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水权交易中第三方回流问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水权交易中,第三方回流问题的存在使得水权交换市场的有效性受到了质疑。本文从第三方回流的定义入手,比较详细地阐速了第三方回流问题在水权市场建立过程中的影响,同时介绍了国外一些第三方回流的测量方法和解决回流问题的经验。希望能够借此阐速第三方回流现象,对我国水市场建立有所裨益。  相似文献   

水权交易是提高水资源配置效率和利用效率的有效途径,是我国未来水资源管理制度的改革方向。由于水资源的特殊属性,在水权交易中会不可避免地带来外部性问题。外部性问题的存在是导致市场失灵和资源配置低效率的根源之一。文章在分析水权交易的外部不经济的基础上,指出单纯依靠市场机制无法引导以效益最大化为目的的交易双方消除外部性,要消除水权交易带来的外部性问题,需要权威机构的进入。基于此,从水资源持续利用的角度出发,提出在一定的约束条件之下相应的制度建议——外部性问题的防范措施和对第三方的补偿措施。  相似文献   

孟枫平  尹云松 《技术经济》2005,24(11):20-22
本文阐述了水权交易的基本思想以及水权交易对于水资源合理配置的重要作用,在此基础上,着重就我国开展水权交易需要注意的问题进行了论述,主要是:合理分配初始水权,建立水权交易的中介机构和必要的基层组织机构,为水权交易提供必要的“公共产品”,对水权交易实行必要的宏观调控和行政监督。  相似文献   

陈旭升  李磊  范德成 《生产力研究》2007,27(5):50-51,136
随着我国经济的不断发展,水资源逐渐成为紧缺的自然资源。如何有效利用我国水资源是一个急需解决的问题,建立水市场进行水权交易是合理配置水资源的有效方法。我国在水权交易管理创新方面应通过实物期权实现初始水权的分配;发展同一流域同一区域内的水权交易;对水权交易的具体细节建立相应的法规;进一步完善流域统一管理,为水权交易提供必要的保证;通过分阶段完善的水价体系,逐步发挥价格在资源配置中的作用,从而建立完善的水权交易管理体系。  相似文献   

水权交易管理比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水权交易是解决水资源短缺问题,进行水资源优化配置的重要手段之一,我国的水权交易尚在探索阶段。文章通过对中外水权交易的比较研究,得出水权交易的关键问题为初始水权配置、水权交易制度和水权交易价格。由此提出了我国发展水权交易的建议:建立与完善相应的水权交易制度;加强流域统一管理,进行水权初始分配;引入水权期权交易方式。  相似文献   

水权交易是我国利用市场机制促进环保节水的方向,陕西省水权交易的基础性工作也已经展开.虽然陕北、关中和陕南都有水权交易的需求,但三地交易的目的不同,交易方式和制度机制设计也应当有所不同.陕北以跨流域水权转换来解决水资源不足的问题,关中以跨行业的水权交易来提高灌区的用水效率,陕南以跨区域的水权交易来建立市场化的生态补偿机制,提供生态保护的长久动力.  相似文献   

付玉萍 《经济师》2009,(9):66-67
水权交易制度是促进水资源合理开发利用的有效途径。在我国,水权交易制度刚刚起步,相关立法尚未到位。文章在分析探讨水权交易基本理论、我国水权交易现状的基础上,提出了关于加快水权交易立法进程、培育水权交易市场、完善政府服务和管制的几点建议。以期建立适合我国国情的水权交易制度。  相似文献   

不同水权制度下农户用水行为的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
解决农用水资源配置效率低下问题 ,可采用提高水价、水权限制和可交易水权三种水权制度。通过提高农用水资源的价格 ,可以加大农户的节水投入 ,提高农用水配置效率 ,其代价是减少农户的农业经营利润 ,增加农民负担。采用不可交易的水权限制制度 ,只要水权配置适当 ,同样会提高农用水的利用率。在此基础上 ,实行可交易水权制度 ,通过向非农产业的水权转移 ,可以增加农户的经营利润 ,提高农户节水的积极性。通过水权交易 ,可以提高水资源的利用率 ,促进整个社会福利的增加  相似文献   

