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陈建勋 《财贸研究》2012,23(2):7-14,24
作为经济转轨的两种方式,渐进式改革和激进式改革孰优孰劣,一直是转轨经济学理论争论的焦点之一,围绕此形成了两种截然不同的学术观点。那么,到底哪种观点更能得到实践的支持,针对该研究问题,以24个转轨国家作为研究样本,运用整体比较和分阶段比较的研究方法,从整体上和分阶段两个方面对渐进式改革的国家和激进式改革的国家的经济绩效进行评价和比较,研究结论基本支持渐进式改革方式从整体上更有利于经济发展的观点。但是作为对现有研究的补充和发展,发现个别激进式改革的苏东国家在转轨后的第四个阶段其经济绩效水平要高于渐进式改革的国家。  相似文献   

Central European economies are undergoing radical reforms changing from central planning to free market economies. If these changes are to be successful, there is a need for their govemments to liberalise legislation to allow privatisation to take place and to allow and encourage foreign investment in the countries. Potentially the most effective form of foreign investment is the participation of Western companies in the business of the country enabling development of the market and the local understanding of the methods of business in free market economies. Whether and to what extent this participation takes place depends on the macro-environmental climate and the specific market environments in the countries. This paper addresses both of these issues and is based on a twelve month study of marketing conditions in Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria. In the first part the macro changes taking place are explored and the overall attractiveness assessed by comparison with the published literature on the market entry strategies. The conclusion is that Hungary is the most attractive of the three countries concerned for Western company investment in terms of political stability, economic development and performance, cultural unity, and lower legal and geo-cultural similarity.  相似文献   

在转轨经济学中,转轨绩效的评价问题是近年来该学科的重要研究问题之一。转轨绩效不仅应该包括经济绩效,还应该包括社会绩效和社会效率,而营商效率作为社会效率的重要组成部分,应该被纳入到社会绩效的评价体系之中。通过研究文献回顾发现,现有转轨经济研究文献中鲜有探讨转轨国家的营商效率问题。文章将营商效率划分为外向和内向营商绩效两种,通过对转轨国家2005~2010年的经验数据进行比较和分析后发现,笼统地讨论实施渐进式改革和激进式改革的国家的营商效率孰高孰低是没有意义的,渐进式改革的国家的外向营商效率高于激进式改革的国家,而激进式改革的国家在内向营商效率上高于渐进式改革的国家。最后,文章对营商效率差异性的原因进行了分析并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Among the former CMEA countries, some are moving faster and more radically toward the market system than others. Prof. Winiecki shows that the former will in future be in a better position to compete on world markets than those countries whose transition to the market system is incomplete or distorted.  相似文献   


Privatization is an essential part of the transition process in Central and Eastern Europe. In this process the major stakeholders have a variety of different objectives. The conventional Western literature views of the objectives of governments, investors, and privatized companies are identified. The research then studies the importance ol'thcsc in Central and Eastern Europe and the degree to which they have been achieved in Hungary, Poland, and Slovcnia for former state-owned enterprises (SOEs) which are now fully or partly private and for organic private firms. The paper concludes that the major objectives are more likely to be achieved by fully privatized former SOEs.  相似文献   

While the whole world has been severely affected by the financial crisis that originated in the U.S., the governments of many western countries have injected enormous amounts of cash into their banking sectors in order to maintain financial stability. There is no denying that the U.S. economy has slipped into a recession. Meanwhile, according to the latest statistics, Britain's GDP growth fell 0.5% in the first three quarters this year -- the longest consecutive plunge in 16 years, indicating that the U.K. economy is also on the verge of a recession. The pessimistic economic outlook has made countries sacrifice enterprises in these employee benefits -- by way of pay cuts and downsizing -- to stabilize their economies.  相似文献   

