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There is concern among insurers and related firms in the United States and abroad that there will be a shortage of skilled insurance professionals in the next few years as current workers retire. Though there have been discussions among insurers, organizations, and academics as to how to address this issue, until recently, each group has been primarily working in isolation. The Insurance Education & Career Summit, which took place in September 2011, brought together 110 individuals across these groups for the purpose of creating a unified strategy to both attract and retain skilled workers to the insurance industry and work to create the next generation of insurance executives. This article provides a brief background on the talent gap issue. We also discuss its potential impact on the insurance industry. Finally, we summarize the main obstacles identified by Summit participants to both attracting and retaining skilled workers as well as the strategies developed to overcome these obstacles.  相似文献   

证券期货行业已成为高度IT依赖性的行业,信息技术发展及信息技术安全问题始终是行业的存在与发展基础。然而,由于市场的快速发展与技术的持续跟进总是存在着互动差距,一个在业务与技术之间良性循环的技术生态环境仍亟待从IT制度设计、IT治理环节和IT文化实践等多个方面予以重视和推动。本文从行业信息技术发展中遇到的几个问题着手,探讨了这些问题产生的根源和影响,也提出了解决问题的基本思路,其主要的着眼点仍然在于建立行业良性技术生态环境所需要的各种制度准备和技术准备,并希望这些问题的提出与探讨能引起全行业的关注与讨论,以尽快找到最佳的解决路径。  相似文献   

Starting in 1998, the electricity market in England and Wales will be opened up to full competition, and all consumers will be allowed to choose their electricity supplier. This promises to result in lower prices, but there will be additional transactions costs exceeding £100 million a year for the first five years. Relative to a counterfactual without competition, there are likely to be large transfers from electricity companies (and the coal industry) to consumers, but the companies lose more than consumers gain. This conclusion might be reversed if competitive pressure leads to significant additional cost savings in the future. JEL classification: L94  相似文献   

Technical standards pervade commerce and society and allow the complexity of modern life to operate at all levels, global included. They also provide protection against many risks, whether from food, from dangerous products or from fraud. They are so self-evidently worthy that they are rarely challenged, yet anything as powerful and pervasive as the web of standards needs some element of oversight and quality assurance. There is a danger of over-regulating and the placing of unnecessary constraints on the market and, cumulatively, a constraint on liberties. Technical standards are derived from many sources and for many reasons. The oversight function may need to relate to these reasons, such as the World Trade Organisation controls on damage to trade through protectionist standards. A very common reason for standards is safety, which tends to be treated as an absolute, as an objective technical matter, and there is less oversight or quality assurance of standards set for safety reasons. But safety is a relative term and increases in safety will usually have costs. Judgement needs to be applied in a risk assessment but that raises institutional issues as to who is qualified to apply that judgement. There are also issues of the accountability of those who increase the safety ratchet, which are also related to the institutional issue. This paper explores a case study of one draft standard as an illustration of the need for oversight and then goes on to consider methods of managing the risks inherent in standardisation and technical regulation. It looks in particular at two recent initiatives from within the standards community itself. One is a broad-based proposal for the community to focus on risk management and the other is an instance where a technical regulator has commissioned and designed an impact assessment system in order to provide that quality assurance and accountability.  相似文献   

With time-varying adverse selection in the market for new equityissues, firms will prefer to issue equity when the market ismost informed about the quality of the firm. This implies thatequity issues tend to follow credible information releases.In addition, if the asymmetric in information increases overtime between information releases, the price drop at the announcementof an equity issue should increase in the time since the lastinformation release. Using earning releases as a proxy for informativeevents, we find evidence supporting these propositions.  相似文献   

A financial organisation's ability to retain its customer franchise faces ever-greater challenges from new competitors in the market-place, both locally and globally. Retention is not just a function of keeping customers happy. More than ever, organisations need to know what risks they run of losing customers: which customers, how many and why. Additionally, both the new players in the market and the traditional players need to know how and where they can win new customers. This paper focuses on a new approach to these issues based on global findings. The focus is on the UK banking industry, comparing the new players in the market using direct channels with the traditional high street banks.  相似文献   

This paper examines firm performance around announcements of common stock issues. We study the banking industry in which some stock issues are made voluntarily by managers, and other issues are involuntary. We find that banks that voluntarily issue common stock experience a significant drop in the matched adjusted operating performance following the issue, a significant drop in benchmark firms' adjusted stock prices following the issue, and systematically negative market reactions to post-issue quarterly earnings announcements. Banks that issue common stock involuntarily experience values for these measures that are not significantly different from those of the benchmark firm(s).  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interaction between financial structure,liquidation values and product market equilibrium. Liquidation values depend on how many firms are liquidated, and therefore on the industry equilibrium of capital structures and of technology choices.We show that firms using a technology with high liquidation value issue lessdebt than those with low liquidation value even if these ones may beinefficiently liquidated. With respect to the equilibrium in the industry,we obtain that even if in equilibrium all firms use the same technology,firms will use widely different capital structures.  相似文献   

