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能值分析理论与方法应用于森林生态效益外部性计量的基本思路是,通过对森林生态系统的能流分析,将森林生态效益生态因子量经由能值转换率转化为同一标准的太阳能值,再结合本地区的能值/货币比得到森林生态效益及外部性价值。对江苏连云港墟沟林场的案例研究显示,该林场2003年的森林生态效益能值主要体现在保土、涵养水源和防风效益。  相似文献   

Energy use is becoming more efficient due to technological innovations. We focused on the transportation sector in China to develop a national multisector computable general equilibrium (CGE) model for analyzing the rebound effect from an improvement of 10% in the energy efficiency. We compared the size of the energy rebound effect at both the macroeconomic and sectoral levels in different transportation modal subsectors, namely rail, road, water, and air travel. The findings showed that the magnitude of the rebound effect varies across the transportation modes. This is particularly true for the air transportation sector, which has an economy-wide rebound effect of 30.1% and an own-sector rebound effect of 74.6% because of a sharp increase in the export demand for air transport services. We also quantitatively evaluated the contribution of energy efficiency improvement in the transportation sector to China’s economic growth and carbon reductions and found a positive dividend effect on the economy as well as the environment. The modeling results suggest that improving overall transportation energy efficiency by 10% generates an economy-wide welfare gain of approximately 29 billion yuan, while 19 billion yuan are attributable to a more efficient road transportation subsector. Furthermore, to offset the effects of these mode-specific rebound effects, we simulated the effectiveness of different policies and solutions. These included economic instruments in the form of energy, environmental, and carbon taxes, household transport consumption structure adjustments, and energy structure adjustments. This study revealed that combining these sustainable development policies offers opportunities for economy-wide multisectoral improvements in energy savings, emissions reduction, and economic benefits.  相似文献   

浅谈我国建筑设计中节能材料的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张松 《价值工程》2010,29(12):96-96
节能减排不仅是我国经济和社会发展的一项长远战略方针,也是当前一项极为紧迫的任务,建筑节能是节能工作中的重要一环。本文就我国建筑设计中节能材料的应用谈几点看法。  相似文献   

节能减排、保护耕地、保护环境是我国的国策。农村民居的建设的主要耗材是黏土砖。大量烧制黏土砖,会毁坏耕地、污染环境、消耗大量能源。文章就如何在农村民居中推广使用小砌块墙体进行探讨。  相似文献   

节能减排、保护耕地、保护环境是我国的国策。农村民居的建设的主要耗材是黏土砖。大量烧制黏土砖,会毁坏耕地、污染环境、消耗大量能源。文章就如何在农村民居中推广使用小砌块墙体进行探讨。  相似文献   

董伦 《价值工程》2014,(2):44-45
节能已成为影响我国经济发展的关键问题,尤其在电厂脱硫改造工程中,风机的变频调速控制对于实现能源的节约与再利用起到重要的作用。通过变频输出频率的改变来实现对风量的实际需求的即时控制,从而实现生产的自动化及能源的节约化。本文就我公司电厂脱硫引风系统变频调速系统的改造作了较为详细的论述。  相似文献   

本文在考虑能源与排放因素的基础上,测算并分解中国36个工业行业基于绿色增长的技术进步,分析了工业节能减排的转型特征。以此为基础,采用面板技术实证分析技术进步对节能减排的非对称影响。结果显示,工业能耗与排放具有明显的行业异质性,高能耗与高排放强度行业节能减排潜力巨大;技术进步对节能减排具有显著正向影响,其中科技进步的贡献最大,纯技术效率、规模效率次之;能源消费结构对减排具有重要影响,在减排政策中应重点关注。  相似文献   

能源计量是节能减排的基础工作,《中华人民共和国节约能源法》和国家出台的GB 17167—2006《用能单位能源计量器具配备和管理要求》对用能单位的能源计量器具的配备和管理提出了要求。DB45/T 611—2009《水泥企业能源计量器具配备和管理要求》是对GB 17167—2006应用在水泥企业的细化和具体化,对加强水泥企业能源科学管理,提高能源合理利用发挥了积极的作用,为深入贯彻国家《节能法》等能源法律法规提供有力措施,为落实节约资源的基本国策,实现"十一五"GDP能耗降低20%左右的目标提供保障,社会效益十分深远。  相似文献   

加强项目管理 做好节能减排   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李志春 《价值工程》2012,31(24):98-100
针对沛城煤矿井筒冻结工程,项目部坚持以科学发展观为指导,认真贯彻《中华人民共和国节约能源法》和《江苏省省节能减排工作方案》,以提高能源利用率为核心,突出节能降耗,扎实推进节能减排工作的开展。本着让业主满意,竭诚为业主服务的原则,进行了周密、细致、科学的准备,全面加大新设备、新工艺的应用,注重新技术的创新,在节能、经济和环保的基础上确保工程安全顺利、快速施工。  相似文献   

政府机构节能是全社会降低能源消耗、提高能源效率的关键环节。文章系统地分析了政府机构节能的内涵、机理,探讨了政府机构节能政策的适应性,有针对性地提出了我国政府机构节能的管理运行框架体系和政策措施建议。  相似文献   