跨国并购不仅局限于目标方和并购方双方的博弈,并购顾问是交易中重要的第三方,然而现有研究对跨国并购中专业顾问团队的关注较少。以中国企业发起的跨国并购为分析对象,研究并购方顾问团队对跨国并购交易时长的影响,具有重要的意义。研究表明,并购方顾问团队规模越大,并购交易持续时间越长,且经过工具变量等一系列稳健性检验后结论依然成立。此外,当顾问团队东道国经验越丰富或目标方为上市企业时,上述效应减弱。当交易为循序并购或并购方高管团队海外背景丰富时,上述效应增强。以上研究结论补充了并购顾问作用的相关文献,丰富了现有文献对并购交易完成前过程的认识,同时表明跨国企业应当根据交易特征选取匹配的并购顾问团队以提高并购效率,为企业跨国并购实践提供了重要的理论参考。  相似文献   

第三方认证制度及其作用机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一种降低交易费用的制度安排,第三方认证制度在现代经济活动中发挥了越来越重要的作用。第三方认证制度的出现,主要原因在于交易双方的信息不对称。该制度安排的机理在于,第三方认证机构为交易者提供了有效而可靠的信号,这既可有效地降低购买者的信息成本,又有利于卖方或生产者更好地与竞争者区别开来,争取更多的消费者。为了保证认证信号的真实性和可信性,政府对第三方认证机构进行必要的监管是必要的。  相似文献   

水权交易比率制度的设计与模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统水权交易制度下 ,不同用户之间的水权交易可能会减少交易双方之间河段、以及后续河段的留川水量。由于此第三者负效应的存在 ,水权交易一直难于应用与实施。本文设计了一套简单易行的水权交易比率制度。首先 ,政府规定各河段的最小留川水量需求 ;接着 ,根据留川水量需求决定各河段水权的初始分配 ,并根据交易双方用水的回流系数规定各用水者之间的交易比率。  相似文献   

传统经济理论将产权作为经济绩效的外生变量,但是人类社会的演化路径表明产权是内生于人类族群的共同信念,它与内置于人类心智的公平偏好交互作用影响个体的决策行为。文章运用比较制度实验方法针对不同来源的产权考察其认同信念及其对公平偏好的影响。实验发现,产权不仅导致提议者对回应者和接受者有产权认同信念,也导致提议者的自利偏好和回应者的公平偏好被挤出;通过对利他偏好、策略行为和第三方评价的分离,测度了产权信念;提议者没有强烈的公平偏好动机,而是通过策略行为来最大化自身利益。  相似文献   

Irrigation water rights and their governance structures constitute the foundation of local water institutions and profoundly influence water resource allocations, irrigated agricultural productivity and other consumptive water uses in the arid climate zones. This article explores the regional structures of irrigation water rights and water governance and empirically analyses the priority effects of water rights on irrigated agriculture at the micro level in Idaho, an arid and semiarid state in the western United States. We integrate a unique data set of water rights and water supplies with agricultural features and environmental characteristics into our empirical analysis. Results indicate that seniority in water resources allocation has significant, positive effects on both the average crop revenue and crop water use efficiency. Local water rights structures differ significantly in seniority and water sources from region to region. In response to the heterogeneity in local water rights structures, the aforementioned effect of allocative priority of water rights on average crop revenue per hectare and crop water productivity varies significantly, reaching up to an 87% difference, when measured across regions. In addition, the priority effects of water rights are nonlinear, which reflects the influence of historical patterns of water rights establishment on water institutions to date.  相似文献   

