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随着我国以市场为主的宏观经济调控体系的建立和利率市场化步伐的推进,我国货币政策的传导将越来越依靠市场进行,无论是从理论上还是从各国的实际发展情况看,利率渠道的作用将越来越重要,本文即是根据利率传导机制的理论,对1996~2004年我国的利率与GDP之间的关系进行了实证分析,得出两者之间存在因果关系的结论,并从结论出发分析了影响我国货币政策传导的因素。  相似文献   

中国股票市场发展与货币需求实证研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
赵明勋 《财贸研究》2005,16(2):60-67
股票市场通过财富效应、风险分散效应、交易效应和替代效应等多种渠道影响货币需求,不同效应的影响方向是不同的。本文实证检验了我国股票市场对货币需求的综合效应,结果表明,股票市场的发展倾向于减少狭义和广义的货币需求,且对广义货币需求的影响小于对狭义货币需求的影响,原因可能在于证券保证金纳入广义货币统计口径后,提高了广义货币需求的稳定性。因此,货币政策既要注意货币需求总量的变化,更要关注货币需求的结构变化,利用选择性货币政策工具来防止股市泡沫膨胀。  相似文献   

When manufacturers purchase products from suppliers, the types of relationships they establish may depend on many factors. These relationships can range from formalized, extensive contractual obligations to discrete individual purchases. This study investigates the potential determinants of where on this continuum of commitment the relationship lies. These determinants include uncertainty in both the supplier market and the buyer's customer market, the investment in transaction specific assets by both buyer and supplier, and the investment in product specific assets. Results indicate that market diversity, supplier concentration, investment in product specific assets, and the supplier's investment in transaction specific assets are potential reasons for higher levels of buyer-supplier commitment.  相似文献   

本文利用变系数状态空间模型,考察了近年来中国以互联网金融理财产品和银行理财产品为代表的金融创新对货币流动性陷阱效应的影响,主要结论为:(1)货币需求流动性陷阱在中国的确比较显著地存在,其作用机制基本符合投资组合假说,但显著性与货币层次划分密切相关,M2和M1相对显著,而M0则不显著;(2)与成熟市场经济国家不同,金融创新强化而非弱化了货币需求的流动性陷阱效应,这可能与中国金融产品仍不够丰富有关,但互联网金融对货币投机性需求因“功能主序效应”而对流动性陷阱影响不显著,银行理财产品虽然影响显著,但对不同层次货币表现出“结构差异效应”;(3)利率市场化改革增强了金融创新对流动性陷阱效应的边际影响,其作用机制是利率市场化改革弱化了金融市场的分割,强化了利率在微观经济主体金融资产组合中的信号作用。本文的政策含义是,面对当前金融风险仍较高和金融稳定任务仍较重的现实,低利率货币政策的效果有限,金融危机期间欧美所采用的数量型非常规货币政策的借鉴意义须充分重视,且货币政策操作应当注意与中国金融结构变迁阶段特征相耦合。  相似文献   

资本管制能否有效抵御外部冲击实现宏观经济稳定存在争论,本文通过构造开放经济的DSGE模型研究投资限制和逆周期金融交易税等资本管制工具对于实现宏观经济稳定和改善社会福利的作用。通过比较不同政策安排下主要宏观经济变量的波动性和脉冲响应函数可以发现,采用逆周期金融交易税作为资本管制工具在抵御外部冲击、维持宏观经济稳定方面具有比较优势。设置投资限制的资本管制促进了货币政策的独立性,可以使货币政策专注管理国内的经济增长和通货膨胀问题。通过不同政策安排下的福利分析可知,增加投资国外资产的限制对社会福利的增进起到负面作用,增加逆周期金融交易税的资本管制却可以减轻由投资限制导致的资源配置扭曲,从而放松投资国外资产的限制从根本上提高社会福利。所以,在资本管制工具的选择上,采取逆周期金融交易税可能比采用投资限制更优。随着资本账户开放的基本条件不断成熟,用金融交易税取代投资限制更符合浮动汇率制和自由兑换的资本账户的需求。  相似文献   

随着以金融为核心的符号经济的不断发展 ,货币政策的传导机制变得日趋复杂 ,由此产生的一个问题是 ,货币政策是否需要把包括金融资产价格在内的广义价格指数作为调控目标。通过分析可知对于一个证券市场波动可能对宏观经济稳定产生重大影响的经济体而言 ,货币政策应该对资产价格变动保持密切关注 ,但不宜作为货币政策的调控目标  相似文献   