《Journal of urban economics》2013,73(2-3):147-159
Urban land use and transportation policies have dramatic effects on the density and spatial distribution of residences in large cities. Effects of these policies have been analyzed using numerical urban simulation models. At the same time, the US Energy Information Administration’s Residential Energy Consumption Survey has allowed researchers to investigate the relation between household energy consumption and characteristics of housing units.This paper links these two lines of inquiry by demonstrating how simulation results on the implications of land use and transportation policies for the spatial form of cities can be used to compute implications for energy consumption. The resulting Urban Energy Footprint Model, “UEFM,” allows one to trace the implications of a change in land use zoning or transportation policy through its effects on housing markets and residential location to the resulting changes in energy use for residential and commuting purposes – i.e. to understand the energy footprint of transportation, housing, and land use policies. Accordingly, the UEFM provides, perhaps for the first time, a link between urban and energy economics, and can allow measurement of rebound effects of energy policies in a more general equilibrium context.  相似文献   

When do governments implement technology policies that allow society to solve social problems at a lower cost? Focusing on the case of energy, we argue that in industrialized democracies, severe social problems provoke an effective technology policy response when the government is unified. A unified government can easily strike the bargains required to secure political support for new technology programs. We test this theory against data on public energy research and development (R&D) in 22 OECD countries, 1980–2006. We find that as government fractionalization increases in a country, the sensitivity of public energy R&D to wasteful energy use, which presents economic and environmental difficulties to the society, declines. The analysis reveals a new reason for ineffective technology policies and contributes to the broad literature on political market failure.  相似文献   

一种能源消耗强度影响因素分解的新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究能源消费各影响因素对能源消费的影响程度是降低能耗节约能源的基础。能源消耗强度影响因素分解是测度能源消耗强度影响程度的一类方法,对这类方法的研究和应用有极其重要的现实意义。本文提出了一种能源消耗强度影响因素分解的新方法,该方法分别利用对数平均迪氏指数法和投入产出法的优势,在完全分解交互项的同时,充分考虑部门之间的消耗及产品结构变化等特点。通过将此方法用于中国能源强度影响因素分解的结果证明,该方法是一种行之有效的分解方法。  相似文献   

近年来,国家出台了一系列与建筑节能相关的法规、条例、办法和标准,如《民用建筑节能管理规定》、《民用建筑工程节能质量监督管理办法》、《居住建筑节能设计标准》等,可见建筑节能的重要性、必要性。而建筑墙体节能技术的发展与应用则是建筑节能技术的一个重要环节,墙体作为外围结构的主体,其能耗在建筑能耗中占有很大比例。所以,发展外墙保温技术与节能材料则是建筑节能的主要途径和有效方式。  相似文献   

党的十七大把能源战略提到了重要的议事日程。实现全面建设小康社会的目标,必须坚持把能源作为经济社会发展的战略重点,必须对中国能源发展战略的构建依据和基本构想做较为系统、深入和全面的研究。文章分析了我国能源面临的主要形势,从保证供应、节能优先、结构优化、环境友好、市场驱动5个方面,提出我国未来能源战略的选择和建议。  相似文献   

党的十七大把能源战略提到了重要的议事日程。实现全面建设小康社会的目标,必须坚持把能源作为经济社会发展的战略重点,必须对中国能源发展战略的构建依据和基本构想做较为系统、深入和全面的研究。文章分析了我国能源面临的主要形势,从保证供应、节能优先、结构优化、环境友好、市场驱动5个方面,提出我国未来能源战略的选择和建议。  相似文献   

能源问题是关系我国长远发展的战略问题,我国既是一个能源消耗大国,又是一个能源紧缺大国,节约能源的战略地位极其突出。为此,企业肩负创造经济利益的同时,要做好节能减排工作,从而完成既定节能目标。在企业能源管理中,作为手段之一的能源统计工作为节能目标的实现发挥着具体的作用。  相似文献   

丁佳乐 《价值工程》2012,31(16):28-29
倡导节能环保,用以节约现有能源消耗量,提倡环保型新能源开发,造福社会。首先要了解我们日常生活中到底耗费在哪里,污染在哪里,针对主要问题,应提高节能环保,减少不必要的能源浪费。随着可持续发展战略在全球达成的共识,节能减排成为每个国家企业发展所考虑的重要因素。能源是国家发展的动力,如何将能源做到节能减排、可持续发展,是能源企业的重要目标之一。油蒸汽回收就是这样一种绿色使用能源的方式。它的利用和发展,符合可持续发展的政策,符合和谐社会的发展目标,是能源企业及其他企业发展值得借鉴的手段。  相似文献   

This paper provides the latest Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of the year 2003–2004 for the Indian economy with a wide variety of disaggregation for the Energy sector and the sectors that are relevant for environmental and climate policy evaluation. This SAM shows the interaction between production, income, consumption and capital accumulation. It can be used to provide an analysis of the interrelationship between the production structure of an economy and the distribution of incomes and expenditures of different household groups. In addition, it can be used for multiplier analysis to capture direct, indirect and induced impact on input use due to any exogenous changes in the economy. This SAM consists of 85 sectors of the economy, three factors of production and nine categories of occupational households. The Indian economy is becoming structurally biased towards capital intensive sectors, such as service and energy production. The energy production sector itself is the most energy intensive sector as of 2003–2004.  相似文献   

应对气候变化的形势要求中国创新能源开发利用模式。可持续能源发展理念的核心是节能减排与新能源的开发利用,中国的能源和环境状况决定了创新能源开发利用模式对于应对气候变化、转变经济发展方式的重要现实意义。本文在阐明创新能源开发利用模式的必要性的基础上,探讨了中国在创新能源开发利用方面取得的积极成效,对中国创新能源开发利用模式的发展目标和行动策略进行了探索,表明了中国作为负责任的大国在应对气候变化中做出的不懈努力和突出贡献。  相似文献   

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