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外币报表折算的难点主要集中在各种折算方法的选择上。目前国际上有关外币报表折算的基本方法有四种:区分流动与非流动性项目法、区分货币与非货币性项目法、时态法和现行汇率法,其中时态法与现行汇率法是两种流行但对立的折算方法。本文将从理论和实务角度对这两种方法进行分析,并对现阶段我国外币报表折算方法的选择提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

李莉 《广西会计》1999,(11):6-9
所谓外币报表折算是指从事跨国经营活动的公司,为了合并其分布世界各地的子公司报表,把按不同外币表述的报表折算为以母公司报表货币(本国货币)表述的报表。在折算过程中,需解决两个主要的会计问题。一是折算汇率的选用,由于不同类别的项目选用了不同的汇率,就会产生不同的外币报表折算方法,主要有区分流动与非流动项目法、区分货币与非货币项目法、时态法和现行汇率法。无论采用何种方法,都会产生外币报表折算损益。所以需解决的第二个问题就是如何处理折算损益,是列作当期损益?还是作递延处理?要解决好这两个问题,其中的关键…  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的进一步深化,跨国经营公司得到迅速发展。为了全面综合反映跨国经营企业的财务状况和经营成果,需将以外币表示的子公司报表折算为以母公司所在国货币反映的报表,并据以编制合并会计报表。由于汇率的波动,给外币报表折算带来了风险。 一、会计风险 会计风险,也称外币折算风险,即指汇率变动对企业合并会计报表的影响。 跨国经营企业在报表合并中应如何进行外币报表折算,通常有四种方法可供选择,即现行汇率法、时间度量法、流动与非流动项目法和货币与非货币项目法。我国在《合并会计报表暂行规定》中,对外币会计报…  相似文献   

外币报表折算是财务会计面临的三大难题之一.焦点主要集中在各种折算方法的选择上.在实务中表现为时态法与现行汇率法之争(时态法以与流行的母公司理论相匹配为依据.而现行汇率法则符合跨国独立实体大规模发展的趋势)。在我国,财政部于1995年颁布的具体会计准则《外币折算》(征求意见稿)总体上与国际惯例相一致.同年颁布的《合并报表暂行规定》在折算程序上则采用现行汇率法.两者在逻辑上是不一致的。因而.有必要探讨外币折算方法的选择.来制定和完善外币交易及外币报表折算准则。  相似文献   

朱青 《财会月刊》2011,(29):48-50
我国《企业会计准则第19号——外币折算》第十一条中关于外币交易会计处理的规定与第十二条中的外币报表折算方法的规定存在冲突。本文首先分析比较了现行汇率法和时态法两种主要的外币报表折算方法各自的优劣,然后进一步分析了美国会计准则的演进对时态法改进的影响,最后结合我国国情探讨如何使时态法的使用更符合我国现状,更具可行性。  相似文献   

肖邦卫 《广西会计》2001,(12):17-19
将国外子公司的个体报表进行合并 ,首先要将该子公司的外币报表进行折算。外币报表折算可以采用不同的方法 ,但折算方法不同 ,折算的结果也不一样。在外币报表折算的历史演变中曾经产生了多种折算方法 ,至今还没有一种方法被普遍接受。哪一种折算方法更加科学 ?我国外币报表折算应采用何种方法 ?值得探讨。一、国际上流行的外币报表折算方法国际上流行的外币报表折算方法基本有以下四种 :区分流动与非流动项目法、区分货币与非货币项目法、时态法、现行汇率法。这四种方法的区别在于对报表各项折算所采用的汇率不同以及由此产生的折算差额的…  相似文献   

一、新准则规定的外币报表折算方法 新发布的《企业会计准则第19号——外币折算》没有明确规定外币报表折算应该采用什么方法进行折算,但在第十二条规定:资产负债表中的资产和负债项目,采用资产负债表日的即期汇率折算,所有者权益项目除“未分配利润”项目外,其他项目采用发生时的即期汇率折算;利润表中的收入和费用项目,采用交易发生日的即期汇率折算;折算产生的外币财务报表折算差额,在资产负债表中所有者权益项目下单独列示。这实际上是规定了外币报表折算应当采用现行汇率法。  相似文献   

张韵杨 《时代财会》2002,(10):33-35
目前,外币报表的折算方法尚未形成统一的国际惯例。世界各国关于外币报表折算的基本方法包括现行汇率法、时态法、流动与非流动法以及货币与非货币法。而关于最优折算方法的争论,则主要集中在时态法和现行汇率法之间。  相似文献   