This paper examines several key aspects of the ethical environment facing the insurance industries of Poland, The Czech Republic and Hungary as they complete the transition from Communist insurance systems built upon state-owned monopolies to viable private domestic insurance markets, and then seek to harmonize their markets with the single insurance market of the European Union. Since many types of ethical problems encountered during the transition are unlikely to diminish significantly as a result of either privatization or regulation of the insurance markets of these countries, measures are identified that should help to improve the ethical environments of these markets.  相似文献   

Ulrich Dietsch 《Intereconomics》1977,12(9-10):263-267
Until the early seventies the German Democratic Republic (GDR), in line with the CSSR and Bulgaria, was least disposed among CMEA countries to engage in cooperation activities with the West. One of the major reasons for the reserve shown by the GDR in this respect was probably that linkage through cooperation agreements of the GDR-owned production and distribution potential to Western partners was deemed to involve too great a political and economic risk. Since the political recognition in 1972 and 1973 however a reversal of views could be observed which is justified by GDR circles with a series of new trends in the world economy and in world politics.  相似文献   

Poland has been and continues to be the leader of the transition economies of Eastern Europe. This study provides an in‐depth look at the ongoing economic, legal, and administrative policies of the Polish government in laying the ground‐work for a free‐market society. With the smaller business in mind, we first examine how the government of Poland moved decisively to lay the cornerstone for a private‐sector economy. Next, we demonstrate how Poland redirected its political and legal processes for long‐term global business. Finally, we describe what the U.S. government is doing to help Poland become a better trading partner and what this means to interested American firms. While there are many deep‐seated positive changes throughout Poland as it becomes a more significant global business player, there also are many challenges that must be understood by interested U.S. businesses if their investments in Poland are to be successful. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The energy economies of the states in Eastern Europe—East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Romania—are in a state of transition.1 This is just one aspect of their overall transition from communism to more liberal political and economic systems. Future developments of the energy sectors in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union will have important implications for world oil and energy market developments, since these countries comprise, as a group, the world's largest oil and gas producers, and they are the second largest energy consumers in the world.  相似文献   

Before the German Democratic Republic (GDR) achieved worldwide political recognition in 1972 and 1973 many Western observers were of the opinion that the GDR’s trade with Western industrialised countries was still not very developed. A closer look at this field of activity shows, however, a different picture.  相似文献   


Poland has become one of Eastern Europe's biggest success stories as an important emerging market and rapidly growing economy. However, transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy has proven to be an enormous challenge in regard to the development and growth of small entrepreneurial ventures within the tourism and hospitality industry. The objective of this study is to examine the environment for growth and development of these enterprises after more than a decade of transition. The 2002 survey was conducted to examine various factors, such as: entrepreneurial disposition, entrepreneurial orientation, strategies, organizational factors, and environmental factors. A model of the entrepreneurial environment was used to analyze policy implications that can be used to assist in the growth and development of the tourism and hospitality industry in Poland and in the other countries in the region.  相似文献   

金融危机之后,全球主要发达经济体,以美国为代表纷纷制订了本国新的经济发展战略。这些经济发展战略的共同特征就是确立后危机时代本国经济发展的目标:绿色经济,绿色增长。作为全球碳排放量排名前两位的两个国家,中美两国一开始一直以合作关系示人。但看似双赢的合作随着中国在该领域的异军突起而产生了激烈竞争,以致美国不惜诉诸贸易手段打压对手。从全球经济发展的方向来看,中美之间在这一领域将存在长期博弈,而且联动国内因素很有可能是一种犬牙交错的复杂态势。  相似文献   