The prevailing dollar peg of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and the absence of any significant current and capital account restrictions led some to believe that these countries have lost monetary independence. However, the paper presents evidence that interest rates of the GCC countries did not converge to the interest rates of the US implying that the assets of the GCC countries are not perfect substitutes to the US assets. This imperfect asset substitutability has allowed the GCC countries to manoeuvre their monetary policies and the central banks of the GCC countries have had some control over their money growth rates by sterilising the changes in international reserves. Results indicate that the monetary authorities of these countries used domestic credit policy to attain some domestic policy objective while engaging in sterilised foreign exchange intervention. This result implies that the proposed GCC central bank should be able to maintain the monetary independence as a group and can reap the benefit of monetary efficiency of the proposed Gulf Monetary Union.  相似文献   

利率和货币量哪个更适合作为货币政策中介目标是一个很有争议的问题。目前许多文献对这个问题的研究并不涉及货币政策工具和利率以及货币量之间的关系。这样的研究隐含了一个前提,即货币政策工具和利率以及货币量之间存在明确的、稳定的关系,从而保证利率目标或者货币量是可控的。以公开市场操作为对象,本文研究表明,公开市场操作和货币量之间确实存在确定的关系,而和利率之间的关系是不确定的;导致利率和公开市场操作关系不确定的主要原因是IS曲线的斜率是不确定的。同时,对现阶段中国IS曲线斜率稳定性的实证研究表明,其斜率是不稳定的,因此,利率不适合作为货币政策中介目标。  相似文献   

本文认为,产权市场是中国特色的资本市场,市场环境还不够理想,存在一些问题:一是国有产权交易的时候,产权不够清晰;二是中国企业信用与个人诚信不能令人满意;三是中介机构素质不高;四是职业经理人阶层尚未形成;五是缺乏金融支持;六是法制环境不完善等。文章提出,中国产权市场基本设计思路是在现有环境下如何能够最大限度地既保证国有产权的有效流转又防止国有资产的流失,这就必须遵循公开和竞争的基本原则,努力建设一个多层次的资本市场。  相似文献   

This article offers an attempt at defining and computing the coherence of, and substitution among, the standard instruments of monetary policy, viz. open market policy, rate of interest, and reserve coefficient. A number of separation theorems are proved and a unit-elasticity rule derived for the tradeoff between the reserve coefficient and the premium on risky assets. Finally, for any given interest rate we select an optimal portfolio by the maximal-caution criterion, which minimizes the probability of failure.  相似文献   

近年来,西方国家在货币政策操作中逐渐利用告示效应来实现其政策利率目标,在告示效应对经济变量施加影响的作用机制中,中央银行的信誉度、责任性及透明度状况起了重要作用;相比传统的公开市场操作,告示效应具有影响直接、效果明显和操作成本低的优点;基于此,我国有必要在货币政策操作中强化告示效应的影响机制,以建立一个更为简明有效的货币政策操作框架.  相似文献   

Based on experiences from the financial crisis, it was decided at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh in 2009 that OTC derivatives transactions should be predominantly cleared through central counterparties (CCP). CCPs contribute to a reduction of systemic risk. The global clearing volume of OTC interest rate, equity and currency derivatives is approximately USD 400 trillion per year. In light of the upcoming Brexit, the question arises as to whether or not the clearing of euro denominated OTC derivatives, currently performed primarily by the London based clearing house LCH Clearnet, should remain in the UK due to economies of scale available to LCH Clearnet as the current European market leader. On the other hand, CCPs are of increasing importance for financial stability in the eurozone, particularly because of potential spillover effects on monetary policy if a systemically important CCP experiences financial distress. Hence, a relocation of euro OTC derivatives clearing from the UK to the EU would ensure direct supervision by European authorities. Opponents of a relocation are concerned about decreasing market liquidity and capital efficiency alongside higher transaction costs due to market fragmentation. The analysis presented in this paper shows that the existing relocation cost estimates of up to USD 100 billion are far too high; realistically, they can be expected to amount to just USD 3.2 billion over a period of five years.  相似文献   