黄申 《财会月刊》2019,(11):89-93
外币报表折算难题的研究进展缓慢,信息技术的发展则为其提供了化解之道。首先,通过对现存外币报表折算方法进行分析,发现该难题的关键是折算汇率的波动。其次,分析不同的汇率形成理论,发现其形成原因很复杂,导致该难题似乎无法从源头化解。再次,通过对会计反映真实的会计目标、会计报表对应计量属性的重新确立,创新性地提出“单一汇率折算法”的建设性建议,使该难题得以暂时化解。最后,基于区块链技术数字货币的应用与完善,预测永久化解该难题的趋势。  相似文献   

本文主要谈论外币报表折算差额产生的原因,外币报表折算差额的会计处理,以及外币报表折算方法变更时外币报表折算差额的会计处理。  相似文献   

This study further explores a structural break in the relation between stock returns of firms with foreign currency positions and lagged exchange rate changes (exchange rate exposure effect) documented in Bartov and Bodnar (1994). We examine whether changes in the financial accounting reporting of foreign currency positions from SFAS No. 52 might have improved investors' ability to characterize firms' economic exchange rate exposures, and thus the impact of exchange rate movements on firm value. Our findings indicate that only firms reporting using the dollar as the functional currency (i.e., those reporting as if they were still under SFAS No. 8) retain a significant relation between the lagged change in the dollar and firm value in the post-SFAS No. 52 period. For firms reporting using the foreign currency as the functional currency (i.e., those who switched to the new translation method) the significant lagged relation disappears. This is consistent with the use of a foreign currency as the functional currency under SFAS No. 52 facilitating valuation of U.S. firms with foreign operations.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes the concept of aggregative consistency defined in Rubinstein and Fishburn [1986], and the FASB's concept of representational faithfulness to evaluate foreign currency translation and accounting for changing prices as embodied in SFAS 70. The paper shows that SFAS 70 produces measurement errors and creates a foreign currency translation adjustment which does not reflect the effects of exchange rate changes. The conditions defined in the paper also facilitate an evaluation of the relative merits of restate/translate and translate/restate. Restate/translate can conceivably be used if there is no consolidation. In the more usual case where consolidation is required, translate/restate using the relevant shareholders' consumption index will yield aggregatively consistent values under fewer restrictive conditions.  相似文献   

Translation exposure hedging is frequently said to have begun after firms adopted SFAS No. 8 and assumed to have ceased–or at least decreased–after adoption of SFAS No. 52 due to different treatments of translation gains (losses). Based on proprietary data, this study presents evidence from a small sample of firms which would be predicted to cease hedging translation exposure, but of which the majority did not.
The study focuses on eighteen firms which exclude at least 50% and up to 100% of the translation gains (losses) from the income statement after adopting SFAS No. 52. Of those eighteen firms, only seven ceased hedging. The other eleven firms not only continued hedging translation exposure, but hedged translation exposure of only those subsidiaries whose translation gains (losses) are now excluded from the income statement.
Characteristics which might explain the different decision are investigated: proportion of assets which are nonmonetary; the proportion of net assets located abroad; the geographic dispersion of subsidiaries; and the estimated effect on the balance sheet and income statement of changing from the temporal method to the current rate method of translation.
Univariate test results indicate that the geographic dispersion of die foreign subsidiaries as well as the proportion of net assets located abroad differ significantly between firms which ceased hedging and those which continued hedging after adopting the standard. Weak evidence of differential effects of the change to the current rate method on individual firm income statements and of different composition of assets between the two groups also was found. Multivariate analysis, using a linear probability model as well as a randomization procedure, provided weak results corroborating the significance of the proportion of net foreign assets to consolidated assets in differentiating between firms which ceased hedging and those which continued.  相似文献   

Using a unique dataset of recently available accounting disclosures, this study examines the relationship between UK multinationals' stock returns and changes in the principal exchange rate to which each firm is most exposed. We find more firms with significant foreign exchange exposure estimates using this firm‐specific principal currency data, compared with those exposure estimates using the broad exchange rate index data prevalent in prior studies. The cross‐sectional variations in such principal‐currency exposure estimates are explained in relation to the financial currency‐hedge techniques that each firm specifically identifies as being used to manage its currency risk. In particular, we provide evidence that firms effectively use foreign currency derivatives and foreign‐denominated debt to reduce the currency risk associated with the bilateral exchange rate to which they are most exposed. This study is important to both the academic and the practitioner communities because it represents the first use of publicly available UK disclosures to improve the estimation and explanation of foreign exchange exposure.  相似文献   

基于货币资产组合思想和外汇储备供求理论,本文综合运用理论和实证的研究方法分析了汇率预期、外汇供给和外汇储备三者之间的关系。理论研究发现:直接标价法表示的汇率预期波动对非国际货币发行国的外汇供给具有反向影响,而且这种反向影响随着预期汇率大小的不同具有分段特征;为了维持汇率的相对稳定,外汇供给增加的冲击会导致非国际货币发行国的外汇储备增加,但即期汇率的变化方向并不确定;总体而言,预期汇率波动对非国际货币发行国外汇储备具有反向影响。基于中国数据的实证研究很好地支持了理论分析的结论。  相似文献   