We examine the drivers of corporate social responsibility anchoring in Poland, a country that has undergone a profound transition from a command economy to a free market system. We use a fine-grained theoretical framework to understand the influence of the interactions between regulative, normative, and cultural-cognitive aspects of institutions with firm organizational factors on the diffusion of corporate social responsibility. We show that, in Poland, companies use their slack resources to adopt corporate social responsibility only when facing strong normative or regulative institutional pressures in their organizational fields. When such pressures are absent, companies prefer value-enhancing functions of their resources other than investing in corporate social responsibility. We propose a multilevel approach for studying drivers of corporate social responsibility and show how the importance of organizational-level drivers emerges clearly only if the interactions with institutional-level features are considered. The main policy implication of our study is that corporate social responsibility may establish in Poland, as well as in other Eastern Europe countries, provided that designed and formalized institutional processes reach relevant organizational fields. Furthermore, we find that, for business managers, employing financial slack for social responsibility projects may be perceived as institutionally legitimate or not depending on the type of institutional pressures prevailing in each organizational field.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of geographical and product diversification of exports, this question has not got enough attention in the literature. We look at country and product diversification of exports from Eastern Europe (EE) and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), two groups of countries that both substantially increased trade openness since the beginning of transition, but took different paths in terms of product and geographical composition of exports, and compare with the export diversification predicted by the gravity equation estimated on a large sample of countries in 2001–2007. The results demonstrate substantial deviations of the actual diversification levels from the levels predicted by the gravity model for the CIS countries, while the EE countries' levels of diversification are much closer to the levels predicted by the model and consistent with the data. All CIS countries lag behind the region leaders – Czech Republic and Poland – in terms of the degree of export diversification. In particular, the CIS countries extensively engaged in the export of raw materials have the most concentrated exports in terms of their product composition. In terms of geographical diversification, Belarus has the least diversified exports among all transition countries.  相似文献   

它们置身于"被VC绑架的商业世界"之外,奉行强大而自成一统的生存逻辑。它们是反周期生存的样板,犹如沙漠中行走的骆驼,持久、缓慢、稳健。昔日狂飙的悍马被远远甩在身后。  相似文献   

The Polish path from planning to markets was dramatic and risky but the benefits are already beginning to show. The Solidarity-led government introduced simultaneous macroeconomic stabilization and microeconomic liberalization programmes in January 1990. Inflation was successfully brought under control and free markets were rapidly established, but at the same time the country went into a deep recession. However the economy has been experiencing a strong recovery for more than a year, and Poland will probably be the fastest growing economy in Europe in 1993. There has also been major progress in restructuring and, to a lesser extent, privatization. Overall, Poland has made substantial progress towards a West European-type economy.  相似文献   

The emerging financial markets in East and Central Europe have developed rapidly in the last five years particularly in Poland, Hungary, and the former Czechoslovakia (the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic). Marek Lorinc, a Slovak native, gives an overview of the current status and latest information on the stock, bond, money and over-the-counter equity markets in these countries with the interests of potential investors in mind.  相似文献   


The aim of this research is to help explain the impact of cultural variables on privatization and market entry strategies in several of the transition economies of Central Europe. The geographic area focus is on the former East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic. The cultural legacy of communism involves the need to fundamentally change core values. Democratic capitalism requires a cultural re-orientation. The authors seek to examine the implications of cultural impediments and opportunities and to show how successful strategic management seeks to function in a dramatic value transition. Finally, the analysis underlines how each country as well as individual management teams have made progress under the new circumstances.  相似文献   

In this paper certain parameters of ethical values and attitudes of students in economics from different countries are analysed (attitudes toward work and organisation; goals of work; readiness to work for common benefit, etc.). The basic question was whether, and to what extent, such attitudes differ in countries in transition (former communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe) compared with western countries with a developed market economy and Latin-American countries. On the basis of empirical research we conclude that there are significant differences, i.e., that students from countries in transition show more self-oriented attitudes, less readiness to help others and tend to consider work in an organisation primarily as a means to achieve one's own goals (always compared with students from the other two groups of countries). The main explanation for this is found in the transition itself, i.e., conditions and processes in those countries in the 1990s, and less in the heritage of the previous (communist) system. The authors are at the University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Radovanova 13, 21000 Split, CROATIA. phone: +385/21/366-033; fax: +385/21/366-026 e-mail: grubisic@oliver.efst.hr and goic@oliver.efst.hr  相似文献   

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