than core inflation does. Furthermore, Jordan’s (1997) argument that the speed of inflation is a negative and significant determinant of benefice ratios does not hold when we move from headline to core inflation, both within the U.S. and also across the OECD. We also find strong evidence that the initial level of GDP at the onset of an inflationary episode matters. In particular, output gains from accelerating inflation appear only to be beneficial for OECD countries that start with a low level of GDP. Conversely, countries that start with a high level of GDP should not pursue additional output gains from allowing a rise in inflation.  相似文献   

We study the impact of the interaction between fiscal and monetary policy on the low-frequency relationship between the fiscal stance and inflation using cross-country data from 1965 to 1999. In a first step, we contrast the monetary–fiscal narrative for Germany, the U.S., and Italy with evidence obtained from simple regression models and a time-varying VAR. We find that the low-frequency relationship between the fiscal stance and inflation is low during periods of an independent central bank and responsible fiscal policy and more pronounced in times of non-responsible fiscal policy and accommodative monetary authorities. In a second step, we use an estimated DSGE model to interpret the low-frequency measure structurally and to illustrate the mechanisms through which fiscal actions affect inflation in the long run. The findings from the DSGE model suggest that switches in the monetary–fiscal policy interaction and accompanying variations in the propagation of structural shocks can well account for changes in the low-frequency relationship between the fiscal stance and inflation.  相似文献   

On the real effects of inflation and inflation uncertainty in Mexico   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We estimate an augmented multivariate GARCH-M model of inflation and output growth for Mexico at business cycle frequencies. The main findings are: (1) inflation uncertainty has a negative and significant effect on growth; (2) once the effect of inflation uncertainty is accounted for, lagged inflation does not have a direct negative effect on output growth; (3) However as predicted by Friedman and Ball, higher average inflation raises inflation uncertainty, and the overall net effect of average inflation on output growth in Mexico is negative. That is, average inflation is harmful to Mexican growth due to its impact on inflation uncertainty. (4) The Mexican Presidential election cycle significantly raises inflation uncertainty both during the year of the election and the year following the election which has correspondingly negative effects on output growth.  相似文献   

These notes discuss the Brazilian, experience with the crawling peg between1968 and 1976. Attention is placed on the effects of the ‘minidevaluations’ on the stabilization of short-run reserve movements, their impact on domestic inflation rates, and their consequences for financial capital movements. An evaluation is also attempted of Brazil's exchange rate alternatives to cope with the large balance of payments deficits resulting from the conjunction of the oil crisis with the accelerating GDP growth rates of the 1968–1976 period.  相似文献   

This paper examines the causes and consequences of the inflationary process in terms of its impact upon the national accounting flows, illustrated by the case of France during the period 1966–76. The first section of the paper discusses the apparent causes of inflation, and lays out the circuits through which inflation is propagated. The second section looks behind the apparent causes to examine more closely the reasons for the observed behavior. The final section considers the consequences of inflation in terms of factor allocation, and in turn its impact upon unemployment, the balance of payments, and the rate of growth.  相似文献   

There exist sticky price models in which the output response to a government spending change can be large if the central bank is nonresponsive to inflation. According to this “expected inflation channel,” government spending drives up expected inflation, which in turn, reduces the real interest rate and leads to an increase in private consumption. This paper examines whether the channel was important in the post-WWII U.S., with particular attention to the 2009 Recovery Act period. First, we show that a model calibrated to have a large output multiplier requires a large response of expected inflation to a government spending shock. Next, we show that this large response is inconsistent with structural vector autoregression evidence from the Federal Reserve׳s passive policy period (1959–1979). Then, we study expected inflation measures during the Recovery Act period in conjunction with a panel of professional forecaster surveys, a cross-country comparison of bond yields and fiscal policy news announcements. We show that the expected inflation response was too small to engender a large output multiplier.  相似文献   

When tax payments take place with a considerable time lag, inflation erodes part of their real value, and this loss may be comparable or even surpass the well-known gains from seigniorage. The paper finds that for the economy of Greece, a reduction of inflation will actually raise the total sum of tax collection and seigniorage, thus easing and not aggravating the debt-accumulation process.  相似文献   

Multiple structural change tests by Bai and Perron (Econometrica 66:47–78, 1998) are applied to the regression by Demetrescu et al. (Econ Theory 24:176–215, 2008) in order to detect breaks in the order of fractional integration. With this instrument we tackle time-varying inflation persistence as an important issue for monetary policy. We determine not only the location and significance of breaks in persistence, but also the number of breaks. Only one significant break in U.S. inflation persistence (measured by the long-memory parameter) is found to have taken place in 1973, while a second break in 1980 is not significant.  相似文献   

This study examines the short-run and long-run inflation hedging effectiveness of gold in the United States and Japan during the period of January 1971 to January 2010. Previous research has shown in the long-run that inflation tends to appropriately increase the price of gold in the U.S., leading to gold's popularity as an asset in portfolios to reduce the risk against sudden inflation. However, gold is only partially effective in hedging against inflation in Japan. This research found that the rigidity between the price of gold and the consumer price index affects the inflation hedging ability of gold in the long-run. The gold price is characterized by market disequilibrium induced by the price rigidity, causing the price of gold to be unable to response to changes in the CPI. To explore the inflation hedging ability of gold in the short-run, this study further examines the price rigidity in low and high momentum regime. It is found during the low momentum regimes that, gold return is unable to hedge against inflation in either the U.S. or Japan. However, during high momentum regimes, gold return is able to hedge against inflation in the U.S., while the price rigidity in Japan causes the price of gold to not fully hedge against inflation in the short-run.  相似文献   

货币政策对经济发展起着重要影响,特别是完全脱离金本位的纸币体制下,货币不仅影响到通货膨胀,还会影响到汇率进而影响国际贸易。从货币均衡角度,分析经济危机发生后,利用货币政策刺激经济发展,对一国产业结构和国际贸易的影响,来说明货币均衡的重要性,分析货币政策的积极作用和负面影响,为宏观经济调节提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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