Elif Üçer 《Futures》2006,38(2):197-211
Turkey's accession to the European Union is often discussed by posing the simple question of whether it should be admitted. Polite legal discussions will quickly point to the Copenhagen criteria for admission of a state to the Union. Less polite discussion will raise issues regarding whether the whole state can be characterized as a religious state, and a Muslim state at that, whether there is independent government interest beyond the military and religious interests and whether more than 2 million Turks already living in the European Union give Europe any idea of what it might be like to have Turkey admitted in its entirety. In the end, this author concludes that given all of these obstacles, perhaps the most telling question to be asked is why Turkey has been invited in the first place.  相似文献   

Li (2010, this issue) examines how product market competition affects voluntary disclosure by firms. Using several competition proxies, she finds that both the competitive threat from potential entrants into an industry and from existing rivals affect the quantity and accuracy of voluntary profit and investment forecasts by firms in that industry. However, the study’s findings are inconclusive mainly because each competition proxy used can reflect both types of competitive threat. The focus of my discussion is to provide some comments and suggestions for future researchers to consider in examining how the nature of product market competition affects voluntary firm disclosure.  相似文献   

This paper describes why financial services companies are uniquely placed to use direct marketing and how they need to overcome a number of issues in order to maximise its potential. It weighs up practical limitations such as the Data Protection Act and industry regulations as well as examining softer issues such as the drawbacks of a traditional financial services culture and the need to protect credibility through maintaining sufficient levels of customer confidentiality and trust. A discussion of practical recommendations and how they can be best implemented explores possible solutions to the challenges.  相似文献   

Since the benefits a firm can derive from securitization are universal, the discussion of a market bounded by national borders is somewhat artificial unless the focus is on constraints particular to the country which promote or inhibit the use of securitization. With the exception of the United Kingdom, regulatory constraints have been an important factor in slowing the development of a European market for asset and mortgage backed securities. In addition to the regulatory hurdles, securitization in Europe has been inhibited by segmented corporate bond markets and the relatively slow development of money market savings vehicles for households. Liquidity across credit spectrums has been enhanced since the introduction of the Euro, as has been the competition for savings. European companies are developing the ability to securitize even if the technique is not yet being widely exploited. What is the European market for mortgage and asset backed securities? Does it include the U.S. credit card banks, Citicorp, Chase, MBNA, and First USA that have refinanced U.S. credit card receivables in European currencies and in Euro? Does it include GMAC which has structured Swiss Franc and Euro ABS backed by its U.S. dealer floor plan loans? Does it include Japanese banks that have refinanced Yen denominated leases with Euro and Swiss Franc ABS? Does it include Barclays' issue of $1 billion of ABS backed by sterling credit card receivables? Of course the answer is yes. Markets are defined by both the supply and demand sides. Our analysis focuses on the supply side of the domestic European market.  相似文献   

Historically, most convertible bond (CB) issues have been converted to equity sooner or later. The announcement of a CB issue will bring about a future dilution of the firm's capital, and is often followed by a drop in share price. However, a CB issue by itself creates future value for the shareholders if it enables the firm to make profitable investments. It can also issue a positive signal regarding the restructuring of the firm's financial liabilities and its attempts to optimise its financial structure. These positive effects, if they occur, will develop gradually after the issue, and cannot be identified by a simple short‐term event analysis of a CB issue announcement. In this paper, we test the significance of the dilution effect, coupled with a possible value creation effect, using data from the French stock market. We introduce a comparison between dilutive convertibles and non‐dilutive exchangeable bonds. By integrating different corrections and by selecting a window of analysis over a longer period after the announcement of the issue, we show that the negative cumulative average abnormal returns generally observed in previous studies become non‐significant. This absence of global incidence is indicative of large differences in individual behaviour by issuers of CBs, and leads us to take into account the strategic choices linked to the issue of a CB. Two goals, often described as ‘investment financing’ or ‘financial restructuring’, may exist when issuing, and may appear to explain the size of the abnormal returns.  相似文献   

Kumar N 《Harvard business review》2006,84(12):104-12, 163
Companies find it challenging and yet strangely reassuring to take on opponents whose strategies, strengths, and weaknesses resemble their own. Their obsession with familiar rivals, however, has blinded them to threats from disruptive, low-cost competitors. Successful price warriors, such as the German retailer Aldi, are changing the nature of competition by employing several tactics: focusing on just one or a few consumer segments, delivering the basic product or providing one benefit better than rivals do, and backing low prices with superefficient operations. Ignoring cutprice rivals is a mistake because they eventually force companies to vacate entire market segments. Price wars are not the answer, either: Slashing prices usually lowers profits for incumbents without driving the low-cost entrants out of business. Companies take various approaches to competing against cut-price players. Some differentiate their products--a strategy that works only in certain circumstances. Others launch low-cost businesses of their own, as many airlines did in the 1990s--a so-called dual strategy that succeeds only if companies can generate synergies between the existing businesses and the new ventures, as the financial service providers HSBC and ING did. Without synergies, corporations are better off trying to transform themselves into low-cost players, a difficult feat that Ryanair accomplished in the 1990s, or into solution providers. There will always be room for both low-cost and value-added players. How much room each will have depends not only on the industry and customers' preferences, but also on the strategies traditional businesses deploy.  相似文献   