Prior empirical research has been unable to forge an unambiguous link between foreign currency translation adjustments, which are an element of “other items of comprehensive income,” and firm valuation. This study adds to the existing literature by empirically testing the value relevance of foreign currency translation adjustments in an earnings and book value model. Interaction terms, which serve as proxies for the theoretical sources of exchange rate exposure, are included in the estimating equation. The main finding of this study is that foreign currency translation adjustments are significantly value relevant when their parameter estimates are allowed to vary in the cross‐section.  相似文献   

Beaver and Wolfson (1982 BW) identify economic interpretability and symmetry as desirable properties for financial statement translation. They then analyze translation methods with respect to these properties assuming perfect and complete markets between and within both countries (referred to, here, as the integrated economies case).
This study extends BW's analysis by examining isolated economies characterized by perfect and complete internal markets and a random relationship between prices and exchange rates. In BW's integrated economies case, inflation differentials drive exchange rate changes. No exchange risk exists, although monetary assets are exposed to the risk of unexpected inflation. Isolated economies expose monetary and nonmonetary items to both exchange and inflation risk.
In both cases, economic interpretability and symmetry can be achieved only by current value accounting translated at current exchange rates. In the integrated economies case, symmetry alone is achieved through current value accounting translated by current exchange rates for monetary items and historical costs translated by historical rates for nonmonetary items. In the isolated economies case, symmetry alone is achieved through current value accounting for monetary items and historical cost for non-monetary items, all translated at the current rate. In both cases, including translation gains or losses in income is a condition for these results.
This extension of BW demonstrates (1) the translation rate required for symmetry depends upon the assumed relationship between prices and exchange rates, (2) a well-defined economic scenario exists where historical cost accounting using current rate translation results in symmetry, and (3) the results depend on including translation gains and losses in income.  相似文献   

Using a sample of Swedish firms we investigate the risk reducing effect of foreign exchange exposure hedging. Further, we investigate risk reduction from using different hedging instruments, and particular interest is directed towards the impact of transaction exposure hedges and translation exposure hedges respectively. We find that firms' foreign exchange exposure is increasing with the level of inherent exposure, measured as the difference between revenues and costs denominated in foreign currency, and that it is decreasing with firm size. We find a significant reduction in foreign exchange exposure from the use of financial hedges. The evidence suggests that the usage of foreign denominated debt as well as currency derivatives reduce firms' foreign exchange exposure. Further, we find that transaction exposure hedges significantly reduce exposure, and that translation exposure hedges also reduce exposure. A possible explanation for the latter is that translation exposure approximates the exposed value of future cash flows from operations in foreign subsidiaries (i.e. economic exposure). If so, by hedging translation exposure, economic exposure is reduced.  相似文献   

韩民  赵杰 《价值工程》2010,29(22):25-28
贸易顺差会导致汇率升值,这是许多人从西方经济学理论中得到的认识。随着我国的外贸连年顺差、外汇储备不断扩大,大量的外贸顺差和外汇储备使得外汇市场上人民币升值压力很大,人民币汇率成为全球瞩目的焦点。近年来西方政界与学术界屡屡以中国贸易顺差为由要挟人民币升值。而实际是欧美人以所谓的"全球经济再平衡"为幌子想要中国通过让人民币进一步升值来为金融危机买更多单。然而人民币是否真正存在升值压力,我们通过实际测算一下来得出结论。本文依据利率平价理论,构造出一种估计货币汇率升值或贬值压力的方法,并运用升值压力指标对人民币对美元汇率变动进行了检验,得出人民币对美元确实存在升值压力。  相似文献   

Second Generation Models of Currency Crises   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Until the beginning of the 1990s, currency crises were typically analyzed within the framework of a generation of models that assumed that the foreign exchange reserves of a country that was running a fixed exchange rate policy were falling (because the government was running a deficit on its budget that was financed by printing money). When the foreign exchange reserves reached a lower bound, a speculative attack on the fixed exchange rate was launched. Today, this theory is no longer the benchmark when explaining the occurrence of a currency crisis. Actually, a new generation of models that seeks to take explicitly into account the costs and benefits associated with the maintenance of a fixed exchange rate has emerged. This paper surveys these 'second generation models of currency crises'. This generation of models emphasizes that it is an endogenous decision if a government chooses to abandon a policy of fixed exchange rates. The survey pays special attention to the fact that the second generation of currency crises models often generates multiple equilibria for the rate of devaluation given one state of the economic fundamentals. A currency crisis can thus occur even if no secular trend in economic fundamentals can be identified, as in recent currency crises.  相似文献   

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