本文利用对我国私营企业的调查数据研究影响私营企业获得银行贷款难易程度的因素。我们发现,私营企业在财产权受到侵蚀和面临政策歧视的情况下获得银行贷款比较困难,此外,私营企业主对私有财产权的自我保护有助于私营企业获得银行贷款。我们还发现,在借贷双方的信息不对称和借款方道德风险问题得到较好解决的情况下,私营企业比较容易得到贷款。  相似文献   

Decentralization in Indonesia has resulted in an increased influence of local communities over the terms of logging agreements with timber companies. The outcomes of such community–company negotiations vary significantly across communities. What are the conditions that cause this variation, and how can the outcomes be more effectively and efficiently influenced by third-party actors such as the local government or NGOs? This paper addresses these questions by developing a game-theoretic model to illustrate the strategic interactions between communities and companies. The model allows for endogeneity of de facto property rights and bargaining positions. We show that third-party actions to improve the community’s bargaining position by raising its reservation utility may result in an increase in the area logged and thereby harm the environment. Our results indicate that the strategy of intervention matters. In particular, strategies that raise the sensitivity of interventions to local logging threats are likely to be more cost-effective in supporting communities and reducing forest degradation than more indiscriminatory strategies. The model will be relevant to other situations where communities negotiate contracts over natural resource use with outside actors in a context of weak property rights, a situation increasingly observed in other developing countries.  相似文献   

Although the third-party payment system is a matter of heated debate among academics and policymakers, and empirical studies of it are commonplace, this paper is believed to be the first to theoretically model its macroeconomic impact on a small open economy. The outcomes indicate that increases in the use of third-party payments will have a positive effect on national income in such an economy, but an ambiguous effect on domestic interest rates if the Marshall-Lerner condition holds. However, if the Marshall-Lerner condition does not hold, then increases in third-party payments could lead to higher domestic interest rates in an economy of this type. Additionally, third-party payments will ambiguous effects on such an economy's foreign-exchange rate.  相似文献   

W. Xu  S.E. Lowe  S. Zhang 《Applied economics》2013,45(22):2639-2652
This article measures irrigated agricultural outcomes under the prior appropriation doctrine by developing a model of farmers’ land allocations in response to water supply change. The modelling approach considers the institutional factors of water rights and permits the inclusive determination of water and land allocations. We utilize farm-level data of irrigated agriculture in Water District #1 in Idaho to examine the predictions from our theoretical model. The water rights priority date is consolidated at the farm level and used to differentiate farmers’ responses. We test a set of hypotheses that relate to water supply and crop revenue. Our results suggest that the water rights priority has a profound impact on agricultural outcomes, indicating strong institutional effects and weak influence of market-based approaches. Farmers respond to both long-term and seasonal water supply change and variation, and they respond to seasonal water supply forecasts in varied ways depending on their water rights portfolios, thus signalling a disproportionate distribution of potential impacts of water supply change.  相似文献   

河流特定位置污染的累积效应对水质的影响是该点上游取水量和污染排放量的函数。本文分析了在不同的取水和排污机制下维持水质的可能性。我们给出了在环境约束条件下最优的水资源和排污配置分析解。由于累积效应,取水权和排污权的影子价值是因地而异的。  相似文献   

我国流域水资源产权特性与制度建设   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
水资源是一种具有多重特性的稀缺资源。水资源的外部效应特性、共有资源属性以及水资源使用者的长期合作博弈性质,要求对水资源的产权安排应充分反映这些特性,并在此基础上建立水资源管理的基本制度-水权制度,以便使水资源配置真正达到帕累托最优。  相似文献   

Entry restrictions are a common form of regulation in markets and occupations, either as a means of limiting the size of a market or affecting the quality of products or services provided by it. This paper analyzes demand, cost and informational characteristics that affect the impact of this type of policies on the quality mix of products provided by an industry and the welfare of its consumers. Selective increases in the costs of entry such as licensing requirements and direct restrictions with competitive bidding for entry rights are considered. We analyze the effects of these policies on entry decisions and also the additional selection effects that are obtained when exit is allowed for and the rights to participate in an industry can be freely traded.  相似文献   

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