The paper compares the long and the short period models presented by Tobin and those that can be derived from the writings of Kaldor. It presents a Kaldorian model where the government deficit is financed through bonds and money, where inflation can occur, financial assets are allocated through portfolio decisions, and Kaldor's characterization of monetary and fiscal policies are taken into account. The model clarifies under which conditions the “Cambridge Equation” holds and reconciles two different Post-Keynesian views on income distribution, since distributive variables are made to depend both on the rate of growth and on the money rate of interest.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the financial crisis in summer 2007, the European Central Bank (ECB) has redirected traditional monetary policy, based on interest rates, to an unconventional monetary policy focused on the quantitative expansion of its balance sheet. In this context, the present paper aims to assess the effectiveness of unconventional monetary policy instruments with regard to inflation and economic growth. To this end, the methodology is based on the estimation of a structural vector autoregressive model for the period 2007:Q1–2018:Q4, using four variables: EONIA, the total amount of assets on the ECB's balance sheet, the Eurozone inflation rate and the Eurozone economic growth rate. The results show a slight impact of the different balance sheet policies on inflation and economic activity behaviour, especially during the last year of the financial crisis. The robustness of these results is supported by the estimation of the same model replacing EONIA rates with shadow rates. Therefore, the results support the existence of monetary transmission for the period during which the unconventional monetary policy was developed as well as the effectiveness of the monetary policy adopted by the ECB in its commitment to price stability.  相似文献   

China's monetary policy framework has evolved considerably in the past two decades, increasingly moving from using quantity-based instruments and targets to using price-based instruments and targets. This paper assesses the effectiveness of monetary policy in China by examining the influence of monetary policy on market interest rates using an event-study approach. We find that the effectiveness of price-based instruments in impacting market interest rates increases over time, and that price-based instruments are as effective as quantity instruments during the period since the completion of interest rates liberalization. Furthermore, central bank communications, an increasingly important aspect of monetary policy, affect medium- and long-term market interest rates. Our findings are robust to the use of an alternative measure of monetary policy surprise and an alternative estimation method.  相似文献   

This paper unites elements of Sidrauski's (1967) monetary model of growth, Ventura's (1997) analysis of the effects of international trade on growth, and some work on the labour market implications of growth by Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995). It was shown by Ventura that, for a small economy, free international trade leads to an increase of the de facto elasticity of substitution between the domestic factors of production. The first part of the paper analyses how such an increase in the elasticity of substitution influences the steady state and the speed of convergence. From the Sidrauski model we know that money is super-neutral in the long-run but that monetary policy can have real effects along the transition path as long as the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is not equal to one. In the second part of this paper, it is shown how these results also depend on the elasticity of substitution between factors of production. The results give some important insights into possible interactions between monetary and trade policy in the long and short run. The last part of the paper deals with a modified version of the monetary growth model, which includes endogenous labour supply as in Klump (1993) or Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995). In this context, international trade, by increasing the elasticity of substitution, leads to lower domestic employment in the long run whereas monetary policy may be able to increase employment at least in the short run. Thus, under certain circumstances, trade and monetary policy can be regarded as complementary with respect to their labour market effects.  相似文献   

传统的CPI和GDP平减指数仅仅涵盖了普通商品和服务,股票和房地产等资产价格上涨的因素并不包括在内。随着现代金融的不断深化,通货膨胀与资产价格的内在关系越来越被人们所关注。虽然刚刚经历了2008年的金融危机,2009年房地产价格仍然不断快速上涨,有关泡沫的言论不断升温。探寻资产价格变化与通货膨胀预期的内在关系,完善货币政策对于资产价格的反应机制,对于维护经济金融的平稳发展意义重大。  相似文献   

房地产泡沫的虚拟经济决定论及其实证检验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代房地产具有虚拟资产特征。对房地产泡沫的虚拟经济决定论的实证检验包括:房地产价格与货币政策、利率政策、信贷波动及股价各自之间的相关检验。结果发现,货币供应量、利率等虚拟经济变量对房地产价格都存在显著的影响。整体而言,来自中国的实证分析初步支持了房地产泡沫的货币推动假说,房地产泡沫是一种货币现象的判断。  相似文献   

Emerging markets' financial institutions often face a mismatch in the currency denominations of their liabilities (foreign currency-denominated debt raised from foreign lenders) and their assets (domestic currency loans to domestic borrowers). We study the effect of this mismatch on monetary policy in a sticky-price, dynamic general-equilibrium small open economy model in which the country default-risk premium depends on domestic banks' balance sheets due to asymmetric information. A fixed exchange rate rule that stabilizes bank balance sheets offers greater stability than does an interest rate rule that targets inflation to offset the real effects of sticky-prices.  相似文献   

This paper examines the efficiency with which the Australian share market incorporates new information relating to interest rates and the monetary aggregates into share prices. It finds a strong relationship between medium term government security yields and equity returns although little relationship could be found between unanticipated changes in the monetary aggregates and share returns. Furthermore, the interest rate relationship involved long lags and suggests inefficiency in stock market pricing in Australia.  相似文献   

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