随着加入世界贸易组织,中国企业的出口及投资机会增多,但与此同时面临的进口竞争压力也与日俱增。本文基于1998-2007年中国工业企业数据和行业进口关税数据,以中国2001年加入世界贸易组织为准自然实验,采用双重差分法(DID)模型,首次系统地考察了贸易自由化对制造业企业现金储蓄的影响及作用机制。研究发现:(1)中国贸易自由化不仅没有提高国内制造业企业的现金储蓄率,反而通过投资挤压显著降低了企业的现金储蓄率,这与发达国家的相关研究结果大相径庭。(2)贸易自由化对企业现金储蓄的作用依赖于市场竞争程度,即关税减让会显著降低竞争性行业以及高集聚区域内企业的现金储蓄率。(3)高关税行业的关税降低后,进口竞争会侵蚀纯内销企业的投资机会,尤其是小规模企业,进而降低其现金储蓄。经过一系列检验后,结论依然成立。  相似文献   

2011年保险监管工作取得了积极成效,保险业务发展基本稳健,保险风险得到有效防范,治理市场秩序工作取得成效,保险服务能力有所提升。未来一个时期,我国仍处于加快发展的重要战略机遇期,保险业也处在发展的黄金期。但应看到,近一个时期外部环境比较严峻,尤其是保险业长期积累的一些矛盾和问题逐步显现,保险监管面临很大挑战。基于此,当前和今后一个时期,保险监管的基本思路是:深入贯彻落实科学发展观,认真贯彻中央关于金融保险工作的决策部署,坚持"抓服务、严监管、防风险、促发展",以科学发展为主题,以加快转变发展方式为主线,以保护保险消费者利益为目的,以防范系统性和区域性风险为重点,着力强化和改进保险监管,着力提升保险服务质量和水平,着力改善保险行业形象,着力营造良好的发展环境,促进保险业又好又快发展。  相似文献   

佟瑶 《中国外资》2010,(20):9-14
这篇论文是一篇对申国电影产业市场环境及营销策略的分析报告。总共包含了四章。首先第一章对中国电影的发展史进行了简要的回顾;然后,第二章是关于中国电影市场环境在过去二十年间发生的变化的概述;其次,第三章对现阶段中国电影产业应该采取何种市场营销策略以促进其更好地发展进行了深入的分析;最后,第四章将会谈到在加入了WTO之后将会给中国电影产业带来哪些机遇和挑战。 对中国电影产业的发展回顾以及现状分析;揭示目前存在于中国电影产业的问题与面临的挑战;对中国电影产业在未来的发展中应该采取何种市场营销策略以及如何应对外国电影进军中国。市场所带来的影响提出建议和意见。  相似文献   

This article discusses the facts associated with US government deficits and the national debt. The growing problem of government debt is unsustainable and timely action is needed to avert serious economic problems in the future. While the current picture and forecast in the future are sobering, positive change that will restore fiscal balance is possible. Government spending and national debt are significant societal problems and the solutions can be facilitated by objective, non-partisan expertise from financial professionals such as accounting educators. We have an opportunity and responsibility to educate our students and others about the significance of our nation’s financial problems. The article also encourages accounting educators to be more active in researching and discussing these issues in a broader public context. Having faculty focus on federal spending in their teaching and research is consistent with recommendations by the Pathways Commission that encourage accounting faculty to focus on issues that matter to the profession and to society. The article suggests alternative methods for sharing the issues with various student audiences.  相似文献   

随着计算机的普及和电信技术突飞猛进的发展,征信机构的信息产品也随之改进,开发出一些预测类信息产品,以及各种信用管理类软件。目前,我国已有的征信产品和服务与市场潜在需求还有巨大的缺口,征信产品开发和服务创新迫在眉睫。针对现阶段我国征信行业发展过程中征信市场供需不平衡、产品结构单一等问题,本文借鉴国外发达征信机构在征信产品开发上的经验,探索我国征信产品开发及创新的途径。  相似文献   

Can Managers Forecast Aggregate Market Returns?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Previous studies have found that the proportion of equity in total new debt and equity issues is negatively correlated with future equity market returns. Researchers have interpreted this finding as evidence that corporate managers are able to predict the systematic component of their stock returns and to issue equity when the market is overvalued. In this article we show that the predictive power of the share of equity in total new issues stems from pseudo‐market timing and not from any abnormal ability of managers to time the equity markets.  相似文献   

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